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Fantasy Windermere Academy

Along her way to Gym, Amaris stopped at her dorm, quickly changing into her white shorts and light grey t-shirt. She was quite worried about the class. Hurting anyone was her biggest fear. Running about and vigorous exercise lacked much control. Finally, after a few more halls, she came to the gymnasium. She laid her stuff on the bleachers, taking a sip of the scarlet bottle held in her hand.
"Somenoe, can you wait up?" Natalia called out hurriedly, packing away everything om her desk. Great gym, she expected it to essentially be a free period of her not able to participate in any effective way. Maybe they will have something else planned for her, though judging by the interest the teacher had in teaching she doubted it. She put her things in her bags and tried to make her way to the door.
Daphne quickly changed and walked into the windowless gymnasium and started to do what little stretches she knew how to do. She was starting to get restless and could feel the urge to use her abilities building up in her-she squashed the feeling down but only barely and that's only because the teacher was late again, "do teachers in the place ever show up on time?" She mumbled to herself

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Lorin stopped as she saw Natalia, it seemed as she had some troubles. He was not the type to walk away if someone looked as if they needed help and walked up to her. "E- Excuse m- me... B- But w- w- would you l- like s- some h- help?" Lorin asked shyly, looking up at Natalia, as it seemed she did not see him at all, it might be because of his small height as most people managed to look above his head after all.
"Eh...Yeah, not with my stuff just need a voice to follow."She said in surprise not expecting someone to reply or be behind her for that matter. She turned to face the voice, looking at just over Lorin."Its lorin right? The mind teleporter."
"M- Mind.. Yeah, it's me. You are Natalia, right? The werewolf?" Lorin laughed as he thought the title "Mind teleporter" was strange, but at least it was a bit funny. "H- Here. Hold o- onto m- my s- s- scarf," Lorin said and gently put his scarf into Natalia's hand as he began walking over to the gymnasium, hoping he would not be coming into class too late, even though he would not be sad if he missed gym class. It was the one class he hated after all, since everyone aimed for the easiest one to take out, especially in dodge ball.
Amaris inspected each of the students as she thought. Considering how strange the school was, she douted they would play conventional dodge ball. The teachers were really on a roll today, tardy. Maybe Mr. Smith taught gym too.
Lorin lead Natalia all the over to the gymnasium using his scarf as a lead, he carefully entered the door for her and saw that most of the students were already in here. There still was no teacher here, but that was no surprise. It seemed as it was normal for them to be late. "W- We're h- here," Lorin said to Natalia and smiled as he took back his scarf and tucked it in his backpack. He never used it, but it was a gift from his mother so he usually brought it with him. He walked over and stood by Daphne and smiled, as he hoped they would be doing something else than dodge ball, maybe some more assessments, he would really prefer it that way. "T- The teacher's n- not here yet?" Lorin asked her, even though it was quite obvious, but maybe he or she had entered while he was leading Natalia over to the gymnasium. N- Natalia was talking about fanfiction... what is a fanfiction...? A- and why w- would a p- person h- helping s- someone l- look weird? Lorin thought a little confused at what Natalia was getting at.
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Miki looked up as Lorin entered. She was afraid she might have scared him just a bit. Then again, she was totally serious about the being stuck in a crater part. She would have to make it up to him. She sighed, thinking about what to do. She gave up after a few minutes and concentrated on the sound waves around her. The scenery seemed to fade as she entered the part of her mind that could see sound. She looked around at all these sources, like droplets falling into a pool, they created rings of sound. She smiled, enjoying the view of sound.
Amaris, looking at the cluster gave a faint sigh. Standing up, she walked over, still a good yard or two away, but closer. They were a small group, why not get to know them?
"Yep and thanks you are a sweetheart. "She said giving Lorin a smile of gratefully, holding on to the scarf and tried to keep pace with him. "I wonder how strange this looks to onlookers, a boy leading a girl by a scarf. The mind transporter and werewolf, this the stuff of fanfiction. I hope you are prepared for rumors." 
"Hey, it was joke. I do that." She said feeling an uncomfortable silence from Lorin after her comments."God, good humour is wasted on you people...In any case, has anyone noticed a strange air about the last teacher. He seemed to be speak in a way that lacked the teacher equivalent to "a bed side manner" you normally find. Like he was uncomfortable."
Amaris looked about, where was the teacher? Growing antsy, she sat lightly, her fangs lipped against her tongue. Digging her nails along the edge of the bleacher, she watched idoly around her. Where was the darn teacher she wondered. She couldn't wait for the day to be over with, to curl up in her bed, enjoy the solitude of her room. She just had to get past a few more classes. Looking at the time, a small metal clock shrouded by a metal coil to prevent the onset of any stray balls, her day had hardly began.
After class Nick rushed back to his dorm room to grab some blood. He grabbed what he needed and put it into his bag. He then took off towards gym class. "That was a close one. Any second and my classmates would have become breakfes, at least that one girl was able to help me." When he arrived to gym class he quickly put on his gym clothes and saw that there was no teacher "hey does anyone know where the teacher is?"
Amaris looked up towards the vampire boy. She didn't bother answering, figuring some of the other chatter mouths would. Everyone had the same question on their mind. Clearly the principle needed to reconsider his staff. Late on the first day was a terrible start to the year. Drawing her attention to the vampire boy, she wondered how long he had been who he was. Would be nice to get some advice, or just moral support.
Daphne was about to start talking to Lorin and Natalia when she was interrupted by large door that she hadn't noticed before opening, and out came a small woman with shorts and sneakers on, this must be the teacher. The woman looked nicer than the last teacher, Daphne noted that she was a lot happier too.


Autumn James walked into the gym and analyzed the students standing there- she was a excited to see their powers in action and make articles about them, this was a once in a life chance and she wasnt about to mess it up. She walked to the middle of the gym and put on her happiest smile, "GOod morning class!! Today were going to play a fun game, it's like dodge ball, except you hav to use your powers! Sound fun?" She smiled and set off for the dodge balls

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Amaris stood up quickly, her long black hair bouncing as she did. Pushing her fingers along her scalp, she gathered the stray strands, couping them together with a hair band. Taking a small breath, she stood farther from the bleachers. She wondered if the vampire boy would be on her team.
Miki opened her eyes and smiled. She loved being able to use her powers and make the doge ball go so fast it made a smacking sound when it hit the wall. "Sounds fun." Miki said. She cracked her knuckles and stood up. She walked next to Lorin and stood there, arms crossed. She smiled at him before returning her gaze to the teacher.
"W- we h- have too?" Lorin asked her as he felt unsure what to do. He told the class he could only teleport to minds, and such a power would not have any function in dodge ball would it? Lorin looked around on the other students, they had somewhat powers that could work, but what was he supposed to do? "M- Miss... M- My p- power w- won't w- work I- in a r- round of d- dodge b- ball..." Lorin muttered very shyly as he hoped she understood it if he did not use his powers under this lesson. Plus, he had to keep his ability to see the future to himself. To not scare the others away from him, otherwise everyone might end up threatening him about death like Miki had, nad frankly he did not blame her. He had nothing to do about her past, and he himself thought it was wrong of him to look into her past. To make matter worse he did it without her knowing.
Amaris knew she was a little faster than the average human, but she was still concerned. How silly of me, even if I get hurt, not like it will leave any bruise of such. She quickly let herself calm down, unsure if she should shift. I dout ravens take well to being crushed by a dodgeball. Though it would come in handy when the crowd of teens scattered forward to get their hands on the dodgeballs lined along the center.
Ms.James came back with all different types of balls in her hands sighing she yelled to the class "the gym really isn't well stocked....so this will have to do...don't really worry about teams! Just have fun using your powers for once!" She laughed and tossed the balls towards the students and went off to get her clipboard. She heard Lorin and called him over, "Sweety," she smiled, she knew not to touch him for risk of him seeing her past and the plans, "it's okay, just try your hardest, you'd be surprised with what you can do with your abilities"


Daphne sighed, she didn't like this game. There's no way she could persuade someone to not hit her with a ball when they already wanted to, she wasn't that strong yet. She didn't want to use her other power in front of everyone yet. She tried to think of a way to make it seem like someone else was doing it. She thought for awhile and gave up she's just have to get over this whole "mysterious" thing she was going for. She flicked her wrist at a ball coming straight for her face, sending the ball crashing to the floor and had it begin to almost walk towards the nearest person.

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Nick had always loved the game of dodge ball. It went well with his powers. He looked over to Lorin "poor guy, he's not gonna last long in this game." He quickly ran over to him and whispered "hey just stand behind me. I'll help you out during this game. "
Amaris looked around, seeing a ball at her feet, she lifted it up. She inspected the faded surface of the gator ball. Realizing it wasn't art class, she looked around quickly for somewhere to throw it. Noticing Lorin, she brought back her arm. She was used to holding back her strength, since breaking someone's hand in baseball was looked at poorly. With a quick flick, her full arm joining the motion, she sent it heading for Lorin's side.
Miki picked up one of the balls. She skipped aiming for Lorin and went for Nick. She concentrated her force and threw the ball. She heard a satisfying swish as the ball flew towards her target. She smiled, watching it fly dead on to the intended location. She loved sports with powers, mostly because she could smack people as hard as she could.
Lorin was told by Ms. James it would be fine and with that he would definitely be the only one not using his power the entire lesson. Gosh, he must look so useless! Nick came running up to him, standing in front of him and told him he would shield him. However when in panic his power was not easily controlled and he saw the ball coming from the side, he barely manged to dodge out of its way in time, making it seem as it was pure luck. "T- Thank you Ni- Nick," Lorin said as another vision popped in his head, pushing Nick closer to himself as the ball barely missed them both. It still looked natural, as Lorin was still holding onto Nick's clothing, and shaking as this was quite scary for Lorin, especially thinking all the balls were thrown with the use of abilities. The pain of getting hit with one of those scared him, as his hands were slightly starting to shake.
Amaris gave a small frown as Lorin dodged, maybe it wasn't the best idea to throw at the mind reader. Jogging to another lame ball, she cletched it tight. Putting her body into the motion, she feared less about hurting vampire boy, putting her full strength into the throw. The shot aimed for Nick's shoulder. Lets see how fast this vampire is.

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