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Fantasy Windermere Academy

"I am werewolf, cannot shift on queue."She explained. However it, bothered her that he didn't know that she said she was werewolf in the previous class. More to the point, what was the point of this show and tell? This could easily be done by a quick role call and wasn't this about general knowledge about shifter anyway."I am the once in a full moon or sufficiently ticked off type." She continued the ticked off part said in a way that indicated a "word to the wise" conetation.
Amaris looked unsettled, realizing she was to go next. Giving an awkward stance, she let her eyes close, taking in a breath. Feeling her body shift, it was painful, yet at the same time comforting, as if it was natural. Her form fell into that of a stark black raven, her midnight feathers showing in the pained light. Beaded eyes looked calmly around the class. With a light flutter, she skittered onto the nearest desk, Lorins.
Mr.Smith was writing the notes down ignoring their questions for a little,

  1. Reina-Seal-seems to be able to transform whenever
  2. Natalia-Werewolf -full moon(?)
  3. Amaris-Raven-whenever

He looked up and clapped his hands together "Yes you all may sit back down again, thank you for sharing with us." his mood had shifted dramatically, he didn't expect so many of them to just show him what they could do. This was going to be so easy, only a few more weeks before they'd really get to know about the freaks. He started walking up and down the aisles, starting the lesson,

"Shifters are probably the oldest of the abilities, no one really knows when they first started but it was somewhere around the time of the first siting of the Native Americans. Shifters, weaker when mixed with humans, are still one of the most powerful abilities you'll find in today's world..." the lesson went on for another 30 minutes or so before finishing he added "We have come to believe that the only way to really take out a shifter is too take something personal from them and destroy it or hit them with something...silver"

Lorin looked at all of them shape shifting into these different animals, except Natalia which had a very valid reason not to show off to the rest of the class, and looked up at Amaris as she landed on his desk. He smiled to her and gently took out his hand, patting her. His abilities did not work on animals, which may be the main reason why he loved animals so much as he did. "I- It's beautiful," Lorin muttered, he had never seen a raven in his entire life, and it was quite beautiful to be honest.
Reina nodded and sat back down in her seat. She kept her scarf around her like a shawl in a comforting position. As he lectured on, she felt more and more uncomfortable. She realized that he was basically telling them about how to defeat shapeshifters, in other words, each other. She resisted the urge to shift or fidget to show her nervousness, though merely played a strand of hair, twirling it around her finger as she listened intently to his lecture. She couldn't wait to leave this class.
Natalia returned to her seat, and was glad for some form of education. "...Silver." The mere mention of the metal made something stir inside her. It gave her a quizy feeling like she had smelled something awful, while a headache flared. She tried to continue on but it had become unbearable. She raised her hand. The illness evident in her face.

"I need to be excused to the little girls room?"
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Letting Lorin pat her, she noticed how comfortable he appeared, compared to earlier. Walking with a jut to the edge of the desk, she drafted to the one beside, letting her feathers shift, the only black remaining in her hair. She now sat on the desk, kicking up, before heading to her seat. As the lesson came to a close Amaris gave a small frown, she had taken few notes. Thinking about his last sentence, she only had to worry about silver. She didn't have anyone truly close to her, she was used to being detaching. Those who got a little too close, ended up dead. Maybe it worked differently for her, since she had been turned into a vampire.
Ira was sitting in the back of the classroom during the entire time they were scouting the shifter. He was slouching down in his seat trying not to be seen as he watched the rest of them or two as it seemed shift into animals. He looked down at his desk processing what happened and taking notes of them. Ira cracked his neck with his head hanging down toward the desk and lifting it up every now and then to take a looks see still trying to stay out of the view of the teacher.
Daphne wrote down some notes about shifters, but something bothered about this lesson, only silver could take them down? That really didn't seem right to her, but who knew. She wondered what day she would have to present to the class and what power would she decide to present? Again, who knew? She was growing more and more impatient to talk to Lorin, Natalia, Nick, and the rest of her friends about this school, no ones really said much, but they've havent really had the chance to say much. Thankfully, lunch was after this class which was a bonus, too. Daphne hadn't eaten since the bus ride here and her stomach was not letting her forget.
Amaris looked to the back towards Ira, someone was clearly trying to stay out of sight, being his choice of seat. She wondered what his ability was. Turning back to the front, she noticed the clock, Lunch approached. After shifting twice in the morning, she could feel the hunger burning in her throat, her fangs digging into her gums.
Lorin looked away as Mr. Smith walked past him, he was a really weird and a bit of a scary person. He didn't know why, but he blamed it on his vision, that something about this place seemed off. He just couldn't put his finger on what, but nevertheless this was class and he could worry about that later. He continued taking notes as Mr. Smith continued on his talk about how to take down shapeshifters, and their weaknesses and such, not really noticing what Mr. Smith was getting at.

*Bell Rings and announcement start*

"Hello students, this is Mr.Murno speaking, as you have read your next class is lunch. Today's lunch is a choice of soup or a sandwich of your choosing, drinks included. As for our...special students accomodations have been made, just let the lunch lady know what you need. You're probably wondering when dinner is and well, we allow students to leave campus for dinner, there's a small village down the road. You may only go there for dinner and on weekends. Thank you."


Mr.Smith, proud of his made up on the spot lecture, smiled and dismissed the class with a happy note, "No homework tonight, tomorrow class will be about the teleportation ability, be prepared." He left the class and headed for Rafael's office.


Daphne gathered up her things and stretched a little before getting up to head for the cafeteria.
Every announcement this guy made was weird, did he always have to say it was him? I think we got the point now. She started off towards the door but before she left she leaned over Lorin's desk, "Lets all sit together at lunch," she said motioning to everyone they knew in the class, "I think we have some interesting things to talk about!" she smiled and headed out the door, the thought of finally being able to have a conversation with someone for more than five minutes gave her mood a boost and put a little 'pep' into her step.

Amaris gave a small sigh hearing the special accommodations. Quickly grabbing her notepad and pen, shoving it into her bag. She quickly headed for the door, ready to get some blood in her system. She sometimes missed the not so good old days. Fresh blood. She hated her love for the taste, but it was only natural. She walked quickly down the hall, following her map along the back of schedule.
"S-Sure! That sounds like fun!" Lorin said happily and turned to Miki, even though she had not introduced herself to the rest of the group, she could at least join them in lunch. It was a great opportunity for introductions after all. "You should join us Miki, I think it will be fun to speak to everyone!" Lorin said before he packed his bag and made his way over to his dorm, to change clothes, and quickly left for the mess hall for some food, he was hungry as he had not eaten whatever it was that they were given for breakfast.
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Ira picked up his things from his desk and stuck them in his bag after listening to the announcement. Once the teacher finished he stood up and walked past a group of people and out the door staring down at the ground. Slowly he shuffled down the hallway to head toward lunch. Currently he was quite hungry and was just thinking of all the options he had to eat lunch for. It was only like twenty steps away from the door way that he realized that he didn't have much of an idea where he was going.
Amaris walked up behind Ira. Giving a small grin she spoke up.

"You lost?" She asked kindly. Her long black hair lay in twisted strands, her black jacket freshly ironed.
Thankful for the end of lesson and feeling no better, Natalia got up from her seat to leave. However turned down to be a bad decision as she had began to feel dizzy, her feet began to wobble so she tried to steady her self leaning on her cane one hand and the can with the other. A growl echoed in her mind.
Hudson lifted his head up, noticing people were leaving the room. Class is already over? Guess my nap was longer than expected. Does the teacher not even care? Oh great, I bet I have extra work to do. But when he began to approach the teachers desk, he was gone. That's... Strange. Wouldn't he still have to teach this class? I mean, there are more than this group of students right? Trying to push the questions out of his mind, he walked to his next class. Gym. It was a standard game of dodgeball (which he did not participate in), but you got to use your power. Which in this case, water manipulation was not that useful. After that was over, there was shifting class. Shifting class? Shift into what exactly? Monsters, beasts maybe? I need to get out of this school. The teacher was late, yet again. But guess what? It was the same teacher. Why is the same teacher teaching this class? Doesn't he have other classes? His thoughts were cut short by some girl turning into a seal. Well. Can't act like I have seen weirder. This was followed by someone saying that they could turn into a wolf conditionally, and someone transforming into a raven. And then, another announcement talking about dinner and some village. That may be my time to escape. But what if I get caught? Will I get detention? Will I get sent off to some other school? Ah screw it, you need to take a risk in your life. You can't let your paranoia hold you back. Although, I should probably tell my roommate first. Yeah, that's what I'll do. Quickly approaching his roommate, he spoke in a semi quiet tone. "Hey roommate guy, I'm going to leave this place after dinner. This is all just to sketchy for me."
Amaris drank her blood bag briskly, not seeing Nick, she figured she could invite him to dinner or something. Throwing the bag promptly into the trash can, she headed to her dorm, seeing she had more time before logistics class. She brushed through her hair, and simply relaxed.
Ira smiled when the girl walked up to and started talking to him but it hadn't lasted very long because she left shortly after as she drank some red stuff from a bag. He sighed and continued his search for the cafe alone not exactly knowing where to go or what direction to try. Every hallway looked the same to him and he couldn't pick out any definite landmarks for him to follow to the cafeteria.
Refreshed, she still had a good fifteen minutes. She should honestly make friends, it was ridiculous to be friendless with so many life her around. Scooting out the door, she heard it nip shut, before heading back the way she had meet Ira. It wasn't too difficult to find him, being heartbeats were far to easy to hear. Heading around the corner, she spotted him.

"Hello again!" She called.
Looking up to again see the black haired girl Ira smiled but continued walking onward aimlessly trying to find food. It was nice that she was paying attention to him but at this point Ira was too hungry to care and needed something to eat. He felt as though it had been a few days since he had eaten anything let alone had a good meal. So, he continued his regular stride through the hallways.
Lorin ran into Ira as he was in a hurry to get to the cafeteria. Due to his small and childlike build, Lorin was the only one who fell over. "I- I'm sorry!" Lorin apologized and looked at Ira, his face was unfamiliar so he figured he might as well introduce himself to him now. "I- I'm Lorin. N- Nice to m- meet you," he said shyly as his cheek lit up in a dark pink color.

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