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Fandom Winged

Alex follows her as she heads for the building and he sits down beside her, resting his wrists on his knees as he looks out at the sky infront of them. He nods silently, thinking to himself. It's always been bad. Alex sighed, "I can't imagine how bad Blaire must be feeling." He shakes his head slightly, "I mean...if that Mr. Chu man had taken Lillie rather than Demitri..." He doesn't finish, not quite sure how he would react, he knew that it would probably involve some dead bodies maybe. He pauses and looks at Callie from the side of his vision, "So..." He began, trying to casually bring up what happened in the club without upsetting her. Yeah right, like that's gonna happen Alex. "Are you alright about what happened in the dance club?" He looked infront of him as he spoke, his eyes distant.
Callie frowned just thinking about Lillie being taken. She couldn't imagine loosing the youngest member, she always made things fun and worth it, no matter what. She heard him ask about the dance club, and felt her heart sink a little. She shrugged. "Yeah..I mean, don't take this the wrong way but the chances of you seeing that girl every again are pretty low, especially since I think we're leaving in the morning." She said quietly, looking at him for a second and then at the sky. She didn't want to upset him if he actually liked her, but it was true. Then again, she didn't want to think about him liking her either.
Blaire nodded at Alex, it didn't matter if he saw, it was a bit redundant to even ask. After about thirty minutes her skin became a bit pruney, and Blaire decided it was time to get out. She turned off the Jacuzzi and tied her towel under her arms, then padded back into the suite, feeling a little better. Blaire went into one of the three bedrooms. She couldn't tell who was sleeping in there, since they were tucked under the blankets. She stood in the doorway looking at the one empty bed left, she frowned. A bed just didn't seem appealing to her. Instead she went over and to it silently, she struggled to pull off the duvet, but it was tucked in on all of the edges. Blaire jerked it, it finally gave and she hit her leg on the bedside table. Her eyes went wide and she hissed a curse under her breath. The table shook and the lamp on it toppled over. Luckily Blaire caught it before it could shatter on the floor, but not without already making so much noise. She set it back and hissed another curse word. Blaire picked up the duvet and scrambled out of the room before she could do any more damage.

Blaire turned the lights down lower - not completely off - for the Callie and Alex when they found their way back. Blaire dragged the duvet over to a arm chair in the living room with a view of all of the windows. She pulled it around her and curled up in the chair.
(Oooooo, could Lillie have been taken while Blaire was in the jacuzzi and when Alex and Callie had gone for their flight? It would have been a perfect time)

Alex shrugged, "It sounds a bit mean...but I'm kind of glad that I won't have to see her again." He noticed her looking away and his eyes drifted to the roof they were sitting on, "It was almost like I had this little reminder in my head each time she spoke that I wasn't normal like her..." He rubbed the back of his neck absentmindly, "Plus, I didn't really like her that much...she was really pushy.." He had a lot of evidence to back that up, considering the girl had just gone and kissed him like that. She was drunk, but still.
[[OOC: I think the airport would be better, everything crowded and confusing. Plus if she gets taken now, they won't trust the FBI]]
(It doesn't matter to me)

Callie actually chuckled about the whole pushy thing. "Yeah, I noticed that." She shrugged, now laying on the roof and staring at the stars, which weren't many because of the clouds. "She was pretty though." She said, through gritted teeth. She really was pretty, which bothered her. Plus she was normal. She stayed quiet for a minute. "Do you think things will ever be normal for us? Like we can have normal relationships and families? I doubt it." She mumbled.

Keanu lifted his head from his pillow groggily at all of the noise. He was wide awake in seconds, thinking they were being attacked or something. His heart rate slowed a little, seeing it was only Blaire as she walked by the open door. He raised an eyebrow though, seeing her pulling along what looked like a blanket. She slowly got out of bed, and followed her into the living room. "Why aren't you in bed?" He asked, hoping he didn't scare her since he had come in quietly. He moved over to the couch, sitting down on it.
Blaire jumped slightly and craned her neck around to see Keanu. Her expression turned to guilt, "Can't sleep. I'm so sorry I woke you. The damn thing wouldn't come out and that table is built out of popsicle sticks. I'm sorry," She rubbed the shin she hit on the side table, it would no doubt leave a bruise. Blaire straightened and sat partially on her knees, the duvet wrapped up to her neck.
(Airport sounds better, more chaos xD )

Alex actually almost smirked a little bit as Callie spoke about the girl being pretty, was she jealous? Then as Callie mentioned being normal, having families...he froze up. Being normal...He remembered when he was normal. He sighed and hid his face in his hands, "No...I don't think we can be." He sighed and pulled his head back to look up at the sky, "I want to be able to say that we could Callie, but I don't want to lie to you." He shrugged, looking back at the ground before he lifted his eyes to hers, "Unless we found someone who loved us for us, and didn't freak out because we have wings...then maybe." He frowned, "But then there's always the issue of trackers, and having the FBI always following us around, and even then...a kid just can't go through something like the school and not have some...." He paused, "...Issues...'cause of it."
Callie bit her lip and nodded. She knew they would never be normal no matter what, but it was nice to think about. "I don't think someone would take it a good way if they knew about our wings, so I think dating only in the flock and other weird mutant freaks works." She smiled a little, and yawned. She was tired, but she didn't want to sleep. Because if she slept, she would have to wake up tomorrow and deal with the FBI and finding someone in their flock all over again.

Keanu shrugged and noticed her rubbing her leg. "Don't worry about it, I just wanted to make sure you're ok...ya know, with everything..." He said sort of awkwardly. He walked into the hotel rooms kitchen, and opened the freezer. He searched for an ice pack, and finally found one. This hotel had everything. He walked back into the living room, throwing the ice pack at Blaire knowing she would catch it. He laid on the couch, his 6 foot 3 frame making his feet hang off the side.
Alex looked at her as she mentioned dating in the Flock, but then looked away before it seemed creepy. When she yawned he stood up and offered his hand, "Come on Callie." He gave her a small smile, "Even if you don't want to, you need to sleep. Tommorrow's going to come whether you sleep or not" The way Alex saw it, the sooner they slept, the sooner tommorrow would come and the sooner they would get Demitri back.
Callie frowned slightly at Alex, but didn't argue. She knew she needed sleep, tomorrow would be long. She sighed and took his hand, standing up on the roof. She wobbled for a second, gaining her balance so she didn't fall off the roof. Not that it would matter much, she did have wings. She stretched her back out tiredly, and then looked at Alex smiling. "Carry me again?" She asked, reffering to when she almost fell asleep at his old house and he had carried her to the building.
Blaire smiled a bit and caught the ice pack in one hand. She pressed it against her leg, "I'm just--" she stopped herself from saying 'scared', "Worried. I mean, Demitri can... Its just...They're not going to stop at 'good enough' this time.... The School's getting serious, if they've hired Chu....That means they've given up on us and have resorted to making a profit. If the FBI hasn't been able to catch Chu, and suddenly they've got this major lead that happens to include a pack of abandoned mutant kids. Chu must've come out of hiding to take us...When Callie told us how much we're worth, things started clicking... There are lot's of inhospitable countries out there struggling for power and ready to blow whatever money it takes to get there." She starred at the floor, her raptor vision seeing every fiber in the carpet. It was hard to put her jumbled thoughts into sentences, a pang shot through her forehead again, she winced.
Alex smiled at her and moved quickly enough to probably make her gasp, one hand went underneath the back of her knees and the other around her back, picking her up in a Princess carry. He grinned at her, "Ready?" Without waiting for a reply he leapt off the top of the building and fell for a while before snapping out this wings, and flying steadily. They reached the hotel balcony rather quickly and he landed softly, looking down at Callie (Asleep or awake?) With a small smile before walking into the hotel room, unaware of Keanu and Blaire until he looked up at them both, the happy smile on his face faltering to be replaced by a normal expression.
Callie squealed in surprise as her feet was lifted out from under her. She quickly wrapped her arms around Alex's neck to make sure she didn't fall, even though she knew he would never drop her. "Yea-" She was cut off when he jumped off the side of the building, and her eyes widened. Last time they did this she was asleep, and it was a lot less scary then. She actually managed to stay awake this time. When they got back to the hotel room, she smiled and gave a little wave to Keanu and Blaire, and then giggled, swinging her legs back and fourth in Alex's hold.

Keanu store at the carpeted floor, nodding occasionally in agreement with Blaire. He sighed and flipped his hair out of his face. "It's like you slap a pair of wings on a kids back, have them escape, and suddenly their worth millions." He mumbled, glancing at Blaire again. He looked up when he heard someone enter the room, but expected it to be Alex and Callie anyway. He rose an eyebrow at the two. Ha, and Alex tried to tell him there was nothing between the two.
When Keanu rose an eyebrow Alex just blinked, "Uh...hi guys?" He then looked down at the giggling Callie, a smile spread across his face and he chuckled lightly, "I think you may be so tired that you're not tired anymore" He grinned at her and walked over to one of the empty beds with her still in his arms, he sat down on the edge of it after pulling the cover away and gently put her down on it, placing the cover back over her but still sitting right beside her as he waited for her to stop giggling and fall asleep. He looked back up at Blaire and Keanu, "You guys alright?" He then looked at Keanu and frowned, "I thought you were asleep Night?"
Blaire looked at the two, "Fun-fun. Anyway, no abnormalities, if that's what you mean. It's--" she twisted in her chair to look at the clock on the wall, "Almost four in the morning. Yay, insomnia. Get some rest you guys, big day after the sun breaks--which is approximately three hours," The black sky outside the windows was lightening slowly.
Callie giggled again at Alex. She was way over tired, and everything was funny. She sighed happily as she was put down lightly and she stayed up long enough to smile at Alex, kiss the tip of his nose, and say thanks. She felt her cheeks get red, before she was out like a light.

Keanu was still smirking at Alex, and he had to control himself from laughing. He nodded his head. "I was asleep, until Blaire decided to walk into the night stand." He teased, looking over at Blaire, smirking at her now. "Did you and Callie have fun?" He asked, while pushing himself up off the couch. He stretched and yawned, already dreading the thought of having to wake up again in a few hours.
"Pretty sure it decided to walk into me," Blaire mumbled with a hint of a smile and a roll of her eyes. She sat in her chair while the guys moved around, there was no doubt they were both tired, but they were both too macho to do anything about it or admit it.
Heather awoke angrily due to the talking and the fact that she could hear Blair's night stand incident all the way down the hall. She got of bed looked at the clock and rubbed her temples out of frustration. "Have these people ever heard of sleep!" Heather was a light sleeper and was lucky to get any. She reached into her purse and pulled out a bottle of pills. Heather was mildly bi-polar and obviously had anger issues. The pills barely worked. She stormed out of the room and walked to the living room. "You know there's people sleeping right now? Maybe you should try it sometime! " she walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water which she devoured in seconds.

She stared at the three in the living angrily and then went to her bedroom and started to get ready for the day ahead. She curled her silky hair. And put on a light blue dress that was tight at the waist and loose at the breasts and sleeves. "It may be 3:00 in the morning but ill never get back to sleep." She walked back to the living room and sat on the coach, a book in her hand.
Soon enough, everyone dispersed, leaving Blaire alone. She stood up dragging her duvet with her, and went over to the wall of windows she was so fond of. Several minutes later, she heard Heather complaining in a huff about the noise--but it hadn't bothered any of the younger kids, and they were being generally quiet, so Blaire didn't bother worrying. So she watched the city life die down slightly and start back up again as people set off for work in the morning. The sky becoming a light gray over the horizon, sending shafts of cool light illuminating the threshold of the suite's living room.
Alex blushed lightly as she kissed the top of his nose and he looked over to see Keanu smirking, he got up from the bed and folded his arms, glaring at Keanu, when he asked if they had fun however, he shrugged lightly, "We just talked.." He felt tiredness creeping over him and when Blaire mentioned the time he rubbed his head, "Yeah, I should probably sleep now." He looked around and spotted an empty bed, he trooped over to it and lay down, his eyes shutting and sleep welcoming him with open arms in a few seconds, he vaguely heard Heather's voice as she muttered about something, but was too tired to get out of bed to see what was wrong.
Keanu walked past Blaire on the way back to his bed. "Get some sleep," He told her, taking a sip of his water bottle, finishing it off. "We have a big day tomorrow." He mumbled. He heard Heather complain about something, but he was too tired to care so he dismissed the issue with a wave of his hand and a low grumble. Walking off to his bed, he climbed in and was once again asleep within minutes.

(Time skip after this?)
(I think we should...SKIP AWAY DANCE! :D (Not skip as in skip like 'Weeee! I'm skipping' But skip as in like, move forward in time and.....Yeah, I'll shut up now and let you skip xD )
( O.o hehe ok, guess we're skipping! xD )

Callie woke up the next morning to yelling. She sprang out of bed in a fighting position, expecting to be cornered by trackers. She relaxed slightly, when she saw that their was no trackers, and the yelling was Brinley and Dallas. Yelling at each other, of course, for no doubt a stupid reason. She sighed deeply, walking into the living room. "Could you keep it down? Some us are trying to sleep!" She almost added like normal human beings, but that would be an understatement.

Brinley stopped yelling at Dallas once Callie entered the room. She blinked, her eyes floating to the digital clock under the flat screen. "Cal, it's almost noon." She said, making a 'duh' face. Most teenagers would probably still be sound asleep, but the flock was always early to wake. She didn't even let Callie answer. "What are we doing today?"
Lillie was sitting beside Dallas on the sofa and giggling as they both argued, she had been the first to awake - being the youngest and most energy filled - and had ended up waking up Dallas and Brinley since Alex was conked out. She grinned as Brinley spoke back to Callie and when she asked what they were doing today Lillie swallowed the lump in her throat and jumped up from the sofa, running over to Callie and wrapping her arms around her legs in a hug as she smiled, "Callie!" She didn't mention that she was hungry, she usually only complained about stuff to Alex and she was used to holding back her hunger because of the Flock's position.

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