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Fandom Winged

Callie made a point to roll her eyes and sigh deeply at Heather. Her patience for this girl was hanging on by a string. "Why are we so serious? Maybe because Demitri's missing, and unlike you, we're trying to get him back." She growled, glaring at her. She tried to push it away though, she had bigger problems to deal with. She turned back to Cross. "No, we haven't eaten yet." By the way the younger kids were practically drooling while watching people eat, this was kind of obvious. "We want to get Demitri back, no matter what it takes." She answered, looking at the flock to make sure they all agreed.

(Like what team am I on? Fang. xD )
While poking her ribs Heather said, "Who is this Demetri by the way? No one ever told me about him." Heather became serious with cold eyes. It was if the drunken part was an act and she could stop it when she wants. "Why the hell would I want to get Demitri back? I don't even know him. I'm here to get my sister back. I know for a fact that shes not with police because they would have let her out when they let us out." Heather knew that she was one sentence away from getting hit in the face and kicked out of the group. 'You might want to be nice to these people heather.They can help you' she said to her self. She put her head down and brushed her hair over her exposed torso.
Alex had felt himself getting angrier and angrier by the minute, although when Heather mentioned his 'tough guy act' he frowned, was it an act? No...he didn't think it was. Of course he had every emotion, but he was tough, not to be big-headed or vain, but Alex was not only tough in the way that he was strong and a good fighter - being able to have killed numerous trackers - but he was tough because he was used to withstanding a lot of pain and usually dealt with his emotions via violence or anger. When they went down to have breakfast he made sure to put on some actual presentable clothes and ran his fingers through his hair to make it look like it had been brushed. He almost laughed at Lillie when she looked as if she was about to drool at the food around her but stopped because of the FBI being there, he didn't trust them nor like them. When Heather arrived however he felt himself glaring at the girl, rather than trying to prove them wrong, she was just confirming their thoughts of her being a whore and a drunk. He glared at her as she spoke about Demitri, even Alex had secretly liked Demitri, he hated to admit it but he felt close to practically everyone in the Flock. 'We don't give a damn if you want Demitri back or not Heather. We do. We never asked for you to join our Flock and I'm sure that if you don't change your attitude soon, you won't be in it for much longer. If you don't like it, then leave.' He sent his harsh thought into her head, his voice clear as day inside her mind.

Lillie squealed and ran over to the clothes rack when Blaire mentioned it, she flicked through it all and pulled out some black leggings and a cute pink dress top with ruffles at the bottom, short sleeves with ruffles on the end and four small bows at the front of it. She ran to the bathroom, got changed super quick and pulled on some cute black ugg boots with it. She giggled and followed the Flock down to breakfast, feeling extremely excited with all the new things they were getting. She sat down beside Alex and fidgeted lightly, her mouth watering at the smell and sight of all the glorious food around them, she leaned her head against's Alex's arm lightly and murmured, "Alexxx, I'm hungry..." The presence of the FBI people made her a little bit nervous and Alex looked down at her, she noticed the anger that he had in his eyes before it vanished when he smirked at her lightly, "Don't worry Lils, some food will be here soon" She nodded and looked down at the ruffles of her dress, fiddling with it nervously.

(Couldn't help but post this! Lillie's outfit! :D )

Blaire jumped to her feet outraged. She was two seconds away from leaping across the table and strangling this girl, "How dare you," she said, her voice low and menacing, "Why the hell should we help you, you've done no good since you arrived and only caused chaos. If I'm correct, your oh so precious sister was only taken because you were a filthy drunk and she had no one to take care of you; she would be in Child Protection Services, and no way would they release her to an underaged alcoholic. Get out of your own damn mess. Like we would actually help you after you have repeatedly insulted us. You are doing nothing more than dragging yourselve down," she hissed sharply, fists clenched. From Callie's and Alex's disapproving glares, she knew she wasn't alone in this issue, "If you don't like being told off, then get out and leave us the hell alone, you're only going to get in the way,"
Heather's eyes got big at the sound of Alex in her head. She stared at him shocked. "You want to stay out of my head you freak?" She said to him. Blair's speach didn't help. She stared at them both. Then she dug into her purse and took her anger/bi polar pills. She had killed people for less than that.

"Blair I swear to God if you don't shut it ill reach over there and rip out your vocal chords! And you know what? I'm here because I thought you people could help me. I under stand that you guys want Demitri back but you could at least help someone else for two seconds. I'm sorry for what I said... if were going to save anyone, we need to stop fighting." She said this slow and clear. "Excuse me Mr. Cross" she stood up from the table and walked back to the groups room. She sat on the couch and thought. Thought. Thought.
Lillie looked up at Alex frowning, "Alex? What just happened?" She could tell that he had been affected by what Heather had called him, a freak. She knew Alex didn't like having wings, or powers, or any abnormalities. She knew he wanted to be normal.

As Heather called him a freak Alex looked away, many emotions confusing the heck out of him right now. He hated that word, freak. It even sounded disgusting. He sighed as she stormed off, he got up from his space and looked at Callie, "I'll be right back, don't worry about waiting for me." He looked at her and sent her a quick message, 'Don't worry, I won't rip her head off' Something Heather had said, about losing her little sister...it had calmed him down a bit, even made him feel slightly sympathetic. He didn't bother to excuse himself to the FBI guy, why should he? He then went off to their hotel room, he opened it without bothering to knock and looked over, his eyes immediently catching Heather on the sofa. He lost his tense and furious stance and went over to the couch opposite her, he sat down and looked at her before he started speaking, "Look Heather. We're messed up in a lot of s**t right now. It's kind of hard to try and focus on more than one thing at a time. But in order to someone to help you, you need to help them first." He sighed, and rubbed the back of his neck before continuing, "And none of us are going to want to help you get your sister back until you show us that you could actually look after her properly. Because right now all we are seeing of your personality is a hot-headed girl who gets drunk all the time and leaves her little sister home alone to get drunk in a club." As he spoke his words were not harsh, one could even say they sounded slightly softer than usual. "Just try and work with us without insulting us all the time, and we'll help you get your sister back."
Heather who was balked up on the couch looked at him with a soft smile. "I'm so sorry its just...I love my sister and I drink because I get depressed about losing her and I guess I never realizsd I was only making it worse. I'm so sorry I called you a freak. Im just as weird." Heather held out her hand and made fhd room at least 15 degrees below zero. It was one of her powers. "You know sometimes I think my heart is colder than the room." Heather sat down by Alex. "I'm ready to go back if to the dining hall if you are. Just let me change my...top?" She laughed at that seeing as it was a bikini top. She changed into leather pants, leather jacket, and leather boots. She looked like an Asian version Blair.
Alex smiled lightly when she didn't snap back and when she actually apologized, he shrugged lightly, "It's alright, we all have our days and various moods." He frowned lightly at that, boy did he have those moods. When she mentioned changing he nodded and waited for her to return, he grinned lightly at her outfit, "You ready?" They then both went back down to the dining room, and on their way down he quickly warned her, "Uh, you might not want to say anything to Blaire, I think she needs time to cool off" When they reached the others he gave Callie a small smile and as he sat down Lillie looked at Heather and gave her a big smile, hoping to cheer her up.
Heather, with her newly found good girl attitude, smiled at everyone and took a deep breath. "So...whatsfor breakfast?" She looked nervously at Alex with a face that said: was that good? She then crossed her legs like a proper lady and looked at Cross. "I'm guessing we've decided on how to get Demitri back?" She wanted to say Amber but remembered Alex and his pep talk. They will help you if you help them. Heather took off her jacket revealing a white tang top. Heather felt really weird wearing clothing that didn't reveal her belly. This must be what normal girls wear she thought to her self.
Callie was leaning forward again rubbing her head. All of this fighting had only caused more stress, and she was about to jump the table and throw someone out a window. Keanu was rubbing his suters back by her shoulders, where her wings connected to her back to try and calm her down. When Callie heard Alex and Heather come back, she looked up. Did everything go ok? She sent the thought to Alex and then looked at Cross. "Yeah, could we get some food now?" She asked, her eyes pleading. Maybe food would calm everyone down.
Cross nodded and he began explaining about a lead off the coast of Hawaii where some pretty unusual things were happening recently, he thought it would be a good place to start. But first they they to go to San Deigo and visit a few people that could give them some useful information, "Well then, the FBI has arranged for a private jet to west coast. it's flight is prepping now, we will take off in approximately four hours. Just enough time to get to the airport in Monte Claire to take off,"

--- Merged Double Post ---

The Flock decided to get the extravagant brunch buffet instead. Blaire waited until the rest of the Flock had gotten up from the table...leaving her alone with Heather. She picked up her silverware set for the buffet but went over to Heather first. She smiled cruelly and leanned over to get in her face, "I hope you realize the Flock isnt a group of weak minded fools as you seem to think. I'm not buying into your new 'change of heart'," she said and her gaze flickered down to Heather's sudden change of apparel. In a flask, Blaire wiped out the steak knife and stabbed it into the table between Heather's finger near the knuckle, her voice lowered to a husky whisper of pure danger, "People don't change; and I especially don't trust you. I wasn't kidding before. You do not want me as your god damn enemy. I have killed men twice my size. You better know what your getting yourself into...I'm not easy to forgive," With that she swept away to get her food.
Liza has travelled quite some distance and is weary, hungry, and a little cranky by the time she finally manages to arrive at the placement of the others of the Flock; though this is what they call themselves, she, not yet knowing them, does not realize this and thinks of them only as "the other wing-people."

Liza, five years old, has only recently, with confliction in her mind and heart, managed to escape the center in which she had been brought into existence. Unlike the others, Liza did not have wings forced upon her through experiments; rather, her mother, a teenaged girl called Eliza, had. Liza does not know all the circumstances of her mother's time in the center; the facts are muddled in her mind, and she knows only how her mother felt at being trapped and abused. It is beyond Liza's understanding to realize that her mother had been raped by a surgeon; she knows only that her mother's rage, pain, and grief resulted in Liza's formation inside Eliza's mind. For almost a year Liza, and several others, dwelled as merely personalities inside Eliza's mind, extensions of Eliza's self; when the surgeons became aware of this, they were able with sophistocated measures to attempt to extract them all, implanting the personalities into the bodies of dead children who had been failed wing transplants. Eliza, and all of her personalities but Liza, did not survive the attempt; Liza alone survived, but as the five year old body she was placed into was dead, reanimated only by Liza's personality and soul, she will be unable to physically or mentally mature.

Liza, however, knows this only in part; it took her considerable time, given her isolation and the secretive nature of her formation, to even know other children with wings existed, and to realize her powers. Given time, she was able to grow in her powers of empathic and telepathic ability enough to reach out to other children like her, enough to realize some of them had escaped. Each day she struggled to develop her powers and learn more about the other children while concealing it from the surgeons..and one day she was sure she could flee and still be able to find them and track them down. Maybe, she hoped, they would let her stay with them...maybe she could have friends. She heard friends were nice to have.

That day had come, and it had been several weeks of flying only at nighttime, when Liza thought it was scary and lonely, before she found them...and now here she was.

As she reaches the front door, she finds a smile, excitement stirring in her heart.

She just knows it's going to be okay now, now that she found the other people...she just knows that no one will ever do stuff to hurt her again. They'll be wing-people just like her, and they won't be scared of her or think she's weird. She's been looking and looking and now she knows they're here, she can sense them inside, and they're gonna be nice and let her stay with them, she bets. They won't even mind she's little, maybe there will even be others who are too, and they can play. Liza hopes so, anyway.

Knocking on the door, she waits. View attachment 1986
Heather watched, confused, as Blair walked over to her. Her eyes got wide and she was shocked by Blair's words. She pulled her hand from the table, slightly cutting her finger on the knife. As Blair left to get her food, heather put a napkin around her finger and looked down at the table and thought, 'I try to be nice and she almost cuts off my hand!' She grew less tens and wore a slight smile. She ripped the knife out of the table and twirled it expertly around her fingers. She looked at Blair while still twirling the knife. She slowly slid it into her purse. "Just in case." She said to her self.

She got up and joined the rest of the group. She smiled and talked to the group and every thing was fine. She wasn't nearly as hungry as the others and only got a salad. Blair was no where close to being the kind leader every one had her out to be. And she was just as daranged
Alex nodded in response to Callie, 'Yeah, I told her that if she wants us to help her, she should at least try and be nice to us and help us, she seems to have taken it well.' He then walked over with the others to get some food, and he didn't catch what Blaire did since of his focus on finding Lillie some real food to eat other than sweet stuff. When Heather came up to get some food he gave her a small smile then looked down at the bit of blood on her hand and the tissue, he frowned and sent a small thought into her head, hoping it wouldn't freak her out or anything. He just preffered to talk via people's minds, it was more private and he didn't particulary like talking out loud. 'You alright, what happened to your finger?'

Lillie meanwhile had ran off with her plate of food and sat down at the table, she looked up at Cross and smiled at him as she got up from her seat, she had gotten over her slight nervousness at seeing Callie talk to the man. "Can you look after my food please Mr? I need to use the toilet" She then ran off in the direction of the toilet after sending Alex a small thought so that he didn't worry. On her way back she noticed a small girl, about the same age as her, waiting around, she frowns and looks around, wondering where her mummy is. She quickly peeps into the girl's mind and manages to catch something about "the other wing-people" her eyes widen lightly, is this girl the same as them? Forgetting Alex's rule of not speaking to strangers - this girl was the same age as Lillie, surely Alex only meant grown-up people? - she runs over to her, her big blue eyes curious, "Hello, I'm Lillie..." She looks around, "Are you looking for someone?" She tries not to give too much away, just in case this girl was a regular normal 5 year old.
Callie listened to Cross carefully, while eating some French toast. She wasn't sure so much about flying in an airplane. It was a small inclosed space, another thing the flock wasn't good with. "I guess that's alright," She answered with a shrug. "But can the flock at least fly to the airport? Trust me, it would bring the stress level down. For everyone." She whispered this, just to be on the safe side. She sent another thought to Alex. Ok, thanks.
Liza smiles when she sees Lillie, nodding, and says simply, "Uh huh. Do you got wings? You do right? I do too so I'm gonna stay with you guys now okay?"

Smelling the food, her stomach growls, and she says hopefully, "Do you got enough food for me too? 'Cause I'm hungry."
Heather lookedup at Alex with a surprised face. Then she realized what he was talking about. Her face of surprise turned to no big deal look, but her message to him said other wise. "Oh nothing. Its just Blair tried to cut off my hand. No big deal right." Her voice was full of sarcasim.

Heather didn't want the cut in her hand to ruin her good mood. She walked back to the table and set her plate down. Then she went to the bathroom to wash off her hand. She walked back to the table with a bandage on her finger. She nibbled away at her salad
Blaire sauntered up to the buffet table and pilled her plate with fruit, bacon, and French toast. She spotted an omlette station and told the chef what she wanted on her's, then wondered back to the table. Blaire noticed that the knife she had left stuck in the table was now gone, not even laying on nearby, she raised and eyebrow. It was then she heard Lillie's voice nearby, and she turned around to find her, not liking she was going off on her own in the crowded Dinning Hall when there were people after them. Upon approach, Blaire realized Lillie was talking to another child about her age, "Who's this, sweetie?" she asked Lillie with a smile and knelt down next to her so she was at eye level with them.
Looking up at Blaire, Liza smiles and even gives a little wave as she answers, her matter-of-fact tone making it seem as if she believes that everyone understands every word she says no matter how cryptic- and she does in fact believe this.

"Hi. I'm Liza. I'm a wing-person like you guys so I'm gonna stay with you 'cause I think it would be better than those bad people, okay? Can I have some food?"
Lillie's smile widened when the girl mentioned her having wings, another kid, her age? Does that mean she would have someone to spend time with when the others were busy? She grinned at her, "Yeah we have lots of food! You can have some too if you want!" When she heard Blaire's voice she turned and gave her a big smile, "Blaire! This girl is like us, she's got wings too!" She turned back to Liza, "What's your name?" Lillie was thrilled right now, they had actual beds last night, new clothes, nice food and even a new Flock member who was the same age as her!

Alex frowned as she mentioned Blaire trying to cut her hand off, he was about to say something when she walked off to the toilets or something. He shrugged and put his plate next to Lillie's, he frowned, she wasn't back from the toilets yet? He was about to get up and find her when he noticed Blaire had already done so, she should be alright then. He started eating, managing to look normal in doing so rather than shoveling it down like usual. Alex remembered his table manners from when he had a normal life and used them so now.
"Liza...what's yours? How old are you? You look little. Are you older than me? I'm five. You know what, I never played with no other kids before but I think I know how anyway...can I have some food now?" Liza asks, her gaze drifting past Lillie to the buffet.

She looks back briefly, frowning as another thought strikes her. "Are the bad guys not gonna find us here?"
Callie Was about to go investigate Lillies new friend, but Blaire seemed like she had it pretty well under control. She sighed and pushed her plate away. Her headache was still there, and getting worse. She looked up at Alex, who was actually eating properly. That was a first in the flock. "Glad to see one if us has manners." She joked, leaning back in her chair.

Brinley saw Lillie and another little girl talking, and she nudged Dally with her elbow. "Kets go say hi!" The half-siblings jumped up from their seats and ran over to the younger kids. "Hi! I'm Brinley." She said, waving slightly.
Liza waves to Brinley and Dally too, smiling briefly, but her main focus is on the food as she replies. "I'm Liza. You guys are wing-people too, right? And I can stay?"
Lillie grinned, "I'm Lillie, I'm 5 like you!" She then grabs the girl's hand, "Come on! You must be hungry!" She says this as she drags her over to Callie, knowing that she has to check with Callie before she shows Liza to the buffet, "Callie! This is Liza, she's like us, can she get some food?"

Alex smiled at her as she mentioned manners and then frowned at seeing her looking like she was in slight pain, "Hey you alright?" His eyes graze over her, looking for any wounds or anything, but finding none he looks back up at her eyes, worry in his own gaze. When Lillie drags a small girl up to Callie however, he frowns, one of us? She was a winged child? His eyes widen. Another kid? She looked about the same age as Lillie. Another one who was so young? He dropped his gaze back to Callie. Sick scientists, she was so young.
Liza beams as she runs with Lillie, still holding her hand as she takes her over to Callie. As is her typical way, she shares exactly what she's thinking.

"Oooh! So we can be friends. I never had a friend. I never held no one's hand except when the bad people made me move it around so they could see my wings and stuff. I like it. It feels good...I shoulda come earlier, I think."

Looking up at Callie and Alex, Liza smiles hopefully. "Hi. I'm Liza. I'm a wing-person. Can I get some food? Please? 'Cause I didn't even have any money and they mighta called the police if I got out and people saw me, the bad people said. So I didn't even get no food except some apples. They were on the tree so it's not even stealing. What are police?"

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