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Fandom Winged

Blaire's head wipped to look at Callie, and automatically, she dropped into a dive. She landed next to Callie, knealing down beside her. Blaire gripped Callie's shoulder so she would look at her, "Is anything broken?" Blaire said, trying to asses the damage so she could decide what to do, "Just nod or shake your head," The Flock was strong, especially Callie, it would take a lot to make they drop out of the air like flies like that, something had to be wrong.
Alex was waiting for Blaire's answer when his enhanced ears also heard the thud, he turned to see Heather flying up, looking panicked, he heard her words and his eyes widened, "Oh s**t!" He dived right down and as he saw it was Callie his speed increased, "Callie!" He landed right beside her and his dark green eyes were filled with impossible amounts of worry as he gently reached out and took her hand, it was natural, he hadn't meant to do it. "Callie? Are you alright? Is anything broken?" He scanned over her, and took a huge mistake of looking into her head. Instantly he got images of buildings, people, and places he didn't recognize nor know. He also caught the words that shot through Callie's mind and into his as well. Kill, save, school. Finally he received some weird adresses of places he didn't know either and he shot back, wincing lightly, "S**t Callie, what the heck was that?" His hand was still holding hers and he looked at her, trying to make eye contact, he also knew the pain she was feeling and it killed him. Maybe her headache would go away now. What was all the stuff? It made no sense to him.
Callie's brain attack slowly started to drift away. When both Blaire and Alex asked if anything was broken, she wasn't sure just exactly how to answer. Yes her head was better, but her whole body felt almost numb and she didn't think she could talk for a few minutes. She slowly shook her head no, looking back and fourth between the worried faces looking over her. By this time, Keanu, Brinley and Dally had landed again and as well had joined the group. Callies stomach lurched, and she felt like she was about to throw up. What was happening? What were the places, names, people and adresses supposed to mean? She had caught a few dates, too. What were they, the day they died or something? She then suddenly wondered if she was already dead, and this was all happening in some kind of dream. She gave Alexs hand a squeeze. Nope, she was still alive.
Morgana stopped, offended. "Yeah well like we wanted wings"

Kai snickered. " anyways, is she okay?" Kai asked concerned.

"Blaire"!! Morgana exclaimed flying towards her.
Heather stood up and backed up so Blair and Alex could do there thing. She was scared out of her mind and didn't want her new family to get hurt. Then she noticed Alex was having the same pain. She dropped down next to him and squeezed his arm. "Whats wrong!?" She wanted to hug him and tell him it was ok but figured she was over reacting. Alex was the tough guy after all. She was breathing hard. It was embarrassing because every one else seemed so calm.
Morgana looked at the scene. " Kai, she's hurt."

Kai looked down at the girl and sighed. " I knew they would find a way to kill us."
When Heather asked if he was alright, Alex nodded quickly, still focused on Callie, "Yeah, wondering what the hell that stuff was though." He frowned and looked at Callie, "Do you have any idea what those places were?" He asked, looking into her eyes. He felt as if the others around him weren't there in that moment. It was just him and Callie.
OCC: my characters have been here the whole time. We figured it would save everyone time lol. I already cleared it with dance and magic lol. So yeah... Morgana and Kai are part of the flock. xD
Blaire sighed, relieved there was nothing seriously wrong. She stood up, everyone crowding around probably wasn't helping Callie. Blaire couldn't help any further, so she stepped away. She turned around to hearing unfamiliar voices, and vaguely remembered what Alex had said before about newbies or something. Her eyes widened as her eyes landed on the older girl, "Morgana?" she said quietly then ran over to her, a smile stretching across her lips, and asked incredulously, "Oh my god, is it really you?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

[[OOC: Wait, I thought it was gonna be like they were friends at the School, but then got separated and they're finally meeting up again?]]
Blaire grinned and threw her arms around her old friend's neck, "You're alive," she said, "I didn't think I would ever see you again! During that mass break out, everything was so confusing, everyone went everywhere, and you just disappeared," Blaire let go and looked around at the other boy, she raised a speculative eyebrow, "Whose this?"
Grinning she hugged Blaire back.

" this, is Kai." she pointed to him then looked back at Blaire. " My brother."

"He was the one who got me out of there, and we took a couple of the white coats with us. " she laughed.
Blaire sighed, there would be less scientist to operate at the School, but it always seemed like they just got more and more to replace them every time, "But it never seems to be enough," she said somberly, "The School hasn't relented any. We were told each of us is worth roughly 200 mil in U.S. dollars. Explains why they want us back so bad," a shadow seemed to pass over Blaire's face as she thought about their current situation, she folded her arms, "It's dangerous for so many of us to stay in one location for too long or else we'll be ambushed by Trackers and Erasers. How have you guys been in the ambush department?"
Morgana's face broke out in astonishment. " Are you serious? That much?" She shook her head/ "Wow, we can't get a break can't we..."

Kai stepped up by Blaire. "None so far". " We did however notice a comotion on the ground while we were flying towards the city, which was about an hour ago." So yeah.......

Morgana grimiced." We don't know what they were,but they were angry."
Callie groaned as a new wave of nausesness (excuse the spelling if it's wrong) hit her, followed by her gaining the ability to move again. It was then that the impacts of her 30 foot free fall hit her. Her back hurt, and one of her shoulders was killing her. She was vaguely aware of Blaire talking to someone, but she was mostly focused on Alex and his words. She shook her head slowly. "No idea. I think I saw a picture of the school, but that's it." She said quietly, her throat dry. She squinted against the sun, and turned to look at Alex.
Blaire was confused, "Trackers?" she asked. If it was, and the trackers were coming after them, then they had gotten out just before the sh*t hit the fan. She frowned, "Are you sure? If that's the case, then we need to get out of here before they can catch up to us again," She didn't like that they were being hit from both directions, the School's hired help, and the School's forces directly.
*she nodded and walked to Calli? How are you feeling? *she took her backpack and offered her an apple*

She blushed. "Its not much to offer but this might help"
Blaire noticed Callie move gingerly around her shoulder. She knelt down besides her again, "You sure you're alright? You took quite a hit..."
Liza had been laughing, copying Lillie's backflips in the air, when Callie fell. As Liza hurriedly landed with the others, gathering around her, she takes Lillie's hand and holds it tightly, her lower lip trembling with her concern and empathy for Callie, as well as her fear. She can sense Callie's pain, and after a few minutes she starts to cry quietly, pulling away from Lillie and moving closer to her, reaching out in an effort to touch her.

"You're hurt. Someone's gotta make you better."
Morgana glanced up from where she was sitting and motioned for Liza to stay away. "She'll be okay sweetie."Why don't you go see Kai?" She motioned to the silent boy sitting by the bush. Morgana sent a thought to Blaire in her head.(OCC-Morganas a telopath, its in her sheet at signups) "-I don't want Liza seeing Calli in her condition at the moment. Let Kai watch her, he'll protect her."
Heather raised her eyebrow at the new girl. "If only my introduction was like that." Heather turned back to Callie. She didn't say anything but looked concerned. She stood up and walked up behind lilie and Liza. She put her hands on there shoulders. "She will be fine girls. Don't worry." Heather stood up and put her hand on her hip waiting for Callie. She looked at morgana. "Well I think it would be best if I watch them. I mean, I have known them longer. No offends Kai."
Looking up at Heather through her tears, taking Lillie's hand again, Liza asks softly, "What's wrong with her? Do the bad guys hurt her?" Still holding Lillie's hand in one hand, with the other she brings her fingers up close to her mouth, putting her thumb almost but not quite inside.
Kai snorted. Blaire told me about you. About how you drink and lost your sister.

Your telling me you want to watch the girl. Hmmm decisions decisions.

Morgana looked at Kai. That's sweet but I told Kai to watch her. We might need you here.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Morgana blinked. Okay... Never mind Kai.

Kai rolled his eyes and shifted around watching the skies.

We need to move soon get Calli well. Those trackers outta know were around here somewhere
Heather slightly laughed. She didn't want to get all snooty again but heather was going to act like Heather. "And who the hell died and made you king of the flock Morgana? Because if I remember correctly that's Callie." She turned to Kai with the same cocktail expression. "I may drink but I like my sister and ill do anything for her. My family is none of your buisness, aether its the flock or my sister. You have no right talking about me or my family. Are we clear? I thought so." Heather walked back to Liza. "Why don't we go ahead and fly ahead? We could get something small to eat? Hows that sound?" She looked at Liza and lilie, waiting for approving nods.

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