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Fandom Winged

Adrianna looked at the water then sighed and just set her head on the table. She was more upset then anything. She looked at Lillie and smiled slightly. "Thanks..." SHe said before turning her gaze over to the girls. She moved her white hair out of her face and then watched everyone have fun. She really didn't want to be here.

Drake of course was talking with some girls. He was having the time of his life. Adrianna seemed to look down on this but non the less didn't go over to stop him. He was way tpo happy. He hadn't noticed his sister at all.
Weaving their way through the crowds, Blaire felt Demitri touch her arm twice and felt his presence disappear. She smiled, knowing he went off to explore and dance on his own, he didn't need a crowd--he made his own. She followed the others to the table and when Alex left with some girl for a drink, she decided she would get some water to keep her energy level up. She sat at the bar several seats down from Alex, giving him some space so it didn't look creepy like she was following him or something.

"Water, please," she ordered the bartender, he nodded and went off. Blaire spun around in the swervy chair and checked out the club, a pleased smile on her face. She noticed a group of guys suddenly look away when she looked in their direction, she went on alert until she realized they were all smirking at one guy in the group and nudging him in the ribs. Blaire looked away, deciding they were just weird.

THe bartender handed her her glass and she thanked him and went away since water was free. She walked around, finding a spiral staircase that lead up to a balcony that wrapped around the edges of the club. There were couched and lounges up here, instead of tables. Blaire leaned on the railing, glass in hand, sipping occasionally, and watching the club, music pumping in her ears. She absent minded thought about Keanu's of a dance and she smirked to herself. She then laughed when she saw Demitri dancing in the center of the thick crowd, people giving him space to show off his moves.
Adrianna watched Demitri dance chuckling a bit. She then saw some boys looking over at Blaire. She sighed and looked as a Guy asked her to dance. Before she could say no he dragged her out to the dance floor. She was shocked when he twirled her around. She looked confused. She and him danced a bit together.
Keanu got up from the table, being bored with just sitting. He went over to the bar and ordered a water, like Blaire. He said a quick thank you and then looked back at the crowd of teens. His eyes scanned the crowd, immediately seeing Demitri and his group. He chuckled and shook his head, taking a sip from his glass. Most of them tried everything they could to avoid people, but Demitri was making his own crowd. He caught something out of the corner of his eyes, and saw two blondes starring at him and whispering. He saw the taller one smile at him, and he smiled back. He had to bit his lip to keep from laughing when the blond turned back to her friend blushing and they had a giggle attack like Keanu couldn't hear them. Even if he didn't have the whole extreme hearing thing he would be able to hear them.
Blaire drank the rest of her water, feeling energized and full of life. She stood up straight and someone tapped at her shoulder, she turned around to see the one of the guys from that group earlier she had been paranoid about, it was the one getting harassed by his friends. "Uh, hi," the boy said shyly, a nervous smile on his lips. She could tell he was trying hard to fake confidence. Wow, he's really cute...why's he acting all awkward? Blaire asked herself, Well, I guess that since no one knows us, and they never will--might as well have some fun with this. Blaire put a charming smile, "Hey, something I can help you with?" He glanced quickly to the side out to the side of the dance floor. Blaire followed his gaze to his group of friends who were making big gesturing movements as if to push their friend forward. A new song came on which seemed to give the boy more confidence, he cleared his throat and made his voice a bit deeper, "I love this song, you wanna dance?" Blaire smirked playfully, "I'd love to," That definetely seemed to give him more confidence and he held out his arm which she took, and they walked down the spiral stairs and ran out to the dance floor, jumping in with the rest of the crowd.
(First time, bear with)

Mizuki was twisting and turning, grinding and shaking on the dance floor when all of a sudden she stopped dead in her tracks. She knew at that point there were others in the club like her- wings and all. She walked out to the baling and chugged some water. "What the hell! I didn't know there were others!

She sat down on a chair and curled her legs up, her heart racing. "I have to find them" she thought to herself.

She went back to the dance floor and acted like nothing happened but she continued to take little looks around the room to find the others she so closely resembles
Keanu turned his attention to the stairs, seeing Blaire being followed by a boy. At first he thought the boy might be a tracker since they were all running. He put his guard up, but immediatly calmed once he saw that she was only dancing with him. He caught her attention for a second to give her a thumbs up and a smirk. He thought back to their conversation about dancing, and wondered when they would get a chance to actually dance. He watched between Blaire and the boy, and the two blondes that kept stealing glances at him.
Adrianna suddenly noticed the boy getting closer. Suddenly she was up against the wall. He smiled at her. She looked around rally wanting to escape. She looked down terrified. She swallowed and then hid her face. He still got closer. She looked around Drake wasn't around to help her.
Heather pushed the boy she was dancing with aside and ran directly to flower. She didn't know how she knew where flower was but she went. She stopped running and noticed the boy who was backing her into a wall. "Hey you ass! Get off of her!!" Heather pushed the boy into a chair and smiled at flower. "I found you! Ill explain latter, we should go find the others before that guy comes onto you again ok? I know you don't know me but trust me plz!"
Blaire caught a glance at what was going on and luckily the song ended just then, she excused herself and allowed herself to be lost in the crowd so the boy couldn't follow her. She quickly assessed the confrontation, "What's going on here?" she demanded quiet enough so that no one around them could hear, there was a unfamiliar girl pulling Adrianna away, and she was definately more than suspicious.
Adrianna nodded to her and then ran to her brother. She smiled and then looked back at the girl. She sighein relief. She wanted to leave now. Looking around she rubbed the back of her neck. "..." She heard someone speak in the mic but didn't pay attention to what they said.
Heather stopped, looking terrified and said to Blair, "we need to talk...NOW!!! Heather pulled both girls to the balcony but didn't have much luck because she wasn't the strongest
Blaire frowned as she was led to an deserted part of a private lounge area--basically an open cubical like thing with a small laid back living room set up, a few couches and a coffee table, "What's the problem here?" Blaire said, she didn't like to be kept in the dark. She planted her hands on her hips, "Who exactly are you?"
Heather put on a smile. "Well....I am...what you are. My name is Heather" she turns around showing Blair her light blue wings. "Get where I'm goin with this? To tell you the truth I thought I was the only one like this but....I'm not..there are others with wings like me. I know its weird but...ive finally found someone who understands!" Heather is tearing at this point
Blaire bites her lip and narrows her eyes, of course she believed the wings were real, but she still had to go through the questions and such, "Where did you get your wings, and how did you find us?"
"Well I'm guessing the same way you did...I think...I cant remember...one day I woke up in s feild and there they were. I usually come here to party and as soon as I stepped on the dance floor...I just knew...I know you probably think I'm crazy but I'm just as confused as you." Heather sits on a coach and cries softly...
Blaire doesn't know what to do so she sits on the couch and awkwardly pats the girl's arm. She was never good with crying people except when it came to Lillie, plus she didn't even know this girl... "Well, we should talk to Callie...she's the 'boss-lady' around here."
"Sure why the hell not? I don't have anything else to live for! All this time I thought I was a freak...but there are tons of us! K wish I would have met you sooner!!" Heather buries her head in Blairs lap crying like a fire hydrant. " ive never had a boyfriend all because of these wings that I didn't even ask for!!"
Blaire sighed, "There's more to life than being tied down to a relationship..." she told Heather, "Why rush into it now...people mostly date or whatever because it's something to do, and if you already have things like trackers constantly on your ass, those things aren't really important. Like I said, what's the rush?" Blaire sighed, she couldn't believe she was talking about this, how awkward...she didn't even like thinking about having a loved one when she was older...let alone if she would be around to be old...
Adrianna found herself being pushed to a mic. "Drake what are you doing?" He didn't answer and he grabbed the mic giving it to her. "They are having a singing contest. Just sing already." He said to her. Adrianna looked at the mic and slowly grabbed it. Suddenly the music started. Drake had them play a song she loved. Stand in the rain by superchick. As she began to sing it caught a few peoples attention.

"She never slows down.

She doesn't know why but she knows that when she's all alone, feels like its all coming down

She won't turn around

The shadows are long and she fears if she cries that first tear, the tears will not stop raining down


So stand in the rain

Stand your ground

Stand up when it's all crashing down

You stand through the pain

You won't drown

And one day, whats lost can be found

You stand in the rain

She won't make a sound

Alone in this fight with herself and the fears whispering if she stands she'll fall down

She wants to be found

The only way out is through everything she's running from wants to give up and lie down.


So stand in the rain

Stand your ground

Stand up when it's all crashing down

You stand through the pain

You won't drown

And one day, whats lost can be found

You stand in the rain

So stand in the rain

Stand your ground

Stand up when it's all crashing down

Stand through the pain

You won't drown

And one day, whats lost can be found


So stand in the rain

Stand your ground

Stand up when it's all crashing down

You stand through the pain

You won't drown

And one day, whats lost can be found

You stand in the rain."

< Song
"Thanks for the talk." Mizuki skilled a bit and hugged Blair."I would still love a boyfriend though...any way!" Mizuki grabbed Blair's hand and led her to the dance floor to hear adrianna sing. "Come on! I like this song!"
After a few drinks - on Catherine's side - he's learnt that she lives with her single mother and younger brother, her mum's an alcoholic and Catherine is basically raising her younger brother because of the amount of time her mum spends out of the house. Alex listens to Catherine's story and slowly he begins to think, maybe, just maybe, normal people don't have it as good as he always thought they did. Catherine wipes her red eyes and Adrianna's song comes on, she jumps up from the bar, wobbling a bit, and grabs Alex's hand, "I love this song!" She drags over to the dancefloor infront of Adrianna, in full view of Callie and the others, and begins to dance with him. He blinks at her, slightly bewildered and then she looks up at him, she leans closer and presses her lips against his, desperately pushing herself up against him as she wraps her arms around him and pushes her lips against his further. He looks down at her in shock and his eyes look over at Callie, they connect with hers and he looks back down at Catherine quickly, he pulls away, shaking his head. "I'm sorry. I can't do this." She blinks up at him, her eyes watering, "Why not?" He just shakes his head, "I'm sorry" He pushes past all the people that are dancing and heads for the exit, not glancing back even once at the others.

Lillie sits on the chair by the table and watches with wide eyes as the girl from earlier starts dancing with Alex then kisses him, she watches as he apologizes, after looking at Callie, and runs off. Lillie shakes her head, her eyes flicking to Callie then him, "Boy, he's got it bad.." She jumps off her seat and pushes through the crowd, seeming so small amongst them all, "Excuse me, excuse me please."
Mizuki was still upset with the whole conversation with Blair but she knew that she was going to be safe with the her newly found flockees. She wanted to go around saying hi to her hopefully new friends but decided not to since they all seamed tense. In stead she found a guy and made out with him in the bathroom stall. She usually did this. She never did find a permanint boyfriend with the wings and all but I guess the bathroom make out thing was ok for her. She exited the bathroom with her boy toy trailing behind. They went to the bar and drank as much as they could which resulted in her passing out on a coach near the dance floor
Adrianna saw Alex but didn't care. She found slight pain in this but over all ignored it. She couldn't do a think to change alex's feelings, really deep down inside she didn't want to. She couldn't do that to someone else. She backed away from the mic once the song finished. Hearing the cheers didn't give her a smile, she looked to the guy who was wowed and then nodded. Quickly returning to her brother. She sighed and sat down again. Hoping no one comes near. She sighed again.
Heather was dragging Blaire along, but suddenly she was gone and had drifted off on her own. Blaire shrugged then made her way to the dance floor and swayed to the familiar song until she realized it was actually Adrianna singing it and Blaire cheered the loudest when the song was over, then pushed her way through the crowds over to her. Adrianna was sitting on a couch by herself, trying to look unnoticeable; but that didn't stop a few stragglers to come over and rave about her performance and compliment her. Blaire could see she was looking nervous, and she probably had her nerves wound tight. She stood in front of the small crowd of about ten people and called over the music, "Com'on guys, give her some space, she's a bit overwhelmed," Blaire said politely yet commandingly, the group nodded and slowly they dissipated into the thick gulf of party-goers.

Blaire sat down besides Adrianna, sitting facing her, and put a hand on hers, "That was absolutely amazing," she said seriously in awe, "I'm so proud you went up there, Adrianna, it was...." she didn't know how to say it, but she tried and a reassuring smile grew on her face, "Adrianna, you have a bloody gorgeous voice, girl,"

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