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Realistic or Modern When the sky falls down (winged people experiment rp)

Raisa cried out in surprise when the boy grabbed her hand and started leading her back to the others. She wanted to tell him to slow down, because he was hurt, but knew they needed to catch up to the others. Once they did, she pulled him behind a car. They would be safe for just enough time to rest.

Breathing heavy, she kept her body close to the car to avoid being caught by a ricocheting bullet. Then the boy who had gotten her out of her cell started taking out guards with blasts of energy. She just watched, speechless. When she could finally look away, she focused her attention on the boy. "Hey, you feeling okay?" she asked, although she felt stupid asking. Of course he wasn't.
"I wonder if I can get out of here" Gerald thinks to himself focusing on the ceiling of his cell. "Hey, your free to go if" A guard outside Gerald's cell says "If what"Gerald said sitting up "If you help get the others back" The guard says with a smirk
The guard that had shot Ryuu out of the air began to walk up towards ryuu's lifeless body. He was wearing a balaclava and a light white bdu. In his hands was the rifle he used to shoot him out of the air. "heh heh... Though you and your little buddy's could get out did ya. Ha... Not on my watch you don't you stupid bird boy." he said kicking Ryuu. Ryun spat up some blood in response to the kick. He glanced up at the man... Out of anger he put his hand up attempting the blast him and the man kicked the arm away and then pushed his heal hard into his injury. Ryuu yelled in pain coughing and hacking as he did. The man laughed as if he was truly enjoying this... Like it was some sort of treat. Ryun finnaly gained enough control sweep the mans feet out from under him and to pick out the pistol on a holter on his side. He scooted away as he got up. The man went at him with a knife angered. Ryuu closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. A loud bang rang threw the rather empty hanger. When Ryuu opened his eyes... The man way laying on the ground dead. Ryun then dropped the gun and did his best to get up. His cloths were bloody and his injured wing hung downward unnaturally. He looked up seeing Raisa and Luhan and walked over. "The hangers clear... If want to escape nows the time to go." he said.
Amber was on her own at the moment. She must have gotten so lost to the point the guards couldn't locate her. Quickly and quietly she walked down several hallways. Occasionally she would peek into rooms that. were unlocked and had no light seeping under the door. "Focus Amber focus." she told herself as she continued to wonder. She was extremely confused and had no clue where she was going. The three other people she was with were probably already out. "Just my luck.." Amber muttered to herself. Hearing talking and footsteps, she quickly opened a door that wasn't unlocked and hid. When the talking had moved on she sighed in relief. Hearing the sound of buzzing she turns the light switch that was a bit far from the door, but she managed. It was a generator. Guessing that they probably had like five of these for this place, it wouldn't do much. Thinking quickly she decided to turn the generator off, turns off the lights, and quickly left the room.
"Sorry but not interested" Gerald said as the lights went out, "You'r going to regret that" The guard said aiming his gun at Gerald.
Raisa looked back up as Ryuu returned. He was bloody, bruised, and his right wing was crumpled and hanging at an odd angle. "Yea, we should go. Both of you need medical help as soon as possible. Just stay behind me," she said, getting up and walking around the side of the car to lead them out of the hangar.

"Hey, do you know where the girl went that was with you?" she asked Ryuu, making sure the hallway was clear. She walked down the hall, and ducked into the nearest row of cells to hide once a trio of guards turned the corner. The faint click of a gun made her blood run cold. She slowly turned, to see a guard aiming a gun at someone in a cell. She was slightly relieved it wasn't her.

Stretching a hand out towards the guard's arm, she willed the gun to fly out of her hands. It obeyed her, but landed about three feet away from the guard. Within arms reach. But it was the best she could do in her tired state.
The gun flew out of the guards hand "This is my chance" Gerald thought as he punched the guard square in the face knocking the man backwards as he fell to the floor. Surrounding the guards keys in a purple glow Gerald pulled them into his cell and started fidgeting with the lock.
Ryuu followed closely behind. He hoped they found the girl soon because they needed to get out soon while they had the chance. He suddenly froze when the guards showed up. He watched as the situation unfolded in front of him. It looked like the first guard was down out of the trio but the other two were about retaliate for their fallen comrad. He slide out around from behind Raisa and grabbed one of the other guards pulling him up into a choke from behind with his good arm.
Amber made her way down a hall quickly, one half of the building's power was out, she had turned off two more generators. Lucky for her she had already made it to the other side of the build with power. Spreading her wings out she flew so she could quickly find the other generators. Without even noticing she had flew over the people she was originally with. After seeing what the boy she was originally with could do she kept on going thinking he could handle it. She flew down another hallway, staying cautious, as she tried to find another generator.
Leaving the cell Gerald dusted off his wings before entering the hallway and looking around for whatever made his gun fly away.
Ryuu dropped the guard he was choking down onto the floor. Now that the guards were felt with he was able to answer Raisa. "I honestly have no idea where she went." he said taking a step back from the lifeless guard... "I think the last time I saw her was right before the hanger... She pointed out another stairway but I was a bit preoccupied at the time... She could be there."
Raisa was about to suggest looking for the girl where he said but then the lights went out. "Just a guess, but she could be turning the power off," she said, slightly sarcastic. 'Let's see, the power switches would be in... the generator room!' she thought. "Hey, let's go look for the nearest working generator. She'll probably be turning them all off," she said, looking towards the doorway.
Ryun decided since it was dark to try to make a small energy bolt in his hand. It glowed a bright neon blue. "yeah... So we find a generator we find her." he said smiling... "we better be careful though because the rest for the guards probably figured that as well. "We need to find her and get out of here."
'Bingo, another generator..' Amber thought as she turned it off. If she could turn the power off for that section. Although it was risky to run around a facility in the dark, it would help reduce the amount of guards chasing after us. As long as made sure one section's power was on, she was good.
Ryuu turned to what he assumed sounded like... Or felt like a sudden... He honestly was not sure... A loss of power. "Guys... I think maybe we should go this way." he said walking down the dark halls towards what he assumed was where the girl was holding his arm out to light the way.
Amber stood there looking at the door. The handle was turning. In that moment she didn't know who it was or if it was just mind playing tricks on her. After a while it stopped but then the door was kicked down and guards rushed in. 'Fufufu' Amber thought as she run past them out into the hallway. "Missed me." she said, taunting them as she ran down another hallway.
Ryun continued walking untill suddenly a flying mass ran rit into him and he fell over... "was that amber?" he thought slowly getting up.
"Almost!" I said as I continued to run, she didn't want to fly till she got to the stairway down a lit hallway. "Yeah it's me!" she said as she ran keeping her eyes set on the stairway in front of her.
Ryuu followed her hoping she knew what way was the way out to the hanger. He was getting tired though... His wounds and constant use of energy were beginning to get to him. He began to stumble before collapsing onto the floor. He looked up with his blurry eyes... He was to tired to move... His whole body ached horribly.
Amber stopped realizing he had fallen, the boy who saved her. She instantly, by instinct, spread her wings out, flew by him grabbing his arms, and flew down another hallway, directing the other girl to follow. While flying she hoped she hadn't been causing him pain.
Ryuu's eyes gave him a blurry and drunken looking view to what was going on around him. He saw amber come back and grab his arm before feeling himself being lifted up. It was a sickening feeling but he held it it back the best he could... Everything thing else aside from his wing Stung horribly.
After getting a good distance between us and the guards, I set the boy down gently. "Are you ok? Where does it hurt?" I asked quietly as I tried my best not to give him a headache, he looked like he was drunk, probably just nauseated.
The boy did not respond. He just limpy lay where the girl layed him. His wing was mostly red now from the blood from the wound and the wound was opening up more from moving around so much. His left arm was also still a bit bloody from his earlier injures. Luckly his shoulder although bleeding had clothing over it and it was slowing the blood.
Amber managed to rip a bit of the shirt that she was wearing that the facility made her wear and dabbed it over his wung injury. "Stay with us." She said as she tried to stop the bleeding from his injury since the clothed one was holding up for the moment.

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