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Fantasy Windermere Academy

Hayden Andrews

She looked up to the teacher, nodding. Hayden kept to herself, moving the blood tube nearer to her than the side of the desk; she put away the journal quickly, intertwining her fingers and laying her hands on her desk.
"I wish i could believe that."She said doubtful at Lorin reassurance, and followed him to were he lead. She was concerned when lorin stopped for a moment feeling a greater weight on the scar but movement continued before she could comment. Her mind was too troubled to her own issues to really pay attention. Suddenly she heard Daphne's voice regarding lorin and she was at loss of words at the thought of what she put her through."Daphne...i am so sorry...If i could..."
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"I- I'm fine. J- Just a l- little tired..." Lorin whispered to the worried Daphne smiling to her. The teacher entered the room and seemed to be one of those cheery ones. Hearing the part about blood sent chills down his spine, it genuinly scared him. He didn't like needles, he didn't like pointy things. He even less liked syringes! What should he do? What should he do?
Miki hesitantly took the vile from the teacher. She hated blood samples, they reminded her of that stupid lab. She just hoped it wouldn't involve any antiseptic because that triggered her sense of fear and she would probably go ballistic. She sighed heavily and looked at the vile. Then she saw the needle. She started freaking out, her breathing growing heavy.
Hayden Andrews

Her eyes never left the blood tube, her hands were shaking nervously, she hated needles. She twiddled her thumbs and kept her mind off of it, but it didn't help that much, her yellow-grey eyes kept wandering back to the tube, only making her hands flinch every now and then. Hayden was mentally shivering.
Daphne looked up at Natalia and at first wanted to scream at her but decided that wasn't the best option and instead decided to forgive her, it wasn't really her fault, "It's alright!" Daphne said cheerfully, "Why don't you come out with us to the village for dinner so that doesn't happebn again? I don't think my face could handle it again!"


Ava looked around and saw that some of the students were a bit hesitant and she began to get a little enjoyed, "Why do they have to make everything so...hard?" she thought to herself before she started talk, "If anyone needs help, just come to me, I'm a nurse soooo I know what I'm doing." she smiled gently and for demonstration purposes, began to take her own blood.
Lorin looked at Ms. Winter take a blood test on herself, why did they want their blood anyway. He looked over to Hayden, someone he had yet to meet, and then Miki who both seemed nervous. Lorin understood why Miki was worried, her memories were filled with needles, and it scared him to think about his vision it consisted of needles as well. The headache was growing more and more painful, until Lorin's head hit the desk. He had never been without his eye patch this long, and never been forced out from someone's mind. It hurt, it was painful, it was scary...
Miki had had enough of this needle. She ran out of the room, using her absorption to create blasts and get her out of there faster. She ran out and hid in a corner, hoping the teacher wouldn't find her out there. Ever since she was tested on, she hated needles. She wasn't having any of it. she pulled in her knees, hiding her head.
Lorin heard the sudden exit of Miki, looking up as he had almost fallen asleep. He knew why Miki panicked, and looked at Ms. Winter. "I- I'll go get her!" Lorin excused himself running after Miki, happy he didn't have to do the blood test too. He used his power to find Miki's mind, and quickly found her. He was still a bit exhausted from earlier, but it felt better now. He didn't feel as bad as earlier, and he had been through worse before, he was once used in the military to the extend he almost died. "Miki, you okay?" Lorin asked, squatting down beside Miki.
She was relieved at Daphne acceptance of her apology but on the other hand a tad disappointed. She didn't feel she deserved it least of all join in in an outing.

"I don't think its wise. I will have something to eat so don't worry." She said."If you don't consider your safety i owe you to do so for you."
Miki looked up at Lorin. "Not again. I promised myself never again." She said. She thought of the needles and clutched her knees tighter. She hated this, being so weak. She couldn't do anything in front of a needle. She panicked. "If they see my blood, they will know. I don't even have a regular blood type! Plus, why would they want our blood?" She asked him.
"I- I don't know... B- But! You don't have to. Just tell them you h- have a p- phobia o- or something l- like that. T- They can't force you," Lorin said to her, gently patting her on the head. It worked with hair, just like it worked with fur. There wasn't any physical contact, so nothing would happen. "I- I don't like needles either," Lorin said with a smile hoping she would cheer a bit up.
Miki smiled a bit. "I guess hair nullifies the power thing." She said. She regretted it afterwards. "Sorry that was inconsiderate of me. I'd be better off keeping my mouth shut for eternity." She said, hiding her head so just the top was visible. She hated this. She was so powerful, yet so weak. She was so dangerous, yet gentile.
Daphne slammed her hands on her desk and stood up to look Natalia in the eyes, "Natalia, it's fine you're going with us. Everyone we meet is going to come with us. No one gets left behind." Sh hoped Natalia understood that they weren't just going out to eat and that they were actually going to hunt down some answers about this place.


Ms.Winters barely had time to answer before those two students were out the door, 'what in the world is going on? These kids are insane' she thought going to look for upset children was a bad idea, so she got out her school provided "cell phone" and quickly told Rafael to pay close attention to the hallway

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"It does. It's fine, I'm used to hearing it..." Lorin said, smiling as he stopped petting her and stood up, handing her his scarf. It was his was of "holding hands". "We should go back now, t- the other's will worry about us. I- I'll t- tell Ms. Winters y- you can't do it. D- Don't worry," Lorin said with a smile on his face, standing back up. "I- I know how it is... t- to have powers, but be so w- weak. J- Just like in g- gym class. B- but we can't do e- everything. W- We have weaknesses too. D- Don't worry about it. L- Let's go back now," Lorin said and smiled, petting her head once again.
Miki smiled. She grabbed his scarf and walked back to class with him. He was so nice to her, it was weird. No one was nice to her. "Thank you." She muttered under her breath. She entered the classroom and sat down in her seat. She pushed the vials to the edge of her desk. She scooted as far away from them as possible.
Lorin smiled as they walked back to class together, 'holding hands'. He opened the door for Miki, as she walked in and took his scarf back. It felt weird having to carry this around, but it was better than wearing gloves. He walked up to Ms. Winters. Holding his breath a little, he was nervous. He thought about it, then once more, then once more, and then again. Until he finally opened his mouth. "M- M- Ms. W- Winters... M- Miki i- i- is s- scared o- of n- needles. I- It's a- a pho- phobia... S- She c- can't d- do i- it... I- I h- hope y- you u- under- understand. Y- You- You're t- the n- n- nurse af- after a- all..." Lorin managed to stutter out, being as shy as he was and walking directly up to someone, talking to them, was weird and scary. He tried to not shake, as he looked at her, having his left eye closed as he had yet to go and retrieve his eye patch.
The bang made her jump slightly, not being able to see it coming. She went quite for a moment, sensed something in Daphne voice that said this wasn't a casual meet up. As if there was a sense of urgency yo it. She sighed before giving a small smile.

"As long as its not raw meat, that stuff is terrible."
Daphne laughed a small light laugh, "No raw meat, I promise." she sat back down in her seat and stared at the test tubes..should she? She didn't feel right about this school and why did they need her blood? No other school shes been to has ever asked for blood like that. How strange...she pushed the test tubes away and looked back at Natalia, "You can invite anyone, Lorin's agreed to come and honestly, the more people the better!"


Ms.Winters looked up at Lorin and rubbed her eyes with her fingers and sighed, a small curl falling in front of her face,
"Oh dear...that is..tragic. No worries, she won't have to do it, I suppose." She went back to her desk and started to write a message for Rafael,

"You, YOU truly thought asking them to take their own blood out was going to work? You're acting like such a fool, Rafael. I thought people called you a modern mad genius? Get your stuff together, or I'm out and so is everyone else."

After sending the message she looked up at the class, "Honestly everyone, forget doing your blood. It doesn't matter, I was just being silly-this is study hall not a science class! Continue on what you have to be done for tomorrow's classes, I suppose." She leaned back in her chair and started to study this group of kids.
Lorin smiled, it seemed as Ms. Winters understood his point. He was sweating, he had never taken the initiative in talking to someone he didn't know. He walked over to Miki's desk and smiled to her. "I- I did it," He said with a smile on his face, his headache was beginning to return, maybe because he focused more on himself now. He walked back to his desk as his left eye was hurting, he needed the eye patch. He couldn't continue holding it down, it wanted to see. It wanted to see the future, and it wanted to do it right now. "M- Ms. Winters? C- Could I g- go and g- get my e- eye patch?" Lorin asked her, hoping she would allow him to go and get it.
Miki looked at him. 'Thank you, again." She said. She smiled. He went off to get his eye patch and she turned back to the vile. She tossed it at the teacher and the needle right after. She hoped they could find a way out of this place. She wanted to get out of here. She wanted to scream at a wall, release her tension.
Hayden's head shot up to Ms. Winters, "Honestly everyone, forget doing your blood. It doesn't matter, I was just being silly-this is study hall not a science class! Continue on what you have to be done for tomorrow's classes, I suppose." She heard the teacher say, she smiled mentally. 'B-But... I've never been here, I-I have no work,' she thought to herself quickly, she moved the cursed blood tube away from her. Her hands stopped shaking, she smirked weakly at that.
"Right but you have pretty much have all the people i know."She said before yawning as the events of the day took their tool. She found a free seat next to Daphne and sat down with more then a little relief."The only one left in my circle is my roommate Reina, i will try to get her in though i haven't seen her since this morning. How long do we have in this study period? Knowing my kind of luck it should be any second now."
She decided to keep to herself, taking her journal out again and a pencil; she moved to a page of poetry she hadn't finished yet, it was about her companion. Felix the Bird was the title of the poetry, this bird had given her company in the lab she was experimented in. She smiled softly, finishing the poem.
Ms.Winters slightly nodded to Lorin, she didn't really hear what he had said because she was too enchanted by his eye. "What is he? What is his power?" she wondered to herself. She shook away the thoughts and walked along the desks and gathered up the test tubes, apologizing again to everyone for the test tube incident. "Everyone, I must go speak to Mr....Mr.Rafael? Be good, I should be back soon." and with that she left the room and started off towards Rafael's room. Things at this school needed to change, NOTHING was happening, they knew barely anything about their powers.


Daphne smiled sweetly and Natalia, "It's alright we'll find some more people." she started as she looked around the room and her eyes landed on Hayden, "We can invite that girl over there!" she started to get up and walk over to the boy and looked back at Natalia, "I think it ends in like five minutes maybe?". She walked over to the boys desk and knocked on it, "Helloooo," she started, smiling down at the girl.

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