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Fandom Winged

(Adrianna is scary? lol xD )

Adrianna looked at Lillie and then slightly smiled. Lillie wasn't like Adrianna when she was a kid. Adrianna had already become quiet because most of her life wasn't around people. Adrianna sighed deeply looking down again. She held her knees as she continued to think.
Callie listened to the little girl giggle, which mad Callie giggle as well. She finished washing Lillies hair, and used her hands to cup some water and use it to rinse the soap away. Once down, se stood up in the soapy water and went to start draining the water. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" She asked Lillie, pulling the plug. Keanu groaned when Blaire motioned foe him to move. He reluctantly rolled off the bed, landing with a thump on the floor. He frowned and sat up, rubbing the back of his head. Not his smartest idea, clearly.
Blaire laughed a bit until she realized what she was doing around the room, 'Ugh, a girl cleaning? How typical, what is this the 40's?' She dropped the task she was doing and folded her arms, though she didn't want the hotel staff to be penalized for their intrusion, the boys could pick up after themselves. She heard the water draining in the bathroom and plopped down onto the couch, waiting for them to get Lillie dressed again, knowing they would be out soon.
Lille shook her head, causing her long - now black looking - hair to land drops of water across the room, covering the floor and walls, she covered her mouth with wide eyes, thinking of the hotel people. "Oops!" She jumped out of the bath carefully and gripped a towel, wrapping it around herself securely - like they had sometimes done back at the school - before calling Alex, "Alexxx!" Lillie yelled out the door, her head popping around with her wide blue eyes and dripping wet hair.

Alex looked across at Lillie's call and tried to hide a grin at her dripping wet hair - she did look quite comical. He walked over to her before pausing at the bathroom door, "Uh, is it alright to come in?" He asked to no-one in particular, just checking since it was all girls in there. Lillie seemed to look back at the two girls questionably, waiting for one of them to answer. She just wanted Alex to move all the water back into the bathtub.
Adrianna sighed deeply and then looked at Callie. She walked away from the door leaning on the wall proping her foot up on the wall. She sighed deeply and looked up to the ceiling. She looked back at Lillie wondering why she wanted alex. She sighed again and crossed her arms. Her head was filled with things and she couldn't seem to think stright. Not sure why.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(My fighting school? It's so hard to wait for Mr. Grin! I want you to reply if you wouldn't mind! *Sad face*)
Callie bit her lip and rubbed her forehead looking at all of the water on the walls. She sighed deeply. She quickly snapped her head in the direction of Alex's voice. "Uh yeah, come in." Her face reddend a little as she realized she was still only in her bikini, but she dropped it shortly. She stepped out of the tub, the water done draining.
Blaire spotted a laptop laying open on the desk and went over and sat down at the chair in front of it. She moved her finger across the track pad and the screen lit up, Blaire breathed a sigh of relief that the computer hadn't automatically shut off and locked down after so many minutes of inactivity. Blaire opened the Internet provided and surfed around a few minutes on a search engine. She scanned the page she was on a final time, memorizing it, then quickly deleted the history and closed the browser, leaving the lid open for the backlight to blink off in due time. Blaire pushed a few feet away from the desk and started spinning on her chair, switching to spin in the other direction when she got dizzy.
(Sorry, keep getting distracted xD )

Alex walked into the bathroom and the first thing his eyes landed on was Callie. His cheeks heated up and his eyes scanned over her body without him intending them to, he quickly looked down at Lillie, trying to ignore the fact he had just been staring at Callie like a pervert or something. "What's up Cuddles?" Lillie gestured to around her - while managing to keep the towel around her. Alex then looked around and his eyes widened, "Oh, right." He looked at the water and held out his index finger, spinning it in a mini-circle as all the water clinging to the walls and the floor, even Lillie's hair, flew towards his finger and made a mini-tornado of water above his finger. He then grinned and flicked his finger in the direction of the bathtub, causing the water to fly towards the bathtub and spiral down the drain. Lillie giggled and gently touched her now dry hair, looking up at Alex with admiration, "That was so cool Alex!" She giggled and he shrugged, "It's not that amazing Lils" Lillie smiled at him, not realizing what her words implied, "But normal people can't do it, that means it is pretty amazing!" Alex nodded, looking away from her with a frown as that word replayed in his head...normal. He looked up at Callie, "Guess I'll leave you guys to get dressed and what-not.." He made sure to look at Callie's eyes and not her body this time when talking, he looked down at Lillie, who looked confused by the way he had reacted to her words, before he left the dry room.

Lillie looked after Alex as he left and then ran over to the clothes she had brought in with her, she turned back to look at Callie with a small frown, "Callie? Should I wear my party dress?" She grinned, "Because we're going dancing!" Her eyes twinkled with joy at the idea of it and she didn't even think about the age implications - since she didn't know about them.
Callie watched Alex walk in and immediately felt self cautious. She folded her hands in front of her at first and then crossed her arms over her chest. She smiled and whispered a quick thank you to Alex, and then turned back to Lillie. "Yeah, I think it would look really pretty." She said, smiling. She went back into the closet, changing back into the skirt and jacket. She came back out of the closet, and let her hair back down, watching it fall all the way to the middle of her back. She waited for Lillie to be ready before opening the door. Keanu stood up and walked over to the balcony door. He crossed his arms, and looked at the sky. Evidence of the sun set were just starting to peak through, and he checked the time again. A little past 5:30.
Blaire felt relieved, every moment more they spent ther no matter what precautions they took. Blaire sighed and stood up, getting a rush of invertigo. She stumbled a bit before standing up straight feeling a bit wobbly. Demitri handed her her back pack which reminded her, "Should we drop off out stuff at the building?" Demitri set the iPod back to the song it was on when they arrived then waited at the door with Keanu.
Adrianna walked off and then sighed standing by Demitri. She leaned on the wall and then sighed again looking at her brother. He was quiet....to quiet. She looked at her feet and then back to her brother. Looking at Demitri she sighed. "So we're leaving right....I don't like having to stay here any longer." She said looking to her feet again. "Not that I want to go were we plain anyways."
Demitri sighed, the others where taking a lot of time to get going. "We're gonna take the stuff back to the building, you can meet us there when you're done or whatever," Demitri shouldered the Flock's bags then nodded to Adrianna, "No point in staying, they'll be right behind us anyway," He slid the door open for her and Drake then followed them out. Blaire looked back at Keanu and Alex, "Make sure you get the 'do not disturb' sign off of the door before you guys leave," Blaire adjusted the straps on her pack then took off from the balcony as quickly as she could.
Adrianna sighed and then followed them Drake behind her. She didn't want to stay anymore. Drake bumpped into his sister and Adrianna looked at him wondering what's the matter with him. She stopped and looked at Drake. "Something wrong?" Drake shook his head and Adrianna started flying still glaring at him. Of course them she bumpped into Demitri and Blaire. SHe sighed. "Sorry..." She said and glared at drake. "SOmething's up with him and it is bothering me that I don't know why."
Drake bumped into Adrianna, Adrianna bumped into Demitri and he bumped into Blaire. Blaire leaned forward to look at Drake, "Er...Something wrong?" she asked after the Newton's balls expirement. Blaire regained her flight path after her feathers got all ruffled the wrong way--literally.
Drake looked at them. 'Nothing...just thinkin." He said and rubbed the back of his head but Adrianna wasn't going to let it go. "The first time in your life you shut up and not blab off? Ha thinking couldn't stop that spitten black hole." SHe laughed and soon drake did too. He reasured her he was fine and reluctently she backed down. Looking at Blaire with a sorry look she sighed.
Blaire quirked an eyebrow at Drake in thought, she liked challenges, it was like a game of 20 Questions. The sun was fast setting in the sky, Blaire knew they had a while before the real energy started in the clubs, but darkness falling sure helped the illusion of time and got people out sooner. Blaire had the perfect club in mind for them all. They touched down on the concrete of the building's floors. Demitri pulled his brown speckled wings in and slide his load off of his shoulders and stretched out slighty, working oxygen into his muscles and working out knots.
Flower landed beside Drake and watched as he Stretched out. Then looked at Demitri wondering what he was doing till she looked back at Blaire. She sighed and sat down stretching out her pure white wings wanting to keep them out for alittle more. When she tucked them back in she sighed and looked to Drake who was quiet. He looked at Adrianna and put on a smile. However Adrianna wasn't convinced it was a real smile.
Blaire shrugged, looking a bit confused as she watched Demitri out of the corner of her eye. She went to sit over on the ledge, swinging her legs as they dangled off the side of the building. She waited eagerly for the rest of the Flock to get back. Hearing the soft sigh behind her, Blaire glanced over her shoulder. She decided if Drake didnt get everything straightened out by the morning, Dr. PhD Blaire Everard would have a look-see and infer if she couldn't help out.
Once Lillie had changed into her beautiful dress she quickly brushed out her long, brown hair and gave a big toothy grin to the mirror before running out of the room and straight up to Alex, "Alex, Alex! Look at my pretty dress!" She giggled and spun in a circle happily, feeling like a Disney Princess or something.

Alex allowed himself to grin lightly for Lillie's benefit - or so he told himself - as she spun around, "It's beautiful Lils." He then looked at the back and frowned, it would leave cuts where her wings popped out. He sighed and swept her up, "We gotta go Lils, Blaire and some of the others left already" He looked over to see it was just him, Lillie, Callie and Keanu left. Lillie frowned at him, "Put me down Alex! I can fly by myself!" He rolled his eyes with slight amusement at her tone, "I know Lillie, but if you fly with that dress on then your wings will rip the back" Lillie's eyes widened at the prospect of ruining this pretty dress, "Oh." She clung to him tighter, "Okay! I'm ready!" She then frowned and looked at him, "But what about your new top Alex?" Alex sighed and gently put her down, he walked over to the hotel door, quickly tugged it open and flipped the sign back to normal, he shut it once more and as he walked back over he tugged his top off, feeling like he had joined the boy's 'topless' club or something. "Fine, only 'cause I don't want to get rips in it before we go dancing" He grinned at Lillie and shoved the top in his backpack - which he had managed to hide from Demitri - before looking down at her, wondering for a split second if she'd be alright with him picking her up when he had no top on. That idea was quickly crushed as Lillie held out her hands in a gesture to be picked up, he smiled lightly to himself as he pulled her up into his arms, of course she wouldn't mind, afterall, he was like her brother. She was like his little sister. He frowned as an memory popped into his head without warning.

Little Alex's mum gently picked up her son's hand, placing it on her baby bump as she spoke to him joyfully, "Can you feel her kick Alex?" "No mummy, she likes me too much to k---" A kick made him gasp as his mum laughed at his expression, "She kicked me Mummy!" "It means she likes you Alex, she wants to see you" Little Alex grinned up at his mum, "Really?" She nodded and he looked at the bump with happiness radiating from him, he couldn't wait any longer to meet his new baby sister.

Alex came back to reality, frowning before Lillie looked up at him, "Alex?" She asked softly, a hidden 'are you ok?' in her tone. He shook himself mentally and gave her a fake smile, "You ready Cuddles?" She frowned at the fakeness of the smile but shrugged it off, she nodded as she clung to him a bit tighter and he looked over at Callie and Keanu as Lillie spoke, "Race you, first to Blaire wins..." She paused and stuck her tongue out, "..Slowpokes!" She grinned and Alex groaned, "Lillie! You're not actually the one flying here you know!" Right after he spoke he took off, showing that the race was still on. Lillie let out a light laugh as they sped along, her small weight slowing down Alex slightly.
Callie fixed her hair, waiting fir everyone else in the room to be done. She had just jumped into the air when she heard Lillie say something about a race. Her eyes widened. "Hey, no fair! You guys have a head start!" She yelled, smiling. She quickly sped after them. However, her 14 foot wings were designed more for speed, where Keanus were built for strength. Callie had caught up to Alex and Lillie in no time, start to pull ahead. She looked behind her, sticking her tongue out at the two. She giggled, and caught a good air current, boosting her speed even more.
Alex raised an eyebrow, "Oh it's on girl!" He shifted Lillie slightly and she helped - so that she laying on his back inbetween the space of his two wings, she ducked down so that the wind hit them more effectively, making them steam-lined. They sped up almost instantly and Alex followed in Callie's direction, catching the air current after she had. He quickly caught up to her but from then on they became almost even, one second him being infront then the next she was infront. It was close.

Lillie giggled as they caught up and she stuck her tongue out at Callie from the safety of inbetween Alex's wings, laying on his cool bare back, she didn't even notice it though. She actually quite liked laying like this, it strangely enough felt safer than being held and was more comfortable.
Callie giggled at Alex and Lillie, and then quickly surged forward again. They had to be pushing almost 100 miles per hour now. She flew higher, where more air current were. The race would be close though, either way. She flapped her wings hard, pulling them together every few seconds to glide. She could actually see Blaire in the distance. Of course she was still far away though, they all had amazing eye sight and she could easily focus her eyes on Blaires figure. She pushed forward more, checking to see where Alex was.
As she dived up Alex followed, hearing Lillie giggle once more and snuggle farther into him, keeping his back warm. He also knew it would be close, but at the speed they were going at they quickly approached Blaire. He desperately pushed forward, not feeling this free and child-like since he was actually a child. Callie was the first to land and reach Blaire and as Alex landed behind Callie - gripping Lillie gently so that she didn't fall - he smirked at her, his green eyes looking alive with adrenaline, "We'll get you next time Callie, right Cuddles?"

Lillie leapt down from his arms and nodded her head, "Yup! We sure will!" She turned to Callie and folded her little arms, grinning happily, "So you better watch out Missy!" Alex nodded in agreement, you could see his chest muscles moving as he tried to regain his normal pace of breathing, he wasn't panting, but that was tiring.
Blaire lifted a curious eyebrow when the rest if the Flock landed in front of her, wind streaked hair and giggling like mad, "Soooo... What's goin on, guys?" she quipped.
Callie landed next to Blaire, and has to run for a few minutes to keep herself from falling flat on her face. She looked over at Alex and Lillie, smiling. "I wouldn't count on it," She giggled, also breathing heavily to get her heart rate back to normal. She pit her hands on her hips. "You guys ready to go?" She asked, brushing her hair out of her face.

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