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Fantasy Windermere Academy

Lorin let out a small laugh too, as he walked together to next class with Miki, as she was the one opening the door. He grabbed his books and placed them on top of the desk. "Shifter class" and they were there to observe... for once it seemed as Lorin would be left alone, doing nothing, but taking notes. He felt as if the teachers had deliberately picked him first, and then pick dodge ball to see if Lorin would stay in this school. Lorin took the desk next to Miki, and returned her smile before he began drawing on his notebook. I'm so glad Miki isn't angry with me! I thought she was going to hate me for sure! I- I'm really happy! Lorin thought, as he smiled to his notebook and continue to draw what looked to be a forest, with the sunrise and mountains behind it.
"Shifters? Time for us to shine....Yay."She said jokingly, though in truth she was unsure what to make of it. In one hand she was interesting to see if she could learn more about her condition but was concerned if she would be pushed to turn. "You think we will actually be taught something this time?"
Miki looked over at his note book. "Whatcha drawing?" She asked. She was never very good at drawing, but singing was a different story. She had never sung before large crowds, but when she was three she used her power to make a man buy her a stuffed animal. She though of the darkness her voice could cause and shuttered a bit.
"I'm drawing a forest, but with mountains behind it. This is the view I can see from my bedroom window back home," Lorin told her with a smile fixated on his face, he was not an artist, but his drawings were over the average person's drawings, but that was only because Lorin had ton of time to draw, since he usually tried to keep to himself. "We live in a small house a bit isolated from people, but the view is really nice," He continued, not thinking that he was no longer stuttering while talking, he probably would a few times, but that was simply who he was, he was a bit too shy for his own good at times.
"My home was lonely." Miki said with a sad smile. "That's probably why I sang all the time. To fill the dreadful silence." Miki said. She hadn't liked her home. Everyone there hated her. They though she was a loner and shoved her into isolation. She resorted to singing alone at the edge of the water, with only the moon as her companion. That was where she discovered her powers. When she sang, the white lily's opened up and released a strange light she had never seen. That was where she was at peace.
Amaris headed to class, sitting near the front, she pulled out her crinkled notebook and pen. Her "notes" were a few sentences, abruptly ended into doodles of ravens and dark faces. She had taken art her entire school career, and she was pretty decent at it. Sketching out the base for another raven, she lightly tapped on the desk. She was "in the zone".
"Then that isn't your home. Your home is where you feel safe, included, loved and at let's not forget at peace! My mother told me that a bird isn't free if it doesn't have a place to return too, even if your family don't live there, a place to return to is always your home," Lorin said and smiled to Miki, thinking of her past once more, as he could already guess what terrible past she must have had. Hopefully she had some happy memories too, otherwise he simply had to make sure to make some, and then maybe he could make her see them one more time. He finished his drawing, detailed and shadowed, as he smiled and showed it a bit shyly to Miki. "I- It l- looks kinda l- like this..." Lorin said, blushing a little bit.
"Uahhh! Good job!" Miki said. She looked at the intricate pencil marks on the paper, all joining together to make a picture. She smiled at him. "I could never draw like that. Well, unless a song counts as a drawing. You see, my powers let me see sound, and when someone sings, the sound forms a picture." Miki said. "That picture goes with the melody and the words, making it a masterpiece." Miki said.
Daphne, noticing the empty hallways took it as a sign she should get to class before she was too late, she really didn't want to know what would happened if she was late. She jogged a little to class praying to herself "please, please, pleaseeee. let this teacher be late like the other ones!" she thought as she reached the classroom door. When she got into the classroom, she took a deep breath, not even realizing she was holding her breath-what a relief the teacher wasn't here yet. She walked down the aisles of desk and nodded hellos at her friends and sat down at the desk in the middle of the classroom and pulled out her notebook and pens, she deliberately flipped past the first page of her list and stared down at the blank piece of paper. "This teacher is really late. I need to add 'strange teachers' to my list." she mentally noted to herself.
Reina chuckled. "If we're lucky. We should hurry if we don't want to be late." She picked up her pace and went to her dorm to change into her normal clothes before heading to the classroom. A few others were already there, so she took a seat in the second row of seats to the left. She didn't like sitting directly in the front, but she liked being near it. As usual, the teacher wasn't there yet. She flipped open her notebook to a fresh page and placed her pencil case next to it.
"Y- You r- really think so?" Lorin asked, surprised she was this impressed as he himself didn't think it was as good as she felt it. Seeing soundwaves, that must be very cool. Especially of they form a picture, if it looks like this then... her power, what she sees, is a good thing. There were times where Lorin wanted to be blind, but then again... would he see his visions at all times instead then? "I think if I sang, it would be a very bad picture..." Lorin joked, but it was an honest joke at the very least, as he could not sing. Not even if his life depended on it. Lorin saw Daphne enter the classroom and smiled to her, as she entered. It was good to see he had gotten this many friends already, he was impressed with himself. This was more friends he had gotten this day, than he had gotten for a whole year. "Where's the teacher anyway? T- The lesson was s- suppose to start ten min- minutes ago," Lorin asked out loud, it was a question to everyone after all.
Miki laughed. "Well like all things, you can practice and become better." Miki said. She smiled. She started singing a bit under her breath.

Oide oide samishii hito yo

Ochikondetatte shouganai ze

She was oblivious to anything else, the picture starting to form.
Mr.Smith slammed open the door to the classroom, he was beyond pissed. He didn't want to spend anymore time with the freaks than he had to. He'd rather be in his lab studying their blood, which he could have been doing if Rafael didn't decide to rid of Cherrie, who was suppose to teach this class. He walked to the desk, this desk was worse than the last one, even better and set everything done and turned to this class. "Congratulations, you have me as your teacher for not one wonderful class, but two." he hissed out. "As I hope you noticed this class is for shifters, the rest of you are here to take notes on how they work and how to take them down." he took a pause, hopefully this would shock them a little, he didn't think these freaks realized not everyone with powers was good. "Now! All the shifters up here, and don't lie to me, I know who is a shifter and who isn't!" He leaned against his desk and waited.
Amaris stood up slowly looking around to see who else stood also. Pushing her pen aside, she headed to the front, suddenly self conscious. Coming to a stop, she turned to face the class.
"Teacher not here, quell suprise."Natalia commented entering the room soon after Reina. She found seat, only after unintentionally disturbing some of the students in the process but by now that has become routine. Once set, she took out her laptop, switched it on placed it on as well as the relevant book."So much time between lessons, i should have bought my guitar. Could have learned a song by now."
Lorin made a small jump as Mr. Smith slammed the door and entered, clearly angered by something as he yelled out in the class, scaring Lorin quite a bit. I- I wonder w- what m- made him s- so angry.." Lorin thought to himself, looking over at Mr. Smith before he quickly looked back down on his notebook, with his pencil ready to take notes.
(Hey guys. I'm sorry bit I don't think I could do a group rp now with work and all that stuff so I leave Tyler and Alina open for you guys to play of you want. But if you do want to one on one with me please pm me. I don't want to lose the chance to rp with you guys)
Miki watched sadly as the picture faded in front of her. She liked seeing the picture of Uho Uho Uho. She sighed and turned to her angry teacher. "Wonder what pissed him off...." Miki mumbled. She never liked him. He was so... creepy. Let alone that mysteriously murderous grin this morning that lasted for a second.
(Too bad! It was a pleasure rping with you the time we got at the very least! The same goes for you! PM if you want to 1x1 :D )
Reina felt her heart sink as she realized that she would have to demonstrate. Letting out a small breath of hesitation, she finally forced herself to go up to the front with the rest of the shifters. Selkies shifted differently than other shifters in a more mysterious way. Even in seal-form, their abilities were sharper, keener, and stronger than normal shapeshifters' seal forms. It was said that they descended from the sea's creator himself and that was why their abilities were so strong. Even though she was strong in seal form, Reina wasn't as strong as normal selkies due to her human genetics.
Crap this guy again, she thought and it appeared the feeling was mutual, just then any hope for this class was lost for good. She did as she was asked walking infront of the room and stood there unsure of what was expected of her. She sensed a shift next to her and she assumed it was Reena turning to seal. She leaned her head to slightly to towards Reena.

"That sounded cool i wish i could see that."She commented on whisper.
Mr.Smith turned and looked at the students standing there, "Well," he said "EVERYONE needs to Shift for the class, please." the word please came out harsher than the rest of the words. He really needed them to shift, Rafael's files were incomplete and all it said was "Name:____ Ability: Shifting into...." it angered him how sloppy Rafael could be sometimes. He looked over at the girl turning into a seal and held back a laugh, "Poor girl, she'll never have a chance here." he thought bitterly to himself
Amaris sat awkwardly, waiting for instruction. It felt strange with all the eyes of the class witnessing. Discovering her power to shift had been a startling occurrence. She didn't like to remember her first year as a vampire. Alot of terrible memories.
Reina had her mesmerizing sea-blue eyes even in seal form, a trait that told selkies apart from usual shapeshifters. However, she felt that this was long enough and shifted back. One moment, she was a seal. The next, she was standing there looking as human as ever, the grey chiffon scarf clinging to her shoulders like a shawl. She wasn't sure whether she should sit back down into her desk, so she asked the teacher, "Can I go back to my seat now that I'm done shifting?" She wasn't sure what exactly he wanted them to do after they've shifted.

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