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Realistic or Modern When the sky falls down (winged people experiment rp)

~Ian (#001732)

I wake up off the operating table. My hawklike eyes blur and then focus, almost out of their own accord. I wait for the guard to roughly drag me back to my cell, but it never happens. Someone, a security breach, has distracted them. No sooner than I think this that I'm out the door, running with my wings folded tightly behind me. I crash through the door, almost tripping over a girl tending to a some guy's injury. I'm stuck. Should I run? Is this a trap?
Raisa was glad they found Amber, but feeling quickly shifted to worry and alarm as Ryuu collapsed. She knelt by his side as Amber tore off a bit of her shirt. "Great, now we have two injured boys," she muttered. "That will cover it, but it's still too thin to stop the bleeding," she said to Amber as a dart whizzed past her head.

"We have to move," she said, turning to face the guards blocking their path. She stood, and the guards fired. She held up her hands, and the darts froze in midair. "Drop the guns," she growled, but they turned around and took off the other direction. "Costly mistake," she sighed, and sent the darts back in their direction, striking them in the back.

As they dropped like flies, she ran over and collected the dart guns. "Here," she said, kicking one so it slid along the floor to Amber. She walked back over to the group. "I'll carry him, let's go," she said, gently picking up Ryuu. Her tired muscles screamed, but she ignored it.
"Alright!" Amber said as they began to move to another section of the building. "I checked the other wing of the building whole turning the power off, the exit wasn't on that side so it should be on this wing." she said checking behind them to make sure there weren't any guards who would brave the almighty power of this girl who she was currently running with.
Ryuu began to close his eyes... The last he remembered happening was being picked up again and darkness taking up his vison. He desperately wanted to stay awake... To help the others... But he closed his eyes... And passed out.
I peek out from behind the corridor, staring at the retreating backs. I start jogging after them, trying not to tip them off with my footsteps. I don't want to speak with them until I know who they are. I'll just wait and watch.
After hours of testing, Annora was led into her cell. She was pushed in and the door was slammed behind her and locked. She turned out, staring out at the hallway dully. Slowly she wondered why a few doors were ajar, as if thrown open. Had someone escaped? Anna sat on the small cot in the back of the cell, curiously eyeing the cells and the hallways. She'd like to get out of this prison, she really would. The tests they did were unnecessary, painful, and plain uncivilized. Lately tests hadn't been as painful for her, but she still greatly disliked them.

(Hopefully I didn't come in too late..)
I slip quietly through the corridors until I hear the tell-tale slam of a cage being shut. I jump back, waiting for the guard(s?) to come by. It feels like an eternity later, but he finally comes around. I chop at the base of his skull. His eyes roll up and he crumples to the ground. I relieve him of his weapon (why would a guard need an assault rifle anyway?) and keep heading down the corridor. There's a bright bit of light on the infrared level. Maybe it's one of my kind?
(I wasn't aware you had let my character out. I had htought you just knocked a guard out and were walking over or something.. @ultimus9 )
Annora stood in her cell, hearing the guard walk away down the seemingly never ending hall. She slowly sat down on the cot in the corner and looked down at her nails in boredom. Suddenly, she heard something drop and footsteps approach her cell. She looked up, waiting for the footsteps's owner walk past.
(moving right along)

It turns it's another one of my kind. I open the cage, peering in.

"Come on. Safety and freedom are but a hop, skip, and a sprint through a gauntlet of Helix guards out for our blood away.”
Slowly she stepped out, examining the person that let her out. "Who are you?" She couldn't help asking.
"Uh, well, I'm Ian. Can we talk while we run?"

I start running backwards, eyes glinting.

"If you want to stay here, that's fine, but hey, I gotta catch my ride."
"I never said I wanted to stay," She said, running after him. The tests they had been conducting on her lately had been how to use her powers, and school like classes to see how intelligent and her physical ability was. She passed every test they threw at her, so running after Ian wasn't too hard for her, even when she was barefoot.
"Okay then." I turn and start sprinting down the hall. I glance at her.

"Also, if my eyes start smoking, please tell me. These eyes don't come cheap."
"Uh.. Ok." She said awkwardly, not knowing why they would begin smoking. A test she guessed.

She seemed to keep up with him pretty well, though never attempted to pass him since she had no idea where they were going. "How far is.. your ride?" She asked a minute or two later.
I turn on my x-ray vision, wincing at the burning sensation at the back of my eyes.

"Uh...turning right, heading towards some type of compound... I dunno what's in it, though."
"Oh." She said, hoping they'd get there soon. "Has anyone else been released?" She suddenly asked. She hadn't talked to another person besides scientists for a long time.
"Yeah, that's what I mean by my ride."

I flick off my x-ray vision, and level my rifle.

"If any guards DARE show their face, well..."

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