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Fandom Winged

(Hey guys, just letting you know I'm trying a new thing to distinguish my characters, basically, pink dialogue is Lillie and blue is Alex xD )

Alex regretted his tone being so sharp - for it made Callie jump - but he couldn't do anything about it now. He nodded as a thanks and turned to look at Lillie who had turned the picture back around and was frowning at it. She looked up at Alex and spoke in a small voice, "Why is there a picture of you here Alex?" He looked down at her and bit his lip, he so badly wanted to snap, to be cold and push her away from his feelings. But he couldn't. Anyone else and he would have been fine with it, but Lillie....he couldn't be mean to Lillie. "Because I used to live here with my parents Lils.." You could tell he was struggling to speak the words from the way his teeth were gritted and how he was avoiding eye contact. Lillie's eyes widened and she looked at him, "You had a mummy and daddy?" He nodded and Lillie very gently held out the picture to Alex, noticing his unwillingness to talk, "Here you go Alex. You look cute in this picture, very happy." She smiles at him and as he takes the picture and makes eye contact he manages a very weak smile. Lillie looks over at the others and grips Alex's hand in a sign of support, "Let's go, it's almost morning time!" She grins at them all, trying to cheer up the unhappy atmosphere.
Callie waited for Alex and Lillie, smiling at the two. She knew how much Lillie cared for Alex, and how much Alex cared for Lillie. She waited for them to finish talking, and then turned to the rest of the flock that was there. "Ready?" She asked, standing at the top of the stairs. Keanu followed Callie out of the room. When she asked if they were ready, he nodded silently.
Blaire awoke that morning around nine o clock. She yawned, and felt kind of clammy. Blaire remembered it had been a while since she had washed. She brainstormed a bit, thinking of a solution and finally thought of a decent one. Silently she got up and took off from the building, silent as a whisper. She landed on the balcony of a suite near the top of a hotel. From far away she had scoped out the rooms until she found the right one. Through the cracks in the window coverings she saw a middle aged couple around their late thirties. Blaire landed on the edge of the large balcony next to the window where the curtains bunched together on that end so they didn't see her. There was a bottle of wine left out on a table on the balcony and Blaire guessed they had been out their last night drinking in. When she heard the couple leave for breakfast Blaire waited exactly five minutes before trying the sliding door, as she expected, it was open. The two probably were too tipsy to remember to lock it anyhow. Blaire tiptoed inside, making sure not to touch anything. She went in the bathroom and took a quick hot shower, though she wanted to take much longer Blaire didnt want to risk the couple coming back early and finding her there....jeeze, she didn't want to even think of it.... Someone had already taken a shower that morning so it wouldn't look suspicious that water was clinging to the shower curtain. After shampooing and conditioning her hair, Blaire finally got out feeling an absolute pure freshness, her her skin back to full moisture--it absorbed so fast she barely had to dry off. Her internal clock said she had been in the shower exactly seven and a had minutes--not even enough for the couple to get down to the lobby and order a cup of coffee--so Blaire took up the hair dryer the woman had left on the counter, and began to dry her shoulder length dark brown hair. When Blaire was finished, she replaced all the items where she found them exactly and left the bathroom with silky shiny hair and a content smile on her face. On her way out she looked at the couple's things--they were definitely well-off fromthe look of the woman's expensive clothing and the perfume on the dresser. Blaire couldnt resist and gave herself a tiny squirt, subtle enough. Blaire then noticed the man's wallet, chewing on her lip in contemplation. She began to hear voices in the hallway; two voices, a man and a woman, it had been about forty five minutes. Their was a click and a jiggle of the handle and the door opened. The couple stepped inside, woman gasped, "Oh no!" she cried, and her hands flew to her mouth, "I forgot my purse downstairs!" Meanwhile, Blaire was soaring off through the air, quick to the unfinished building, the man's money stashed in her pocket, it was easily a couple hundos, Blaire smirked in smug satisfaction, she had gotten out just in time to drop off of the ledge without them seeing her. She came to an abrupt stop in the archway of the floor the flock was sleeping on, "Morning everyone," she said brightly.
Adrianna sighed deeply and walked out. She didn't want to fly however she did going back to where they were staying. She watched below her and stared. She was busy with her own thoughts. She wasn't paying much attention to anything.
Callie started to stir at Blairs voice. She groaned in her sleep, and in a few more minutes opened her eyes. She flipped over to her back, and stretched her arms up into the air. "Morning," She mumbled, rubbing her eyes. She looked over at Blair and rose an eyebrow. She looked clean. "Did you shower?" Callie asked, now sitting up. Keen started to awaken at all of the voices. "Shut upppppp," He mumbled into his sleeping bag. He was soon hit by Callies shoe though, and he raised his head. His hair was sticking out at different angles. "Ow!" He complained, glaring at Callie.
Adrianna was already up and looked as if she was thinking. She oveously was still effected by what happened yesterday but at least she had calmed down. She didn't get much sleep if any. She looked very running down and her running last night had caused her to get a slight cold. Shivering a bit she wasn't well at all.
Alex listened as everyone slowly began to wake up. He had awoken about an hour ago already, even before Blaire had left, he couldn't sleep after all that had happened. He was just thankful that no-one had mentioned it. He sighed and pulled himself up so that his back was against the wall and he was sitting upright, his knees pulled up lazily. He looked around at them all quietly, smiling the tiniest bit as he noticed how naturally beautiful Callie looked in the morning, her hair still tousled from her sleep. The smile soon left his face though and he looked down at Lillie as he felt her arms wrap around him, her voice a sing-song as she hugged him, "Mornnninggggg Alexxxx!" She grinned up at him and he grinned just a little bit, he ruffled her hair and he spoke, "Morning Cuddles." Even though he was speaking how he normally would, you could tell something was off in his tone, his mind still on other things.
Blaire laughed in an irritatingly good mood, "No, I just wrestled a pig at the Central Park Petting Zoo." she said sarcastically. Blaire went over to Demitri and knocked on his forehead with her knuckleds, "Good morning, sunshine! The earth says hello!" Demitri groaned in response, "Tell it to leave a message then..." then swatted at her hands that were no longer in front of her face, "It's too early to be cheerful," Blaire rolled her eyes, but still smiled, "Most people wake up at nine. It's ten," Demitri pouted, she was just keeping him talking as a strategy to get him awake, "We're not normal," "Yep, but we get up every morning nonetheless,"
Callie was now up completely. She stretched her wings out for a second, stretching them out before pulling them back in. She ran her fingers through her tousled hair, not finding any nots. She was always a sound sleeper. "I think we should walk around the city today," She said, to no one in particular. Keanu sat up in his sleeping bag, and was currently trying to sort out his messy morning hair. "Sounds good to me." He said, responding to Callie.
Blaire stomach groaned demandingly. Since she had the money, Blaire decided to get everyone breakfast, "I'll be back in a few," she said aloud, not sure if anyone was really listening and then taking off once again. Blaire sprinted, at the higher risk of being seen. She landed near the outskirts of N.Y.C. in a town called Mont Claire and bought four breakfast sandwiches for each of them, except for Lillie, which she got only two for. In the end she had about 30 sandwiches, she used the excuse that she was working in an internship for some fancy company she noticed on her way into the town. Blaire took off again from behind the locally owned fast food place and set off for 'home'. When she got back she started passing out sandwiches.
Drake was looking over Adrianna. "I don't think she is in good shape to do that...appearently her lack of sleep and that running around last night has left her with a cold." He said making her lay down. "She should rest for a while." He said looking a callie. "Not to mention her lack of paying any attention to anyone. She seems to be cought up in thought today." He said.

Adrianna looked at him and then sat up. She didn't say anything but just glared. When she tried to get up he made her lay back down.

Drake forced her back down. "NO! Rest now!" He yelled at her and gave her his blanket. He covered her up and then looked at Callie. "One good thing about being a boy is you don't have to worry about hair." He laughed and then watched as Adrianna was already alseep again. "For once she listened to me." He smiled happy.
Blaire grinned at the idea, it was what she'd been waiting for--to explore the vast and exciting new city, "So should we break off into groups and rendezvous at central park sometime in the day?" Blaire asked.
Lillie leapt up from her place in excitement, she was already somehow dressed and her hair looked brushed - like most 5 year olds she had woken up hours ago - she tugged at Alex's hand and tried to pull him up from the floor, "Come on Alex! Get dressseddd! We're going to the city!" She grinned in delight and Alex groaned much like Demitri had, "Cuddles, can't I just stay here?" She let go of his hand and placed her palms on her hips, looking down at him like an irratated mother, "Alexius. You are coming with us even if you don't want to!" She scolded him like a child and his eyes widened, "Lillie! Please don't call me Alexius!" She giggled at his whining voice, "Why not, Alexius?" He folded his arms and looked away, muttering something, Lillie cupped her ear in a funny way, "What did you say Alexius?" He mumbled a bit louder this time, loud enough for the others in the room to hear, "It's embarrassing..." She giggled once more and held her hand, "Then get up Mister." He sighed and pulled himself up from the floor, "Wow....beaten by a 5 year old." He muttered to himself disapprovingly as he reached through his backpack for some clothes, Lillie grinned and turned to look at the others with triumph on her face, checking they were getting ready aswell.
Callie frowned, she didn't want to leave Adrianna behind. "Well..." She taped her chin, thinking. "What if we went in groups? So that way Adrianna wont be alone. Half of us can go now, and the other half can go later." She said, while rummaging through her bag looking for some decent clothes to wear. Keanu had already disappeared upstairs to change. A few minutes later, he came back down, fully dressed.
Drake nodded. "I will go later then..." He said and looked at his sister. "The poor girl....You want to know exactly what happened the day we lost our parents?" He said takking a look at her hand. She was far to tired to notice. He set it back down and then put her hair from her face so it didn't get into her mouth. "A man came in to rub some stuff and shot our parents. Adrianna beeing the older one got in front of me. He grabbed her by her neck and told her not to say anything about him being there. Adrianna intintivly blasted him with light, he went in front of a moving car and then got killed. You know I think that might have something to do with her anger problem." He said and sighed deeply. "Well, she always was quiet after that. Of course killing the rubber seemed like self difence to me but she always beat herself up about it. After seven she just stopped talking almost all together. She really liked seven." He said and then relized he was blabbing on. "Um sorry." He said rubbing the back of his head in embarrasment.
Blaire looked down at her clothes, she didn't have any winter clothes, and had resorted to wearing black tights underneath a pair of black shorts as well as a hoodie. She definitely needed to shop--and hey, girls love to shop so any excuse was good enough. But she also wanted to go in the evening when shoppers started flooding the streets, and she knew that Demitri would drag her out to a dance club as soon as the sun dropped; Blaire began to think about what Keanu said about dancing, that would make her tolerate Demitri and his weird infatuation with showing off his dancing. "I'll go in the later group, towards the evening, I've already been out slightly today, you guys can go," Blaire spoke up.
Callie listened to Drakes story quietly. "Wow, thats awful." She commented, before nodding, finally picking out her clothes for the day. It was just a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt. She would have to remember to pick up sone heavier clothes while they were out. "Ok, so it looks like Me, Alex, and Lillie will go now, and Blair, Demitri, Drake, and Keanu will go later." She thought out loud. "And if Adrianna feels better, she can go later too. Does that sound good?" She asked everyone, looking from face to face. Keanu was leaning against the wall, listening quietly for once. He nodded. "Fine with me."
Blaire smiled, "Sounds good to me," Demitri was pretending to have a thumbwrestling contest with himself to emphasize the fact that he was bored, he glanced up then did a double take after his left thumb squashed his right, "Yeah, baby, Leftie wins again!" he blinked, "Wha?-Oh. Sure. Cool beans." Demitri looked around, "Now, if you need me, I'll be off playing in the arcade room," He turned on his heel and went over to the opposite wall and pretended to play an old fashion up-right arcade game.
Adrianna slightly opened her eyes. She looked to Demitri and slowly lifted her head trying to see what he was doing. Drake however made her lay her head down. She looked at drake and then at Demitri. Drake shugged and then sighed looking out.
Keanu rose an eyebrow at Demitri, and glanced at Blair. He quickly mouthed the words 'is he ok' and nodded his head in Demitirs direction. He was joking obviously, since he himself was bored out of his mind.
Blaire rolled her eyes at her brother, trying to keep a grin from her face but failing miserably. She giggled as Demitri called out to no one out of boredom, "I'll take an orange soda," then threw out his arms as he pretended he lost, "To go, Jeeves, this will be a long day," Blaire looked back at Keanu, "I don't even know sometimes..." she whispered.

((Dance, is it okay if they double up on their group outings, so we don't idle waiting when each group goes? So we save time?))
Keanu actually laughed at Demitri. That boy sure did have an over active imagination. He looked back at Blair, a smirk on his face. "Aren't you lucky, you get to have him for a brother," He teased, and lightly flicked her forehead while walking by her. He stood infront of the big window, looking down at the busy city. He couldn't wait to hurry up and go. ((Sure))
Adrianna pushed drake away. She got up and went into another room to get ready. Once she had gotten dressed and her hair was brushed she put it up in a pony tail with was rare for her. When she walked out her face not hidden drake was surprised. "Yep Adrianna could be sicker then I thought." he said and Adrianna glared at him.

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