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Fandom Winged

Callie listened to Alex, while twirling a piece of her hair around her finger. "I know how you feel. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost Keanu. Or anyone from The Flock for that matter, since you guys are the only family I have." She said quietly, resting her chin on her knees. She heard Adrianna, but only thought it was the wind. She was quiet for a few seconds. "Do you think we should get back to the flock?" She asked, turning her head to look at him. If the flock hadn't woken up yet, they probably would soon.
Alex nodded, speaking, "Yeah we should." Strangely enough, after talking to Callie he felt a bit better, maybe it was good sometimes to share problems, it made you feel almost as if a weight was lifted from your shoulders. As they stood up he paused and looked around once more at his old room. A longing gaze filling them as he mentally said goodbye to it. He then turned back to Callie and frowned, "Callie, how did you know this was my house?"
Drake got up glaring at her and stretched out his back which was hurt. He stood behind Adrianna trying to talk to her but she didn't. Sudden she was as silent as ever wanting to be alone she tried to get Drake to go away. She stood up again and turned to him when he ran away fearing she would throw him to a wall again. Adrianna faced the corner and once again sat down.
Callie stood up slowly, yawning. She stretched, and then looked around the room as well. "There's pictures downstairs in the living room on top of the fireplace. I saw one with you and your parents." She answered, finding it now hard to keep her eyes open. She hadn't slept in nearly two days, and it was starting to catch up to her.
His eyes widened at the mention of a picture. He then noticed her tiredness and chucked, he walked closer to her and rather elegantly swept one arm under the back of her knees and the other underneath her neck, picking her up in a princess carry. "You tired?" He smiled at her and began walking out of the room and back down the stairs. He walked into the living room and quickly - hoping she wouldn't notice - swiped up the picture of him and his parents. Slipping it into a pocket of his backpack. He opened the front door, closed it, looked around and took of once the coast was clear, beginning to fly back to the Flock while still carrying her, smirking lightly.
Callie squealed when she was suddenly picked up off the ground. She wrapped her arms around Alex's neck loosely to keep her from falling. She giggled, absentmindedly snuggling her head into his chest. She was too tired to notice Alex pick up the picture, and clung tighter to Alex when they started flying. She never realized how scary it was when someone was carrying you hundreds of feet above the ground. It didn't last long though, because within minutes she was sound asleep.
(Haha, just got an image of Alex landing back in the unfinished building where The Flock is and Keanu seeing him snuggling his sister and being like, 'Yo! What you doing holding ma' sister man?!?!?" xD )

When Callie snuggled further into his chest Alex felt his cheeks heat up and he mentally scolded himself. Boys don't blush. He felt Callie's breathing slow down and become steady, flicking his eyes down to her and noticing her closed eyes and slightly parted lips as she slept soundly. He tightened his hold on her for safety reasons although he couldn't admit to himself that it was because he liked having her so close, it felt nice. It felt real. Like it was meant to be. He landed back at the Flock's temporary 'base' and took a quick sweep of the room, seeing a lot of them asleep. He looked down and a small smile appeared on his face as he looked at the sleeping Callie, he then looked up and saw a 'bed' for Callie set up next to Keanu. He walked over and gently placed Callie on the bed, his eyes flicking to Keanu as he said rather simply, "She fell asleep." He walked over to his 'bed' and lay down on it, laying on his back and staring right up.
Adrianna heard Alex and suddenly flinched and tried to keep silent. She tensed up even more, she looked down seeing a bit of a few drops of water on the floor. She wiped her eyes and shook her head her wings hidding everything...hopfully. She let out a sigh.
(Haha I did too! xD )

Keanu opened his eyes at the sound of someone landing in the building. He figured it was Alex and Callie, but wasn't expecting Alex to be holding his sister. At first he was suspicious, and then worried, and then back to suspicious. "Where did you guys go?" He asked, propping himself up on his elbows. He glanced down at his sister, who was sound asleep.
Alex shrugged in response to Keanu's question, his guard back up and his cold deamour back in place. It kinda helped that he disliked Keanu quite a bit anyway, they just had a bad first impression of each-other and their personalities clashed slightly. He didn't even bother to pull himself up and look at Keanu, shutting himself off from the others again as he spoke without tone or expression in his voice, "Nowhere dangerous." Was his rather simple reply, he wanted to say 'None of your business' but Keanu was Callie's brother and he couldn't be that much of a bas**rd since his sister was his business.
(I feel bad for Adrianna right now. lol Poor poor adrianna)

Drake poked Adrianna. "Don't you think you should go to bed-" Adrianna turned around and blasted him back. She looked at him and held her head frustrated. She walked to the eage of the place and then flew down to the ground annoyed.

Drake got up and stretched out. "Man she's ticked about something...." He said and looked around hoping no one woke up and sighed laying down against a wall and sighed. "I give up." He said to himself and tried to sleep.
Keanu rolled his eyes and laid his head back down, still on his stomach. "Find that hard to believe." He mumbled, staring at the blank wall in front of him. For whatever reason, he just didn't like Alex very much. Maybe it was because he was just protective of his sister, or because of how different their attitudes were. Either way, he didn't like him.
Alex glared up at the partially finished ceiling and spoke, a hint of annoyance now in his tone, "Well you shouldn't, it's true." As he heard the beating of wings he turned his head to the slightest to see Adrianna now flying off, he frowned, where was she going? He pulled himself up slightly so that he was sitting up and looked at where she had taken off from. He turned back to look at Drake and then sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he once again looked back at the space, he wondered why she had just taken off like that, didn't she know the trackers could be anywhere?
Adrianna started running hiding her wings. She didn't care anymore. She sighed panted and then leaned against a tree. She looked down angry at herself. She sighed and sat down under it. Everytime she gets close to someone something happens. She leaned back on the tree and closed her eyes breathing heavily.
Keanu made a "pft" sound, but dropped it at that. He didn't feel like fighting now. He as well raised his head once again when he hear Adrianna leave. Looking around, he saw Drake. "Do you know where she's going?" He thought about telling Callie, but she had just fallen asleep and he didn't want to wake her. He frowned, looking at where Adrianna had left.
Drake looked at him and sighed. "I don't know something is wrong....she's very upset about something." He sighed deeply. "But I've been thrown across the room enough...I'm not going after that brat. She can take care of herself." He said angry. He sighed again. "Plus she hurt my back."
Alex felt anger ripple through him and he stood up, "She's your sister. Whether she's a 'brat' or not you should be more concerned about her getting taken by some tracker." He paused and said something he didn't even mean to say, "You should be thankful you even have a sister Drake." With that he took off, looking around for Adrianna as he followed the direction she appeared to head in, almost smashing his head against the concrete as he regretted what he said about the having a sister part. He needed to stop giving so much away, he was getting worse and worse.
Drake growled. "I rather not have a sister if she keeps hurting me everytime she gets mad." He got up and then looked out thinking if she's as mad as she looked it would be hopless to get her back here. He sighed and then looked around. "I highly dout he'll get her back here without a few cuts. She looked really mad."

Adrianna started running again. She was tired but she didn't care, she didn't want to be near anyone at the moment. She sighed and looked up at the sky. She looked down and then kept moving on the ground not figuring they'd be looking for her in the sky. If they even noticed.
Keanu rose his eyes brows at Alex. Why did he care so much about Drake calling his sister a brat? He called Callie one all the time. Of course, he also didn't know about Alex loosing his unborn sister and all. "Damn." He said, breaking the momentary silence. He looked outside, seeing the sun start to peak through. It wouldn't be long before the whole flock woke up.
Alex sighed and looked around, having no luck - and with the increasing worry of trackers bugging at him - he flew up into the sky and quickly scanned the area. He saw Adrianna running for dear life but he watched and there was no tracker behind or around her, maybe she was just sad or something. He sighed and darted down from the sky, landing infront of Adrianna and causing her to stop as he held out his hands. Hoping she would listen and stop, or else he was gonna get flattened like a pancake. He once again wondered why she was so angry and decided against peeking into her mind, everyone needed privacy.
Adrianna saw Alex and stopped. She suddenly felt pain inside and then her eyes started to water. She tried to run pass him not wanting him to see what she was thinking. She didn't want to see him ether. She looked down not wanting to see her crying. She thought she cried to much anyways. In front of him too.
Callie started stirring at all of the commotion, and within a few minutes was wide awake. She was still tired though, since she had only slept about an hour. "What? Whats going on?" She asked, sitting up. She immediately noticed the loss of Alex, and Adrianna. Keanu sighed, and rubbed his eyes. "Adrianna freaked out about something, and left. Alex went after her." He said simply, leaning against the wall. Callie nodded slowly, and felt some kind of feeling in her. She then realized what it was, jealousy. She tried to push the feeling away.
As there was a tap of someone landing in the building, Blaire woke slightly in a state of semi-awareness. Her 'Spidy-senses' hadn't detected a threat, so it was a member of the flock, she was also pretty tired. However, as yelling erupted, it jogged Blaire into enough conciencness (can't spell) to sit up partially and blink with heavy eyes. Without thinking she reached out and touched Keanu's arm almost in comfort, as her brain wasn't functioning yet and she was confused. Her skin was returning to it's normal hydration, however the air was somewhat dry and cool so her skin was smooth. "What's going on?" she asked softly.
Keanu jumped at the hand resting on his arm, but then realized it was only Blaire. He looked over at her. "Callie and Alex went out for a fly or whatever and then they came back but Adrianna was super pissed about something. So she flew off and Alex followed her. They still haven't come back." He explained simply. He still had his "I just woke up voice," and was still tired.
Blaire nodded slightly, and yawned hugely, then nodded again. Her fingertips ran down his arm, as her arm lazily fell on its way back to the hem of her sleeping bag, too tired to pick it up. She secretly enjoyed how firm his biceps were, though she hadn't done it on purpose. Blaire yet again and propped herself on one elbow, she spoke softly, "Do you think they'll be okay?" Another smaller yawn. Blaire wasn't really worried. New York was an absolutly huge city, and she knew for a fact Adrianna and Alex could handle themselves, especially if they were angry.

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