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Fantasy Windermere Academy

"W- Who are you a- anyway?" Lorin asked Mike as he had been preoccupied with his thoughts for just a few seconds ago, and could not hear the words he was saying to him. Lorin was half tempted to take off his eye patch, to take a quick peek into the future, to make sure this man wasn't going to hurt him, because he knew that words could easily tell lies, but his eye would never tell him any lies. Or he could fake a handshake, to take a quick peek into this man's future, or past. That he could not control.
Reina was gazing out the window when someone came in. Oh..room mate. She quickly smiled, not wanting to seem unfriendly. "Hello, you're Natalia, right?" she said, wanting to add in something about them being room mates, though that would have been too obvious and weird. Her sea-blue eyes sparkled with excitement. "This school looks really good so far." She really hoped to fit in here, moreso than at other schools. Although she was aware of 'what' she was, she never really encountered other people with powers.
Mike sighed and looked at the kid, "I'm the janitor, kids aren't suppose to be roaming around this late-I'm offering to take you to the dorms without being noticed, I don't think you want to get into trouble for a simple mistake, eh?"
"A- Ah! I- I'm so sorry! I- I didn't know about the curfew, s- so I went to look after my book... I- I thought I lost it in one of the buses," Lorin apologized, as it seemed the man was not scary at all. It was simply the janitor working... Wait... how did he know where he was? Nevermind... he honestly did not want to be standing here all alone in the dark, and even less get into trouble this early. It was his first day. "I would appreciate your h- help... T- Thank you Mister," Lorin said as he felt a bit embarrassed for not knowing about the curfew, but it said nothing about it in the papers that he got this morning, and he did not hear anything. Maybe it was a very bad idea, to go out on his own.
Mike smiled a true smile, he was relieved the kid didn't give him any issues-he didn't want to deal with him like he had to with the last batch of subjects. "Here follow me, the golf cart will get us there quicker and it's no problem, just my job sorta. Just make sure you're in your dorm by 9 on the weekdays" he said as he walked a little faster to the golf cart than necessary.
"Y- Yes! Promise! Thanks again Mister!" Lorin thanked as he gave the man a polite bow, but before he realized it Mike had already began walking towards his gold cart. Lorin needed to jog to keep up with Mike's long and quick steps, it was really hard for him as he hated exercising the most, there was a reason why he enjoyed reading. Reading... yes! Maybe he knew where his book was! Or at least where he could potentially find it. "E- Excuse me Mister. D- Do you happen to know where I might find my book? I- It's really precious to me..." Lorin asked Mike, still struggling to keep up with Mike's pace.
"Yes but jury still out on the school, though can't really say if something looks good."She said giving the girl a wink to draw attention to her eyes. She then went searching for a bed, eventually finding something that matched a bed placing her suitcase on it."This is not yours right and what are you in here for?"
Reina grinned. "My mom was a selkie, so I can shapeshift into a seal for as long as I want." She paused, deciding it was wise not to show this stranger her grey scarf. If anyone took a selkie's grey scarf, they would have to be under that person's command until the scarf was returned. However, in modern days, it would probably look more like blackmail since the scarf was basically the essence of a selkie. "Oh, and I have the ability to control healing." She gave Natalia an inquiring glance. "What about you?"
Mike sat down on the golf cart and started it up-he heard the boys question but didn't really care to answer it, why would someone want to spend time reading when they have special abilities? Though, the cold approach probably wouldn't work on this kid and he didn't want him to get suspicious, "What was the book called? I haven't seen any books, but if you left it on the bus it's most likely gone for good, the bus drivers are strange, they take any items found on the bus and add it to this strange shrine like thing they have." he shuddered at the thought of that shrine, it was really creepy and no one knew what it was or better yet, no one wanted to know what it was for.
"A- I- I see... So- Sorry to bother you..." Lorin said as he climbed into the golf cart, brokenhearted as it seems his book was gone forever. Maybe he could go look for it tomorrow! Or to save himself some time he could take a quick- No, no, no. He didn't like that idea, he was scared to see the future, and sometimes it would hurt too. It was better not to, especially since the janitor had found him so easily. The only question was how, and that Lorin preferred not to know, not at this moment at the very least. "T- The title was: 'Rarer than crystals', but I suppose it does not matter..." Lorin added, but maybe there was some hope he had only forgot to bring it with him.
"A selkie? Not sure i heard of a species before, heh, learning something new each day. "She said sitting down on the bed and began detracting her cane while taking of her shoes."Oh, glad to have those off. And...Eh...Well i am a werewolf or have the ability to turn to one whatever the ability may be. I hope you are a dog person then."
"Have you seen a lot of the school yet?" she asked, remembering the students she had seen wandering around. She wondered if they could start looking at the classrooms and exploring yet. Although normal schools didn't let students do that until the first day, she had hoped this one would be different. Then again, she had never really been at a boarding school.
Nick was very tempted to leave his room and explore the school. He started to talk to himself "There's something wrong with this school. Although it could be that I'm just paranoid. Although.........My brother went to 2 different boarding schools and none of them were like this." He laid down on his bed and thought of something "that one guy who made the announcements. He said students the second time in his announcements. He first said Su, and quickly changed it. What was he gonna say?" He decided to just ignore the weird stuff at this school. "Not every school is the same, maybe I'm just a little nervous. Yeah Its probably just my nerves getting the best of me."
Mike drove a short distance to the dorm room, cutting across the freshly cut gross. "I'll ask the dean about it but no promises, sorry. It might be in the library." he added, even though he knew it was a lie-did this place even have a library? It should, he didn't see why not, they went to extreme measures to see that this looked like a normal school and he certainly wasn't going out of his way to talk to Rafael, he was a bit extreme sometimes about the whole taking over the country with a hybrid race talk. Nevertheless, the arrived at the door and Mike shut off the golf cart and walked to the door, placing a fake key in the door lock and slyly placing his finger on the scanner before the door popped open, "Everything's set, you should hurry up, your room wont be unlocked forever, Just go up to the third floor and look for your room number."
"I- I will! T- Thank you again Mister!" Lorin thanked again, as he quickly ran into the dorm building, listening to the door locking behind him. Even though he could only see on his one eye, a door lock shouldn't light up in the dark should it? No, no. He couldn't think like that... Not now... he was still alone... Alone in a very dark hallway, where it seemed as the lights had already been shut off. "I- I'll just go to my room... N- Nothing wrong co- could happen... I- If my room is still open that is..." Lorin said to himself, as the janitor told him that the rooms weren't unlocked forever either... hopefully he wasn't too late! He made his way down the hallway, as it was dark in the hallway. He tried open the door to Nick's room, as he wanted to go into his room as quickly as possible and it was too dark to see the number plate, but stopped once the door did not open. "H- Huh? I- Is it locked a- already? W- We did take a long time to come back... Why didn't we just walk anyway?" Lorin said, out loud, as he tried the door one more time, but it still would not open.
"Can't say i have seen much, joke intended. I have been beyond the path expected for freshman. Also their is a curfew on now making exploration a bit difficult."She said, from what she heard for the teacher who rescued her and research by her family, this was a top tier facility. Well enough to gain funding for studies on supernatural beings. She lay back on her bed and looked upwards."Bound to be a chance tomorrow i guess."
Nick jumped a little bit when heard someone trying to open his door. He started to think who would try to be opening my door at this time? He went over to the door and heard someone talking to themself. He eventually started to talk to him "hey I think you have the wrong room. Are you lost?"
Alina sighed in relief "if it happened to everyone else then maybe we could go to that admission guy we had to see" she nodded and put the lit flash light on her bed side table "anyway good night, I hope we get along well this school year" she smiled and shifted into a fox having calmed down curling up into a ball of white fluff on her pillow.
Lorin was surprised when someone answered at him trying to open the door, but it was good to know he had gotten the wrong room at the very least. There was still hope for Lorin's room to still be open. "S- sorry! I- I was out after curfew and got a bit lost... It's too dark for me to read the number plates," Lorin answered the voice on the other side of the door, as he let go of the doorknob. "C- Could you please tell me your room n- number? So that I get the right one..." Lorin asked Nick, as he hoped he hadn't disturbed him too much.
Daphne agreed, maybe this was a little too much, she rolled over before answering, "I think we will get along this year, I'll have to introduce you to the kids I met tomorrow." she rolled over and slowly drifted off to sleep, for about five minutes and she was up again, straining her memory for anything her mom had told her that could be useful in this situation.
"I hope so," Reina responded, lying down on her stomach on her bed. She kicked her feet and her shoes slipped off in a pile by the bed. "I have no sense of direction whatsoever, so I'm probably going to get lost tomorrow." She gave a small sigh. Getting lost on the first day of school was an old habit that she could never break. It had nothing to do with the geography or area, but rather with the people and confusion. The trickling and lack of people today had helped her find her way to her dorm rather easily, but tomorrow would be another story.
He was glad it's was a fellow student and not some stranger trying to open his door. "My room number is 301." He was glad he could help but he couldn't help but wonder what he was doing after lockdown.
"Your telling me about no sense of direction. Here i was hoping to rely on you for direction but it looks like it will be the blind leading the blind."She said with a slight laugh t the situation."Seriously though i doubt it will be much trouble. Do what i do and learn routes gradually, small journeys at time rather the the whole complex at once. Worse comes to worse you can always ask for direction. Good excuse to get the attention of potential friends and that one boy you like."
"T- Thank you so much Mister! S- Sorry to bother you so late!" Lorin said as he gave the door a polite bow, not realizing that Nick couldn't see him bowing, and that he barely missed the door with his head. Quickly walking away after thanking, he counted the doors. 301, 302... 303! This was his room! He opened the door, and it went perfectly open. It was still open! Thankfully... Lorin closed the door after him and changed into his pajamas, before he walked into the bathroom and placed the eye patch gently on the side, but he still kept his left eye closed. He could not sleep with it, as it could damage his vision. Not that I would have been sad if I went blind... Lorin thought before he walked over to his bed. The bedroom seemed so large for one person, but it was good to know he could take off the eye patch without problems and questions. He went off to bed, not reading as his book was gone, and quickly fell asleep.
Rafael took a final look at the computers, now 100% sure that everyone was in there rooms, he set for the lights to shut off everywhere. Hopefully, tomorrows lock down would go smoother without any interruption. He walked out of his office and locked the door behind him and quickly typed in the code set the office alarm. He took extra confident steps towards the "Teacher's Lounge" and when he popped his head inside the door to tell everyone they could go home, he was surprised to see them all laughing and joking around, like this operation wasn't a serious manner. This anger him a bit but he kept his anger in check and walked in the room, and leaned on the counter with the coffee pot and coughed a little to gather everyone's attention,

Excuse me, I don't mean to inturrupt your little party here but I do want to remind you all that you have classes to teach at 7 in the morning, and you need to gather as much information as possible, and Cherrie, don't forget you're taking blood samples tomorrow, too. Have a good night." he said with a slight annoyance in his tone. He couldn't get over how lightly they took this, was he just a joke to them? They surely wouldn't see him like that when everything finally fell into place. He was lost in his thoughts and arrived to his car faster than he thought, he got in and drove off down the street towards his stage home.


*Night falls and the sun begins to rise*


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