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Fandom Winged

Callie climbed out of the car, and her mouth dropped slightly at the sight if the hotel. It was huge. She followed the agents inside, listening to all of the flocks 'Oooh's and Ahhh's' She waited quietly in the elevator, and while Cross opened the door. "Thank you," She said to him, taking the hotel key, and actually meant it. She looked around the room, eyes wide. It was huge. It had a living room with a flatscreen, a mini kitchen, all the beds, everything. She clapped her hands together. "Ok guys, get some food and then meet up in the living room, we gotta talk."

Keanu was already at the food trays, pilling up a huge dish of numerous diffrent kinds of food. It was probably the most free food he had ever seen in his life. Once his plate was full, he went over to the couch as Callie instructed and waited, digging into his food. As soon as Dally was in the room, he ran over to one of the oversized beds and jumped onto it, landing in a pile of fluffy pillows. "This is sick!" He exclaimed, rolling off to get himself food. Brinley made her way to the chicken strips, hair now pulled back into a braid. She took a handful or two, grabbing at least ten.
Blaire put a few things on her plate, chicken strips like Brinley, and some odds and ends. She went over to the couch and sat on the arm, not feeling invited by any of the overly fancy furniture, and she nibbled away half-heartedly as she listened to Callie with her eyes staring at the massive wall of windows looking out at the Manhattan skyline. Her head felt a bit stuffy, like a headache throbbing slightly, preparing to pierce her temples with numbing stabs. Her expression was disconnected and somewhat blank. Blaire waited for Callie to start.
Heather couldn't beige her eyes. It was amazing. It made her feel rich and fancy. The first thing that came into her mind was: shower shower shower! She was filthy and her hair wasn't the prettiest. When she entered the room she almost fell to the floor. "Yay Yay Yay!" She ran over to the buffet with Brinley and piled her plate with Asian food. Then she took a seat on the living room coach with her plate and said, "hey brinley! Come sit with me! Heather was getting attached to Brinley. She was the closest thing heather could find that reminded her of her family.
(Should Lillie get taken from the hotel or the airport?)

Alex was silent as ever the whole way to the hotel. Being in the presence of the FBI agents made him extremely uncomfortable and he had a sour look on his face the whole way there, not seeming at all impressed by the hotel and it's fancy interior. Once they were inside he followed the rushing Lillie over to the buffet and put a burger, chips and some ribs on his plate, smirking at Lillie's plate which was piled high with chicken nuggets and lots of ketchup. He chuckled, "You sure you just want that Lils?" Lillie looked up at him and nodded, "Not even some chips?" She looked to the buffet, "I can have both?" She asked, Alex laughed lightly, "Course you can Lils" She let out a happy yell and threw some chips on her plate before running over and sitting down beside Blaire, she noticed her distant look and gave Blaire's hand a small squeeze as she spoke gently, "We'll find him Blaire, don't worry" She smiled at her before digging into her food.

Alex meanwhile had taken a seat away from the others, there was a spare chair beside him and he smiled lightly as Lillie tried to comfort Blaire. His eyes drifted also to the window as he took a bite out of his burger, his silent mood slowly kicking in.
[[OOC: it would be best]]

Blaire looked over at Lille and forced a small smile, "Thanks, Lillie," she said, "Are you enjoying your meal? This is all pretty exciting, huh?" She gestured to the Flock's sweet new digs, then nibbled on her chicken strips. The room was warm and inviting, the lights were soft as their brightness had been turned down because it was so late in the evening--or one could say, so early in the morning. It was cozy inside as the weather outside turned into light rain showers that pattered softly against the windows, since their room was on the top floor as it was the hotel's most prestigious suite.
(Airport I'm guessing)

Callie plopped herself down on the fluffy couch, feeling herself sink into it a little. She twirled her pat on her fork, taking a bite, before talking. She tried to think of a way to start. "Ok well..." She said awkwardly, busying herself by playing around with her noodles. "The FBI know about us, and the school. They know everything. And they know where Mr. Chu and Demitri might be." She stopped, waiting for this to sink in. "They're offering to help us get him back, and take down Chu. They're on our side. They also offered us any house we like and security at all time, but I told him I wanted to talk to you guys before I agreed to anything.." She sat back, looking at all of the faces waiting for their input.

Keanu listened to Callie carefully, while devouring his food. He was almost done with his first plate already. "So we can live anywhere we want?" He raised an eyebrow, not sure how he felt about this. How did they know it wasn't a trap? But he trusted his sister. Brinley bounced over to Heather, sitting down on the couch besides heather. She dug into her chicken. "Oh, can we go live back in Florida again? I liked it their. Plus they have Disney there!" She said, her mouth stuffed with food.
Alex sat in silence as he listened to Callie, but slowly he felt anger seeping in. The FBI knew? For how long? He was looking at his plate now, probably scowling or something. The FBI...they always swore to protect their country, to look after their citizens...and yet they just sat back and watched as The School treated poor, innocent kids like lab rats? Worse than lab rats. He still said nothing though, but he was probably glaring at his plate right now.

Lillie nodded, she looked around as Blaire gestured and looked down at her plate of food, she remembered all the times that the Flock had saved food for those who had not been there, like at the restaurant, and she looked back up at Blaire as she spoke gently,
"Should I save some of the food for Demitri when he gets back?" Lillie spoke as if there was NO possibility of not getting Demitri back, of course they were getting him back. When Callie spoke though she listened, any house? That was so cool! She frowned very lightly, speaking her only concern, "But we will get to live together?" She asked in a small voice, she wouldn't want to go live with some strange people, her Flock were her family.
Blaire's stomach clenched at Lillie's question and she looked away, hoping someone else would answer for her. Then she caught the comment and froze and stared at Callie when she mentioned the FBI might be able to help them, "It might be a shot in the dark, but if it gets us even a little bit closer to find Demitri, we should do it," she said seriously, her jaws muscles tightened, "The FBI seems willing to do whatever it takes to keep us on their side--they don't get fancy-schmancy hotel rooms to every person in the 'witness protection program'," 'Witness Protection' was an excellent way to describe the position they were in, but they had no other choice but to roll with it.
Callie nodded at Blaire. "We'll talk about that later," She said, answering Brinleys question about Florida. "They've known about us for a few years now, but they haven't done anything because of basically how much we're worth and how bad it could end. Did you guys know we're worth 197 million dollars? Each?" She said, but of course they wouldn't know that. Why would they? She turned her attention to Lillie. "I don't think we'll have to save anything for him, I'm not sure how long it will take to get him back." She said calmly. "And you know I wouldn't say yes if they planned on splitting us up." She gave the youngest member a reassuring smile. She went on. "I think this is our only way to get Demitri back, and stop the school once and for all. I don't think we can do it on our own anymore." He mumbled, admitting it to the Flock. She noticed Alex glaring at his plate, but she didn't blame him.
Alex stopped his glaring and looked up at Callie, slight shock in his eyes, "197 million?" He blinked, "Wow. I knew we were worth a lot...but that much?" His eyes turned harsh again. Probably because of all the s**t they injected into us and all those 'operations'. He thought to himself, forgetting that the others could probably hear his thoughts. He just hoped none of them had been listening in. He shrugs, "I guess I'm alright with it.." He looked up at them all, "What other choice do we have." He doesn't phrase it as a question, they have no other choice.

Lillie nods, looking down at her - now empty - plate. Poor Demitri...all alone with those evil men. She shudders, she would hate to be him right now, this Mr. Chu man sounds evil. They were all evil. She sighs and looks back up, putting on a smile for the others, "If it helps us get back our Demitri, then I say we do it!" She looks over at Alex, wishing he would brighten up a little bit. The last thing everyone needed right now was more doom and gloom reminders.
Callie shrugged and nodded. "Me neither. Bird kids must be more rare then we thought," She joked lightly, and stretched her back out on the couch. She was tired, but she wanted to fly. "Johnathan, the guy I talked to, said we would meet up again in the morning together and go over our plans." She said to no one in particular. She yawned, pushing her now empty plate over to the coffee table. It was already three in the morning, but the noise and lights outside had just barely died down. Did these people ever sleep? She leaned forward on the couch. "So we all in?" She then stuck her fist out, waiting for them to all stack theirs on top of hers. It was something they did after making plans or a big decision, to make sure they were all on the same page. Keanu nodded, and pushed his own empty plate away. He then leaned forward, stacking his fist on top of Callie's, followed by Brinley and Dallas.
Blaire frowned...'197 mil...why would someone pay that much for a kid that would fly around your head and spit out smart comments'...Her mind reeled over the Flock's 'potential', her head started aching. She needed to relax, there was only one thing for her that calm her mind and relieve some tension, she would wait until Callie was done. She set her plate on the coffee table and folded her arms, her gaze thoughtful.
Lillie immediently rushed over and put her fist ontop of the others, "I'm with you guys no matter what!" She grinned, feeling extremely cheesy after using that line. Her eyes flickered over to Alex and she noticed his spaced out look.

Alex was thinking, about a lot of things, mostly the FBI. He sighed and noticed Lillie looking at him, he noticed the fist stacking thing and walked over slowly, he sat down beside Callie and was the last of the Flock to put his fist ontop of theirs, giving Lillie a small smile to show that he was alright.
Callie smiled at the stack of fists, some big, some small. Everyone's fist was stacked, which means they were all in. She pulled her hand away, and then clapped them together. "Ok everyone go get ready for bed, we have a big day tomorrow." She said, loud enough for everyone to hear her. She pushed herself off the couch, collecting all of the dirty dishes. She would let everyone else get ready first, she didn't really feel like she could go to bed right away anyway. She had a lot of thinking to do.

Brinley giggled and jumped over the back of the couch, landing on her feet softly of course. "This is going to be so much fun!" She squealed. Of course, she didn't know about all of the dangerous and hard work they were about to go through.
Alex pulled back as everyone else did and smirked lightly as Lillie let out a yawn, he swept her up in a princess carry and she let out a half-hearted yell, "Alexx! Put me down!" Her voice sounded tired and he shook his head, "Nu-uh Lils, I reckon you're just about to tired to walk!" Even as she was speaking, her eyes were closing and she was snuggling against Alex as he carried her over to one of the beds, "I can walk by myself Alex!" He chuckled and pulled the duvet back before placing her in the bed, "Sure you can Lillie." She snuggled under the duvet as he pulled it back over her, her eyes still closed, "I can...!" She murmured, almost as if the bed itself had a magical sleeping spell on it, "Night night Cuddles." Lillie's body seemed to go limp as she moved lightly to get more comfortable, "Night night Alex.." Right after speaking Lillie drifted off into sleep, Alex grinned at her and turned around, he walked over to the kitchen area to get a drink then paused looking back, "I probably should have told her to get dressed in her pj's first.." He muttered to himself, he then shrugged, "Oh well.." He walked over to the cupboards and starting looking for a glass.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Danggit, gotta go to bed. Night night!)
Callie giggled at how tired Lillie and the younger kids were. "I don't think she would be able to stay awake long enough to get changed." She said to Alex, dropping the dirty plates in the sink, but with no real intention to clean them. If they were only staying for the night, what was the point? Keanu pulled his shirt off over his head, throwing it in a random direction. He didn't sleep with a shirt on, never did. Unless of course they were sleeping on a street somewhere in twenty degree weather. But tonight was different. Brinley and Dallas both changed into their pajamas, and then claimed their beds. They were both out cold before Callie could even say good night.

(Ok, night night!)
Blaire stacked fists with the rest and waited for everyone to file out of the living room. When all of the kids were tucked into bed, Alex went into the kitchenette, and Callie went off on her own thing, lost in thought. Blaire zipped up her jacket to her chin, "I'll be back," she said quietly, knowing they could hear her, "I'm going to get our bags, be back in five," She walked over to a door near the edge of the wall of windows, it slid along it's track noiselessly, and Blaire closed it behind her as she stepped out onto the magnificent balcony. With a slight hop, she stepped onto the tall, dense railing. Blaire spread her wings and pushed off.

Icy mist covered her hair and she held up a small shield in front of her face so she could see where she was going. Blaire flew fast through the currents and flew low over the tops of buildings so no one would risk seeing her decent from the sky when she landed on the building under construction. Luckily the weather had been lousy for November, otherwise workers would have been there during the day to continue building on the structure. Blaire swept through the floor layout and landed to gather up their things. Carrying so many bags wasn't a problem for her, she was pretty strong--due to her genetic experimentation. She loaded up and took off again.

Flying hadn't made her feel any better like it usually had before. Blaire landed on the balcony again, no more that six minutes later, and spotted something in the corner, she smiled a tiny bit before she walked back inside the suite. She laied the bags against the wall outside of the bedrooms. Blaire took up her own bag and went into one of the gorgeous bathrooms. She was going to take a bath, like she planned before back at dinner, but she decided on something better.

Blaire walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her torso. She padded across the suite's marble floor, glancing around her nervously making sure no one noticed her, and went back out to the balcony. It was a bit brisk, but still misting, the way she liked it. She pulled off the cover to the expensive looking Jacuzzi, and with the touch of a few buttons, it was filled with water, purring with steam curling off the surface. Blaire dropped her towel to show a bikini underneath and carefully stepped into the tumbling jets of water and sat down. It was like the water was welcoming her home, finally her muscles slowly started to relax, and she sunk down just enough to keep her nose above the surface--this was Blaire's way of relaxing.
Heather sat silent through the entire conversation. It felt awkward putting her fist the pile. She was still kinda new. It felt like an anitiation and she felt like she was part of the group now. "Finally! A shower!" Heather grabbed short shorts and a tshirt and was off to one of the bathrooms. It felt absolutely lovely. 2 minutes into the shower she fell asleep. She jolted her head up with her eyes wide. "Did I just fall asleep in the shower?" She said to herself. She got out of the shower and was pleased with her silky hair. She didn't know her way around so she wandered around aimlessly until she found a nice room with modern colors. She climbed into bed and stared at the ceiling. She felt so out of place. She fell into a deep sleep. Was this what it was like in the flock? Did everyone feel out of place?
Blaire sat with her back to the windows behind her. She held her hand out and focused on the water. She was able to do little stuff now, slowly gaining back her insurmountable precision. She worked on her dexterity, twisting the ribbons of water through her fingers. Absentmindedly her stream of thought drifted to the Flock. Everyone was reassuring her they would get her brother back, telling her they would--but that wasn't what scared her. She didn't know if the others were asleep yet, she was slightly glad if they were, it would be easier to convince herself that she didn't need anyone right then as she sat by herself. She clutched her arms tightly and bit her lip. Her eyes ached, in a way that was unfamiliar, she rubbed at them, but it did nothing more to help that give momentary relief. She needed something to get her mind off the subject, she was fighting for control of her emotions moving through the stages of anger or sadness or whatever it was--she couldn't stand it. Blaire bit her lip harder. Her concentration broke and the water fell back into the Jacuzzi. She squeezed her eyes shut and clutched the sides of her head, her headache was coming back.
Alex nodded with a grin, "Yeah probably." He took a swig of water from the glass and looked over at the others, smiling lightly as he saw the little ones asleep. Maybe in all this chaos there were moments when the Flock got to relax, since they all looked so peaceful when they slept. He - without realizing - had now drifted off to a day dream, thinking about what it would be like if he wasn't here. If he wasn't part of the Flock..what would change? How would the others be? Would they be here right now? Or still back in the School? Alex was one of the few 'ring leaders' of the escape, he had wanted to get Lillie out of the school so badly that he teamed up with a few others and they all managed to break out, that's what made the Flock. How would Lillie be if he had never been part of the school, part of her life. Would she be a former shell of herself right now? Would she still have those smiles and giggles that brightened up the Flock's days? His eyes were lightly glazed over as he thought about all this things, his brain throbbing lightly with all the thinking he was doing.
Callie nodded at Blaire, giving her the ok to go. Once Balire was back, she thanked her quickly before changing into a heavier sweatshirt and then her jacket. She slipped her shoes back on. "I'll be back soon," She said, even though the only ones still awake were Alex and Blaire, and Blaire was outside. She didn't really care if they decided to come, she was just going flying for a bit. She went to the second balcony, not even seeing Blaire in the Jacuzzi. She jumped onto the fancy railing, and looked over the city lights. She took a deep breath and then jumped, snapping her wings out after letting herself fall for a few seconds.
As Callie announced her leave Alex snapped out of his day-dream and watches as she flies off, he frowns lightly, even though the FBI said they would be safe...he still didn't trust them right now. And they were so used to always going together when on flights. He sighed and walked out onto the balcony, he looked over at Blaire and gave a small smile, "Hey Blaire, can you keep an eye on the kids or something? I just wanna check that Callie's gonna be alright." He jumped off the balcony and his wings snapped out, causing two tears on the back of his t-shirt, he sighed, muttering to himself, "Well, that's another one ripped." He looked up to see Callie flying up ahead and he quickly caught up, dropping his pace once he was beside her. He realized how creepy it may seem that he just appeared beside her and he gives her a small smile, "Sorry, just wanted to make sure you were gonna be alright..." His voice lowered slightly as if he was speaking to himself, "I'm just so used to watching out for Trackers."
Callie was flying above the city at a medium pace. There was no need to go quickly, she just wanted to enjoy it. She heard Alex fly down next to her, and looked over at him, giving him a smile. "It's fine, I was kinda figuring one of you would follow me." She looked down at the brightly lit city. "I know what you mean. I'm sure now we'll be even more likely to get attacked, if someone from the school really is watching us. The FBI can't protect us completely, the trackers could rip them in half in their sleep." She said only half jokingly since it was pretty true, and she grimaced just thinking about trackers. It had been a few days now since the last attack, which only meant they would be coming soon. She looked back over at Alex. "How do you feel about all this? Like for real." She asked, brushing the hair out of her face.
Alex listened to her silently, nodding in agreement with the trackers being able to rip the FBI in half. It was pretty true. When she asked his opinion he lifted his gaze to look at hers, he frowned lightly, "About what? The FBI?" He shrugged lightly, "It may sound a bit stupid...but I don't trust them." He frowns, "If they knew about us all along, why didn't they stop it sooner?" He shakes his head lightly, "I mean, if a bunch of bird kids can break out of the place they were stuck in, why couldn't the FBI have done it?" He dropped his gaze to the city below them, watching the naive humans as they flew at a steady pace.
Callie listened carefully, nodding in agreement. She pulled her jacket closer to her, the wind making her a little chilly. "I get where you're coming from." She saw what looked like it might be some kind of office building up ahead, and she took a turn and landed on the top. She sat down on the slanted roof, and pulled her knees closer to her. "But I guess if it means we get Demitri back, I can put up with it." She rested her chin on her knees. "I dunno about why they hadn't done something earlier. Maybe the fact that Demitri's gone and he's been taken far away by some Mr. Chu that they finally realized just how bad it is." She mumbled, watching a few drunk guys stumble around and laugh below the building. She rolled her eyes, looking over at Alex again.

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