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Fantasy Windermere Academy

Daphne closed her eyes for a minute and when she opened them they were a shade lighter than before, she placed a hand on James shoulder and spoke to him in a calm and sweet voice, "It's all right, there's no reason to be so jittery, calm down." She closed her eyes again and opened them-returning them to their original shade and smiled "it's nice to meet you Nick James the vampire, do you need any help?"

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He couldn't tell what it was at first but he began to calm down. His face began to change back to its original color and he could look her in the eyes. Why do I not feel nervous anymore? "I don't need any help with my stuff. But could you help me find my room? Also....how did you do that? "
Daphne shrugged- she didn't enjoy talking about her powers much. 'Hmm..I'm not sure, sometimes it just happens." she lied. Trying to change the subject she looked down at his paper he got from the bin, "What's your room number? I'm pretty sure we're right near the dorms, can't be much farther.."
She laughed at Daphne forgetfulness and later the nervous stammer of Nick. She waved in the general direction of Nick when she was introduced and listened with interest in the demonstration of Daphne powers. The change of voice was subtle but very soothing even for an onlooker, made Natalia wonder if it could help keep her problem under control.

"Impressive power, Daphne. I wish i met you a day or so ago." Natalie commented to Daphne before turning to Nick. Her tone was comic."Happy to help but no nibbling on our necks to minimal ok."
Reina slowly stepped down the stairs that led from the bus to the ground with as much grace as she could muster under the circumstances. She was wearing a simply pure white dress with her grey scarf hanging securely around her neck. She held a brown suitcase in one hand. She quickly strode to what she perceived to be the main building and got her papers that told her about her dorm. She stood outside the main building for a couple moments, taking in the setting before heading towards the dormitory building. She was nervous, especially about her room mate. She rolled her suitcase behind her as she traveled through the building. As she did so, she noticed some people a little distance from her that were also looking for their dorm rooms.
Daphne turned and looked at Natalia, "Oh, thank you, I try not to use it too much, it'd probably get on some peoples nerves..I know my mom didn't enjoy it too much, but what were you saying about yesterday?" Daphne tried to ignore her curiosity about everyone's powers, but the urge to ask everyone (besides Nick, thankfully he already told her without any hesitation..she still wanted to know more though) was starting to become overwhelming but she didn't want anyone to realize so she fiddled with her papers as a way to calm herself.
He could tell she was hiding something but decided not to call her on it. He began to pick up his papers "my dorm number is 301." He began to blush when Natalia began to talk. "I try not to let my vampire part take over. I packed some blood from home. It took awhile to get it but I got a lot of it. However when I get to hungry my vampire side comes out and I take it by force." He was curious on why Daphne changed the subject so fast but decided to let it pass.
"Ah...Well...It well...I say a day ago ir was longer than that...Just felt like it...It was the first time I discovered my "ability"...it wasn't pleasant..."She said looking down sadly, a hand gently touching her left thigh. Me and my big mouth, she thought to herself, time to scare the fellow students. Before she could Nick answered her previous comment making her feel a little more comfortable about hers. She raised her head again and forced a smile."We are not so different in that regard, though mine doesn't stop at blood...Congratulations if you wanted a doggie pet friend... You have possession a genuine slobbering cute werewolf breed. I warn you i am high maintenance if you want me as a pet."
Daphne laughed her first genuine laugh in a while, it echoed down the hallway. "You both are too much, I think you'd both get a long really well!" she exclaimed as she rubbed the back of her head with her hand "And Natalia there's nothing wrong with being a werewolf-everyone's got a little beast in side of them! But aren't werewolves and vampires suppose to hate each other?" she laughed again and started off down the hallway, "Room 200..201..202...203!" she yelled down the hallway, "I found them..they're all the ways down here, just walk straight and you'll find them! Here I'll put something on your door knob so you'll know its yours." She rummaged through her duffle bag and came up with a black hair tie "Good enough!" she thought as she placed it around the door knob. She started for her room before looking back down the hallway at Natalia and James and yelling to them, "I probably shouldn't leave you two alone but...I suppose there's not much of a problem, you two seem to be hitting it off! Hopefully I'll see you each later and Nick, just go up the stairs to your left and you'll be on your dorm floor!" Daphne then hurried into her room, dropping her stuff on the empty bed-her roommate was already here but she must have left to go explore, which was good for Daphne, she needed to be alone right now, for all she could think about was what her mother had told her before she died. She laid down on her bed and closed her eyes while her mother's last words crept into her mind,

"Now Daphne, remember these people..they'll gather all different kinds of abilities-shifters, werewolves, witch hunters, vampires, and even mind readers. Be careful, my love, I've done all I can for you now, be wise."

Alina stood in the door way watching him inside the room "lucky, not that I mind having a roommate or anything but there's so much more privacy in a single bedroom" she laughed a little "anyway, I should be getting back to my room, it was really nice meeting you, I hope we see each other in classes. It's always nice to have a familiar face." She didn't think it would be this early that she would make a friend,a at least Alina thought of him as a friend. She gave him a little wave before turning back into the hallway and coating the stairs to go back down to her room,maybe her roommate has arrived. Standing in front of the door she gave a little warning knock to tell who ever it is inside that she's coming and slowly opened the door. A smile appeared when she did indeed see her roommate in the empty bed. "Hello?"
Reina quickened her pace and found her room without many problems. She entered, expecting an explosion of posters or clothes or something. However, it was surprisingly empty. Her room mate must have not arrived yet. Her room mate's name was...Natalia. She looked around. Nope, no one here unless her room mate was someone who could turn invisible. Sighing in mild relief, she closed the door behind her and chose the bed farthest from the door. Her grey scarf was getting itchy and she took it off with a huff, tying it around her left wrist with a flourish.
Lorin placed his belongings on his part of the room, as he could potentially get a roommate in the future, and put everything neatly in place. He sat down on his bed, and looked at his backpack he had brought with him. A suitcase would be far too heavy for him to carry by himself after all, even though he managed to place a good amount of stuff in there. "Who would have thought I would get a friend so quickly? You didn't even make yourself seem dumb, except getting lost... But Alina was super kind! I am lucky to have met her first," Lorin said to himself, giggling at the thought of how good this day had seemingly went. He read through the book which he had almost finished on the bus, he had read it before, but he loved to story so much that reading it again was not an issue. Lorin was about to begin on his second book, but he could not find it. Did he really lose it? Lorin quickly jumped out of the bed, and began running towards the buses, the driver had to seen his book. It was one of his favorites books that his mother had read for him when he was a child. As Lorin was in a hurry, he failed to see Natalia and Nick standing in the hallway and ran into them, but due to his small size it was only Lorin that fell over. "S- Sorry! I- I- I- was in a hurry!" Lorin apologized a bit embarrassed, as he rubbed the back of his head, the floor was not great for his head after all.
""Little" beast side of them...Right.. "Natalia said unsure if she should be relieved or worried at Daphne easy acceptance of her condition. She expected it from Nick his ability was similar if not more manigable to hers. Did Daphne now something about the condition she didn't? She kept the thought at the back of her brain hoping to have Dalphne answer it later. She turned to Nick, gesturing that they should fellow Daphne's lead."What is that about us having a problem?"

She reached out to feel were the wall was, moving closer to the left until she did. Still touching the wall, she began walking toward, touching on each door nob to find the hair tie with one hand and with the other swing her cane in an arc on the floor.
Daphne snapped out of day dream and looked at Alina, confused for a minute-why was someone in her room and then she remembered she has a roommate and blinked away the confusion, standing up and holding out her hand for a handshake, "I'm daphne, I mean you probably already know that but still a normal introduction isn't bad!"She smiled, hoping this girl wasn't the unwanted rude roommate

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Alina blinked a bit, this girl must be her roommate. She happily took her hand and shook it. "I'm Alina, I guess we'll be roommates for the year" she gave her a nod and walked over to her bed to sit down "I hope you don't mind, it didn't seem like you were here yet so I chose a bed"
Rafael watched the test subjects on his computer making small notes in each ones profile, marking whether they've used a power yet or discussed it. He looked down at the time and was startled-it was getting late and he didn't want the subjects to get used to being out late. He leaned over and pressed the intercom button and started his announcement,

"Good evening sub-i mean-students, we do realize it's early but we don't want to risk anyone being late for their first day of classes, so lock down will begin in ten minutes, starting in the main lobby and ending in the dormitories around 9:00 PM, please do make sure you're in your room by then. Also, we use the term "lock down" lightly, we are only do this as a precaution for those that do not have full control of their abilities, lock down will not be needed after a few days, thank you."

He finished the announcement and took of a sip of his drink, so far this class was going well, and hopefully no one was starting to get

suspicious, now he had to rely on the doctors and scientists to play convincing teachers until the time was right and he could the process.


Daphne started to tell Alina that it was alright, a bed was just a bed to Daphne, when she was interrupted by the strange announcement. She looked around the room, looking for what would be locked down when she noticed how strange the room actually was, there was only one tiny window in the room and it was up so high, it was almost touching the ceiling. "
Strange.." she said out loud to no one in particular, "let's hope this isn't as creepy as it sounds." she added with a gentle laugh, hoping it was ease the strange atmosphere that was filling the room. She got up and went to her duffle bag and looked for something comfortable to wear to sleep in, she pulled out a long plain t-shirt and shorts, "I'll be back, I guess I should change before were locked into our rooms for the night." she left the room and started for the bathroom at the end of the hallway.
"C- Can't I just take a qu- quick look? T- To see if my book is there?" Lorin asked the bus driver, but he was rejected for the fifth time as he had almost asked all of the bus drivers now. None of them granted him access and they all said that there was no book inside any of the buses, but they hadn't even looked! Why won't they let me inside the bus? I'm just going to look for my book! Maybe they don't like people like me... Lorin thought as he had no choice, but to leave it be. Due to him being a bit far away from the school, he failed to hear the announcement on the speakers as he was fighting with the driver. Disappointed, he was unsure what to do next so he decided to get to know the outdoor area of the school better, just to ensure he would not get lost a second time.
Nick followed Daphne's advice and the route that she had told him. When he finished climbing the stairs he heard the announcement and quickly searched for his dorm number. He eventually found his dorm and stepped inside to see he had a roommate. "H-Hello There." He said this with his faced turned away.
Natalia found the hair tie the moment the announcement sounded. Something about the head teacher didnt feel right, the "student" slip and the chose of the word "lockdown" just gave her goosebumps. She tried to shake the feeling off with only little success.

"See you later." She called jokingly as she heard Nick walking off before opening the door and entering"Hello, anyone in here? Eh....What the name...Reina?"
Alina blinked a little bit in confusion after the announcement was made. She looked at daphne "why would they call it lock down? Don't normal boarding schools call it curfew?" She tilted her head "I mean, we're in the middle of no where. What damage could a student do" she watched as she as going to change where Alina just planned on sleeping in her arctic fox form.
Lorin noted down all the buildings he saw, and remembered most of the buildings as he was still unsure of some of the buildings that he spotted around. It was getting late now, and Lorin was honestly very tired. He had secretly looked around the buses for his book as well, as the bus drivers had gone home or simply left, but he could not find it. Maybe it was due to his height that he couldn't see in the windows, or just that he forgot his book. However, he was almost certain that he brought it with him... He headed back to the dorms, as he noticed that the door would not open. He tried yet another time, but the door was firmly shut. "P- Please open door... P- Please?" Lorin asked the door, as if it could answer him, as he kept trying a couple of times more before he stopped. "W- What should I do...? W- What should I do...?" Lorin muttered to himself scared, as he did not like the dark at all, and thinking of all the creatures that lived here... it could quickly become very scary...
Daphne came back in the room sat down on her bed and shrugged, "Yes..it is a bit strange. I mean I guess it's okay for now, let's just hope it doesn't keep happening." She laid her head down on her pillowed and sighed, "I'm not even that tired, what time is it anyways, 9? That's soooo early!" and before she could reach for a book in her duffle bag, the lights went out. "Wonderful," she thought, "no way to control the lights, this is starting to get more annoying than it is helpful."


Rafael was starting to pack up and leave-no way he was staying here all night when he didn't have to-when a "ping" noise came from his computer.
"You have got to be kidding me.." he thought as he walked over to the computer and scanned the screens looking for the reason for the ping when he spotted a student wondering outside, at this moment his heart raced a little bit, "There's no way they figured it out already, what is this kid doing?" he said out loud to himself. He picked up his walkie-talkie and paged one of the security members on the team, "Mike..there's a student wondering around the yard-see what he's doing, thanks." He sat back down and enlarged the camera filming the yard, hopefully this incident would go without problem.


Mike walked to the nearest golf cart and started it up, he could see the kid in the distance and he didn't look like someone that wanted to a cause a scene. Mike shut off the golf cart a few feet away from the kid and started towards him, keeping a nice and easy pace, Mike knew these kids had powers and he didn't really want to find out what kind of powers they all had. He appeared next to Lorin faster than he anticipated and hopefully he didn't startle the poor kid, "
Excuse me, I'm Mike, the schools janitor, do you need help or something?"
Alina jumped a bit as the lights went out "uhm.... " she hugged her knees unable to shift into her fox form, her nerves going wild now that it was dark, there was barely any light coming from the windows "don't you think this is kind of strange? I had a friend who went to boarding school and none of this ever happened. They had a curfew which was when they get into the rooms and a lights out time, and you know a light switch" her voice was a little shaky "do you by any chance have a flashlight or anything?"
Lorin was occupied with his own thoughts, trying to figure out what to do, but suddenly a voice came from next to him which made him jump, using his arms as shields until he dared to look up. Scared it was some of the students that might "love" the dark. "P- Please don't hurt me!" Lorin exclaimed scared, as he peeked through with his one eye through his arm to see Mike standing there. He wasn't as scary as he thought, but anything would be scary to Lorin in the dark.
Daphne closed her eyes and slowed her breathing, when she opened them her voice came out soft and slow, "Yes, it is a bit strange..but there's not much we can do right now, maybe we should speak to the others at lunch tomorrow, perhaps our room just malfunctioned." with that, she again rummaged through he duffle bag and pulled out a tiny, but effective flash light and rolled it to Alina, "never hurts to be over prepared." said with a gentle laugh.


Mike looked down at the young boy and felt a little pity for him, what could his power be? Turning into a skittish mouse, probably. He shook off any feelings and went back to his cold demeanor,
"I'm not going to hurt you, calm down. I just want to know why you're outside past curfew time. I can take you back to the dorms, I have a gold cart over there and a key." he said as he pointed towards the golf cart a few feet away.

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