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Fantasy Windermere Academy

Ms. Fisher gave a worried glance towards the window. These kids were just as much trouble as the last bunch...she gave a small gulp thinking to the last, it had been a failure to say the very least. She tapped impatiently with her fountain pen, till finally shoving back her chair and heading to the front "office". She needed to talk to Raphael about the schedule. She could not wait to get her hands on marrow samples and xrays. The thought made her smile. She had specialized ortho during her attending at her local hospital. Since she had also taken a liking to studying the circulatory sistem, and of course how their many bodies reacted to natural substances, poisons, ect, though this was not as favorable of a practice, since killing the specimen was not acceptable. Coming to the door of Raphael's office, she knocked quickly.
Everything was just too much. Sedated food, teachers asking for blood samples, lockdown, I wish I could leave. But I should probably heed that kids words, he seemed to know more then he was letting on. But just what does he know exactly? That was always terrifying for Hudson. The unknown. By the time he left the resturant, two girls were already carrying the boy to the school. The school would probably put more sedatives in his food/drink, might as well help the cause. Walking into the bushes, he pulled out a water from his back pack. Approaching the two girls and unconcience boy, he set the water and the boys chest and began to speak. "Give him some of that water after he wakes up. Come to dorm 301 if you need any more treated water." He felt really awkward as he ran back to his dorm, as he completely lacked social skill. But it was a start.
Amaris walked along side Lorin and his companions. Sedation, hated the feeling of nausea and lethargic movements. She had made the mistake during her first few months as a vampire, drinking the blood of a drunk man, it had ended with a few buckets and two days laying in bed sick. The blood she toke in coursed through every part of her body, and drugs and alcohol in such a large dose never settled. Continuing along the way, she walked through the gates, though her body told her to do otherwise. Something wasn't right.

Trailing in her thoughts, she thought about Nick. She had missed her chance to talk, she hoped this wouldn't constantly be pushed off. She needed to talk to him.

Ms. Fisher sat impatiently at the door, before heading back to her office, pulling a key, she slid in, latching it from behind. Coming to her desk, ordinary enough. Coming to her file cabinet, she opened the second drawer after inserting a five digit code. Files from the previous lot in the back, the present in the front. Looking through each quickly. Bone marrow samples would be key to discovering so much more about these students. Coming to Lorin she frowned. This kid could "jump minds". Yeah right, fancy talk for mind reading, for all she knew he could see the future or memories. If he had received any premonitions about the tests to come, he would have to be...removed.

She would have to talk to Rapheal about it, since the subjects would become eratic if a friend were to be "expelled" their suspicion already grew at an alarming rate. Closing the drawer, she looked to her hand in care, soon her ablities would come to use, and they would be on the verg of scientific break through.
Miki took him to her room, seeing as she had an extra bed. "Let's put him in here." She said to her compadre as she opened the door. She shoved the door back as she carried him in, setting him on the empty bed next to hers. She sighed once he was down on the mattress. Lorin looked small and light but he was far from it.
Lorin opened his eyes slowly, it was blurry. The roof... was it familiar? No, even worse... his head... it pounded... What happened? He was talking to Hudson then... His vision! Was this what was going on, were the persons in his vision here right now?! Lorin quickly sat up in the bed, almost falling out in the process, as the faces he saw were blurry, his head had yet to catch up with what had happened, and as Lorin has a small body, his body didn't take lightly to the sedatives he had been given. "I- I don't want to!" Lorin shouted at the top of his lungs, pushing himself into one corner of the bed, scared as he didn't get what was happening, he was dizzy, tired, and his body hurt. Was he back at the military base? Had the General found him again? "P- Please stop!" Lorin shouted once more, looking confused as he hid himself under his arms, using them as almost shields, but they were trembling in fear.
Amaris stood awkwardly at the door, her eyes dull blue. Skin pale, she had not drank any of the blood she had brought back yet. But it could wait, Lorin was out cold, he was the concern at the moment. Leaning against the frame, she felt her tangled black hair between her fingers. She didn't know why, but a memory came to her in a quick motion, like a lioness leaping from the brush, biting into a unseeing antelope.

She was remembering her boyfriend, well her ex. She had been dating before she had turned, he was a nice guy, Alex. Sweet and caring, a little on the dangerous side, but cool enough. They had gone out for nearly a year before their "Breakup". The look in his eyes is what remained in her memory, the moment he had seen her fangs come from her mouth, the moment she had shown him her monster. It wasn't like he had walked up on her eating someone, it had just been a bag. He was surprising her for their one year anniversary. Flowers and a big koala bear plushie, her favorite animal. It is funny how quickly love can turn to hate. Her explaining had only made it worse, he had fumbled from her door, falling into the hall, crawling back like she was a wild animal.

I guess I am, she thought. He had threatened her, yelled, told her if she ever came near him, he would shove a stake, or what ever the *ell kills a blood sucking....she had started crying when he had called her the next word. Something reserved for cheating girls who got pregnant at age 14 or the girls who were unafraid of what came from their mouth referring to their friends. The way Mr. Smith looked at them. It was like that. A disguise atop something that thought of them as animals, disgusting.

In a blink his face was gone from her mind, she was standing in the dorm room door way, digging her nails into the maple frame. Surrounded by a school that seemed to control them and cage them. The only hope she had had in over a year, a lie. With that she didn't cry, she simply spoke.

"Miki," she started, her voice hushed but hard like stone. "Why are we still here? In this school? Why are we still at this $%@! school?" She ended with a hiss. Her anger seeping through. "They poison Lorin, they take our blood, lock us down like rats in a lab! What's next? Dissect us in the name of science!" She yelled, not holding her tongue with the knowledge they could be around.
Miki watched Lorin start panicking. "LORIN! Calm down." Miki said, her voice as soothing as possible at the moment. She breathed out and began singing. It was the only thing she knew could calm a soul like it was there mother. She sighed as she finished singing. She looked at Amaris. "The soul purpose for us staying is finding out why they want us. Now relax and sit down." She said.
Amaris gave a small frown, but listened regardless. Crumpling in the chair, she crossed her arms.

Ms. Fisher locked up the office, flipping the switch on the way out. Turning towards the dorms, she looked to her watch. It was just about time for lock down, it was her turn anyway. Heading down in her low red heels, her black skirt shook with each step. Her hair lay in a lose bun, naturally red. Coming to 201, she quickly pulled out a key and locked the tough wooden door. Her heels gave a small click as she continued to 202, before finally coming to 203.

"Excuse me Ms. Mentra, Mr. Owens, and Ms. Jones. It is time to head back to your dorms for the night." She said in a kind voice.
"M- Miki?" Lorin asked, hearing a soothing sound as he immediately calmed down, and lowered his arms as he was no longer scared. The sound of someone he knew in the first place were calming for him, but the song did help. Lorin's body slowly slumped back down into the bed, his eyes were still open, but he couldn't see anything clearly. "W- What happened?..." Lorin asked, as he tried to move his hands, but was far too tired for it. The sedatives were still in his body, and he was clearly tired from it too. He looked around the room, seemingly not placing his eyes on anything as he thought he was facing Miki, but was actually facing the window, as his vision were clearly blurry.
"This is my dorm." Miki said, looking at her. She stood up and looked at the teacher. She smiled. "And at the moment he is in no condition to move and I have just brought him back. Can you wait a bit until he calms down?" She half sung, changing the waves so the teacher would conform to her wishes. She hated doing it, but they needed it. 
"You were sedated." She said, looking at him.
Amaris turned slighty to the sound of Ms. Fisher, but dared not do the talking, fearing she might have another outburst. With a clench of the jaw, she stood from the chair. Hearing Miki, she gave a half smirk.

Ms. Fisher gave a small smile.

"Of course, I can give you another 30 minutes, but after that, rules are rules, Mr.Owens will have to return to his room," she said, before turning to Amaris. "Though you could head back to your dorm Ms. Jones since you seem highly capable," the teacher finished, before heading off the 204.

Amaris gave a frown, a small wave, still controlling herself, fangs pressed against her lips, before heading out the door to her dorm, 204.
"M- Miki... I'm tired..." Lorin muttered out, still talking to the window as he was still not feeling good, but his vision was slightly returning and that calmed him down. "T- The rest? A- Are they...?" He asked, looking at Ms. Fisher as he heard her voice, but it was a bit cloudy as his head was distracting him. Did his powers force yet another vision, or was this from the sedatives? Or both? Lorin forcefully opened his eyes, even more, trying to get a better grasp on the situation, but couldn't understand anything, his head hurt too much and his vision was too blurry to catch where he was, or what happened.
Ms. Fisher headed back down the hall towards the boys dorms. She stopped at Miki's dorm.

"May I ask what seems to be troubling Mr.Owens?" She asked in a kind and honest voice.
"No, you saved all of us." Miki said. She looked at Ms.Fisher. "He is having a bit of a panic attack." She said, looking back at him. She took a scarf and touched his arm. "We are all safe. You muttered to not eat the food, and that it's sedated. You saved us in time." She said, looking at him. She sighed. "You did a great thing." She said.
"I- I did...? T- Thank God... I- I prevented m- my vision..." Lorin said with a relieved sigh as he could finally see Miki clearly and faced her, smiling as his vision was good enough make out the basic shapes, and tell the difference between Miki and a window. "I- I'm glad you're okay..." Lorin said and smiled to her, just thinking of how she would have reacted if that needle went into her arm, it would be devastating the say the least. He managed to avoid it, even if he was still feeling it in his arm due to the vision's after effect, he was still happy she didn't have to go through it twice.
(Gona be gone for a week so lets say that manuel fell in a coma and he is in his room xD )
"Yeah, you did. I guess. Were all safe. I carried you back, with some help." She said. She smiled, looking at him. "I am just... glad your ok." She said, leaning against the wall. She exhaled, her muscles relaxing and releasing tons of tension. She began humming, longing to see a picture of a heart, she hummed I like you, I love you.[media]


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