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Fantasy Windermere Academy

Ari took his hand. Immediately she remembered her worst enemy. She stopped in her tracks as she started remembering.

It was a dark and cold day. I was strapped to a steal board in a dark room with only one light above me. There were a lot of instruments around her with tubes ticking into her arms. I looked around, my head whipping around the room. Suddenly a person materialized out of the darkness. I recoil on the table, trying to get away from him. He came closer, a needle in his hand. He laughed, his voice ringing out though the room. I watched him get close and jab the needle in my arm, injecting the contents inside my blood stream. I screamed, the sound filling the empty room. Then I went deaf, no sound to be heard. I knew that I was still screaming, but I could hear nothing. I lost consciousness soon after that.

Ari gasped, coming back out of her worst memory. She didn't say anything.
"M-My name is Nick. N-Nice to meet you." He went to go sit down towards the middle row and got a window seat. He looked out the window only to see miles and miles of nothing. Why are we in the middle of nowhere?
Lorin went straight to the ground after helping her up, holding his head as if he had a mayor headache... It was never a good idea to look into someone's past, but this person's past was so horrible... it was... tears trailed down Lorin's eyes as he could feel the pain the girl went through, and even though the girl's memory stopped, he could feel the same pain she had felt under her memory, only that it was doubled for him. Quickly pulling himself together, he stood up, shaking his head slightly and looking over at the girl. Pretending nothing had happened, as the pain was still flowing through his body. "I- I'm L- Lorin. I- It's a pleasure to meet you... W- We should g- go to class to n- not be late..." Lorin suggested as he began walking towards the classroom after Daphne and Alina.
Amaris couldn't help a smile. She had to admit, he was cute, in the lost puppy sort of way. Facing the board, she twiddled her pen in a small jitter. Where was the darn teacher? So much for worrying about being late or early. Looking around the room, she inspected each of the students around her. Nothing to particularly weird.
Lorin entered the classroom to see most of them had already entered, even though he didn't get a good look at the classrooms from the outside, but noticed that the windows was far smaller than what he had imagined. There were more people in here than he thought as he saw Daphne and Alina, two friendly faces, and smiled to them with his flustered cheeks and made his ways over to where they were sitting, but only after fixing the eye patch over his left eye. "M- May I s- sit with you two?" Lorin asked shyly, as he did not wish to be a bother to them, and rarely invited himself in as he would usually be rejected, but he felt safe with the two of them as they had been so friendly earlier.
Miki followed the strange boy. "Miki...." She muttered, following him. She sat down close to the boy she had meet and waited for class to start. She wanted to get to know that strange boy. She also wanted to make sure her past was safe. Whatever happened, he saw it, and she was going to make sure no one but him found out about her past.
*The bell rang, signaling everyone to get to class*

Daphne looked up and smiled at Lorin, this was a good chance to get to know him, she closed her eyes for a moment and opened them, setting her voice a bit sweeter and calmer than it was before "Of course you can sit here, seriously, Lorin, don't feel so afraid to sit with us or talk to us, you're always welcome here," she motioned to the desk next to here, "why not sit there?"


Mr.Smith walked into the classroom and looked around, he huffed a little bit- he was a scientist, a very good one in fact, and he was being forced to teacher these...these...
freaks? He was not happy about this, but he did what needed to be done for the project. He walked to his typical teacher desk and placed his briefcase on it and sat down in the chair, he examined the classroom- surely these weren't the only students...he'd give them some more time before he continued on. He took a sip of his freshly brewed coffee and relaxed a little when he remember Cherrie was going to be taking these freaks out one by one for "blood samples".

"T- Thank you!" Lorin said and smiled to her friendliness, he had difficulties opening up to people, and he knew that very well. Especially since he was scared of himself, but it was good to know Daphne wanted him to be a bit more brave than he was. Quickly taking the seat next to her he placed his books on the desk and noticed Miki sitting next to him again, was she mad? She was probably mad, she was probably furious! He just peeked into her past, on purpose kind of... and the pain he felt... it was hers... No. No thinking of that, you're in class. Focus! Lorin thought as Mr. Smith walked up into the class, seemingly their teacher as he waited for him to start class.
Amaris rested her head on her hand. Boredom creeped along her thoughts, allowing hunger to come to mind. Each heart beating around her, blood flowing through each persons veins. It was enough to make her own unbeating heart flutter. Feeling her incisors at her lips, she pulled back. She feared herself sometimes, and this school was her last hope to control herself. Looking up at Mr. Smith, she hoped for something interesting.
Ari looked at the boy. He looked worried. She felt kind of bad for the guy. She tried to focus on class, but her vision kept creeping over to the scared boy next to her. She smiled at him and turned back to the teacher that was walking in. He just stood there, which was kind of weird. She looked at him, waiting for him to start.
Mr.Smith closed his eyes and rubbed his temple with this fingers-time to get into character. He opened his eyes and stood up, stretching a little.

"Good morning-" he paused looking for the right word, "students, I am Mr.Smith your Abilities History teacher." he turned and picked up the black dry erase marker and wrote his name on the board in perfect cursive, when finished he placed the marker back in its holder and clapped his hands and walked to the front of his desk and leaned on it with his hands in his pockets. "Now, I'm just going to assume everyone is here and start the day. Today we're not going to do much with history but instead, learning about each other." He turned and picked up his files containing the a list of students and brief history, he scanned the list before stopping at a name, "Hmm....Mr.Lorin, why don't you tell us a little about your abilities, eh? After him Amaris can go, and then we'll go from there." He picked up a pen and was ready to write down all things Rafael would want to know.
"M- Me?" Lorin said shyly as he realized that he had to go first, it was terrible to be the first one! What if he said something dumb? What if he did something dumb? Or answered wrong? No wait, how could he answer wrong when the question was about him? Then again... the class might want to avoid him for the rest of his life if he told him about it... but he couldn't lie to a teacher... could he? "I- I have the ability to teleport my mind to o- other's m- minds... N- Not ph- physically t- though..." Lorin said, as he let the rest of his power be unknown for the class. It wasn't lying, he was simply not telling everything.
Amaris gave a muddled frown. She dreaded public speaking, especially about one of her most private aspects of life. She didn't remember the night it happened, but it scorned her memories in constant fear. She knew life had once been different, she had had friends, lived a truly social life. Till it was all torn away. Now she was a blood sucking beast, lacking the base necessity of life. She knew with terror, that no 15 year old should carry the burden of murder.
Daphne's eyes widen a little bit, "So this is why he doesn't 'do' handshakes..." she cursed herself a little for not figuring it out and made a mental note to write down on her list, but she had an uneasy feeling that there was more to his power than he let on, which was a smart idea, she didn't want people knowing the second half of her power either. She looked over at Lorin and smiled "That's a pretty cool power, now I'm not so upset about you dissing my handshake!" she laughed lightly.


Mr.Smith nodded and made some notes,
"Anything else to add? If not, you may sit down." he didn't really wanna press the issues, they'd come out sooner or later, this way was just easier." he looked down at his paper and crossed of Lorin's name, adding a little * next to it so he'd know to come back later. "Okay, Amaris, you may go next."


*sidenote: i have to go to the airport, be back later! just continue, someone can take over Mr.Smith's part for now or just idle along, doesn't really matter to me :)
Miki looked up at the boy. 'So that's what he did' Miki thought. She stared at him, contemplating how to approach him. She sighed, thinking about what she would tell everyone. She most defiantly didn't want to tell them about that memory, or the fact that at one point she was just a regular human.
"N- no. N- Nothing," Lorin said and sat back down to his place, blushing at Daphne's compliment even though he felt as he was lying to them all, but it was better to not tell them. They would not like it, no one would like a person who could predict someone's future or look into someone's past. It was their private lives... if it was found out then... then he wouldn't have any friends anymore... even after he had gotten this many... "I- I don't think i- it's that cool..." Lorin said and smiled to Daphne, it was a good thing she bought it. He wasn't going to tell anyone, excpet Miki he supposed, as she had already gotten a portion of his power already, or maybe she had bought it too? There was no reason to press the issue if she didn't.
Amaris gave a unsteady lift from her chair. Looking around her, they were strangers. Weird strangers, but strangers none the less. Hoping she looked half decent right about now. She wondered how much she should say. Figuring it would come out either in shifter class or lunch time, why not be truthful.

"Hello..." she started awkwardly. "I am Amaris Jones. I am not exactly sure what I am, but I guess you could call me a vampire." She cringed at the sound of the word, it sounded like a generic teen love novel, not her messed up life. "I also may take the form of a raven," she finished. Her voice cracking through her sentence. Noticing Lorin speak to the the other girl, she couldn't help but listen to his heart beat. The rythem soothing. In an instant, she pushed herself from her momentary trance, catching a glance at Mr. Smith.
Nick was impressed by Lorin's powers. Not bad, very impressive. He was about to search his bag for blood until he heard the one girl he had met first in the classroom claim to be a vampire. She's a vampire to!?! At least I won't be the only one at least. He then searched his bag for blood, but for some reason he couldn't find it. He began panicking DAM where did I put it? Nick heard his stomach growl. He shot his hand up "Mr. Smith may I quickly go to my dorm real quick?"
*Suppose I'll be this Mr. Smith for now!*

"Class has just begun. You do not really need to go back to your dorm right now do you? Wait until classes are done," Mr. Smith told Nick before he noted down Amaris' power on his sheet before he looked over to Nick once again. "Why don't you go next Mr. Nick?" He suggested as he continued to write something more on his paper, before looking up at the class once again.
Nick heard his stomach growl Got to hurry. "My name is Nick James. I'm half vampire and my powers are enhanced attributes." He said it rather quickly and now is stomach began hurting. He bent over in pain, and started breathing hard.
Amaris gave a glance towards Nick, someone was in a hurry to find something, she thought to herself. From the look in his eyes, she could almost guess. She peered at her own bag. Giving a quick and discrete motion, she unzipped the side pocket. In a fine row, four vials of blood. She hated stealing, but the blood bank was a good option to putting others at risk. Grabbing a spare pencil, she pinched the end off. Pushing up from her chair, she headed towards the sharpener, conveniently near Nick. As he sat down, she gave a small tap to his side, her own eyes on the sharpener. Between her index and thunb, a scarlet vial.
Mr. Smith looked over to where Nick was laying on his desk, and has the test subjects could not die of starvation or go crazy during class he let out a small sigh. "Go to your dorm then Mr. Nick, but next time you will not be allowed," Mr. Smith said as he scouted over the classroom and his eyes stopped on Miki, as he first noted down Nick's abilities and switched files. "Ms. Miki, you're next," Mr. Smith said with a smile as he waited for Nick to leave.

Lorin looked over to both Nick and Amaris, as he did not feel anywhere close to scared about them being vampires. He was rather more impressed as there was people with far more awesome powers than what he had. It was probably hard for them too, but it must be great to have a power to help you in combat, as it seems easier when Lorin have to quickly get away.
Nick grabbed the vial and drank it. He then whispered to her "thanks I owe you one." He then looked at Mr. Smith "I'll be find for now."
Mr. Smith sighed at Nick's sudden change of heart, before he ignored it for now, but he did note it as it was a bit suspicious, but he had a good idea of what had happened. "Then, Ms. Miki, would you kindly share your abilities to the rest of the class?" Mr. Smith asked again, as he wanted to straight back on subject as to not get too distracted with what the students were doing.
Looking at her pencil with a decent smile, she turned back to her desk. Returning her attention to the teacher, she felt odd. This teacher, he didn't seem right. He wrote like someone observing evidence, his actions strange, almost planned. Weird or freaky, she had her eye on him.

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