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Fandom Winged

Blair sighed when she saw Alex turn away, shuting out any change. All she knew was that she wanted to help him hit bit by bit--it wasn't fair for someone to be unhappy all the time. She thought the words at him before she could think them over herself, saying them calmly and reassuring him "I know it weird, Im still not sure about them, either. But we can get through this, together, okay? We still have to take precautions but they need a flock, we can all relate."
Adrianna turned her head away and backed up as she hugged her. "Um.....yeah...." She looked at the ground and didn't make eye contact. Feeling very uncomfertibe she held her arm tighter. "Just get away from me." She said angrly. Although she regreted it. "..."

Drake looked at the girl and sighed. "Sorry she can be a butt sometimes." He said glaring at Adrianna. Who just looked away. He sighed again. "Killjoy..." Adrianna's anger fired up again as she called him a overjoyed freak.
Lilie did as Adrianna said, stepping back slightly, her eyes held a bit of hurt but she quickly washed it away and nodded, some people just need a bit of time and space, Alex certainly did. But she got through to him aswell.

Alex felt his blood boil as Adrianna spoke angrily at Lille, "Just get away from me." His fists clenched and he walked right over to Adrianna and Lillie, standing inbetween them both as he faced Adrianna with angry eyes, "Look, I know you may be uncomfortable with other people. I sure as heck know I can be sometimes." A small cough from behind him caused him to roll his eyes, "All right, all the time. But that doesn't mean you can start speaking to a toddler like she's a damn tracker." He paused and closed his eyes for a moment, trying to calm his angry tone, he re-opened his eyes and spoke as calmly as he could, "If you don't like whatever it is that she's doing, just tell her, there's no need to snap at her, alright?" Alex felt slightly strange after talking for so long, but it was for Lillie's sake, he knew she was only trying to help.
Adrianna turned away not making eye contact again. Oh course her younger brother stepped in. "Hey back off alright she didn't mean it. She just is like that. Sometimes she can be a butthead about things no need to get up in her face." He said pretty calmly. Adrianna said nothing feeling really bad. She held her arm tighter looking down.
Alex flicked his eyes to Drake and his whole aura instantly took on that dangerous vibe again as he sent a message from his mind straight into Drake's, causing Drake to hear Alex's voice in his head, 'It doesn't matter whether she meant it or not, she hurt Lillie's feelings by snapping at her. She should at least have enough kindness to speak to a young child nicely.' His voice was sharp and angry, Alex couldn't help it, his temper always got the better of him when Lillie's feelings were involved.

Lillie looked up at Adrianna and noticed her clenching her arm, ignoring what her thoughts were yelling at her she held the daisy chain she had made earlier, looked up at the girl and slowly held it out to her, hoping she would relax slightly, "Here you go, I made this a few minutes ago." She holds it out to, still keeping a distance in case Adrianna didn't want her personal space invaded, "You can have it...if you want to." She smiles gently.
Adrianna looked at the girl again and blinked. She got down on her knees and smiled brightly. "Sure thanks." She said softly and reached out to take it. She felt alittle better but still looked down again. "Um.....sorry for snapping at you." Drake glared at Alex and crossed his arms watching his sister.
Lillie's eyes lit up and she smiled happily when she saw Adrianna smile at her, her joy increased even more when Adrianna took the daisy-chain, "It's okay, everyone gets a little bit angry now and then" Her eyes very briefly flickered to Alex and back as she said this. She smiled at Adrianna still, "You look really nice when you smile" Realizing that she may be making the girl uncomfortable she switched her focus to her brother - who she remembered calling himself Drake - and smiled at him, "Do you guys have powers aswell?" Lillie still found the idea of powers amazing, she felt like she was a superhero or something.
Adrianna got up and put the necklace on. As she looked down again not use to getting complements. She always thought of herself as a mean girl. Which sometimes she was. It was just that she felt awful of herself. Drake smiled and nodded. "Yes. I control fire and so does adrianna but she can control a pretty cool light." he said looking at Adrianna and smiled as she got up. When she created the light in her hand it shined a gold color. As she spoke the light danced around in her hand. "Well my light can move and even can be touched. But I have to be careful or it will burn me as well as others like my fire."
Demitri raised an eyebrow, this confused him, was it not fire then how could it burn someone, "Your type of fire can be touched?"
Adrianna looked at him. "Well fire is fire... This light can burn you because the light is consitrated...like sun burn only alittle bit worse." she said as she made the light disappear. Suddenly going back to her silence drake stepped in. "Weird huh." he chuckled and then looked at Adrianna. "Understand better now?" he asked as he looked back at the guy who asked.
Demitri nodded slightly then stepped forward and put out his hand to the boy, "I'm Demitri," he looked over his shoulder at nodded, "And my sister, Blair. She has water control, I have earth control."
Drake took his hand and smiled. "Good to meet you." He looked at Adrianna who staied quiet as she always does. He sighed again at his sister then pulled back his hand. He patted Adrianna's head again. "Well good little doggy got to met someone was it really that bad." Adrianna glared at him with a leave me alone look and grabbed his hand and shoved it aside. Drake rolled his eyes. "And back in the mood again." he said glaing back at her.
"So have you guys been wanderers all this time?" he asked, crossing his arms relaxed across his chest. His tee-shirt was finally begining to dry in the heat of the sun, "When did you bust out?"
Drake sighed as he got on the subject of the school. "A few months ago and yes we've been on our own all this time." he uncrossed his arms. It wasn't something he wanted to talk about and his sisters silence deepend alone with the dark Ora around her. Her hair slid in front of her face as it always does when she is upset. It was a way to hide herself and in fact was her "sanctuary" so to speak.
Alex had calmed down considerably now and was glad that the girl had accepted Lillie's daisy-chain. He walked off from the three and leaned against the tree that was there, dropping the two backpacks on the ground beside him as his hands in his pockets as he looked down at the floor, his t-shirt was still flung over his shoulder and the heat was still bugging him, but it had died down slightly.

Lillie looked across as Alex moved and a frown found it's way onto her face as she watched him being all closed off again, she loved those rare moments when Alex actually came out of his protective shell. She ran right over to him and picked up her own backpack and prodded his arm with her finger, "Hey Mister!" He looked at her and a smile tried to make it's way onto his face, he gave in and dropped down, looking at her, "What's up Cuddles?" She giggled and responded almost instantly, "The sky!" He rolled his eyes with a smile on his face, "I meant, what did you want?" SHe grinned at him and pointed at her backpack, "Can I have my chocolate bar now?" He chuckled, "You're gunna have to wait until after dinner." She pouted at him and whined, "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" He shook his head and she folded her arms, "Fine!" Turning her back on him as she walked off, faking a sulk.
Demitri didn't know what else to say, he wasn't much of a conversationalist, that was mostly Blair's job and Blair was preoccupying herself on the side absent mindedly twirling a thing string of water between her fingers, water that she pulled from the abundant humidity of Florida.
Adrianna shot out her wings and flew up. She loved the trees and that were she went. Into the trees like a bird and hid from the sun. As Drake watched her and sighed. "Oh come on!" He swipped his hand at her annoyed and then looked around. "well scaredy bird is gone now." He said and looked at the sky. "Hey maybe we should get out of the sun. It's a little to hot for my comfort."
Demitri responded in agreement running a hand through his hair, moving it from his forehead. He walked over beneath the shade of several trees clumped together on the edge of the forest. Demitri slid to the ground and leaned against a tree, a small sweet pea plant blooming beside him along with ferns and small flowering hostas slowly making their way out of the earth.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Blair watched curiously as the girl escaped into the trees. She trailed after Demitri at her own pace. She saw a raspberry bush tucked into some foliage over by the waters edge and she went to go pick some.
Adrianna sighed deeply and watched hidden in the tree. She was no good at making friends. Sulking against the tree, a few tear drops fell from the tree hitting the ground. Drake saw this and sighed deeply she was doing it again. Beating herself up. It gets annoying after a while so he ignored her. All she would do is snap at anyone who tried to see what was wrong.
Demitri pulled out his water bottle and took a few swigs, he looked at Drake, "You thirsty?" offering his own. The space started to smell fresh as the sweet pea plant opened it's petals, thriving under Demitri's influence.
Drake shook his head no. "Nah I'm good." He smiled and then sat under the tree where Adrianna was. Her silence wasn't just silence it was saddend silence which as creepy and weird as it was Drake could tell the difference. As he hit the tree hard Adrianna fell out and landed on her butt.

Adrianna got up. "Ow ow ow ow ow...." She looked at Drake and grabbed him by his shirt pulling him up. "That hurt you bone head!" Drake thought about it. "You know since when is that an insult really our heads are bone so it's true." Adrianna just got even more angry. "You knew I was up there why did you knock me down!" Drake chuckled. 'To give you something to cry about I mean serriously, you said sorry to the little girl what is there to feel upset about." He said trying to pull her fingers off of him. Adrianna just looked down and slowly released him. Then she made a fist and punched him. "You jerk...I was purfectly fine....do I look like i was crying my eyes aren't even swollen. I was just getting out of the sun!" Drake rubbed his face. 'oh...sorry." Adrianna crossed her arms glaring. "You better be."
Alex nodded in agreement, looking over at the sulking Lils as a realization dawned on him, "Hey Cuddles, won't your chocolate be melted by now?" Lillie's eyes widen and she almost tears her bag apart as she tries to find the chocolate, she pulls it out and her big eyes water as her lips quiver, "Alleeexxxxxx!" She runs over to him and wraps her arms around his legs as small sobs come from her, "A-Alex! It-It m-melted!" He sighs and hugs her back, "It's alright Cuddles.." She sobbed even more. A lot of fuss to make over chocolate? The thing is, Lillie doesn't get chocolate often at all, how could she? They have to steal to survive and chocolate isn't something you need to live. His eyes looked at the rest of The Flock and then they land on Rosa, he focuses on her and sends her a message through his mind, 'Hey Rosa, do you reckon you could re-freeze the chocolate?'
Adrianna looked at the little girl and sighed deeply. She grabbed her chin. DId I have anything that might cheer her up. Nah nothing that would be better then chocolate. I closed my eyes and sighed again. "Drake?" Drake looked up at his sister. "Yeah?" He answered. Adrianna opened her eyes. "Do you think....I mean would you like..." She grabbed something from her pocket. "This necklace." It was hers and it had golden wings with a pearl on it. Drake blinks at her. "Your kidden me right? You got the necklace from a friend didn't you? He was quite fond of you." He said with a smile. Adrianna nodded and looked back. "Hey kid...How about I repay you for this necklace you gave me. This one is to small for me now but I bet it would fit you." She said holding it up when it shined in the light a small heart shined through the pearl. "I have no use for it now." She didn't really want it anymore because that boy had died, when she was little before the school she had took him for a flight. But after falling, he sutained injuries that killed him. Her thoughts her filled with the terrible memory. "Sorry about the chocolate but I'm sure you can get some more if you wish to sell this." She said still holding it up. All she wanted was to get rid of it but just leaving it on the ground didn't feel right to her all these years.
Lillie stopped her crying and looked at the beautiful necklace, her puffy red eyes latched onto it like it was a billion dollar check. "T-Thankyou, it's b-beautiful." She gently took the necklace like it was a newborn duckling and smiled up at Adrianna, her tears gone.

Alex stood behind Lillie as she turned around and he smiled as Adrianna gave Lillie the necklace, maybe this girl wasn't so bad. He sighed at the heat and flicked his finger, causing water from the waterfall to fly over to him and turn into a perfect waterball above his palm, he spun his wrist and it turned into water square, one more flick of his wrist and it was gone. Soaked into his skin to re-hydrate him.
Adrianna smiled a little and nodded. "Yeah...your welcome." She looked at Alex and sighed a little. "Hey Drake....don't drink all my water..." She said noticing he had her bottle. "Yeah you won't take any from other people but you'll sneak some from me." She smirked and took the bottle from him getting a sip herself. Using her light power she made it disappear bending the light around it so it was see through. Sticking it in a small hidden bag.

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