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Fantasy Windermere Academy

"They are all special right? There is a reason why I called them here... Wait! One of them is waking up... it's the one with the eye! Hey... can you predict your future now...? Can you feel the pain of your future now...? Your future as a..." the man raised a scalpel as the bright light from the roof reflected in its blade. His body was tightly locked down by straps, but his body was too heavy to move... "...Test subject?" The man asked grinning as he put the scalpel down and-

"STOP IT!" Lorin woke up with both his eyes open, in complete fear as his body was shaking in fear, he was already out of breath and sweating. It was still early in the morning, and he quickly closed his left eye as it kept seeing into the future, but only that he would meet some new people at lunch today. He quickly got changed and ran into the bathroom, grabbing his eye patch and placing it over his eye. Who was that man? I could not see his face... But his voice... it... Was it the future? Or was it the p- past? N- No... I- Lorin splashed some cold water in his face, shaking these thoughts and his vision out of his head, even though he was still scared.
The sunlight streamed through their small window hitting the surface between their beds. Alina slowly woke up and rose from the pillow her animal form slept on. She walked onto the main part or the bed and stretched as a fox would. First her front legs then her hind legs. She gracefully jumped off of the bed and switched to her human form running her fingers through the air. Her eyes wandered to the door and she jiggled the handle sighing. The lock down was still in place...
Amaris gave a groggy mutter, slipping from the scratchy sheets, her slick black hair ran down her back. Rubbing her eyes, she walked lightly to the mirror, looking at her paled skin. She seriously hoped this school wasn't a mistake. But after years of reckless feeding and herself drawing farther and farther from her oblivious parents, she needed out, and this seemed like her only option. In a gracious manner, she brushed down her hair, and took no time to get dressed. With the curtains closed well, she lay back down, seeing it was still early.
A menacing growl sounded in her mind while slept, its mere presence sending a chill across her spine. An old friend has awoken and wanted some fresh air. She rejected it determined to let herself become a vassal for it to kill. It barked and she felt its claws slice through her chest making scream on pain. She felt her self stumble back as she clutches her wound, she felt the warm sensation of her blood trickling down her hand and chest.

No! She stood against the pain resolutely. Not this time!

It snarled before attacking again
, this time clawing her back making her grunt as stumbled and fell. The pain was excruciating. It felt the creature standing over her, its foul breathe hitting her head. She turned to face it.

I said no! She said kicking upwards at it but she hit nothing bad air. It bared its teeth and went for her neck. She raised her hands stopping the bite but it kept pushing against her. She straggled with all her might but it was futile. It felt it getting closer and closer and till she felt something grip her neck.

She screamed herself awake or atleast that what she thought. Her breathing was laboured and she was drenched in sweat, the only grip she felt on her neck was that of her own hands. Another nightmare, she thought as she tried to calm herself, an almost nightly occurrence now a days as the creature wrestled for control in her mind. Her mind instantly went to her roommate, her nightmares often cause her to move about violently and make various noises not all of them human. It was said that at her first night as a werewolf she made barking noises and left scratch marks on the hospital walls

"Reina! You there! Please answer!" she said panicking.
Daphne rolled over and stretched, pretending to be asleep was a lot harder than it seemed. "Ughhhhh," she muttered to herself, she was not a morning person...or a day person for that matter. She got out of the bed and quickly put on her usual outfit of pants and a t-shirt. There was no use in going to the door, she already saw her roommate try and open it, "Why the keep the doors locked in the morning? Do they want us to be late?" she shook her head and started to make her bed when he stomach started to growl, "Uhm, did they mention anything about breakfast? I'm soooo hungry! I feel like I could eat an entire horse!" she aimed this question towards Alina before she gathered up her school supplies, a simple notebook and some pens.


Rafael pulled into the staff parking lot and got out off his car, leaving his already cold coffee in the cup holder-today was off to a bad start, his alarm didn't go off and with him being late he began to get extra paranoid that the students would notice something. He scurried off to his office not bothering to look in the lounge-his staff knew what they had to do and where they needed to be, he trusted them. When he arrived at his office door he placed his finger on the scanner, typed in the code-his birthday, and unlocked the door with a key. He walked in and turned on all the lights and his computer, and as he waited he started an announcement, this time making sure he didn't mess anything up.

Good morning students and staff and welcome to your first day of classes, there is a small breakfast being served-food that's easy to eat on the go, don't be afraid to take some, just be sure to be on time to your classes! Have a good morning, Mr.Munro

By the time he finished the announcement, his computer was on and he able to unlock the entire school with one press of a button and turn on all the cameras, maybe today wouldn't be so bad.
T- That voice! It's-! N- No... No.... No! Lorin thought as he heard the voice of Rafael over the speakers, maybe it was his past? Maybe he entered the memories of one of his previous... No, no... Maybe he was a scientist? What was this vision... what could it mean? Lorin felt shivers go down his spine, as he splashed more water in his face, fixing his eye patch to sit perfectly on his left eye again. He didn't want to see the future, it scared him. Instead he walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway, his door was finally open and he made his way down as he had put all of his school supplies in a small backpack, hopefully his vision would fade out of his head, after a while at the very least.
Alina shook her head not remember reading anyone on the schedule for a breakfast, there wasn't even anything on there for lunch. "I am hungry though, and I hope these doors unlock soon" she grabbed her shoulder bag with the supplies she bought especially for school when the morning announcement was made "on the go?, I was kind of joking for a relaxing sit down breakfast... You know when we can wake up" she sighed and tried the door again this time it opening "I guess different schools have different ways of doing things. You wanna walk down with me? We have the same first class?" She smiled a little and nodded
Daphne hearing the announcement too, felt a little strange, "Breakfast..on the go? Seriously?" she thought to herself, "Oh well, just go along with it, I suppose. She walked towards the door with Alina, "Yes of course! I do hope this class isn't a bore fest, you know? Sometimes History can get too lecturey for me!" she started out the door and wondered if she'd see anyone from yesterday-could she consider them friends right now? Probably not, they only talked for a few minutes, but it was still a nice thought.
Amaris gave a rueful sigh, pushing up from her bed, she snapped the notepads and folders from the cabinet-last minute grabs before the bus ride. In a small smile at the sound of breakfast, she perked up, hoping there would be accommodations to individual needs. She doubted feeding on other students would be deemed acceptable behavior. Opening the door quickly, she headed down to the mess hall.
Lorin was on his way down when he saw Alina, and another girl that he did not know. Happy to see a familiar face, he ran over to her waving happily. "Good morning Alina! Did you sleep well?" Lorin asked her, as he approached the two girls and smiled to Daphne as well as he might as well introduce himself right now. "I- I am Lorin. I- It's a pleasure to me- meet you!" Lorin said, still smiling, to Daphne as any friends of Alina had to be a kind person. The thoughts of his vision quickly faded away, as it was great to see a familiar face, especially after all the help Alina had provided him with yesterday.
Alina walked down the hallway her white hair swaying from side to side "well you never know, it could be the history of when these abilities started to arise. I'm sure that's a question we all want answered" she glanced at daphne as they headed towards the stairs. "These classes are supposed to help us with our powers, they wouldn't teach us things that don't do that". A smile appeared on her face when she saw lorin and she waved him down "good morning lorin, and although this is still a place away from home I slept fine. Care to join daphne and I to the mess hall? We still need to get our breakfast on the go"
Amaris headed behind the other students, unknowing of their many names, and incurious anyway. Looking down at the many papers she had received when first entering the school, she spotted the schedule. History first, a bore, but time to sit quietly at the least.

Raising her attention back to those in front, she gave a small frown, all such social butterflies. This would be a exhilarating experience, she thought sarcastically.
Nick got up and began to get ready for school. He got dressed and took a drink of some of the blood he had brought along with him. He heard the announcement about to go breakfast but he only needed blood. He sat the bottle of blood down and began to look at his scheduke. He then quickly grabbed his supplies and charged to his next classroom forgetting the bottle of blood he was going to need. If I get thier first I can find a spot to sit first. That was the plan until he saw Daphne, Lorin, and Alina. When he was only a couple feet away he stopped. Why can't I say anything to them? I guess I'm still not use to being around them. He managed to say "hello" but he couldn't look at them and began to blush.
Daphne took what Alina said lightly, she thought her mom knew and told her everything she needed to know, but she also needed to remind herself that there were probably a million things her mom didn't get to tell her. She pushed the thoughts of her mom out of the way and took notice to this boy standing in front of her, he was a nice boy, he seemed so shy and scared, she felt bad but more importantly wanted to know why he was so scared. He stuck out her hand for a handshake and greeted him "As you've heard, I'm Daphne, and it's a nice pleasure to meet you on this grab-and-go journey!" Daphne heard a small 'Hello' and noticed Nick walking off, "Oh Nick! Where are you going? Come walk with us, honestly, the more the merrier! I'm sure we're all heading to the same places!" she added with a small smile
"I- I don't do handshakes... B- But the pleasure is all mine!" Lorin said to Daphne politely as he did not wish to see into her past or future, especially not after what he had seen earlier today when he woke up. Something was meant to be unknown, and that was how Lorin liked it. The voice of "hello" seemed familiar to him, as he turned and smiled to Nick. "G- Good morning! I- I'm Lorin. P- Pleased to meet you," Lorin said to him, still not reaching out his hand as he held his hands tightly around a book he was carrying, it was an empty notebook, and he truly hoped he would find his book today. "T- That sounds great! I- I would love to join you!" Lorin said happily, he was rarely included and invited like this and his cheek lit up in a dark pink color, it was a nice feeling to be included.
Amaris, only edging with hunger, was happy she had consumed a vial or two the other night. Class and hunger never mixed. Looking ahead to the change in conversation, she noticed a boy, he look flustered talking to the girls along the hall. Holding back a small laugh from his embarrassed state, she held back, not wanting to attract attention to herself. Pushing back her long black hair, she continued to class, deciding breakfast would offer little for her diet.
Ari woke up. She stretched. and looked around. There was a pleasant amount of noise outside her room. She took a deep breath, absorbing the waves of sound traveling from the other side of the wall. She exhaled, feeling more awake. She opened her door and walked out. She made her way to the mess hall. While she was walking she bumped into someone. "I'm such a klutz..." She muttered, now sitting on the floor,
Alina looked at the boy who muttered a small hello, so many familiar and new faces this morning, so many names to remember. The group of students eventually made their way and she looked to see a few of the staff holding buckets of this portable breakfast. She looked at daphne and lorin "what do you think is in it? Is it like one of those breakfast sandwiches that have everything inside them" she looked curiously at the pouch she was given.
Daphne took her hand away and placed back to her side, "What kind of person doesn't do handshakes?" she eyed Lorin suspiously for a moment "Was he just acting scared and helpless to fool everyone?" she thought as she made a mental note to keep a closer eye on Lorin. Daphne's thoughts were interuptted when a bucket of food was placed in her hands, she frowned a little "I..I don't even know what would be in this. Who even comes up with an idea like this?" she pulled out a greasy breakfast burrito and sighed, "I dont think I'm hungry anymore.."
Amaris tottered around the corner, peaking her eyes to the proper room. Seeing the light on, she headed in, hoping to snag a half decent seat. Gracefully sliding into a second row seat, she lay across her notebook and pen. She was alone, but she enjoyed the peace and quite. In a relaxing breath, she closed her eyes, basking in the silence.
"As long as it's edible I suppose it's fin-" Lorin stopped as someone walked into him from behind, but he didn't fall over, but only lost the book he was holding so closely on his hands. He turned around to see a girl with long beautiful hair, he wanted to help her up, but he didn't want to look into her past or future, but he didn't want to be rude either. He took a deep breath and braced himself for the vision of this person's future or past, but when it came to people it was most likely past as he grabbed the girl's hand and helped her off the floor. (This is were you come in! You are the one who decides which memory he gets to see. I'm not about to decide your past after all, it's only a short memory, so don't stress about it :D )
Alina shook her head and threw it out "I would rather be a wolf and hunt..." She mumbled looking at her schedule "but it doesn't seem like there's much time for that." She walked back and took another one to replace the one she foolishly decided to discard "it's better than nothing..." She took a bite and went back out into the hall "is there anything about lunch or supper on your schedule? There doesn't seem it be anything in mine" she looked at daphne.
Nick eventually found his classroom and saw that the light was on and went in. He was surprised to see that he wasn't the first one in. "H-Hello" he started to blush and wouldn't look at her.
Amaris hardly startled by the hello, hearing his steps from the hall, opened her eyes casually. In a quick look down, she put on a less depressing face seeing the boy. She was socially awkward, and preferred to never to make interaction, but she was polite.

"Hello," she said in a tight voice. She gave a raise of brow seeing his face turned away. Maybe she wasn't the worst with people after all.
"Hmmm..." Daphne mumbled as she studied the schedule while walking-probably not the brightest idea but she didn't want to be lost. "Hmm..well there is something about Lunch around 12:30 but nothing about dinner, maybe its different everyday?" she kept talking about mindless things as she walked into the classroom and sat in a desk closest to the small window, that was another weird thing she noticed about this school, the outside made it look like there were a million windows but in the rooms there were hardly any windows. Still fixated on the window situation she pulled out a notebook and started a list;

Things to be looked into:

1. Lorin-what is he? why is so scared? I NEED TO KNOW.

2. What's up with the windows?

3. Where is this Mr.Munro guy? Would we ever see him?

She quickly turned the page in her notebook so no one would see her list and wrote on the new page of paper, "Abilities History: Day 1" and patiently waited for the teacher to come in. While waiting, she looked at those in the room, Nick...and some other girl she'd try and get to know sometime soon

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