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Fandom Winged

Callie smiled down at Lillie. She ruffled the young girls already messy hair. "Morning sweetie," She looked back up at Brinley after. "Well we're supposed to meet up with the FBI soon, and then go over our plans. But first, who wants breakfast?" She said it more of a statement then a question, since she all knew they did.

Keanu mumbled something in his sleep, just starting to wake up. He opened his eyes slowly, and shut them tight at the sunlight peeking in through the windows. He groaned, staying in bed a few more minutes, before climbing out. He walked into the kitchen where the flock was starting to form, his chest still bare and his hair a mess. "Whens breakfast?" Typical Keanu, it was usually the first thing he asked when he woke up.
Blaire was out on the balcony again, sitting on the railing, one leg folded in front of her, and the other dangling over the edge in the direction of the suite so she could keep an eye on the kids. She sighed and flipped through today's issue of the New York Times. There was small follow up article in the back of the paper about the strange new migrating birds. Blaire was dressed in a pair of Levi's tucked into combat boots and a modern-style bomber's jacket over a plain white v-neck. Earlier that morning Blaire went down to the lobby in her pajamas, looking for a newspaper, and ran into Deputy Director Cross. He told her that his agents would get the Flock anything, within reason. So Blaire requested some good traveling clothing and a newspaper; about an hour later, Cross's male agent showed up at the suite's double doors with a rack of clothing for the entire Flock. Apparently they had a sense of humor, because there were a couple aviator jackets and Airforce related apparel on the racks. But Blaire took a liking to it and wore it, she wasn't going to let the government get under her skin anyways. When she laced up her own boots with it, it completed the imagery and made her look ten times more badass.

When things started stirring up inside, Blaire folded her paper under her arm, hopped off the railing, and slid inside the suite. Dallas and Brinley were going at it, "What's the problem here guys?" she asked cooly; but then, her intervention was unnecessary because Callie walked in. "Anyways, I guess we should call for 'breakfast' now?" she said, picking up the phone on a kitchenette's counter and dialing the concierge desk.
Lillie giggled as her hair was ruffled and squealed at the mention of breakfast, "I do, I do!" She then ran from the kitchen and basically catapulted herself onto Alex's bed, shaking him exictedly. "Alex Alex Alex! WAKE UPPPP!" She bounced up and down on the bed, her amount of energy rather freaky.

Alex groaned as something landed on him with a thud and Lillie's voice rang through his ears, he blinked open his eyes and looked at her, "Lillieee! Just five more minutes!" He rolled over and hid his face on the pillow. Lillie folded her arms, "Alexxxxx, you always say that! Then you go back to sleep for a year!" She pouted, her sense of time obviously not right. Alex didn't respond with more than a grunt and Lillie jumped off of his bed, "Right! That's it Mister!" She grabbed his foot and tugged on it, nothing happened at first and then her enhanced strength - thanks to the school - helped her enough to make Alex actually fall off of his bed and hit the floor. "Lillie!" He used his elbows to sit up and glared lightly at her, his hair looking messed up in a hot sort of way and his chest showing from where he had taken his top off last night from being too warm. Lillie giggled at him as he rubbed his head, "I warned you!" She then grabbed his hand and helped him up. She skipped over to the kitchen and he followed, rubbing his eyes as he yawned lightly, he looked at the others in the kitchen and gave a small smile to Callie before leaning against the counter, he rubbed his head once more and glared at Lillie jokingly, "That actually hurt Lils..." She shrugged, pulling up a stool so that she could sit at the counter and watch or help Callie make breakfast, "You should have got up when I told you to then, shouldn't you?" She turned and grinned at him and he grumbled, "Could have given me a few more minutes to wake up..." "Or fall asleep again." His eyes drifted to the window as he fell silent, a sign of defeat.
Heather looked at Keanu and alex with a grosser out face, "huh...do they always look like this in the morning?!" She walked to the fridge and took out a begal and ate it plain, just the way she liked it. She was extra tall today due to her wearing 10 inch Heels. She looked like a mermaid with her elaborate blue eye shadow and tight waist dress. She walked out to the balcony and leaned over the railing, feeling happy and accepted.
Callie giggled at Lillie and Alex, while picking up a banana out if the fruit filled bowl in the table. She nodded at Blaire, giving her the signal to call. She then noticed her new clothes. "Where'd you get those?" She asked, her mouth full of banana as she motioned to Blaires new outfit. She didn't remember ever seeing them before.

Keanu glared at Heather slightly. He pulled his shirt on, plopping down in the couch. "Do you always look like a..." He stopped himself from saying something infront of the younger kids. "Do you always look like that in the morning?" He shot back, talking about her ten inch heels and dress.
Blaire nodded back with a small smile. The concierge picked up on the other line after a few minutes on hold and she placed a room service order for--well, lets just say a lot of food. The woman on the other end assured her the food would arrive soon to their room, and that the bill would be put on their tab when they checked out. Blaire stated a simple 'thank you' and set the phone back down on the receiver.

She heard Heather's snark and went to sit next to Keanu on the couch. When she was outside, Blaire glanced at the impossible heals, and leaned closer, "Vanity is a deadly sin," she murmured softly, quoting a line from an old song, "Don't worry about her, you look fine. She'll learn the hard way the next time we sleep in the great outdoors."
Alex smiled at Callie's giggle, then when Heather walked out and commented on his 'look' he rolled his eyes and was about to snap back when Keanu did it for him, he smirked and sent a small thought into Keanu's head, thinking this was the first time they had ever really agreed on something, 'Like a tart?' He finished his sentence from him and turned to look at Blaire when Callie mentioned her outfit, he raised an eyebrow, "Going for the 'don't mess with me' look Blaire?" He grinned at her, "It's working."

Lillie frowned as Keanu didn't finish his sentence, she hopped down from her stool and ran over to sit beside him, smiling at him innocently, "Like a what Keanu?" She frowned lightly, what was Keanu about to say? She thought Heather looked like a pretty mermaid.
Heather heard the conversation that was unfolding. The door wasn't exactly sound proof. She barged in and headed for a chair across from the coach. She sat in it and crossed her legs, her arms on the arm rests. She gave Keanu a death stare with her eyebrow raised. "Yeah Keanu....what do I look like?" She smiled at him with a face of triumph.
Blaire looked up and smirked a bit, "It always helps, intimidation is a great for manipulation," she shrugged, "Agent Cross offered, so I asked for some traveling clothes, then they came back with a rack full of stuff for the Flock," she tugged at the aviator jacket, "Evidently they couldn't help themselves at the irony. I pushed the rack thing into the bathroom so it was out of the way, help yourself,"

At Heather's comment, Blaire swiveled her head in her direction. She expression was blank, though you could call it bored. Blaire raised her eyebrows in question, "What did Keanu look like?" she challenged simply.
"Oh Keanu? Well for starters, he looks like hasn't bathed in weeks, His hair looks like there's a family of rats in it, and he could use a better wardrobe. Does that answer your question Blair?" She smiled at Keanu. "So...Keanu. what was it that I look like?" She didn't wait tot an answer. Instead she stood up and blew a kiss to him. Then she walked back to her room to grab her purse.
Alex's fists clenched and he looked after her, muttering to himself, "Someone needs to knock that girl back down to earth. Or at least show her OUR reality." He shook his head, looking to Blaire, "Seems the smack-talk you gave her yesterday didn't change her attitude at all." He looks at Keanu and Blaire, "Either of you wanna do it? Or shall I?" He looked at Blaire especially, she seemed like she might want to. She was probably wanting to vent out her anger on something.
Blaire clenched her jaw, she could think of a lot of choice words to describe just how Heather looked to her. She hoped Alex wasn't listening in as she ranted on in her head--well, she supposed it didn't matter. She stood up, irritation masking her features, "I wouldn't think it would. But I would love to join you," Maybe if she had someone to back her up, the message would get across.
He shrugged, "Sure, if you do most of the talking." He heard Blaire's mini rant and it amused him enough to make him grin. He reckoned she would probably want to be the one ranting at Heather, he'd just be there to add in bits if necessary and just back her up in general.
Blaire nodded, 'Gosh, where do we start?' she thought to him, 'I wouldn't mind to beat the sense into her at this point. Seems as though she's irritated almost all of the Flock by now. Jeeze, I hate to think what would happen when she works up the gall to smart off to Callie, that'd be one nasty fight.' Blaire folded her arms.
Keanu actually laughed at the thought that Alex sent him. Probably the first time they had ever agreed on something. When Blaire asked Heather what he looked like, he leaned back against the couch and crossed his arms. This was going to be good. "Oh, you wanna know what you look like, Heather? You look like a wh-" He was cut off by Callie, who had slapped her hand over his mouth. He looked up at her, the anger starting to show in her eyes.

"That's enough. There's little kids in here." She growled, talking to mostly Keanu and Heather since they had started it. But after glaring them all down, she actually started to smirk a little at what she knew Keanu was about to say.

Keanu nodded slowly, and dropped it. He knew it would come back up eventually though. When Heather blew a kiss at him and walked away, he flipped her off behind her back. Callie rolled her eyes at her brothers immaturity. "What did I just tell you?" Keanu gave her a blank look in response, and shrugged. He would feel bad if Heather actually did something to make Callie mad, he knew it would end in a pretty bad fight.
Heather walked out of her room and back into the living room. "Shouldn't we be meeting the FBI?" She saw there anger and smirks. "Oh come on! Sure I'm a whore but you don't see me yelling at Blair for her bad-ass routine. Or Alex with his little tough guy act! I expect the same common courtesy." She looked at the kids in the room. "Besides I'm sure they don't want to listen to this."
Blaire looked at Heather incredulously, 'Does she even realize what she's saying?' she thought, "If you realize what your saying is inappropriate for some of those who are in the room," Blaire said smoothly, "Why do you insist on saying it? You can expect to be dealt with in the same manner you treat everyone else. As in, you insult someone, expect to be insulted back. That's just the way it works. Ever heard of the saying, 'If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all'? Whoever came up with it was pretty darn smart. Learn to mind your tongue, it will get you into trouble someday--a lesson you will come to learn soon if haven't already," She put an amused smile on her face and cocked a hip.
"Well then hows this Blair? Your a ***** who cant control her anger and acts like a bad-ass 24/7 to keep ahead. Shut the hell up and don't ever tell me to 'watch my tounge'. Its my mouth and what comes out of it is my decision. I apologies kids for my words but there's only so much a girl can take."

Heather no longer wore a cocktail smile. She was done fighting and just wanted her sister back. She went to the balcony and sat on a chair that looked out on the city. She wore a face of depression and exhaust. Heather was done being the slut who every one judged. She took of her heels and threw them off the balcony.
Callie was about to interrupt Heather, but Blaire seemed to be doing a pretty good job of telling her off. She was thankful for it, since she was already starting to get a headache. She sat on the couch with her elbows on her knees, rubbing her temples. "Let's just all get dressed and ready, we have stuff to do." She mumbled, sighing. She knew this wasn't over, but she wanted to stop it for now.

Brinley watched intensely as the teens fought between themselves. She usually didn't like fighting, but this was interesting. When Heather talked about how she didn't think little kids would like to be hearing this, she shrugged and giggled lightly. "I don't mind it!" Dallas nodded in agreement, smirking.

(Hey Magic, do you remember in the books about how Max got the voice in her head, but she got all of those extremely bad headaches that makes it feel like her heads exploding with all the pictures and stuff? I was thinking about Callie getting the Voice. And the headaches of course. What do ya think? I'm asking you because you read the books and all)
Blaire clucked her tongue as Heather turned her back on her, "Contrary to your believe, I've only raised my voice once at you. I'm not going to apologize for that. So far everyone's put up with your ranting on about how awful your life is. I think it's time to stop with the pity game and get a grip on reality," she finished just as Heather slammed the door shut to the balcony behind her. Blaire went over to the phone in the kitchen and dialed the concierge desk to check on the status of their meal. The woman told her it wasn't finished just yet, so Blaire made arrangement to eat in the dinning hall instead. That way they could have their meeting with the FBI.

"Alright, guys," she said, clapping her hands together, "Let's go get something to eat, shall we? I've arranged it so we can eat during the meeting to save time," She raised an eyebrow at Callie as if asking if it would be okay.

[[OOC: totally know what you mean, it would be good to carry the plot along, getting tips and all. I was doing something sorta the same with Blaire, as she gets weaker, she will eventually get stronger. Like her brain is preparing and making adjustments. I think its a good idea. Didn't Fang get a headache or two or something? After he was transfused with Max's blood? LOL this is just like School's Out Forever and MAX]]
Callie nodded at Blaire, telling her that the plans she had made were ok. "Alright, lets go." She said standing up from the couch. A little too quickly, she had to reach out and grab Keanus arm from falling. Keanu rose an eyebrow, putting an arm around his sisters waist lightly to steady her. "You ok?" He asked, letting her go slowly as she regained her balance. Callie nodded slowly, letting go of Keanu's rock hard arms. "Yeah...just got up too fast, I think..." She mumbled, starting towards the hotel room door.

(Okay. :P I'm re-reading the books now, so prepare for lots of new plans after this. xD I've already got one. And yeah, he did I remember that part)
The Flock left the suite and got into the elevator. In a couple of minutes they arrived in the lobby. From there they went into the five-star dinning hall. A maitre d' was standing formally in a tuxedo at a podium in the entrance to the hall. Blaire didn't know what to say, did they even have reservations or something? She pictured it, 'Yeah, I have reservation with the FBI, if you would kindly point me in that direction, thanks,'. Right--likely.

Luckily Deputy Director Cross was waiting for them just inside the entrance, completely engrossed with whatever was on his phone, making calls, recieving information and so-on. He did a double take when noticing them and rushed over. Cross put a smile on his face, a weak attempt to make light of the fact he probably had little to no sleep that night. There were dark bags under his eyes, and his skin was a bit pale. He greeted them enthusiastically and guided them to a large, fancy-set table out of the way of the other hotel guests. "So how are you guys, rested I hope? I know last night was a long and grueling one. But we're getting there, all we can do is aspire for the best. Hard work pays off. Have you guys eaten yet?"
Instead of going yo the dinning hall with the rest, heather stayed behind and got in the hot tube. It was nice and refreshing. She got out and didn't bother with a towel. Instead she snipped around the suite in her skimpy swim suit. She found wine in a cabanet and pored her self a glass. She slid back into the hot tube with her wine glass and relaxed. Slightly denim she said to her self, 'if they want a slut, ill show them a slut!'.

She got out of the tube and instead of her blue dress, she kept her bikini top on and put on tight jeans and strapped heels. She straightened her hair and looked in the mirror. She could easily count her ribs due to her anorexia. She walked down to the dining hall alone. She got several glances from men and it made her happy. She found the rest of the group and cross and said "I'm starving!" She was still slightly drunk.
As Heather sat down at their table, Cross looked her over, what a mess, and decided to just ignore her, who they chose to be a member of their Flock was up to them. He looked at Callie, she was definitely the leader of the group when sat side by side with the rest, she had an air of calculation and responsibility to her that made her stand out. Cross looked at the boy next to her, they had similar features, but he was laid back and nonchalant. Then there was another older girl, from what observation he had done, she was one with many faces, it was hard to judge her personality; right then she looked serious, her blue eyes cold and confident, from the way they shifted to the new arrival with a hard glare, it was clear she didn't approve, Cross could have mistaken she looked like she was egging for a fight--she masked her emotions well, if it weren't for her eyes, he wouldn't be able to get a read on her. Then there was the last boy, distant and speculative, the voice of reason or the heavy weight to back them all up in a fight, it was quite difficult to tell what he was thinking, like he was giving off a neutral vibe, it could be either way, but you had no way of knowing.

He met his attention back at Callie, "Have we reached a verdict?"

[[OOC: I'm going to re-read MAX, so I have a fresh approach of the whole Hawaii thing]]

[[OOOC: Important question, are you for Fang or Dylan? :8D:]]
Heather just got there and didn't know what was going on. "What verdict" she said laughing uncontrollably. She was still quite drunk. She looked at every one in the room who seemed to be full of serious. "Why are you guys so...what's the word? Seriousness? She began to laugh again but stopped when she saw crosses cold stare. To be honest he kind of scared heather. "Sorry" she said trying to calm down. She began poking her ribs and needing with her fork. She was completely oblivious to the conversation around her

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