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Fandom Winged

Callie leaned in to Balire and Adrianna. "Bet they've never seen bird kids. Now THAT'S something worth staring at," She pointed out, walking around to the back of the building. She followed demitris lead, taking a running jump before popping her wings out. She almost had a heart attack when she heard some kid yell "Hey!" right as they got into the air, but sighed deeply in relief when she looked down to see the kid only arguing with another child.
Adrianna nodded and then got up. "I just don't like being where people can see me." She said following the others and then followed Demitri. She sighed her brother beside her as they both seemed to get quiet. Drake looked at Flower seening how she didn't have her hair up anymore.
Taking to the air, Blaire heard a kid's yell, it freaked her out enough to make her ascend twice as fast into the air. Once up and a safe distance above the city where they would be mistaken for regular birds, Blaire pointed out the hotel she had pillaged then suggested one a few blocks away. She stared hard at the window, struggling to see past the glare, to inside the rooms. Finally she found the perfect room, an young couple around their twenties were going out in club-formal attire, they wouldn't be back until the wee hours of the morning, granting them plenty of time for all of them to take turns showering--you know, except for Blaire. After Blaire's internal clock told her ten minutes had passed with no other sign of movement, she motioned for the others to follow her and she swooped in to the balcony. She tried the no with no such luck. Blaire stepped back and paced a bit, rubbing the back of her neck in thought before going back to the door. She had seen it once in a book while the flock stopped off at a library. Blaire took hold of the slidding door and popped it off the track, setting it aside, she motioned for the others to file in.
Drake grabbed the Hair tie from his sister's pocket and then pulled her back. "Hold still I like it better when you have your hair up." He said and then quickly put her hair up. "And quit hitting me with your wings!" He said and then flew back to the others once he was done.

Adrianna flew up next to him. "Unless you wanted me to fall I couldn't!" She sighed and then looked down. "Next time leave my hair alone." She said and looked to Blaire as if asking her what she thought. Adrianna had started to trust her.
Blaire looked over her shoulder to make sure the rest of the flock were following and saw that Adrianna had put her hair in a pony tail, she beamed. Adrianna was one of those people who could naturally pull off a ponytail--Blaire wasn't really one of those people though she did it anyway, but she admired those who could, "You look good," Blaire said earnestly, not wanting to over flatter her and make her feel uncomfortable in front of the others.
Callie watched Blaire work on getting into the hotel room. While blair thought of something, Callie sat on the roof of the hotel, on the look out. She saw the couple walk out into the parking lot, insuring that they were in the clear. Luckily the balcony of the room was right under her, so she only had to jump down. She quickly walked into the hotel room, ushering the rest of the flock inside. "Try and keep the showers under ten minutes. We have a lot of time, but you never know when a housekeeper might come in," She said, while walking over to the balcony door again and drawing the shades, just in case.
Adrianna and drake nodded as they waited for someone to step in first. Adrianna smiled and then looked down. Only then did she look up knowing that her hair wouldn't cover her face. Looking around again she sighed and then rubbed the back of her neck. The only thing about nt havin her hair down was that she couldn't hide.
"Adrianna should go first, since she was feeling a bit ill earlier," Blaire said. The room was more lavish than her last one, definitely a prime suite--nowhere near presidential bit it was twice the size of a regular room. Blaire spotted a little sign near the front door and went to cautiously put a "do not disturb" sign on the handle of the door which she would remove later. She slipped the door closed and turned to see an iPod hooked up to a speaker system. She went over and started flipping through songs with no intention of actually taking the device for herself--it would quickly die out anyways.
Adrianna looked at her and sighed. She walked to the bathroom and shut the door. As she turned on the water and stuck her hand in to check it the warm water made her smile. When she was as clean which was in 8 minutes, she walked out her hair was dry. Seeing hat she had fore power she dried it herself. It was whiter then ever before and still in a pony-tail. She seemed to have a bit of glow about her. Smiling for real her brother was shocked. He chuckled to himself as then looked around. "Should I go next?" he asked.
"Go ahead," Demitri said half heartedly. He was looking over Blaire's shoulder as she flipped to song after song while the iPod was still connected to the stereo, the songs skipping as they previewed before flipping to the next. Blaire finally settled on a light classical song of pianos and a mirage of string instruments. Blaire went over and flopped onto her back on the couch, taking up the whole thing. Demitri starred at her bogging the couch, then went over, pushed her legs off and sat on the end, kicking his legs up on the coffee table and stretched out.
While she waited for everyone to shower, Callie walked around the large suite. It seemed like these people had been a lot more smarter then 'Alexa,' because it took her longer to find the small safe that no doubt held at least some valuable things. She tried opening it, with no luck. If I was a number lock, it would have been easy to open. But if course, this one was a key lock. She laid her hand on the safe, getting some of the couples DNA registered in her body. Her tracking instinctive were kicking in now. She sighed, and concentrated on where else she felt the same DNA. of course she could sense it all over the room, so she decided to feel around for what might feel like a metal key, with the couples DNA. she ran her hands over the wooden dresser, and stopped. She could sense the key in one of the drawers. She took the key and went to work on the safe. She heard Drake ask if he could go, and she only nodded in response.
Drake smiled and rushed in. He shut the door behind him and then took his shower walking out. His hair was soaking wet. "Um Adrianna?" he asked as she walked up to him and heated his hair dry. He smiled and then stood there listening to the music. Adrianna sat on the floor before she knew it she the humming to the song. She loved music, and singing even though she would never admit it. Her voice was beautiful, but then as she noticed draje's stare she stopped. "um demitri seemed to want to go next." she said trying to focuss on something else.
Demitri nodded with a smile then leaped up. He got in the shower and stood there a few minutes as the hot water pounded against his back, almost burning his skin raw, but it felt so good. He finally shampooed and conditioned his hair, knowing Blaire would bug him about it later if she found out he didn't condition or something when he had the chance. After the max ten minutes he pulled himself out and threw on his pants. He toweled his hair then left it hang around his shoulders without a shirt on. He walked back into the living space, tousling a hand through his hair, his back, shoulders, and well built abs a bit pink after being scoured.
Adrianna looked at demitri and raise an eyebrow at how almost burned his skin looked. She didn't stare long not wanting to give him the imprestion she liked looking at him without a shirt on. She looked at the floor and sighed. Bored she rolled a light ball around of the floor. She glanced around as the ball of light rolled around. She rolled the ball to demitri by accident and then looked at him as if asking for him to kick it back to her.
Callie had the safe popped open in seconds, and was rummaging through it. She heard Demitri get out of the bathroom and she told Keanu to jump in without looking up from what she was doing. Keanu nodded, and quickly made his way into the bathroom. He turned the water on warm, since if he put it on too hot he would over heat himself. He took a quick shower, done in a little over five minutes. He came out in only a pair of shorts, his naturally light brown hair turning almost black from the water. He shook his head similar to that as a dogs, his hair finally settling flipped to the side. He didn't bother putting on a shirt. Callie laid out everything from the safe on the bed. "Ok we got a watch, a few rings, nine credit cards, and $325." She said outloud. She pulled out the stolen wallet, adding the credit cards and money to their stash. The jewelry she put back, they didn't really need those. She looked up. "I guess it's my turn?" Keanu nodded at her, his hair starting to drip again.
Demitri carefully kicked the ball of light back to Adrianna with the toe of his foot. He then plopped down under the speaker system, closer to the music he loved so much, he closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, "Callie, Keanu, Alex, and Lillie still need to go," he said redundantly to no one in particular. Blaire went over to Callie who was searching for something, "What'cha lookin for?"
Adrianna continued to roll her ball of light around sighing deeply at the mention of Alex. She continued to play with her light making it change colors. She looked at everyone. Then looked down as she messed around with her light. She smiled and rolled onto her back her arms near her head as she made the light float around above her. She smiled and giggled making it turn into shapes and animals. She looked at everyone for a second and then continued.
((ignore that last part)) Blaire got up from the couch to see what Callie was laying out over on the bed. She noticed Keanu and mentally asked herself what was up with guys that made them want to walk around partially naked--girls didn't walk around wearing bras. She concluded that boys were weird. Blaire looked over Callie's shoulder at the bedspread, realizing it was the contents of the small safe from the closet. As Callie left for the bathroom Blaire said to her, "I think we're best off just 'borrowing' the money and leaving the rest alone,"
Callie closed the door behind her once in the bathroom, and turned the water heat up. She stood in the showernfor a minute, just letting the water run over her. It always felt so good when she could take an actual shower. She quickly washed her body and then her hair, which took a little longer because of the length. After she was done, she quickly dried off and pulled on the skirt, tank top and jacket she had bought earlier. She checked herself out in the mirror, seeing that she didn't really look like herself. She looked older, and more girly, which was kind of the point. She walked out of the bathroom, and looked at Keanu who rose his eyebrows. "Don't ask, it's part of how we're all going to get into this dance club tonight." She explained to Keanu, though she was telling everyone. She frowned, tugging at the end of the skirt. She didn't under stand why girls liked these so mich.
Demitri shoot to his feet, "US, going clubbing?!" he said astounded, so far Blaire had not mentioned it to anyone and tried to keep it low key. Demitri jumped and pumped his fist, "Hell yes!" He then threw on his shirt and jacket, finally seeing why Blaire had pushed them all into the shopping spree.
Adrianna just had a white jacket with a white tiger on it. She liked white tigers probably because they are very different from normal orange tigers. She sighed and stood up. "Is that suck a good idea?" she grabbed her arm and looked down. "You are really pushing my comfort zone here..." she sighed deeply not known what to do anymore this group was just pushing her and she was scared.
Once Callie had left the shower he got a waft of her flowery scent as she walked past him, he smiled rather lightly and took in her appearance, loving how luscious her hair looked right now. He quickly moved his gaze away before anyone caught him staring too long and looked down at Lillie - who was looking at all the things in the room. "Hey Cuddles?" He called over to her and she lifted her head sharply, "Yeah Alex?" "Do you wanna go next?" Lillie looked at the bathroom and frowned, biting her lip a little bit, "Umm...you go first Alex.." She quickly covered up what seemed to be her nervousness about the shower by grinning at him, "You stink so much you should have gone first!" Alex rolled his eyes and Lillie stuck her tongue out at him, she turned back to the picture she had been looking at and Alex strolled into the bathroom. He shut the door and as he climbed into the shower and let the beautifully warm water run over his body he sighed in relief, it felt nice to relax, even if it was for only 10 minutes. He quickly washed his hair and body before leaving the shower within only 7 minutes, once he got out he made all the water that clung to his skin fly back into the shower and down the drain, leaving his body and hair dry. He walked out of the bathroom, dressed in his new dark jeans and purple v-neck top as his hair looked like it had been given life once more. He looked up at the others and noticed Lillie was gone. He frowned and looked around, "Guys..where's Lillie?"
Adrianna got up and looked around. "I don't know." she looked at Alex and then looked away almost instantly. She barily tolerated his presence. As she looked around she sighed deeply and then looked at drake who shrugged. He sighed himself still seeing his sister be reluctant to have anything to do with Alex who seemed to be her friend. Adrian ignored his saddened look almost giving back a glare. "can't you just talk to her in her head and find out!" she said very snappy. She took a step back knowing she snapped. "um sorry."
Alex's eyes hardened as she snapped at him and he snapped back, "Don't you think I tried that within the first few seconds? She's blocked me out." He looked around the room and as she said sorry he sighed lightly and rubbed his head, "I just get worried with her..." He muttered, his way of saying 'it's alright and I'm sorry too' he then looked around once more and his eyes landed on Callie, "Where's she gone? She couldn't have been taken...we're all here?" His eyes are filled with worry and he looks around again.

Lillie sits in the dark, shaking a little bit as the clothes around her envelope her, hiding her from anyone who opens the cupboard she is hiding in. Lillie, ever since that one time at the school, has an irrational fear of showers. She was now hiding in the lady's cupboard to try and get out of having one, yes she needs one, yes it would be nice to smell good, but she was just too scared of the others calling her a baby for being frightened. It might not be as bad if someone helped her, but the lady guards used to make fun of her on the rare times they would take her to shower, so now she was scared to ask someone. Although she knew Callie, Blaire and even Adrianna would never make fun of her like that.
Adrianna sighed and just sat down. "..." She crossed her arms reluctant to help him now. She sighed and hugged her knees setting her head ontop of them. She was just a mean girl in her mind. Sometimes she acted like t but she really was nice. She sighed and looked at the ground.

Drake saw her reaction to the whole thing and shook his head. "Stop it with the self pitty before I knock you upside the head!" He saied and grabbed her arm forcing her up. "You really our selfish you know that...but you're certainly not the bully you think you are." He said and then glared. "Yes I know that look on your face to well." He added and then looked around. "Is there a reason she would want to hide?" He asked and then released his sister who was furrious at him now.

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