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Fandom Winged

"Keep close," she cocked an eyebrow, then angled up in the air, flying vertical for about twelve hundred before letting herself coast until she ran out of momentum. Blair was actually stationary in the sky for about two seconds before she began to fall, she tucked in her wings slightly so they were at a six foot span, and she fell spread eagle--like a flying squirrel, her surface area breaking some of the fall going not so fast that her face melted off, but faster than a roller coaster.
Keanu followed Blair, and watches she started falling. After she was down far enough, he went. He faced in the direction of the ground, tucking his wings in closer to his body to gain speed. He fell for a few seconds, before the ground was in clear view. He snapped his wings back out, around three feet above the ground.
Blair could see everything, even from far up in the air, but it was a thrill to fall, even leisurely, watching everything go into a high resolution zoom. Her dark hair trailed behind her as she marveled at the land, even at night the trees and their shadows rocked in the slight wind, the surface of the lake rippled and reflected the moonlight into the under canopy of the trees in watery twinkling shadows. She sighed and threw out her wings at the last second, she pulled out of her high velocity dive feeling like a Bird of Prey. She arched up soaring around in the sky.
(I'm back!)

Alex, Callie and Adrianna had reached the park, Alex looked around in confusion. Oh god, he knew this park. He knew it so well. He frowned and looked up as the man stood infront of him, Callie and Adrianna. He stared at Alex curiously, Alex snapped. "What? What is it? Why do you keep looking at me like that!" His fists were clenched as he stepped closer to the man, he knew this park so well that it frightened him and this man giving him that look just added to his fear, but when Alex gets scared, he usually gets mad. The man gave him a funny stare and then his eyes widened, "I know where I've seen you before! You're Jenny and Daniel's Alex!" At the mention of his parent's names, Alex froze, his body tensing. The man had a look, as if he was starting to regret something as he frowned at Alex, "What happened to you kid? You used to be so happy and chatty, you never stopped smiling." Alex fists were clenched and his muscles tensed, but his eyes were wide, "It's none of your business." He spoke through clenched teeth, how dare this man reveal everything infront of Callie and Adrianna? The man sighed, "I'm sorry kid." As he spoke a few others who looked like trackers walked up beside him. Oh crap, we can't use our powers, we're in public. The trackers were dressed as police, they were obviously going to act like the kids had drugs in their possession or that they had just vandalized something.
Adrianna didn't like this one bit. She looked down going quiet again. SHe didn't care about how Alex use to be. She looked so scared and tried to not react in a bad way. She hid her face with her hair again.
Lillie was scared and upset; Alex was gone and Blair had vanished. She lay in her hammock and hid her face as she started to sob silently. But you could see her small body shaking, she knew something was wrong with Alex. She didn't even know how she knew, they weren't even related, but they were so close it almost like she could tell how he was feeling without even being there. All she could think of was the school and what they might do if they catch Alex again, how would he cope? Even when they were at the school in their different rooms Alex and Lillie used to communicate through Telepathy. She was crying so hard that her head began to hurt but she still couldn't stop, she felt so worried and frightened.
Drake found Lillie and put his hand on her shoulder. He looked upset as well. "Hey...." He looked at her and watched. He was just as upset woundering why Adrianna went with them.
Blair froze, her wings stoped flapping and she coasted, she forgot about taking care of Lillie. She cursed to herself, she was so not used to the whole taking care of kids thing. Blair dove down to camp, she landed on a tree branch and saw Lillie in her hammock shaking. She sat down and gently pulled Lillie into her lap, she stroked her hair twice then rubbed her back between her small sky blue wings, "It's gonna be okay, honey" she said, concerned and feeling terribly gulity about forgeting her duty to look after the child.
Callie listened to Alrx and the man talk back and fourth. She raised an eyebrow, clearly confused at how they knew eachother. She didn't have time to talk o think for long though, before a few trackers appeared. She was about to beat the crap out of them, but then remembered that they were in public. She sighed, defeated. She couldn't even let the rest of the flock know what was happening. Keanu flew after Blair, not asking why. He kind of already knew why she had left so quickly. When they got back to camp, Keanu sat on the branch above Lillies hamock.
Rosa shook her head as she listened to Demetri, "I wish you guys hadn't split up but I get why you had to," Rosa quickly. The soft sounds of someone crying grabbed her attention but before she could even locate the sound people were already moving to find Lillie. She turned back to face Demetri, "Should we go help?" she asked.
Demitri looked down and saw Lillie crying in Blair's arms and Keanu on the branch above them, he shook his head, "No, it's taken care of, I don't want to smother her, she's already overwhelmed." He didn't like seeing kids cry, it made him sad.
Alex was so furious at the man, first he had talked about his parents then trapped them by leading them to the trackers? He glared at the man and if looks could kill, he'd be dead. He spoke angrily, spitting his words out, "You fu**ing bastard." Rain began to pour from the sky but thankfully it looked slightly normal as it rained everywhere, but it was Alex's temper that sparked it. People began to squeal at the rain and the man shook his head, tutting, "Alex, Alex, Alex, what happened to you? Lots of people lose their parents at a young age, no need to be so damn rude." The rain pelted down even harder, the noise loud as it hit the ground, "Don't talk about them." He stepped closer to the man and the trackers bristled slightly, ready to leap at him at any second. The man raised an eyebrow at Alex, "Why not? They were great people, don't you want to remember them Alex? Remember how loving they were towards you?" He paused, smirking as he knew Alex couldn't do anything to him in public, plus the trackers were here, "You remember how they died right? In that fatal car crash. Both of them....gone forever." Alex was growing so furious it seemed impossible as his eyes shot daggers at the man, venom in his voice, "Shut up." The man was enjoying this now, Alex's incessant swearing had irritated him and now he watched with thrill as Alex became more and more angry, "It must have hurt so much, especially since your unborn sister was on her way." Alex's eyes widened; he had forgotten, completely and utterly forgotten. The man noticed and the rain let up slightly as Alex's fury died down to be replaced with a terrible feeling of sadness, "You didn't know? Surely you must have Alex, she was 32 weeks gone." He glared at the man, "I was 5. Things like 'Mummy's bump' tend to slip your mind when your being shoved into social care." His eyes flicked to Callie and they widened, she knew. She knew about him. Hopefully she wouldn't bring it up...if they survived this, or maybe if he was extremely lucky, maybe she hadn't been listening. He sighed as the trackers advanced, shouting stuff about 'anything you say may be held against you' he knew that he couldn't use his powers anymore than he had, people were around. 'Lillie. Tell Keanu and Blair..that the trackers have got us. And to look after everyone.....I'm sorry.' He sent a quick message to Lillie as handcuffs clipped onto his wrists.

Lillie looked up at Blair, her eyes wide as she recieved the message, tears still in her eyes and a red puffyness around them, "Callie, Adrianna and Alex are in trouble!" Sniffing as she tried to stop the tears.
Adrianna's eyes widened and she looked at Alex. "H-he lost his parents too..." She shook off her hair and looked at Alex. "....."
Rosa nodded watching the scene above their heads suddenly the crying stopped and Lillie tried to say something. "Wait she just heard something from Alex," she whispered standing up on the branch beside Demetri. Swaying for a moment Rosa eventually gained her balance and she tried to hear what the child was saying.
Callies eyes widened at what the man said, her jaw dropping. Alexs parents...he wasn't put up for adoption like the others. He had a family that loved him. "Alex..." She began, her voice so weak that she didn't even think he could hear her. And then the part with his unborn sister. She felt like she was being punched in the stomach. And for once, there was nothing she could do. She just followed the trackers, as the rain drenched her. Keanu's head snapped up. "What?" He said at Lillies words, now standing on the ground. "Why? Where are they? Are they hurt?" He was asking too many questions, and they all came out too fast.
"Keanu." Blair said without removing her eyes from Lillie's, there was fear in her voice and she froze as the thing she had feared became reality; it was a trap. She had been right, they all had, it was a horrible idea to let them go off on their own. Blair's eyes flickered in the direction of the restraunt where the rest of the flock would be in the park, even in the dark she could see the clouds that had been thickening where now looming and gray, heavy with rain. A few moments later the rain hit them, it was more of a drizzle but it only encouraged the strickening mood hanging ominously in the air. Blair softly wiped away the tears under Lillie's eyes with the back of her hand. Blair realized that this scared Lillie more than all of them, she was still young though she was so intelligent. Blair she stroked her hair again, "We'll figure something out, we will get them back. I promise," Blair soothed and forced a small smile on her face.
Lillie tried to stop her crying, but her voice shook as she spoke, "Alex! I can't leave Alex alone! Alex needs me!" She sniffled and rubbed her eyes on her sleeve, the rain soaking her, as if it knew what had just happened, She looked up at Blair with big, knowing eyes, "Alex is hurt on the inside Blair, it's my job to make him better!" She sniffled again and then looked at Keanu and Drake, they had just lost their sisters, it wasn't just Alex who was gone. She finally stopped the sniffling and wiped her eyes determinedly, she got up from the hammock and stood infront of The Flock, her hands on her hips, trying her best to look serious even with her red, eyes and tear stained cheeks. "You're right Blair! We will get them back! No-one takes our family away from us!" Her eyes looked like thought was filling them as she looked to each member of The Flock, "We need to plan this! Any ideas?" Lillie was absolutely set on saving her Flock Members, no-one, and she meant no-one would dare to take them away from her.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Alex heard Callie's weak voice as she uttered his name, obviously unable to go on. He clenched his fists and almost punched one of the trackers as they shoved all three of them in the back of a 'police van' Although, on the inside it had special metal walls surrounding it so that the kids couldn't use any powers to get out of it. The trackers slammed the big doors shut and left the three of them alone in solitude, the van started to move a few minutes later as they obviously got in the front of it. He sighed and leant back against the wall, dropping his head against his knees as he cursed under his breath, "Stupid damn trackers, stupid old man." His mind wandered to the last few weeks of his parents life's, he remembered it now, remembered the bump. They were going to call her Allie. Alex and Allie.
Drake thought. "I don't know Lillie..." He smiled at her happy about her idea. He sat down. "But I want to burn them down." He said creating fire.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Adrianna was silent and seperated herself from the others. "..." She didn't want to go back. She couldn't, looking at Alex she watched scared.
Blair flexed her wings, "Only thing we can do now is go and try to help them and hope we get there in time. If they are being taken, means they are outnumbered. But if we were there..." she looked around the flock there were six of them, "We could back them up."

Demitri stood on the branch overhead Blair's. He shuffled his wings nervously and held his hand out, "And the rain? We can't fly with wet wings, it's dangerous," Blair looked up at him, reminded of his silent pressence, a grave smile spread across her lips, "I can handle that,"
Rome flew over to the rest of the flock listening to what had been going down. He shook his head angrily wishing they hadn't split up, if they had stayed behind maybe they could have stopped it. Peeking at Rosa he could practically see the flames of anger coming off her, how odd ice girl was fuming?
Alex pulled his head up and saw Adrianna's scared expression, he sighed and spoke, trying to act as if the man hadn't just revealed his secrets to both of the girls, "It'll be alright Adrianna. The Flock know that the trackers got us, I sent Lillie a message, so I'm sure that they're thinking of a way to get us back." He looked around at the metal walls and let out a groan of frustration, hitting the side of it, "Dammit! Stupid, smart trackers" He knew that made no sense, calling them smart and stupid in the same sentence.
Callie swallowed and sat against the wall of the van, and pulled her legs to her chest. "I'm so sorry." She said in general for all of this happening, but also for Alex. She had no idea. He had never talked about his past, and now she knew why. "This is all my fault, I should have never agreed to talk to him..." She was just too tired to go on. Keanu sighed and rubbed his head at the rain. "Shit." He mumbled, and punched a tree. He quickly realized how bad of an idea this was, at the pain going through his hand now. "We have to get them."
Rosa jumped at the noise, "We can't go into self destruct mode, between the rain and taking our anger out physically we are going to end up as a mess of soggy bleeding feathers when in reality we need to be strong to help our friends," she said quietly.
Blaire heard Rosa's comment and nodded in agreement, "Rosa's right, we have to stick together and stay strong so we can get our family back. Alright, break camp, everyone!" Blaire said then mumbled to herself, "We're not coming back." She helped Lillie off of the swaying hammock and starting taking them down, knowing she wouldn't get a good sleep in for a while. There were a few droplets of rain that fell on her skin that had slipped through the canopy of leaved above their heads. Not wanting to get anything wet and risk mildew, she created a barrier dome to layer over the outside layer of leaves. It was easier for her to do now that the sun had set, though the moon was hidded by the clouds.

Demitri nodded curtly and helped her take everything down, "I'm really sorry, Rosa, I know you did all this hard work," He tried giving her an encouraging smile but with the current mood, it looked forced.

>>by the way, Im gonna change Blaire's name spelling, add an 'e' at the end--i had no idea how to spell it before, with the e it looks more proportioned<<

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