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Fantasy Windermere Academy

The bell rang.

Amaris stood, up, grabbing her bag quickly, ready for study hall. Her long black tangle of hair lay down her back, her black coat tight around her. Passing through the arch way of the door, boots tapping on the tile floor, she headed to Study Hall.
Rafael leaned in closely to the black and white computer monitor, he's been watching them all day and nothing too interesting has happened until..now. He just watched the blind girl break a desk without even trying. He was baffled and he hurry to reach her file, almost spilling coffee over the rest of files. He quickly scanned her file and saw "Werewolf...only works sometimes.." he was outraged by this, "ONLY SOMETIMES?" he yelled. This was a lie, he knew she could be a werewolf at anytime, he would just have to make her transform. He knew she was off tot the cafeteria, so he picked up a walkie-talkie and paged the lunch lady, "Janet, whatever you do, only give the blind one toast." he turned off the walkietalkie before she even had a chance to reply. At this same time, he heard a knock coming from the large oak door, Rafael was a little taken back by this-he wasn't suspecting anyone today. He walked over to the door, put first stopping to put his gun in his pocket, once at the door he slowly opened it, "Hello..? Who are you?" he said in shock at the tiny woman standing at the door. The woman, barely 5'1" stared back at him with the same shocked face, "Uhm, I'm the nurse you hired. I got here early but I had no way to tell you. Can you just give me my assignment?" she asked, she was hungry to start learning all she could about these kids. Rafael was a bit taken back by her, no one spoke to him like that and it made him angry, but he couldn't let this...tiny woman see that, "Yes. Just a moment, you may come in if you like, theres a seat in front of my desk." the woman pushed past him and sat in the chair, somehow she looked taller. Rafael went over to his bookshelf and pulled down a box of supplies, and handed them to the woman, "You," he started as he placed more blood tubes in the box "you'll be playing the nurse, just go to the study hall class and explain to them who you are and why you need some blood, and all that yada-yada." he finished placing the supplies in her box and watched her get up and walk to the door, she was about to leave when she stopped, "Thank you for this amazing opportunity." and with that, she left and started to walk towards the study hall classroom. Rafael went back to his black and white computer screen and watched the students, carefully taking notes, for now he realized how important good and detailed filled notes were, he wasn't going to accept anything like "Were wolf, only sometimes." anymore.


Daphne gathered her things in a hurry, she was so excited, only about an hour more before they could go off to the village for dinner and explore. But for now, Daphne had to find something to do with all this extra time, and she thought about what to do when she stumbled across the broken desk, she was a bit confused but decided not to look too much into it and continued on her way out the door when she spotted Natalia. She picked up her speed and somehow ended up walking next to Natalia,
"Hey..." she started, "Did you see that broken desk? What happened to it?"she asked as she pulled out some gum from her pocket and placed some in her mouth, "Want some? It's just mint flavored gum, but its the only thing keeping me from not eating my hand. Which reminds me, are you coming the village with us for dinner?" she asked, adding a little more emphasis to dinner than she needed to.
Natalia stopped and faced the new speaker, by that though she had changed significant. Her face was darkened in look of anger, she let out an wolfish growled showing teeth which were pointer then normal. The more striking change was her blue pupil-less turned yellow with visible pupils. Natalia was looking directly at Daphne and the offered gum. She was not pleased with the offering. She struck at Daphne hard with her back hand.
Daphne stumbled back holding her hand to her face where she was just hit, "N-n-NATALIA! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" she yelled from a distance, "Why are you acting like this!?" Daphne searched her thoughts and why Natalia could be like this when she remember shape-shifting class and what Natalia had said. "Oh...god" Daphne mumbled to herself before shouting to Natalia in a calmer tone then before, "Natalia, it's okay, I forgive you..why don't we find you some..food?" Daphne wondered what kind of food Natalia would even want know, and secretly hoping 'Daphne' wasn't on her dinner menu.
Lorin found his book and was overly happy. He borrowed it to read ut and then began walking towards study hall. His left eye began hurting immensely as he was left with no choice, but to take the eye patch off. When his eye reacted like this, his eye is desperate to show him something. His left eye lit up bright pink as he saw a vision were Natalia attacked Daphne (I took this opportunity to help you a bit ^^) It was more than just attack...it was terrible... The vision ended and Lorin dropped the book before he quickly ran towards the direction of his vision. Quickly stopping into the cafeteria he asked for a giant chunk of meat, grabbed it and found Daphne and Natalia. "D-Daphne! G- Get away!" Lorin shouted, the first time in his life actually, and handed the meat to Natalia before he looked at Daphne with both his eyes revealed. "Thank God... I- I made it..." Lorin thought as the vision changed with Daphne being alive, and going to town with him later. He closed his eye, as he did not wish to see more of the future, and smiled to Daphne.
Natalia had let out a howl before moving in a position ready to attack Daphne again but Lorin timely arrival changed things. She caught the meat with her hand, running of to a corning before ravaging the mean in all until the meat was nothing but bone. The act seemed to calm Natalia she stood up in a dazed fashion, she could barely stand clutching her head as if it was heavy. She reached out her hand infront of her as if searching for something eventually finding a wall to steady herself in.

"F***...Hello?! Somebody about?!"she said finally,
"I- I'm h-here!" Lorin called out to Natalia and gently gave her the scarf he had used to lead Natalia earlier. "L- let's go t- to the cafeteria. W- we still got some t- time to get you something i- if you're still hun- hungry..." Lorin said smiling to her, despite Natalia being blind. Hopefully she was calm now so that she wouldn't attack, but Lorin kept his eye closed. It was bad enough seeing someone die once. He had dropped his eye patch and the book he had borrowed, hopefully he would find them at the same place later. "H- Have y- you calmed d- down?" Lorin asked her, just to make sure she was herself again.
Miki walked out of class. She was beginning to feel a bit lonely because everyone had there friends, and the only the one she had made was Lorin. She sighed and walked down the hall until she ran into Lorin. "Hey." She said, waving at him. She fell into step net to him. She felt energy radiating off all the people in the area.
"I guess...As calm as one in such a situation, at least i still have my clothes...I taste raw meat..."She said before grappling out the offered scarf, gradually beginning to panic."No...I...I didnt! Not again...No! No! No!"She let go of the scarf as her feet gave way making her fall to her knees, the weight of the scenario she had in her mind bringing her to a verge of tears.
"N- nothing h- happened Natalia... Y- You only b- broke a d- desk. I- I gave you s- some meat bef- before anything h- happened," Lorin reassured her as he dried her tears with his scarf, avoiding physical contact. Miki came up behind them and he smiled to her, as it was good to see a familiar and friendly face. "H- hey," Lorin greeted back, as he hoped Natalia would feel better. Thank God for his vision though, it could have been worse.
"Tha...That was it...Your sure?! If there was something place tell me, i need to know!"She asked still panickingm the sudden touch of the scarf made her recoil slightly but then let Lorin work. Her head was in a daze as she tried to think what happened but a voice played through in her mind: "N-n-NATALIA! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" in fimiliar voice."Daphne...What happened to her!?"
"I- I promise! I- I got Here b- before a- anything h- happened to Daphne... s- she's okay!" Lorin repeated as he could only imagine the terrible thoughts that flew through Natalia's mind and judging by her reaction, this was not the first time her wolf self had gotten the best of her. "Everything's g- going to be o- okay now. J- just stay c- calm," Lorin repeated as he gently placed his scarf in Natalia's hand again, hoping she would take it this time. So they could get her more food. Before it happened again.
Daphne was still flustered from the mess and was actually super embarrassed that she froze in that situation, if she couldn't handle Natalia transforming then what was she going to do in the real world? Daphne felt bad for not going to thank Lorin he practically saved her life(how he knew to come right there, made her think more about his power) but she couldn't face him or Natalia right now, so instead she stalked off to study hall, sat down at the nearest desk and started to day dream.

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Amaris whom walked from her dorm towards Study Hall, stopped hearing the raised voices of Natalia and Daphne. Heading around the corner, she simply watched, surprised by Natalia's sudden rush a spite and anger. Dodging Daphne, who seemed determine in her path to Study Hall, Amaris stood thinking for just a second, before following promptly.
"I...I hope so.."She said calmer but not quite convinced unless she heard from her. She held her head again."I knew this would happen...I shouldnt have come....Thought they...I would...Where are we? You wont have to worry about me...I will find my way to my room by myself."
"W- we're outside t- the classroom. S- study hall is s- starting soon," Lorin told her looking for Daphne who had seemingly disappeared. Maybe she went ahead to study hall already? "I- I can h- help you to y- your room!" Lorin suggested as he could not blame Natalia for not going to class, she must be exhausted and from the alternative future Lorin saw... it could have gone far worse than what he managed to put together.
Natalia opened her mouth to decline the offer, she didnt want to risk his life again if she turned again, but stopped herself. As much as she hated the idea, she could travel on her own especially without her cane, she had hopped that one of the teachers would have felt better for the others if the took her in but they were strangely absent.

"Fine..."She relented attempting to get to her feet when another thought came to her mind."But first...I need to see Daphne if she would see me...I need to hear that she..."She couldnt finish.
"O- of course!" Lorin said with a smile, happy she accepted his offer. He closed his eyes, running through the minds of everyone around in the building to find his way to Daphne's mind. "D- Daphne, I- I'm bringing N- Natalia w- with me. S- she wants to know if you- you're u- unharmed," Lorin told her before he began leading Natalia towards the classroom following the signals he got from Daphne's mind. "Y- you don't n- need to w- worry N- Natalia. I- I can s- see t- the future. I- I can s- stop you I- if this h- happens a- again," Lorin said through his thoughts to Natalia, hoping she found some satisfaction in that.
Amaris pulled out a pen,with no homework and little to study,she could get some time to draw and add to her notebook. She began to draw, her mind pulling from her internal fears. She drew a wolf, trapped, chained. It's cage a room with small openings of broken glass, once windows. She drew in the fur, the paper dark with pen marks.
Daphne heard Lorin in her mind and replied back, after much debate, "okay...is she fine now? I'm embarrassed a little a guess..." She stopped and let thoughts drag back out to lorins powers and what Natalia would have to say to her. She wasn't mad at her, just a little scared.

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"S- She h- has calmed down... T- There's nothing to be embarrassed f- for. W- We're even now. Y- You helped me, s- so I helped you," Lorin said and smiled as he sent her the message through his mind. Suddenly his power was taken out of Daphne's mind, and Lorin fell to the ground. A sudden disruption like that would cause large pain to his mind. He quickly stood up with a large headache and felt slightly busy, but tried his best to not let Natalia notice it. He didn't wish to worry her.

They made their way over to the classroom, and Lorin lead Natalia over to Daphne's desk. Restraining himself a bit too far, as he almost fell to the floor, but caught himself on a nearby desk. He quickly sat down, holding both hands on his throbbing head, and tried to collect his thoughts and mind to get the headache to disappear.
Hayden Andrews

Hayden, the new student here, walked into Windermere Academy. She nervously clutched her journal close to her chest, yellow eyes scanning the halls and doors to different classrooms. She saw classroom upon classroom until she met one where it seemed everyone was, she peered inside, then stepped in, eyes cautiously looking downward. Her dark grey hair covered her awkward colored eyes as she walked to the farthest desk in the back, silently setting her things down.
Miki sat alone in the class. She sat near the window, wanting to be alone. She sighed and turned out the window. She hated her voice. When she tried to stand out, she ended up hurting people, but now she was just a nobody. She turned out the window, clearly being ignored. She sighed and began to sing under her voice.
Hayden Andrews

She peered over at the girl by the window, frowning to herself that the girl had seemed so lonely, like herself. Hayden moved some strands of grey hair from her face, frown immediately turning into a straight line. She carefully opened her journal, reading some poetry she made earlier, hiding the pictures and writing she saved from her parents.
Daphne looked at Lorin that seemed to be in a lot pain and shot him a worried looked and mouth, "Are you okay?" she turned back and looked at Natalia, her face turned red a little bit and she turned her gaze away from her and look out the window and waited for Natalia to say something to her.


Ava Winters walked in to the study hall room and walked past all the students, she could smell the 'abilities' on them and it made her hungry. She leaned on her desk and scanned the rows and decided she'd start the class now. "Hello everyone, I'm Ms.Winters, does everyone here know their blood types? Weeeeelll, even if you do we're gonna test it today. I know this is just study hall but, eh, it might be fun!" she giggled as she handed out blood tubes to everyone. "We'll wait a moment for everyone and the fun can begin! You all can work in a groups if you'd like! There's some gloves up here if you want some!" She walked back to her desk, pulled up her long brown hair and put on some gloves and waited for everyone.

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