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Fandom Winged

Blaire followed the kids back to the table, smiling a bit. Blaire nodded at Callie, confirming their conversation. She leaned closer to Callie to speak to her privately in front of Liza, "From what I can tell she's legit. I don't sense anything off," she said, as in she was a ploy by the trackers. Blaire felt bad for the small girl, it seemed as though she had been on her own for a while.
Callie noticed Alex's concern. She shrugged and waved it off with her hand. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a headache." She heard the little girls voice. "Uh sure sweety," She got a plate together quickly, with a dew different kinds of food. She passed it over to her. "We try and avoid the police, their bad to us. Like the other bad people." She explained. She listened to the girls story. She talked almost as much as Brinley, if not more. She wasn't really concerned with the girl, she agreed with Blaire.
Liza is thrilled not only with the food and being around other children with wings, children who look to her much younger than the "bad people," but also that she has the opportunity to talk. She had been discouraged from talking much with the surgeons, unless specifically asked to, and any attempts to engage them in conversation had often been rebuffed. Now her long journey alone in silence, combined with her relief at even being here and having no one to censer her, makes her almost unable to slow her thoughts enough to keep up with her words as she sits down, barely able to hold still long enough to eat despite her hunger.

"Oooh this is good. I was really really hungry. Are we gonna stay in a lotta places like this? It's fancy here. I saw so so many buildings when I was flying and they were all lit up. I didn't like sleeping outside. It was scary and I thought someone might come get me. Do we not gotta sleep outside no more? Do you know what, they said I'm different. 'Cause they put me in a body and I wasn't even born like a baby. And that's how come I didn't even get to see you guys. And I didn't even know you were here for a while 'cause I didn't know I could find you in my head. I wasn't never a baby. I never saw a baby except pictures. Do any of you got a baby yet?"

She pauses a while to eat, still wiggling in her seat. "I'm so so glad I'm not there no more."
Lillie grinned at Liza, finding her constant blabbering rather funny. She was like a little version of Brinley. "Of course we can be friends!" She set up a place next to her for Liza to sit, "Here you go, you can sit next to me." She sat herself back down next to Alex and smiled at Liza, then started eating her own food.

Alex nodded at Callie's explanation, but couldn't help but still be worried. A headache? Weren't the Flock's super immune system good enough to get rid of those or at least not have them to the point of pain? He was quickly distracted by Lillie's kindness though, at least she would have someone who she could play with.
Callie listened to Liza talk and talk, nodding occasionally. Her eyes widened a little when she asked if any of them had a baby yet. She quickly shook her head no. "No, no babies." She explained. "Were leaving here soon to go on a...adventure." She wasn't really sure how to explain to the girl what they were actually doing, so she went with that. She continued to rub her forehead and closed her eyes. This wasn't supposed to happen, they never got sick. And a headache was only a minor problem that shouldn't cause this much pain. Brinley giggled at Liza, she liked her already. But she liked everyone. "I like you, you talk a lot." She said nodding with a smile. Dallas rolled his eyes playfully. "Oh great, all we need is another person that talks a lot."
Heather's eyes got big and her facial expression was full of dread. 'Oh great. More five year oles who talk 2000 words a second. That'll help the tension and distress.' At the same time heather was annoyed, she was happy that they had another little girl in the group. She felt happy that Liza didn't have to spend her life in the school. She was happy that the little girl could enjoy life now and have friends.

'Poor girl doesn't even know she was born. She wasn't ever a baby?' heather thought to her self. Heather looked at the rest of the group who seemed stressed out. But the little ones were just getting started. "This going to be a looooong plane ride wont i?" She said to no one in particular.
Liza beams at Brinley. "I like you too...we can be friends even if you're bigger." Looking over at Dallas, talking with her mouth full, she adds, "I didn't get to talk with the bad people much. They said "be quiet Liza" and "hold still Liza" and "for god's sake, hold your tongue Liza." Only they didn't really mean to hold my tongue 'cause when I did they said "stop that Liza."

Looking up at Callie, noticing her grimace, she frowns. "You don't feel good?"
Blaire looked around at the Flock and saw everyone using relative good manners at the 5-star dinning. So Blaire followed the example and tried to take her time, working against her stomach who was crying out for instant releif. When she made her way down to her plate she sighed and leaned back in her chair, contented with her meal. Five-star food ruled over fire cooked weenies and desert rat hands down.


Cross looked at the group, "Since you guys are going to fly there, you should leave for the air port in roughly an hour so we can get our luggage checked and everything. The FBI and myself will leave right after brunch to fight the traffic," He got up, "Everything settled then? Again, the airport is the second largest in the New York area, so you guys will be able to spot it easily. My people have already checked out the suite, so you guys won't have to worry. Well, see you outside of the air port then," Cross smiled and got up from his chair and left.


Blaire nodded at the FBI guy then stood up herself, "I'm going back to the suite, Cal, I just going to pack up our stuff so were all ready to go," she told Callie. Truth was, she was ancy to leave. The way she figured it was that the sooner they got on that plane, the sooner they got their answers, the sooner they got her brother back. Blaire got a spare room key from Callie and made her way back up to the suite.
Callie shook her head at Liza. "I'm fine, it's just a little headache." She said 'little' because she didn't want to worry the kids. She nodded at Blaire letting her know it was ok, not speaking because she felt like if she talked more her head would explode. She stayed quiet for a few more minutes until she was sure she would be able to talk. "We should get going." She stated simply, getting up. She knew it wouldn't take them long to get to the air port, but she didn't feel like wasting time.

Keanu stood up after Callie, to make sure she was ok. Something was definitely wrong. Sure Callie got headaches sometimes, everyone did, but never this bad. He looked over at Alex to see he was just as concerned. Brinley, who was closest to Alex, tugged on his hand. "Is Callie ok?" She whispered, looking up at him.
Liza, being Liza, has not run out of questions. Looking up at the older kids, she asks, "Is it gonna be far? I never rode a plane before. Does it hurt?"

She is still looking at Callie with her brow furrowed and suddenly reaches up on tiptoe, touching her face. She continues to watch her, her hand against her face, for a few moments, before pulling back and continuing her questioning.

"I don't got no clothes. I don't got nothing actually 'cause I just left and that's all."
Heather looked at Liza with a conserned expression. "They have cloths rack Liza. I can help you find something before we leave?" Heather stood up and held out her hand twords Liza hoping Liza would take it. "C'mon! Ill help you find some cute cloths!"

It felt weird being as nice as she was to Liza. Heather was usually a cold hearted demon but something about Liza made heather feel empathy twords Liza. The flock.

The flock has been through enough. It was time for heather to suck it up and deal with it. The flock was heather's family now. Heather needed to act like it....
Finishing her food quickly, Liza jumps up and extends her hand, trusting. "Can I have a dress? I never had a dress. You're..."she pauses, concentrating, then smiles. "Heather. That's pretty."
Kai spots his sister in the clothing store, trying to find an oversized hoody. He shakes his head annoyed. "Why New York?" He muttered under his breath. At least they know the mission. To find the others like "them". He knew they were around New York somewhere because he heard about them in the lab He and Morgana were trapped at. "Morgana are you done yet? We need to get going"

Morgana: *holds up a black hoody with ripped edges on it* "How about this on- Oh yeah we'll go." She stopped her mindless chatter. For being a year older then Kai, He acts like hes the smarter, and wiser of the 2.

Kai: "We got to get nto contact with the one called Blaire." He closed his eyes. This was going to be hard.
Heather nelt down so she was eye level with Liza. She had the nicest smile she had ever shown. "Of course you can have a dress." Heather brushed lizas hair behing her ear. "You remind me of my sister. And you know what? Liza is a much prettier name than heather." Heather took lizas hand and led her back to the room. She found the cloths rack and grabbed tons of cloths. She handed a cute pink dress that went to the knees to Liza. "Put this on sweetie." She grabbed a matching pair of pink dress shoes. "We can take the rest of this stuff with us ok?" Heather put the rest of the cloths in her suit case and water for Liza to change into her new dress.
Alex looked down at Brinley, he shrugged lightly, "She's alright, just a headache" He hated lying to anyone, although the second part wasn't a lie. But he looked back up at her and frowned, his eyes filled with worry. He decided it wasn't best to send a thought into her head, since it was already painful enough. So he walked over to her instead and looked at her, his voice surprisingly gentle since he was the 'tough guy' as he whispered, "Callie? Do you need any help?" He wasn't sure how exactly he could help; he just knew he wanted to, he needed to. He hated seeing her in pain because of a headache, at least if it was a broken bone or a cut he could help, or kill the person who caused it. Probably both. But with a headache, he couldn't do anything. It infuriated him.

Lillie jumped up from her place once she was finished, she watched Alex walk over to Callie and she frowned, she knew Callie wasn't well, and that it was because of a headache, she also knew it wasn't a small one. But she kept her mouth shut for the others sake. She smiled at Blaire as she tried to act as if she was as naive as they all thought, it just made their lives a bit easier if they thought Lillie was almost enjoying life as much as a normal girl. "Come on then! I can't wait to get on the plane!"
Callie looked over at Alex. She shrugged and started walking towards the door. "I'll be fine. It'll be gone soon." She said, only slightly convincing. At least she hoped it would be gone soon. If it wasn't, then it would be hard to go on with the whole mission. "The plane ride will help." She stated, giving him a reassuring smile. She pushed the front doors open and started walking to the back of the hotel to take off without getting noticed. All they needed was more pictures of them plastered across newspapers. Once she though they were far enough away from being noticed, she turned to look at everyone. "Everyone ready?"

Brinley frowned and nodded at Alex. She knew he wished he could help her, but they couldn't really do anything. Brinley, Dallas, and Keanu all followed Callie to the back of the hotel. When she asked if they were ready, they all nodded quietly. Keanu took a running start and then jumped into the air, his black wings beating the air as he rose quickly. He was followed by Dally, and then Brinley. Callie decided to go last after everyone else.
Kai nudged his sister. "Look its them"!!!! *he runs out of the store and bolts into the air* Hey guys!! Wait!

Morgana: "Kai!!" *she runs out of the store and up into the air after him*
Walking out of the building with Liza, heather notices the flock. "Shoot they started with out us! C'mon Liz." Heather let go of lizas hand. Heather got a running start and did a cart wheel followed by a triple axle. With this, she was in the air. She began flapping her light blue wings and caught up to the group. Heather hadn't flown in a while so if felt good to stretch out her wings.
Blaire glanced over her shoulder in the suite and saw a few "strange overly sized birds" ascending rapidly into the sky. She sighed a bit and walked out onto the balcony, shouldering her pack. She leaped lightly onto the balcony railing and jumped into the air. Snapping out her long, graceful, white with black speckled wings, Blaire was soon caught up and hovering next to Callie and the rest. She could see the airport in the New York suburb coming up quickly in the distance with her raptor vision.
Proud of herself in her new pink dress, Liza looks up at the others, a little concerned that someone might see them and make them go back to the "bad people," but then takes off after them, her wings stretching out nearly as wide as she is tall. She quickly moves up beside Lillie and giggles. "I never flied with no one before!"
Lillie looked next to her and grinned, "It's real fun! It's even more funner when you do this!" She copied what she had seen the others doing and does a forward flip, smiling at Liza proudly, "You try it! Just throw your head forward and make the rest of your body follow!"

Alex jumps after Callie, and sticks by her side as they flew, noticing they are a bit behind the others. He looks to her, "You sure you're alright Callie? It doesn't seem like a normal headache." But before she can reply he hears someone yelling, he turns his head and his eyes widen to see two more 'bird kids' heading for them, "What the heck? Two more? What is it? National winged kids day or something?" He looks to Callie, thinking about her headache, "I'll deal with them, you just...relax." He flies over to Blaire, "Hey Blaire, we got two newbies back there, wanna help me check 'em out?" He flicked his eyes to Kai and Morgana and then back to her.
Callie looked behind her at the two new winged kids. They were turning more into an orphanage for freaks everyday. She sighed wearily and then nodded. She was still rising higher, when she had what must have been the equivalent of a heart attack, but in her brain. She felt like her head was exploding, and then she started dropping really quick. She dropped a good 30 feet before hitting the ground with a thump. It didn't hurt that much, or maybe it did but she could only feel the pain in her head. She curled into a right ball, holding both sides if her head. Her eyes were squeezed shut, as images and words flashed through her mind. Pictures of buildings, people, and places she didn't recognize. They were flashing at super speed, and a few words popped up as well. Kill, save, school. And weird adresses of places she didn't know as well. Was she dying? Had her expiration date finally come, like the trackers all got eventually? Very, very slowly, the pain and images start to slow down.
Heather was flying up side down, swirving up and down like a dolphin. She heard Alex talk about the new comers. She arched her body and flew in the direction of the new comers. She was almost there when she herd a large thud. She stopped dead in the air and jerked her head at the ground. There she saw Callie. "Callie? Oh God!" She swooped down and landed into a walk. She knelt down next to Callie. "Callie are you ok!?" She looked up to the rest of the group. "Guys! Help! Callies hurt!"

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