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Fantasy Windermere Academy

Miki stood from her chair, looking up at the front with determination. "My name is Miki. I have the ability to make the listener of my song conform to my wishes and create sound wave blasts so strong they can create craters due to the sound energy running though my blood." Miki said. She looked at the teacher and sat down, with nothing else to say.
"Very well, that is everyone then... It is good that you all get to know each other. Now, go on to page 14 in your textbooks and read to page 20. There are assessments on page 21 and I do demand that they are all finished at the end of this lesson. I will check, so I advice you to do so," Mr. Smith said as he began noting down once again, crossing over the names. In the end it seemed as Lorin was the only one who had seemingly held back. (Sorry for all of those I did not include, such as Daphne and those who are not online, but we'll just pretend they did it. To not have this ling awkward pause in the RP)

Lorin began reading quietly for himself, as he looked over to Miki. She could manipulate someone's mind with her singing. Why was it that all these people had somewhat offensive abilities and he had only one that was not even useful in combat. It was good to know that people had powers, except himself, but it felt lonely now that his power seemed so dull to him. He let out a small sigh, as he went back to reading. Not distracted any longer.
Ari looked at her book. She began to read, which was no problem for her. She started absorbing the energy around her. The energy now coursing though her veins made everything she did 5 times faster. She started flipping thought the pages as fast as her energy would allow. She reached the end of the required pages in no time.
Lorin finished his assessments slowly, as it felt great to get his mind off abilities and only focus on school life. Hopefully Mr. Smith did not suspect anything as he had not used any of his powers yet. It should be fine, he should be clean as he did not lie. He just evaded the entire truth.

(I'll be going off to bed! See you all tomorrow!)
Reina awoke, startled. "Hm? Yea, I'm here." Her voice was still hoarse from sleep. She was a heavy sleeper and it took a long time for her to usually wake up. She wondered what was wrong, and felt slightly flattered that her room mate would call out to her.

((I'm going to timeskip over to the classroom, if that's okay.))

Reina was wearing simple denim shorts and a floral shirt, her grey scarf tied securely around her neck once more. She felt satisfied with the classwork and the seemingly normal atmosphere. She had expected some sort of weird test or question that would make her uncomfortable. Six pages wasn't a lot and she was a relatively fast reader, but when she saw a girl near her read at a frighteningly fast speed, she quickly reassessed herself. So many people had cool powers or good powers that could help them. Turning into a seal didn't really do anything, especially since she was a female selkie. Her healing powers did help in a few ways, though it wasn't anything miraculous.
Almost having a small heart attack when his roommate walked in, Hudson tried to do his breathing exercises relatively quietly. After finishing that, his roommate began talking of the announcement guy changing his word at the last second. Now this, gave him a full blown paranoia attack. What starts with su? Surf? Sure? Suggest? And that's when the announcement guy talked and said something about lock down. Lock down. You don't use that term lightly. What is wrong with this school? Whats so dangerous that we need to lock down? And then another guy, giving Hudson yet another mini heart attack, knocked on the door seeming to be lost. Luckily, his roommate seemed to handle it. Little to say, he got very little sleep that night.

Trudging through the halls, Hudson ignored just about everything around him, focusing on one task. Getting to class.

Barely making it in on time, he sat towards the back of the room immediately put his head down and tried to sleep a little bit before his next class. I don't even care of I get detention. Expel me for all i care, I just want to go back home.
Alina finished her "meal" and sat in the desk positioned next to daphne. She removed an empty journal and one from her bag and scribbled something inside before looking it at the board. She looked around the room and noticed how juvenile it all seem "daphne" she said to get her attention "doesn't it look all nice outside? Like an old mansion sort of? Why didn't they continue it inside. It's awfully boring" he leaned her head on her elbow.

(I'll just include it here then. Alina can shift into polar animals,like arctic foxes or penguins and polar bears.)
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Natalia went on with her assignment working from a briel book provided and small laptop she used for writing. Despite the relief of still finding her roommate alive, she was still shaken by her dream making it difficult to concentrate on the work.

So out of it she had barely noticed when her name was called out out earlier to introduce herself, having mr Smith shout at her to come up. Her introduction was embarrassing having to claim she was a werewolf and not being able, and not wanting, to demonstrate. She didnt even have the chance to properly dress herself, god knows how she looked. The silence afterwards was worse having no idea of the other reaction. The was some relief at findings out the others powers as the could defend themselves if she turned.
Amaris worked quietly, the assignment not particularly challenging. Half way through, she looked at the schedule. It was odd not seeing Math or English. Everything was based around powers. How were they expected to go into the world and live a normal life if all you knew were about werewolves and selkies? Pushing it off, she hoped the thought would not linger, no need to get worked up about nothing. This was her chance to be herself, meet others like Nick. Ask questions, and find answers. With a rare smile, she continued to work.
Daphne looked at Alina and thought about it for a minute, it was really strange how nice it was outside..she whispered back "I know, it's weird, notice how there's barely any big windows?" Daphne went back to her work and sighed, she wasn't use to writing, she'd always make the pencil do it for her and she reaaalllyyy didn't seem the harm in doing it now, so she looked around the room to make sure no one was paying attention and flicked her wrist a little and suddenly, the pencil began moving on its on. She positioned herself in a way that sorta of hid the pencil from everyone but also made it look like she was writing.

(When Daphne stood up to introduce herself, she just shrugged and said her name was Daphne and she could calm people down, she didn't particularly enjoy the ability she thought it could get annoying and it only worked on people that wanted to be calmed down.)
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Lorin finished the assessments as Mr. Smith had requested, and realized there was still some time left before class ended. He seemed to be quite preoccupied with his papers, as it was weird he was taking so many notes. Why is he taking so many notes anyway? Maybe he is working on something too? The windows is bothering me a bit though... It was always nice to stare outside the window when I was done with my assessments in class. A- And... D- Does he b- believe me w- when I said I- I didn't h-have any other powers? H- he did ask me if I- I wanted to a- add something... Lorin thought to himself, hoping secretly that he did not have to answer any weird question or came into trouble because of him evading 1/3 of the truth.
Mr.Smith looked down at his notes, a little annoyed, he KNEW these freaks were hiding most of their powers, but he couldn't say anything, then they'd really know something was up. He placed all the files back in his briefcase and stood up, "I hope you're all finished, class is over in about five minutes, and I don't grade incomplete work." his booming voiced echoed across the room. This was a lie, he didn't care about the work, he was pretty sure it was made up by Rafael so god only knows whats real and whats Rafael's assumptions. Then he realized Cherrie never came, this got him even more mad, had they canceled the plan and just neglected to tell him? He'd have to ask during "Teacher's Break."
Miki planned to followed Lorin after class. She wanted confirm that he saw what she saw. She had already finished the test at the end of the section and was waiting patiently for class to be over. Studies were always a bore, but she had to do marginally good to fulfill her parents wishes. That is, the wishes from when they were alive.
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Amaris, finishing up the last page, doodled along the edge of her paper, drawing spirals and intricate patterns. At her old school, art had been her favorite subject, and really the only one she truly enjoyed. Watching Mr.Smith depart, she pushed her clutter into the spiral bound notebook, and looked around once more. Noticing the windows, it didn't bother her. Not that light evoked her skin into smoke and flame, but it was a little irritating.
Daphne smiled at the pencil, "Ahh...I've still got it." she congratulated herself secretly. She grabbed hold of the pencil and it stopped writing, She ripped out the pages she needed to and placed them in a neat pile on the corner of her desk and waited for class to be over. He stomach growled a little bit "I probably should have eaten..." she thought as her mind trailed off to thoughts of food.


Mr.Smith, already over this classed walked hastily down the aisles of desks, snatching up whatever paper seemed to have writing on it. Grading it was going to be easy, every 3rd person would get a B, everyone else, an A or C. When he'd gathered all the papers he cared to gather, he went back to the brief case, picked it up and hurried to the door, "
Goodbye, remain here until the bell rings, I need to go see the....er..nurse, yes, the nurse." he said as he hastily made his way out the door and down the hallway towards the "nurses station" which could also be turned into an examination room of the freaks. When he got in there he slammed his stuff down on the too clean chair and yelled, "CHERRIE, WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME ALONE WITH THOSE...THINGS FOR SO LONG YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO COME AND GET THEM!" but, it was not Cherrie that come out from behind the curtain, it was Rafael and he had this strange grin on his face, much like the one he gets when he's about to do something, "Cherrie and I had some difference of opinions and she was forced to...hm, leave." he laughed (actually, he sounded like he was cackling). Smith stood there in a daze, he knew this was going to happen, Cherrie had too muchc of a heart to be here.
Amaris looked about the class, waiting for the bell to ring. She really didn't care much about grades, but not failing would be nice. Looked to the clock, time groaned on. Pushing her notepads into her bag, she leaned back in her chair.
"I- It seems as t- the first le- lesson wasn't too bad. D- Daphne... what's ne- next lesson?" Lorin asked her as he had completely forgotten to bring his own schedule, but he figured that everyone was in the same class, so their classes should be the same. He looked around in the classroom hoping for the bell to ring any second, so he could see if he managed to find the library and hopefully find his book, maybe if he took a quick peek into the future he didn't even have to go, no. That was a bad idea, especially after what he had said to the rest of the class today. Maybe it was just better to try and find the janitor from yesterday and ask him, if any of the bus drivers had seen his book.
Daphne looked at the schedule and her head dropped a little, the next class, she had a feeling would be a little more than a regular gym class, but she knew Lorin and she knew how he was so she kept calm when talking to him, "It's just gym, bet I'll beat you in dodge ball!" She laughed as the bell dinged.

*Bell rings-Bell Break before Gym*

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Miki followed Lorin out the door. She walked behind him silently, making sure not to alarm him. A few steps out the classroom she spoke up. "Lorin?" She asked. She wanted to clear up that he was dead if he leaked her past. No warning, just dead. She would make him go deaf or cause him to be buried in a crater. Or both.
Amaris quickly stood up, grabbing her back with a quick grasp. Heading to the door, she slid past Daphne and Lorin, heading into the monotone hall. She had to admit, compared to the outside, the inside was relatively boring, and a little too sterile. Passing by Miki, she looked along the room numbers, steadily heading to Gym. She figured if she got there first, she could enjoy a vial before the rest showed up. She never drank in front of others, it was just strange.
"G- Gym? I- I don't think I- I would be h- hard to b- beat i- in dodge ball..." Lorin stuttered out as the thought of dodge ball was already scaring him, especially since some of the teachers he had previously told him to not wear his eye patch, due to him needing both eyes to not get hit. He wasn't blind on his other eye after all, but if he did... then he would have cheated, and that was not fair. Even though it felt great to not get hit by the balls. "I- I'll go and g- get my g- gym c- clothes then. I- I'll see you in c- class!" Lorin said as he left the classroom. Once he was a few steps out of the classroom, Miki walked up to him. "Y- Yes?" Lorin asked Miki, as he looked up at her. How mad was she? To the extend where she was wondering what happened, or to the extend where he might want to start digging his own grave right now. It scared him to think about it, as he clenched his textbook in his arms, looking at her with his one dark turquoise colored eye.
"Did you see what I saw." Miki said. She looked at him closely. She could see beads of sweat forming on his forehead. She smiled. "Relax. If you did see what I saw, I'm not mad." Miki said. Then her peaceful look changed to a menacing glare. "But if you dare tell anyone else about this your as good as dead." She threatened. She smiled at him again. "Now then, I will just go grab my gym clothes! See you in gym!" She said cheerily.
Lorin stood speechless and scared in the hallway for a few seconds after Miki left, as she had just threatened to kill him if he said anything about the vision, and then casually walked off. He knew it was a bad idea to take her hand, but he didn't want to seem rude either. It was more than just a bad idea, it was a terrible idea. J- Just don't think about it Lorin! j- Just don't t- talk about it... I- It's not a- as if you w- were going to a- anyway! Lorin thought to himself, still clenching his textbook in his hands before he quickly ran to his dorm and changed into his gym clothes, hoping the teacher would not mind him wearing the eye patch, he could aim with a bow just fine with one eye, so why not in gym class too? Once he had changed he quickly ran back out again, looking around for a bit before he eventually found his way.
Miki was already in gym class. She had tied up her hair in a ponytail, the locks flowing over her shoulders. She sighed as she waited for everyone else. She was trying to burn of excess energy by sending clicks across the gym like echolocation. She sighed, feeling the ripples of energy from her voice as she spoke. She continued clicking her tongue in anticipation.

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