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Fantasy Windermere Academy

Daphne waited in the cafeteria line, for what reason she didn't know, anytime she looked at the food here she lost her appetite, something that was highly unusual for her. She got to end of the line and asked the cafeteria worker for a water and set off on her way to a table and waited for her friends, she REALLY wanted to know what they thought about this school. Maybe she was just being overly paranoid, but she really didn't think that was the case.
Ira looked down at whatever had bumped into him and saw that it was another student that looked more like he should be in elementary school. When the small boy introduced himself as Lorin, Ira stuck out his hand and smiled not saying a word. He waited for him to shake his hand and in the mean time introduced himself "...Ira..." He said barely audibly still wanting to get to lunch.
"I- I appreciate the h- help, b- but i- it's best i- if you don't," Lorin said as he stood up, but did not brush off Ira's hand coldly as he already knew it was a bad idea. "A- Are you g- going to the c- cafeteria? I- I can show you the way..." Lorin said friendly to Ira. It was great to meet new people.
Ira clenched his fist when he didn't shake his hand and then looked forward and nodded his head when he asked if he was trying to find the cafeteria. When the boy said he could show him the way he waited for him to take the lead and followed happily. He wasn't sure how he felt about following a little kid but he didn't like the idea of being lost either.
"I- I can't guarantee t- the food..." Lorin joked and walked over to the cafeteria, it wasn't such a long walk and it seems as a lot of people had already gathered. He saw Daphne and smiled to her. "I- If you want, y- you can s- sit with us," Lorin invited Ira as he walked over to get his food, he felt safe going for a toast. He waved to where Daphne was sitting as he sat down on the same table, beginning to eat his food. "T- The toas t- taste r- really good!" He exclaimed smiling.
When they got to the cafeteria the smaller boy ran away and Ira stayed in line waiting to get his food and because he didn't particularly want to talk to the lunch ladies he just pointed to the foods and got the same...whatever the last kid got. He then went over and sat at the table with the little boy and some girl that he didn't recall.
Daphne scowled at Lorin as he ate the toast, "Doesn't taste a bit...strange?" she asked as she examined the toast, "Every time I go to eat, I lose my apetitie! It's insane I seriously hope I'm hungry for dinner, I want to see this village don't you? Isn't it crazy they only let us out for dinner and on weekends? This place is crazy!!" the questions poured out of her mouth and she realized who she was talking too, and shut her mouth, I should probably take it slow..too many questions even for me, she laughed at herself a little. She noted the new boy sitting next to her and extended her hand out to him, "I'm Daphne, who are you? I haven't see you before."
Lorin was a bit surprised at Daphne's sudden burst of questions and looked at his toast, a bit more scared now, but he had already checked the toast and his visions would tell him something. Hopefully... "I- I am a bit curious a- about t- town, but I don't know I- if I would g- go so far as to s- say this place is... c- crazy..." Lorin answered as he thought about taking a quick look into the future before he went to the village for dinner.
Hmm...she thought for a second and said to no one in particular, "Maybe...maybe instead of dinner we should..explore and ask around about this place..." she took a sip of her water and pulled out her notebook and opened it to her list, making sure to cover the part about Lorin on it. "Soo..." she started as she waited for him to finish is bite of toast, "what do you think is really strange here? I think the fact that theres no windows is really strange."
Ira looked at her hand taking it in a nice firm grip smiling at her and then releasing so that he could begin eating his food. He ate quickly looking up every now and then listening to what the two of them were talking about and at one point was awe struck that they were even thinking of skipping a meal just to look around the town was insane to him.
Lorin looked a bit surprised at Daphne, but he was quite curious about the town as well, and to know more about this Mr. Smith person, he was a bit scary to be completely honest. He saw her pulling out a small notebook, but did not think more about it as he was not curious about personal stuff. "I- I think t- the teacher. M- Mr. Smith i- is weird..." Lorin said to Daphne, thinking about exploring. It did sound fun, he had to admit that and skipping dinner could not be that bad, if anything happened he could always just grab something on the go. "I think it sounds like fun! E- Exploring!" Lorin said, smiling like a child who had just received some candy on a Monday. "Oh! I- I almost forgot!" Lorin said, looking over at Ira sitting by him. "T- This is Ira. Ira t-this is Daphne," Lorin introduced the two to each other, as it seemed they were not going to do it themselves.
Daphne gave a small little fist pump of glory, "Yes, Lorin! This is going to be the best exploration ever, maybe we'll even get to use our powers some." she smiled, she really wanted to use her powers more but not in this school, every time she used her power she felt a little off. She looked back at Ira, "It's a pleasure to meet you, you can come with us if you'd like, honestly we might have to stop and eat, I'-" she was cut off by her stomach growling and laughed, "I'm probably hungrier than I care to acknowledge." She looked at the clock and lunch was soon coming to an end but she wasn't really looking forward to their next class, Logistics, it sounded hard and confusing.
"I- I would rather n- not use m- my power... B- but exploration s- sounds fun!" Lorin said and joined in on her fist pump of glory, smiling happily as it did sound very fun, then he remembered that Daphne helped him during their game of dodge ball, and her powers seemed very powerful and interesting, being able to move objects at will after all. "T- Thanks for the help i- in gym class! I- It really helped!" Lorin thanked her, giving her a small bow of politeness before he looked at the clock. Class was soon beginning, he stood up and looked at both Ira and Daphne smiling holding his bag firmly in both of his hands as he was not strong enough to carry it with only one. "L- Let's go to c- class together!" Lorin said boldly, hoping they would both agree, as he thought it was great getting friends like this. Walking together to class, exploring together. Lorin was more excited than he originally thought!
Daphne internally sighed, "I just reaaaally wanna know the length of his powers, oh well another way might work." she thought to herself. She was mid-thought when she heard Lorin thanking her for what she did during gym and it made her blush a little, "Oh that? It's nothing! We've all gotta watch out for each other! and Yes, we should all walk to class together, easier to not get lost with more people!" she started to pick up her stuff and walk off towards the door, "I'm pretty sure it's at the end of the second floor hallway, but who knows? Being late doesn't really matter I take it, the teachers are always late!" Daphne could feel anticipation growing in her stomach, how much longer till dinner? She didn't know and she didn't know if she could make it through two more classes.
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Ira put up his tray after he had finished his meal and went back to the table only to stand back up when they were both ready to leave to the next class. While he was walking he was thinking to himself how glad he was that he hadn't shown his powers in the shifter class. He sighed to himself and looked down the hallway walking with these two people looking down at both of them. A lot of the people here seemed to be rather short.
Lorin smiled as Daphne, Ira and himself made their way to the next class. It was great to walk in a group for once. Logistic class sounded difficult, but he should somehow manage to pull through. A little bit confused at Daphne's sigh he felt as she was very fond of her power. It was good that she liked it as much as she did, unlike Lorin who hated it more than he hated beans, and that was a lot. Thinking nothing more of it, he followed Daphne's lead as he had no clue where to go.
She bobbed and weaved her way through the hallways until she reached the end of the hallway, she looked at the door number and back down at her schedule, "Hmmmm, this is the right room, it looks a bit empty though..." she trailed off as she pushed the door a little harder than she should have had too. When she entered the room, it looked like it was going to be covered in dust, she fingered the wall until she felt a light switch, she quickly turned on the light and was surprised to see an overly clean room. She put her head out in the doorway and yelled to the group, "Hey!! It's okay in here and I think we're super early!!!" she waved for them to come in and set off for the desk closest to the tiny window and set her stuff down.
Lorin smiled as it seemed they had found the right classroom. Daphne really knew her way around the academy, which was a good thing. The lesson was to start in two minutes, and there was no sign of any teacher. Which was not a big surprise. Lorin walked by and took the free seat next to Daphne smiling to Amaris who already sat in the classroom, seemingly calm and maybe a bit bored. Lorin pulled out his books and put it gently on his desk before he began drawing yet another picture. This time it was a small village surrounded by trees far away from society as a largee building was seen in the background, seemingly crowded, and looked very like the academy building.
Daphne looked around the class room, stared at the wall a little, and bit her nails some but nothing she did could keep her from thinking about dinner and it bothered her that no one else seemed as anxious as she was. She tapped her pencil some more before looking over at Lorin's desk, she was pretty surprised to see this drawing and it dawned on her-maybe this is part of his power! That scene he was drawing did look a little like where they would be going and before she could stop herself she blurted out, "Is drawing the future part of your ability? Oh man, that's such a neat ability, I'm jealous!" she continued to stare in aw as he kept on drawing
After lunch, Reina was feeling better and more energized. She walked briskly to her next class, finding that several other classmates were already there. However, the classroom looked mostly empty and the teacher was, of course, not present yet. She went over and sat at a random seat that happened to be next to Ira's. She knew who he was from overhearing other conversations, but didn't know him well enough.
While Ira was sitting he unpacked some of the materialize they would need for the class and set them on top of the desk waiting for the class to begin. While he was sitting he noticed someone walk into the classroom and his jaw dropped. He didn't quite recognize her at first and was preoccupied trying not to look like an idiot with his mouth open. Ira actually manually closed his mouth pushing his jaw up with his hand. He was staring down at his lap when she sat be side him and his face started to get a little pink. Finally, he noticed this girl from the shifting class as the one who turned into a seal. He turned up his eyes to look at her and quietly said "h..hi..."
Reina quickly set her bag on the ground, seeing how she was already a minute late, though she wasn't really worried since the teacher wasn't here. She took out her notebook and her pencil case and laid them out as usual, with a fresh page. She was surprised that Ira spoke to her, seeing how they didn't really know each. "Oh, er, hey," she managed. "You're Ira, right? I'm Reina." Might as well introduce herself while she had the time.
Lorin looked over at Daphne in surprise as he realized he was truly drawing a vision od the future. He did it without knowing as that was a bad side if his ability. Even if he wore the eye patch it managed to find its way to communicate with Lorin either way. He finished the drawing as the town waz clearly detailed and the building was definitely the academy building. Not able to lie anymore to Daphne at least, he only gave her a small embarrassed nod. "I- I can s- see the future..." he muttered very scared as he did not want to lose Daphne as a friend, especially not since they were such good friends and had become so close.
Daphnes eyes grew wider, if that was even possible, "Are you serious! Why didn't you tell me before?! You really shouldn't be so afraid to tell people, you know?" she was about to shoot off a million questions, but this time she restrained herself and closed her eyes, counting to ten quickly. She lowered herself down to eye-lever with Lorin and looked him straight in the eyes, speaking calmly, "Lorin, be honest, have you seen anything about this school or the workers in this school? I won't be mad, promise." she continued to stare at him, with steady breathing, "Because, if you did, you should tell me, we shouldn't be in such a dangerous place."
Ira would look up every now and then to see her face and tried to think of something to say but everything he was thinking just kind of poured out of his mouth. "Your have lovely eyes, your hair is gorgeous, and you give me butterflies...your pretty..." he said quickly and then let his body go limp as his head banged into the surface of the table with a loud sound. He tried not to think about what he just did and kept his head on the table.

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