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Fantasy Windermere Academy

Nick saw the ball that Amaris had thrown at him "Nice try" his eyes became a dark red and he put his hands out and caught the ball. "My turn" he threw it back at her aiming for her stomach.
Miki darted to the right. "Missed~" She called out. She grabbed it and threw it back with more force. This game was getting interesting. She aimed at Nick again. This time, she added a sound boost on the end, sending it slightly to the right of where she originally aimed. She smiled, preparing for him to fire back.
Daphne smiled, no one noticed, thank god. But now what was she suppose to do? She really didn't like to use that power unless she had too, maybe she should just get hit with the ball...her thoughts were pushed away when a ball hit her straight on the forehead, sending her straight to the ground. This mad her mad. She tried to calm herself but it wasn't working, why was something this simple making her so angry? She couldn't tell and before she knew it she was standing up and getting ready to send mob of angry balls at this person when she saw Lorin scared, maybe she could use her powers for good-she knew Nick was going to get caught up in the game, she could just tell by the look on his face. She whistled to Lorin and sent the hoard of balls over to him, not as an attack, but as a guard. She winked and moved to a different part of the room.


Ms.James was having a blast with this, she told Rafael this was going to work better than asking them questions, kids loved to show off. Each time someone used a power a little ''ping' went off on her watch and each time she wrote it down. She was surprised to see the two vampires, but even more Surprised to see have into this game Miki was, Rafael barely gave her file a second look. She wrote down a little reminder to speak to Rafael about her and find more out about her past.
Amaris gave a small smile as he caught and returned the ball towards her. Shifting her weight to the side, she kicked up catching the ball as she landed. She was actually having fun. Letting her arm slide into motion again, she let it drift down, only to shift upward last minutes. The trajectory, Nick's back. The urg to shift was unbearable. But she held off, noticing the look in Ms. Jame's eyes. Just like Mr.Smith. She looked at us just a little to intently.
Miki had thrown the ball giving it her little sound boost. His eyes continued to darken and fangs began to grow "Not good enough" he said jokingly. He held out his hands feeling the ball ram into them. It sent a shockwave behind him I hope Lorin is still Ok after that. He then tossed the ball back at Miki giving it a little more power this time.
Miki cartwheeled on one hand and the ball passed right under her. She grabbed it with the other hand and fired it again. This time she launched it with even more energy. It was good this gym was loud because the sound was fueling her like a fire. She smiled and landed on her feet. She had always liked being flexible.
Nick was having a good time, he could tell Miki was to. He wanted to keep this up for awhile. He could tell the ball would hurt Lorin if he moved so he stayed put. "How are you doing back there?" he said to Lorin as he caught the ball sending an even larger shockwave behind him. He felt his urge for blood increasing. So he dropped the ball and carried Lorin with him so he could get a drink.
Amaris sent a ball flying towards Miki, hoping to catch her off guard, being she was so into slamming one into the side of Nick. He was kinda strange, clinging to Lorin, I mean it was fine if he felt that way. Holding back a smile, she was ready for what ever Miki sent back.
(Just a small reminder to Ms. James. Lorin does not use his power, and is forced upon these visions. The machine will not ping on him, due to the visions lasting shorter than a tenth of a second :3)

Lorin saw the horde of balls coming his way and clenched his hands once more, but it seemed as they created a more of a barrier around him than it was there for attacking him. However, before he saw it coming a super fast ball came their way, and sent a painful shockwave into him. Not only once, but twice! He felt the slight pain rushing through his body, but brushed it off. He had been through worse, and now was not the time to be a complete useless wimp! "I- N- Nick?" Before Lorin had the chance to answer Nick, Nick lifted him off the ground and carried him away, to where? That he did not know.
Miki saw the one from the side. She closed her eyes and caught it. She opened one looking at her. "I can hear all sound waves, did you think I wouldn't notice?" She asked. She sent it back, applying a ton of force to it. Moving would be suicide in the way of her doge ball. The vortex around the ball would be enough to knock you over.
Amaris saw the ball come at her, she was fast, but she knew dodging was futile. She let her instinct take over, her body shifting in a flurry of movement. She rose to the sky, going one place a ball didn't tend to follow, up. Her dark wings spread, gaining air. Amaris toddled in the air above as a raven, her beaded eyes viewing below.
Natalia stood on the sidelines, at least what she though was the sideline observing the game as best she can. The game wasn't hard to follow by sound, no difficult to tell when a ball hit somebody or bounced of a wall or another ball. She was enjoying it more than she would actually playing it, she could dodge a ball through sound and feeling the ripples in the air but trying to hit somebody was a different story.
Reina frowned as the teacher told them to use their powers. Her powers weren't very useful in sports unless maybe if someone got hurt, because then should could heal them or if she got hurt. However, dodge ball wasn't one of those sports where people got hurt alot. She was wearing her gym uniform and her hair was tied up in a messy, practical ponytail. Her grey scarf was wound around her right hand; she couldn't leave it behind even if the teacher asked her to. She was mostly watching for now, a little afraid as she watched the others unleash their full powers. She was standing near Natalia, though wasn't sure if her room mate was in the mood to talk.
"Why arent you joining the fun?" She asked politely sensing the presence next to her." I hope this not for my benefit, i hate when people do that."
Reina shook her head, smiling ruefully. "No..it's just that..with everyone else at full power like this, it's a little overwhelming. And my powers aren't exactly too helpful in this case." She watched a few of them throwing the balls with a fiery passion and others dodging it with grace and ease. No..I definitely am not going to try to compete with that.
"N- Nick! W- where are w- we going? T- The gymnasium i- is t- the other w- way..." Lorin asked Nick, as he did not struggle against being carried, especially he felt that his body was in pain from Miki's shock waves, but he felt really embarrassed as someone might see them. He was not a baby, and he could walk on his own, but he was far too shy to tell this directly to Nick.
Amaris let her wings tilt, descending lightly till finally landing along the top bleachers. Her beak aimed up, her wings expanding, as the last feather faded, she sat, not the least frazzled. Though her hunger burned through her throat, fangs digging into her gums.
When Alina heard that they could use their powers she shifted to a leap it's seal and loaded balls onto her tail launching them like a catapult to te apposing students. . She looked around to see balls far from her reach and instead of humping over there awkwardly she shifts to a snowy owl and grabs the ball with her tallons practically bombing the others.
Nick could tell he made Lorin nervous "Relax I need to get a quick sip of blood from my bag. Unless you want me nibbling me on your neck." He sat Lorin down and pulled out a bottle of blood and took a sip. "Besides if I left you out there you'd be toast."
"I- It's o- okay. T- Thank you Nick," Lorin said less nervous now that he knew what Nick was doing, he smiled as it was put down on the ground again and smiled. It seemed as Nick was a very very nice guy. Nick enjoyed playing dodge ball in the room with the other's and had been very good at taking the hardest hits, he was more worried about Nick than his own hurting body. Thinking of how caught up everyone had gotten into the game, he thought it was great they could do something like that, to have fun with everyone. "Nick. You're a really nice person... Thank you so much," Lorin said, without stuttering once as he smiled a bright smile to Nick, with his cheeks slightly dark pink.
Skipping a few steps, Amaris headed back down to the game, but stopped seeing Lorin and Nick, she raised a brow, noticing Lorin blush. Tensing, she walked away quietly, holding back a laugh. Finding the ground littered with balls, she noticed Alina flying about in the form of a snowy owl. Finding another target, she spotted Miki. Deciding it couldn't hurt, she sent two hurtling the girls way.
"Is that so. I thought seal enjoyed playing with ball."She said slightly nervous at the realization that it was Reina next to her, remembering last night nightmare."Eh...Did i bother you last night? I am told i am a wrestles sleeper due to me condition."
"Thanks Lorin" he took another sip of blood easing his hunger. His eyes turned back into the original color. Lorin seemed like a nice boy but he could help himself to ask one question. "When we were telling our powers that everyone you seemed nervous. Where you hiding something?"

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