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Fantasy Windermere Academy

"W- Why d- do you a- ask? I- I'm always a bit ner- nervous..." Lorin said, trying to cover it up. He had just befriended Nick and he was not about to push that away and scare him with his visions, if it was his choice he never would have wanted it in the first place. "I was a little n- nervous about going f- first..." Lorin answered him, and this was true as he truly was nervous about going first, he preferred to be somewhere in the middle or second so he knew what he was doing.
Reina looked vaguely surprised. "Maybe," she said lightly, wondering where Natalia was going with this. In truth, she felt that her dad was worse than anybody she'd ever have to meet since he snored super loudly every night. That was how she'd slowly grown sort of immune to loud noises or distractions during sleep. "But I'm usually a heavy sleeper, so I wouldn't know." She paused for a second. "You did call out to me and woke me up, so I guess if that counts..."
Realizing many were taking a break from the game, she fell back, sitting along the bleachers. Most everyone had someone to talk to. Vampire boy was over flirting with Lorin. Reina was making small talk with Natalia. She also realized she was the only one without a room mate. Leaning back against her bag, she pulled out one of her last vials of blood. She drank gently, though her fangs nipped her lip.
Nick could tell Lorin was hiding something "Look if your hiding something don't sweat it. I won't pull the truth from you. However it would help if I could know a little bit more about you. How about you tell me about yourself. " Nick sat down and waited for Lorin to begin.
Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment on the fact that out of all the things to hear that night only Natalia calling her was heard.

"You did? Oh god, kill me now...." She said placing her hand on her face. "That was taken out of context, some times my restlessness get violent i am werewolf after all...So if you want to kick me out of the room is fine."
"Y- You won't f- freak out? L- Like s- stop being m- my friend i- if I told you I- I had m- more powers?" Lorin asked him, as he could tell if Nick promised not to stop being his friend. It was the only thing he feared after all, that and someone taking advantage of his power, as had happened once before. The same thing about his power, it had happened before. "T- There's not so much t- to know about me... I come from a ha- happy family, a- and had s- some f-f- friends and t- then I moved here. T- To learn and c- control my power better," Lorin told him truthfully, as Nick asked him. He did not think that someone would be so interested in knowing about his powers.
Reina laughed, understanding completely. She was told she used to call out different names when she was sleeping when she was a small child. "No, it's fine." She added teasingly, "Besides, it'd be really hard to explain why I don't have a room mate anymore." The game had a small break and everyone seemed to be mostly relaxed. I guess powers are a bigger part of life than I thought. She watched everyone interact and was pleasantly surprised at the friendships formed on the first day.
Nick became more interested in Lorin when he said more powers. "I grew up with some freaky stuff. I doubt your powers would stop me from being your friend. Also if you decide to tell me your powers I would like to ask you one more question." Nick gave him a playful smile and took a small sip of blood "you don't have to of course. "
Lorin leaned in against Nick, not wishing for the other's to hear. It seemed as he would not stop being his friends, but he could never be too sure. He could look at this as a test, if Nick was driven away by his powers, then he would not tell anyone else. Keep it to himself, and then he would know for sure that it was a good idea. "I- I can see into the f-future with my left e-eye, not only see, b-but feel and hear too. T-Through contact I-I can look into s-someone's past or future. T-The power that I-I told in class is not l-limited to a-alive people, in a s-sense... I can talk to everyone... L- Living o- or dead..." Lorin whispered to Nick, avoiding eye contact as he was scared that Nick would go, get scared and avoid him for the rest of his life.
Nick was surprised at what Lorin had told him. "You can see the future?......... That's AWESOME. You know how cool that is. Why would you think I wouldn't be your friend because of that? I mean sure the talking to dead people is a little ceepy, but everyone can be creepy in there own way." He edged closer to him "Now tell me what you think about this school and students. Doesn't this all seem sketchy to you?"
"Come on, the laughing doest help!" She said feeling herself getting even redder."If your sure...Ok its your life. Now with that business out the way how about some normal chatting, i hear normal people do that rather than their problems. So..eh....Read any good books lately?"
Amaris leaned back, pushing the empty vial back into her bag. Sitting up, she looked around for someone to talk to. Sadly everyone seemed quite busy, she gave a mutter.
"I- I don't see an- anything w- wrong w- with the students... I- I think everyone s- seems great!" Lorin answered to Nick's first question, happy that Nick didn't go away. Maybe his power wasn't as bad as he thought it was, but he never talked to dead people anyway, even though some had requested it. There was a reason why he did not do it, it was too creepy, even for him. "N- Nick. I- I don't w- want to a- alarm y- you, b- but... I- I saw s- something... T- The m- man o- on the s- speakers... his voice w- was in m- my vision. H- he held a k- knife a- and..." Lorin stopped, scared to continue as the images returned from his vision, together with the pain. "H- He a- asked... i- if I- I w- w-was r- ready... to... b- b-e be.... h- his n- ne- new.... t-t- t- t- t-est s- subj- subject..." Lorin told Nick, but whispering and giving Nick a small look as he was not to talk to loudly about it, due to Ms. James being close by.
Amaris lay along the bottom row, fiddling with her pen. Her fingers were pale in the stark light of the gym, she hadn't been drinking as much since she had arrived. She had only brought enough for a day or so, assuming they had something to provide during breakfast or lunch. Looking over towards Nick, she saw he was deep in conversation. She could always ask him vampire stuff at lunch, after this was shifting class. That was inconvenient. Shifting tended to take it toll, hints her hunger now. She wondered out of curiosity what the school knew about vampires. Unlike most teen novels, she won't catch flame in the sun. And crosses and blessed ground never really bothered. She remembered a few weeks after she had turned, she had stabbed a pencil into her palm, it had hurt like *ell, so she didn't experiment further. No one had really informed her about what would kill her, and what just hurt.
A jab of fear made its way to Nicks heart. "Subject?" Nick then remembered the one announcement the man said. "Lorin.....do you remember yesterday when the principal messed until his speech? He said su then quickly changed it to students. Do you think he meant to say subjects." Ideas began racing through his head "Lockdown? Subjects? A school in the middle of nowhere? Late and suspicious teachers? Do you know what this means?" He began to breathe hard.
"I- I don't kn- know... I- I just had a vision... I- I wish I c- could h- help, b- but..." Lorin stopped as he noticed Nick was a bit more suspicious than Lorin was, even if he was the one with the vision. He was scared he was going to have another one of those visions tonight as well, but Nick did have a small point. What was going on? "N- Nick... B- Be c- careful o- okay?" Lorin advised him, as he was hoping his suspicion was only that, but he feared it was more.
Amatis couldn't help but turn to the harder breaths from behind. She spotted the exasperated face of Vampire Boy and the fearful look of Lorin. What the heck were those two talking about? She had the urg to stand up and ask what was up, but she didn't want to seem snoppy. With a frown, she turned back to her pen.
Miki sat down next to Lorin and flopped on her back. "I haven't used so much power in a long time!" She exclaimed. She sighed, still breathing kind of heavily. She sat up after a few minutes and looked at Lorin. "Hey," she said," I didn't scare you to much did I?" She was kind of worried. She didn't like scaring friends, or potential friends.
Ms.James finished her notes on each student, noting who wasn't afraid to use a power, who used them a little, and those that didn't use them at all. "Odd," she thought, that Nick character never used his..In John's (Mr.Smith) notes it says he was a little restrained in his abilities answer. She could tell something was off-but she didn't know what, another thing she'd have to make sure to let Rafael know. She walked back into the middle of the gym floor and blew her whistle, "Alright, class, that was amazing! Some of you have some really cool abilities! I'm super impressed. You all can go now, don't be late for you next class!" she smiled sweetly and began walking towards the almost hidden door. Once outside of the gym she hurriedly walked to Rafael's office..


Daphne was glad this class was over, she didn't like this game much and it tired her out, she didn't know what the next class was and she didn't want to know, she just wanted to sleep. These teachers were so weird some of them were overly excited and some of them were super mean, she couldn't deal with it. After their gym teacher left Daphne hurried and left the gym and looked down her schedule, the next class was "Shifters" which made her even more tired just reading it.
"The only reason I'm going to this class is to learn about shifters, you need to be stronger for your mother.." she told herself as an extra confidence boost, and somehow telling herself that did make her feel better. She wasn't in a rush to get to class anymore and decided to sit down on the bench and observe here surroundings, this would her first chance to really take in the school
Reina was about to reply when Ms. James blew the whistle. "The next class is...shifters," she told Natalia, looking a bit happier. She was a shifter, so a "shifters" class was bound to be at least a bit more comforting than gym, right? Perhaps they would have the demonstrate their powers? She almost shuddered. She didn't want to demonstrate anything at all, since she already knew how to shift perfectly well. All she needed to do was use her grey scarf. What she wanted was for them to learn about shifting and perhaps comforting her in knowing that she wasn't alone.
Amaris grabbed her bag quickly, quickly gaining towards Nick. Hoping it would go well she pulled the hair band from her hair, letting it come free in small curls and waves. The gym teacher seemed kind enough, but she was still a little skeptical. Forgetting a few pages that wedged along the bleacher, she toke no notice. A drawing a a raven, it's eyes in black pen, its skinny toes wedged along a skull. In a calligraphy hand writing, it read at the bottom. "Death shall come to those who sit like lambs".

"Hey! Nick!" She called out.
Lorin looked over to the clearly tired Miki, and smiled to her as he was glad she was not mad with him anymore. It seemed as his power had not completely driven her away, even though he could sympathize with her wishing to keep her past a secret, even the little bit she managed to see, it was still scary. "I- It's okay. I- I understand w- why," Lorin said and smiled to her, maybe there still was hope for friendship between them too. "I- I'm sorry... I- I really d- didn't m- mean to... B- But don't worry! I- I'll k- keep it b- between us two," Lorin promised as he reached out his pinky, like a small child and said: "Pinky promise,"
Miki took his pinky with her pinky. "Pinky promise." She said. She stretched and stood up. "We should probably get going before were late. Not that any of our teachers care anyway. There all kind of creepy." Miki said. She smiled at him and waited for him to stand up. She would have offered her hand but she wasn't really in the mood for another flash from the past.
"I- I almost forgot!" Lorin said as he turned to Nick with a smile, along with Amaris. "I- I'll see you both in class!" Lorin said before he stood up, his legs slightly hurting from the shock waves, and began walking toward with Miki. Honestly he was not sure where to go right now, but it seemed as his powers had calmed down, he could no longer see flashes of the future after all. "T- They a- are a bit weird... But Ms. James seemed friendly," Lorin said, as he noticed he was stuttering less. Was he beginning to open up to others? No, maybe he felt more safe knowing he wasn't alone having unspeakable powers.
"Haha, yeah." Miki said. She smiled. This boy sure was interesting. She turned away as she realized she had been staring. She continued walking down to her next class with everyone. She smiled and slid open the door. She sat next to the window, putting down her bag. She smiled at him again before looking at the front again.

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