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Fantasy Windermere Academy

Lorin looked a bit away with his one visible eye from Daphne's gaze as she asked him what he has told Nick earlier in the gym. It was hard to tell her about his vision, but he managed to whisper it to her, slowly and stuttering a lot too. Hoping she would not panic he added. "I- I'm not s-sure if i- it was him th- though," and looked at Daphne hoping she would not panic completely, and try her best to understand Lorin was not sure what his vision was about.
Any emotion from Daphne's face faded away and her eyes seem to turn a darker shade of brown, "I see." she mumbled, she didn't want to talk anymore, who knew who was listening in this place. It was all finally starting to come together. She looked back at Lorin and mumbled a soft "Thank you." and went back to her desk and pulled out her notebook, quickly writing a note to Lorin.

"Short note-talk more at dinner. Must leave, everyone. Get rid of this."

She pushed the paper a little and it went walking off onto Lorins desk, Daphne pretended not to notice and looked out the window.
Reina was surprised at his outburst, though slightly flattered. As his head hit the table, she winced. She felt the awkwardness growing as he kept his head on the table and hoped that the teacher would quickly come to start class. However, learning from experience, she didn't expect much. She saw the others engaged in conversation, but merely began to doodle in her notebook slowly.
Lorin quickly read her note and hid it in his pocket, but only after writing over it. He was scared now, and Daphne was right, they had to be careful. If anyone knew about Lorin's power... he would be in deep trouble... terrible trouble... especially if it was someone bad. He tried not ti think of it, and grabbed one of his books and read it in peace.
Ira sighed with his face still in the table and mumbled "...Im sorry...Im so sorry..." He would lift his head up and slightly bang it into the table. He tried to think of something to change the subject and hopefully make the situation a little better. "So...I saw you turn into a seal...is that your entire power?" Ira asked in his quiet voice but sounding like he was trying to speak up and with sincere interest in his voice.
Ms.Fisher walked in silently and walked to the front of the room, there she stood and examined the class for a quick moment, "This kids look really sweet, I wish this wasn't happening.." she thought to herself, but maybe she could talk Rafael into getting to know this kids and he'd have a change of heart, just maybe! But of course, still using them to see why they had abilities and others didn't-science first, always! This happy thought gave her the motivation needed to teach the class. "Hello class!" she started with a bright smile, "I'm so sorry for being late! But sometimes life is just like that. Well anyways, this class is more about your skills in battle than anything, so who's ready to get started?" she looked around the room at the blank faces and sighed a little, "They weren't as excited as Smith made them out to be...." she cursed herself for believing that sarcastic jerk. "Okay, well, no need to all jump up at once!" she laughed, "We're just going to do small defense moves to start off the week!"
(Okay here, I can take the role of the teacher if you like) 
Ms. Fisher set her things down, at least they were not as rowdy as the last group. She winced at the thought, but without a hesitation came to the board. Pulling up the chalk, she quickly drew out in elegant hand writing. "Self Defense" , before turning to the class.

"Well, welcome to Logistics," she said in a rather excited voice, she had always loved teaching. "I will be teaching you how to manage, apply, and succeed to control and utilize your lovely gifts!" She looked at each of their faces, giving a cheerful smile in return.
Miki twiddled her pencil around. She liked this teacher more than the others. She seemed nicer than the crazy teacher they have firs period. She sighed and tossed the pencil into the air, catching it in between her fingers. She was siting near Lorin and that Daphne kid. She sighed at the sight of them talking. She never really had friends, she was the loner girl. Of course, she turned out to be the loner girl with a crazy amount of power. She loved that people weren't afraid of it, well, maybe if you were on the receiving end but. She sighed again and looked up at the front.
Natalia walked in the class room not long after the teacher did, due to a combination of spending time in the nursers office and finding difficult to find the class. Well, she was told she was in the nurses office, all she new was that the person their was more interested in running test rather then treating her nausea. By that point though she was feeling better as soon as she found the opportunity she found an excuse and left despite the nurses insistence otherwise.

"Sorry, is this logistics?" She asked. She wasnt to concerned about being late, being blind had it own perks one being people being more forgiving of her errors. Though she didn't like to rely on these perks it didn't mean she couldn't take advantage from time to time.
Lorin looked at what Ms. Fisher had written on the blackboard to see and hear self defense. Why would they be doing self defense in logistic class? This was maybe the only class he was looking forward too! He thought he could just sit here, like a normal class, doing Math or something. His power, at least the one he had mentioned for class, could not be used for self defense at all! Talking to people through their minds, or finding out their location through their minds was more of an aggressive approach. It was sort of like a satellite, being able to talk to anyone he wanted, and find their location.
Amaris sat in the middle, the teacher was a little preppy, but better than Mr.Smith. Maybe they had Ms.Fisher for study hall.


Ms. Fisher looked turned towards Natalia.

"It is, and what may your name be?" She asked, hoping the girl had a good excuse for being late. Her chalk lay between her fingers, She lightly rubbed it,the white powder staining her fingers.
"Natalia Mathews."She replied standing by the door giving an apologetic look." Sorry i am late, i was feeling nauseous before lunch so i went to your clinic or nurses office. I was kept there awhile also i had trouble finding this class."
Daphne watched Natalia and the teacher talk and he felt bad, she really hope the teacher would go easy on Natalia. Out of all the people to be late, it had to be Natalia.. Daphne shook her head and cursed herself for not looking out for her more. Daphne watched eagerly, ready to jumpy and defend Natalia if it were ever needed.
Reina shook her head at Ira. "I also have healing powers." Her voice was quieter, softer, with the intention of not wanting to let everyone know. She wasn't completely faithful to this school, even becoming more suspicious due to the unusual things that have happened. She wanted to say more, but was cut off as the teacher walked in. This teacher seemed...nicer, cheerfuller, peppier. She almost seemed happy and sweet, something that the girl had hoped for in a teacher for a long time especially compared to the other teachers today. However, she was still late and that did not change.
(Should we move on...or wait for FallenWhispers return? Kinda quiet here, and it feels weird... xD )

Lorin looked at the late Natalia and it wasn't weird that she was late. Coming here and being blind must be hard, maybe next time he could help her out with his power as he could teleport to her sort of... tell her thr way at least. He was a bit scared of the teacher though, she seemed as the nicest one they had yet, but it worried him that if any of the teachers knew that he could see the future, and that there truly was something bad going on, Lorin would be a threat to it. Everyone else was starting to think so and Lorin began thinking a little bit about it too.
Ms. Fisher gave a small nod.

"Well, I hope you feel better in the future," she said in a sincere voice. "Please take a seat." As she motioned to the the open seats, she headed back to the board. She watching to make sure Ms. Matthews found a set before continuing the lesson.

"Now, it is understandable that not all of you posses defensive powers, though a conventional defense is not many times necessary." She paused. "Many times the best defense is one that offers a advantage over an attack, allowing one to avoid confrontation." She went on about many physical defenses and mental defenses. Pulling down a diagram of the human body, she pointed out the best areas to use when deflecting, ones that could take a blow and not diabilitize one. (SO SORRY, Forgot to hit post!)
"Thank,its probably nothing."Natalia said nodding in appreciation before searching for a free seat, she did this with help of her cane waving it lightly in areas she expected to be desk. When she found one she sweep the side of the seat gently, insuring no one was on if the person there hasn't indicated already. Satisfied she had found a free seat, she settled in listening to the lesson. The sound of growl almost made her jump in fright and worry fearing a possible transformation. However, she soon realized that the source of the sound was her own stomach, she had missed lunch after all. She tried to resist the urge to laugh at herself, hoping that nobody else noticed.
Lorin could hear Natalia's stomach all the way in the front where he was seated. It seemed as she was not willing to eat the food in the cafeteria either. He let out a small chuckle, as he tried to keep the volume of it as low as possible to not disturb the class, or let Ms. Fisher see him chuckling. "G- Get something to eat at dinner at the very least, otherwise you might starve to death," Lorin said, using his power to communicate with Natalia, hoping she would heed his advice.
"Believe me i intend to if i make that far."She thought in reply to Lorin in case he could still hear."I wouldn't stick in around here for long if i were you, this is shared property and my roommate might not be happy with a guest."

She left it at that continuing to listen to the lecture. However gradually she felt herself getting more hungry to the point of starving. She found her hearing become more sensitive and herself more irritable to the point were the sound of someone writing with a pencil nearby was painful in her mind. She tried to grin and bear it, taking deep breath to calm herself. She found herself scratching the table with her nails to the point were she felt a deep groove being made. She willed herself to stop.
Finishing up with a review, Ms. Fisher completed the lesson for today, allowing the students free time for the last ten minutes.

Amaris fiddled with her pen, looking around at the class for something to do or someone to talk to.
Lorin heard Natalia and took her advise quickly going back into his own head, listening to the bits of Ms. Fisher's class as he was still a bit excited about going to town. It seemed as Ms. Fisher gave them some extra free time until Study Hall, so Lorin decided to make his way down to the library. He wanted to see if he could find his book that he had lost, or at least a copy of it to read it. He didn't know how to explain to his mother that he lost her book, but he could hopefully find it in town and buy it. The library was a bit easy to find, as it was one of the biggest open rooms in the academy. He entered and began looking around the different bookshelves as the library was surprisingly large. Instead of walking around and getting completely lost, Lorin walked up to the librarian and asked kindly. "D- Do you h- have a b- book c-c called r- rarer t- than c- crystals?"
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Natalia got up to leave , thankful to see the end of the lesson early as it gave her a change to stop off at the cafeteria. However her irritation and hunger made her less aware of the world around her making her trip over items and people making her more enraged. At one point she knocked herself on a desk, that flicked a switch in her making her drop her cane and in a vent of frustration dropping both hands hard on the desk with a force unnatural for a girl of her size. The desk broke in half and she pushed the two pieces to the side before continuing to walk off unfaced.

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