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Fandom Winged

(Ok guys....this Just isn't working.....I can't find myself really even liking to post on here anymore. It took a while before anyone helpped out Adrianna and then I just can't find insperation in role playing here. I don't know why, I mean I like you guys...but this role play isn't working out. I'm sorry I think I better leave this role play, let's just say Adrianna and Drake got shot and killed. I hope I get a chance to role play with you guys again. Bye TT^TT)
( :( Ok, thanks for giving it another chance though! Hey guys, if we need another person to be taken, they could also take Lillie, but they'd need to take her once they get out of the van or when they are being 'transported' to Hawaii, otherwise it would complicate things. Gosh, I'd hate to imagine how unstable Alex would be O.o But yeah, we could do that?)
(Ok, thanks for trying! It was nice having you. And yeah, I think it would be a good idea to take Lillie, it would create more drama for sure.)
(Well I didn't know you very well but ive seen your posts and your really good at rp! You were an assest and we enjoyed you! Bye!)
(Shall we carry on? Hey Kiki? How are you getting to get to the police place? Are they going to come knock on your door or something?)
(Well it all comes down to what rain wants but ya, since my charecter was drinking under aged and resisting arrest that would probably be the best way. Oh and I love the name kiki! Its like a cute pet name! From now on, everybody call me kiki!
(Yeah, I guess we can just carry on now. And kiki, I guess the best thing to do would be the police come and get you at your house and you meet up with the rest of the gang at the police station.)
Alex noticed Blaire's state and sighed, he looked up at her and opened his mouth to speak. Then closed it again. What could he possibly say that could make this ok? He shook his head and his eyes dropped down to look at the floor. The thoughts of the men driving caused him to make a small announcement, "We're almost there guys. We're going to a police station, not the school."

Lillie felt relief run through her as Alex said that they weren't going back to the school. She was resting against Alex's bicep and her eyes slowly closed as she somehow found herself drifting into sleep.
Callie sighed in relief at Alex's words. She would go to a police station over going to the school any day. Though this would probably result in them getting sent back to the school either way. She was pretty sure that they were at the police station now, since they had turned onto a road and were now stopped. She waited, and finally the doors swung open. She frowned and stood up as the officers instructed, still holding onto Alex's hand. She jumped down from the van, and swallowed as she saw the white police station. It reminded her of the school, minus all of the other mutant freaks like themselves and the whacked scientists.

Keanu saw that Blaire was really freaking out. He looked over at her. "Don't worry, we're gunna get him back." He said calmly, looking into her eyes. He then stood up and followed the others out of the van, into the dark moonlight.

(Oh! Forgot to tell you guys. I made two new characters, two kids. I kinda wanted more younger kids in the RP. So starting next post, I'll be using them. So just pretend they've been here the whole time. xD )
Heather finally got to sleep but not for long. She awoke to the dreaded pololice sirens she hated so much. Her heart rate was increasing and she she began to sweat. She bolted to her younger sisters room

"Amber, sweety, I need you to get up!" She wraped her arms around her sister and cradled her. Where was her sister going to go? The rest of her family was gone or dead. "Hell no is my sister being put into adoption!" She thought. She looked into the eyes of her sister and cried. "What's wrong!?" Amber said. "I have to go away for a while....what ever happens you listen and behave and NEVER tell anyone about my wings!"

Then it happened. The police knocked on the door. She knew she would probably never see her sister again. She was going back to the school. Heather picked up amber and walked to the door, the entire way, staring at amber with a smile and streaming tears. Heather set amber on her feet and answered the door. She didn't even wait to see what they said. Instead she sticks out her arms and lets the hand cuffs wrap around her wrists.

She looked at amber who was hysterically crying as she was being led off in another direction. Heather saw amber's crying and started to kick and scream. The officer kicked her in the shin and she stopped. "Be a good girl amber..." she said softly as she was pushed into the car. She watched her sister as the car pulled out.

"I REALLY ****** up!" She said to her self. She was now a caged bird...
(Alright, oh and I was thinking, Lillie could get taken on their way to Hawaii, Alex figures it out on the plane or before)

Alex followed Callie quickly, obviously having to since she was clinging to his hand desperately, he picked up Lillie before they jumped out though and as one of the police officers tried to take her from him he yanked away slightly and gave them a death glare. They took a step back, looking a bit scared before they remembered their position over Alex and glared back at him before walking infront of them all and leading them into the police station.
Callie was trying to think of a plan, or some kind of escape. But before she could make up a plan and take to the air, they where pushed inside of the building. No way they could get out now, there was barely any windows, and the windows that they did have, had bars on them. Of course, they could easily beat up the three police officers that had now brought them into a room, probably for questioning, but the building was swarmed with cops. Who had guns. No way they would get out alive if they tried.

Brinley and Dallas both followed the older ones. Brinley tried to hide in between Callie and Keanu. She was scared to death of being capture and brought back to the School, like all of the others. She could sense the officers emotions though, and she could tell that they were scared of them. But only slightly, they knew they easily had them all under control. Brinley took Callie's free hand, and Dally held onto hers.
Heather got to the police station and was sat at a table to get finger prints and such. It took everything she had not to ballistic. She glanced over and saw the flock. Her eyes widened and she felt a little better. She got up from the chair and ran for the group. A police officer tried to stop her but she evaded him. "Guys!! Omg I found you guys!! I'm soooooo sorry! I swear! This all my fault. She was panting and out of breath and almost fainted from the horrible situation. Instead she fell on the floor and closed her eyes
Blaire saw Alex and Keanu looking at her through her peripheral vision, yet she made no attempt to meet it. The police officers pushed the flock out of the police van and led them through the building into a conference room. There were bulletin boards on the walls and maps and such, all stuck with information. Blaire didn't get a hostile or isolated feel from the room and guessed the police used the room for meetings and briefings. The room had one window of thick, sturdy, bullet-proof glass that looked out to the street outside. The police investigator leading the way ushered them inside, "Sit tight, kids. Like we said, we only want to ask you some questions," he reassured, then shut the door behind him, a subtle click of a lock followed, probably to make sure they wouldn't wander off.

Blaire held both of her arms and went to stand at the window and stare at the comforting lights glowing in the dark. It looked as though the foggy weather from the other night had lingered another day, since the window slowly began to speckle with tiny rain droplets as the clouds prepared to shed their tears. Goosebumps arose across Blaire's arms and she hugged herself even tighter. It seemed as though the weather were making an effort to complement her mood...at least, that's what it seemed to Blaire... She never cried...never...It was a sign of weakness. Last time she cried was when she was seven, she had cried so many times in her life that one day after--she didn't want to recall the atrocities that had conspired that day--that was the day she finally decided to fight back and never let anyone push her around ever again; she sucked it up and locked it in.

She continued to stand there, waiting for the next officer to enter the room and ask them pointless questions they wouldn't be able to answer. She didn't care, she just wanted Demitri back.
Callie reluctantly sat down in one of the cushioned chairs at the wooden table. She looked over at Heather and shrugged. "Don't worry about it, we've been through worse." She sighed and leaned back, only quiet for a few second. "OK, here's the deal," She leaned in closer and motioned for the others to do the same, in case the room was being monitored and someone was listening. "Answer any and all questions as indirect and simple as you can. Not enough for them to get ticked off and throw us in the slammer with a pat down to just expose our wings, but enough for them to get a nice story about how this was a whole accident. Just stay put, ok?" She asked nodding, looking at everyone. Keanu nodded and sat back in his own chair. He looked around the room that wasnt as bad as he thought it would be. Yeah it was small, but it was nicely lit and had carpet and everything. His stomach was still twisting with nervousness and anxiousness, though.

Brinley nodded quickly at Callie's words. Then Brinley's 'motor-mouth' as Callie had nicknamed it kicked in. "But what if the do pat us down and they find our wings? I don't think they'll react good to that. What if they send us to the school? What if we have to stay there forever and-" She was interrupted by Callie who put her hand up, signaling her to stop.

"Brin, please. I mean this in the nicest way, but just be quiet for a second." She breathed, and rubbed her forehead with her free hand. The stress was enough, never mind all of Brinley's talking. Dally piped up next. "Some of them are scared of us, I can feel it. But the bigger ones aren't." He claimed, resting his elbows on the table.
"Well I'm glad you think every things fine and dandy but I'm going to jail either way! I drink all the time! I'm under aged so guess what? I get to go to jail!" Heather was standing up and turned to every one so they got a price of her yelling. Then in a much quieter voice, so the security cameras didn't hear her, she said, "Ill never get to take shower again without showing off me God damn wings. I know I don't know you guys very well but I could use a little advice!" She sat on the floor and put the top layer of her hair in a bun that was kept up by chopsticks, and left the bottom layer let down and long.
Time Skip

An hour or two later, Callie picked up her head to the sound of a door opening. Finally. She froze immediately at what she saw though. She was expecting maybe a police officer or two, but instead there was three different people, in suits. Two men, one girl. This did not look good. She looked at the people, seeing that one of the guys, probably the leader of the small group, with an earpiece in. An even worse sign. She watched the guys every move, as the leader with the earpiece moved closer, the women closing the door behind them. "Hello California. If you don't mind, I would like to talk to you." Callie frooze completely at her full first name. How did he know her? Who was he?
The man in suit from the front ushered her into an interrogation room, he took a seat across from her at a hard cold steel table. He tossed a manila folder on the table then, leaned back casually in his chair and pulled a copy of the New York Times out the inside of his blazer and started to read through it a few minutes. Approximately 4 and a half minutes had passes when he spoke, still looking at the file, "California," he glanced up at her without moving his head, "Is it alright if I call you that?" After her response, he chortled softly to himself, "So, California," he said anyways, he folded the newspaper back on itself a few times, "You know eight oddly shaped birds were sighted in the Manhattan area in these past couple of days? Truely strange...'you've heard about it?" he asked smoothly and tossed the newspaper onto the table top, the front cover showed a picture that had been poor quality before hand, blown up and plastered on the front page--the cover story about a strange migration, the picture of a small flock of misshapen birds.
Eyes wide, Heather turned to every one else to see there expression. She looked at Callie who looked terrified. Heather slowly got up, keeping her eyes on the three strangers and propped her self onto a table. She wanted to go insane on there asses but decided it would only make it worse. She had just met these wonderful people. She didn't want to loose them. Trying to look innocent, heather pulled out a tiny mirror and aplied a dark and thick layer of mascara around her beautiful Asian eyes. In her head she was thinking, "this is it! Its all over!" But her facial expression was showing no fear what so ever. Then she watched in horror as Callie was led into an interrogation room
Blaire started to get mad, Heather was worrying about taking a shower when her own brother had been stolen from her and she didn't even know what was happening to him right then. Her emotions where running on edge, and her patience running thin, "We're in here because of you!" she snapped, "You think you can stop thinking about yourself for one second to realize what's actually going on!? If you are so worried about going to jail for being underaged, then you damn shouldn't have been drinking in the first place!" Blaire's fists curled into fists at her sides, her anger was only escalating.
Callie glared at the man as he ushered her away from the Flock, She slumped in her chair, and leaned all the way back. She rested her elbows on the arm rests, and folded her hands. She waited in silence as the guy took his sweet sweet time reading over a newspaper. She sighed loudly on purpose express her low patience. "I would prefer it if you called me Callie," She said, giving him the fakest smile she could manage, bitterness in her voice. She already didn't like him. She rolled her eyes when he continued to call her California. She felt her stomach drop as he talked about some 'oddly shaped birds' flying around Manhattan. She kept her head in his direction, but slowly let her eyes look at the front picture. They were all there, she could make out their forms. Her, Keanu, Blaire, Demitri, Alex, Lillie, Brinley and Dallas. She didn't dare touch the paper though. She shrugged and shook her head. "Nope, haven't heard of it," She lied, giving him an ice cold glare. "Why are you talking to me about it? Shouldn't you be talking to a scientist or biologist or something? I'm sure they would know a lot more about this." She leaned forward now. She wasn't going down without a fight, and she made sure to make this very obvious. She made sure to crank her usual attitude as high as she could, and waited for the mans response.
"Wait, you mean you don't have your master's degree in sociology?" he said sarcastically, and pretended to check his file, "I suppose I should introduce myself...My name's Johnathan Cross, Deputy Director of the FBI," He set the folder aside, getting serious, he leaned forward and rested his elbow on the table, something that he did well. He was about in his mid-thirties, brown hair groomed neatly in a kind of old fashion style that was coming back, and he had cold steely blue eyes that dug down to the truth and would stare daggers at you until you broke down, "The government isn't as blind-eyed as you seem to think, California. We've been keeping tabs on you and for family for some time now, you can't throw some half formed fairy tale at us and expect us to believe it because we're just a bunch of dumb adults. Yes, I know you are lying....and yes...I know where you family member is," Cross opened the file and momentarily looked at it, "Demitri Todd, is it?"
Heather finished her make up and jumped off the table, facing Blair. She spoke in a low calm voice. "Ok first of all, cool off. Second, I'm not worried about taking a shower, I'm worried about me being in jail, taking a shower and people seeing the wings on my back. Third, I'm not worried about my sister because we can take card of our selves. I taught my sister amber the best I could! Last but not ******* least, you don't know me nor my sister so don't talk about me and my family...Kk? Heather smiled and went back to fixing her hair in the tiny mirror and said without turning, "Callie is going to be fine. So are we. And quite stressing! You'll get wrinkles..."
Callie listened to Johnathen introduce himself, but didn't comment. Once he started talking about the government, she started rubbing her forehead. She really had a headache now. She stopped momentarily at Demitris name. She had the urge to jump across the table and pin this Johnathen guy to a wall until he told her where he was. Of course should do that, she was at least twice as strong as this guy, but she wouldn't do that. She quickly sent a thought to Keanu. If the other FBI agents start questioning you, use fake names and pretend you know nothing about the school or anything. I think they already know, but do it anyway. She then brought her attention back to the man. "And how do you know where he is? Because you took him?" She asked bitterly, staring him down. "Are you just assuming that me or anyone else from the f-... my friends will believe you?" Keanu caught Callies thought and sent it to everyone else in the flock, looking at all of them to make sure they understood. He then went back to staring down the other man and woman, who were shuffling through files. He si far didn't interfear with Blaire and Heathers fighting, but if it got any worse he would. He sighed and leaned his head back, staring at the plain white ceiling.

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