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Realistic or Modern When the sky falls down (winged people experiment rp)


Mutation experiment and rouge sniper
In the year 2020 a secret lab under the name of helix corp genetic set up a secret test facility hidden in the mountains near a small town in Georgia. They worked on a secret genetics project called project pheonix... A project to give humans the traits and physical abilities of animals... For many years the test failed untill a recent test with birds. After success the soon merged the project with another human modification project focusing on other super human and super natural abilities. Soon they began to build an their army using the test subjects of kidnapped orphans. They are cages... Treated not of human... They are nothing more the property to be held and contained for tests.

They are the pheonix project.
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Ryuu woke up to the famiular feeling of being thrown into his cell. He landed sprawled out on the ground collapsed. His arms and ands were incredibly scratched up and cut... Not self inflicted... But from the results of his struggles during his tests. He was infact freshly bleeding right now from a gash in his right arm. He was rather beat up. He began to wooziely move to the wall in the back of the cell for support. The cell consisted of 3 bared side and one solid wall that all the cells were lined acrossed. Ryuu unfolded his wings and put them over him self... As if to block out the rest of his world... Not that it did much but at least he could not see anything and he could wait for the sedatives to ware off with out the reminders of his dark world surrounding him making him fell more sick. His silver eyes were dark and clouded and he stared at the flood from under his wings... He knew... Their had to be some where better than this... Better than being abused for personal gain every day be others for god knows what. He sighed quietly to him self... He wanted to cry but he did not want any of the guards to laugh and bully him... The names they had called him when he was younger...
Amber sat in a cell. She knew she was different, and it was difficult for her to understand. She had the wings of a bird, but was it that bad to keep her in a cell? She sat in the corner looking through the cell bars from a distance. Sighing she stood up she tried to walk up to the bars, but stopped half way due to the chain around her ankle. She stuck her tongue out at the chain before looking at what she could see from where she was standing. All she saw was cells, innocent lives, more cells, and crazy scientists. It was like a living nightmare.
Ryuu looked out from under his wings when he heard the sound of a chain clanking on its own links. He stared blackly towards the direction the sound came from. He could see a girl... Sitting him the cell in front of him. She had not been their before... As far as he knew that is... "D don't worry... They will take it off eventually... I think... At least they didn't put it back on for me when I got mine off... Guess they figured it was pointless." he said to the girl before coughing. He held the gash on his arm with his hand... The blood flowing out of it and covering his palms Ina. Dark crimson red.
The boy had told me they might take the chain off. I hoped they did, it had become a bother to try to "adjust" to the cell life with this long strand of metal around your leg. I knew he was in pain, the way he started his sentence off was a dead give away. "Are you ok?" I asked as I looked over to the direction of his cell. At first I did get an answer, but after a moment I hear a quiet 'yes'.
(I am sorry but I am bit confused... By your post @HanaHaru )

Ryuu lifted his head from his wings... From the distance he could hear a scientist walking down threw the maze of cells accompanied with a few guards. A sense of what could be taken for fear rushed threw his body as ryuu stared listening to the echoing footsteps. He was still rather far off from his cell... But he hoped they did not grab him again... He had just been put back after his last testing session... He was far from ready.
( @Sworean don't worry I understand xD )

The sounds of foot steps filled the room, they seemed to be getting closer as well. I had no idea what was going on due to the hallway only having limited light from the ceiling lights. I didn't want to be here, I'm sure that boy doesn't wanna be here, but we are. As the foot steps seemed to be extremely close, I backed away into the corner of my cell, where it was dark and barely an light shown.
The scientist stopped I between the two cages slightly grinning. "well then... Get these two." the scientist said. The guards opened both of their cells as shrunk back to the back of the cage. Like an animal being pinned in. He looked like he began to react but one of them jammed him with what looked like a taser. Ryuu was some what dragged out and lifted to his feet... His head limp... And tired looking.
I stared in horror at the scene, they are going to be testing us? I didn't want to go anywhere with these people. I tried to hide in the corner best I could but they still saw me. I didn't struggle since I knew the punishment for doing so. I watched as they move the boy out of the hallway first. I didn't know where they taking him, but I hoped he would be ok.
The group began to talk them threw the lines of cells untill they reached a door. When they got threw they were in a bright white hallway. After a few minute of the escort. Ryuu slightly raised his head... This was his chance.... To try to get out... Having to deal with two experiments at one might be just enough for them to escape... Hopefully he suddenly jerked startling the guard holding onto his right arm sending him off balance. He then kicked up landing a kick right in the guards face and then the turned out bursting upward slightly over the guard kicking the other guard down. One of the guards originally holding the girl let go ran at him but suddenly something unexpected happened. He had originally intended in just punching but suddenly a bright blue energy bolt appeared in fist blasting into the person sending him flying into the wall now with a fresh bloody wound in his chest that had gone right threw his chest armor. The scientist had already began calling for help so more guards began running in carrying assault rifles, SMGs, an shotguns. Ryuu grabbed the other guard holding the girl and threw him at a corner where one of the guards coming to help was coming from landing them both oh the floor. "Come one let's go." he yelled running threw the hallway. He came up to a interction in the hallway where a guard was coming up. He grabbed the guards rifle and pushed it up blasting him with an energy bolt leading the way for the girl to safely follow.
Raisa stared up at the ceiling of her cell. All the tally marks, all the days she's been in this place staring right back down at her. She usually spent hours counting and recounting them all. Standing up, she unfurled her wings and lifted herself off the ground, chains dragging across the floor and then trailing up behind her. Today was Day 158, and she dragged her nail across the ceiling, leaving a jagged line next to the 157th tally.

Shots from the nearest hallway caused her to rise too far, and she bumped her head against the ceiling. Rubbing the contact area, she descended, and walked over to her cell door. Right at the edge of her peripheral vision, she saw a guy take out a guard. Then he led the girl he was with down the hall, coming closer to her. Raisa rattled the door. "Hey!" she yelled, "think you can get me out of here?"
@Sworean Sorry about that.

Amber quickly followed the boy, making sure not to get in his way. It was very kind of him to help her, while all of this was happening she tried to think of a way to make it up to him, just when she thought he was through, or at least so far, she heard someone call from down a hall. "I think someone wants us to help them out.." I said quietly.
Ryuu turned... He stopped and considered if they had enough time to help this person. He concluded he should. Besides one more set of hands the better. He turned opening the door into another dark cell block. He came up to the door. He figured he should probably try useing that energy thing he did earlier to the lock... Hopefully it would work. He jammed his hands forward creating a bolt and energy that sparked and blasted into the cells lock. Ryuu then pulled the door open and quick used another bolt to break the chains. "Come on let's go. We need to get moving before the guards get mobilized." He said running out leading the way again.

The teen screamed out in terror, struggling against the bonds that held him trapped to the steel metal table, the coldness burning into his back. His wings had been stretched out to their full impressive span, clipped to the surgical table. They had gagged him, and he fought against the restraints. What were they going to do this time? He wondered frantically. "Let me go!" Luhan cried. A doctor dressed in white moved forward, tying a strip of cloth to the teen's eyes, darkness encasing his surroundings. Biting into the gag, he screamed as blinding terror and pain shot up his left arm. Without his sense of sight, he couldn't see what any of the doctors were doing. The raven haired teen could hear whispers of the doctors, and judging by the new tingling sensation in his arm, they had cut out a chunk of his flesh to gauge his rapid healing abilities.

"Do you think his organs have the same ability to heal?" Luhan cried out in terror, squirming against the restraints. He could feel a gush of cold wind as his thin shift was lifted up. Fingers prodded at the edge of his stomach, near his appendix.

"He won't need this right? Even if his organs don't have this ability, he won't need the appendix, so he won't die." Another voice answered. The mutant whimpered in fear, a slip of cold metal was placed on his warm skin. Then, the scalpel cut into his warm flesh. Tears of rage, hatred, and pain welled up from the corners of his honey colored eyes.

"Stop!" He whimpered into the gag, no one heard his quiet pleas for help. The raven haired teen could hear cries of morbid infatuation as the doctors reaching his appendix, and then he could feel the knife dig into his appendix. That was the last thing he felt.

Luhan awoke in his dark cold cell, his fingers flying to the spot the doctors had cut up. It was swollen, the inside was hot, bloody, and bruised, giving Luhan a reason to suspect internal damage as well as bleeding. The outside of his skin had healed up nicely. He could only wonder what the doctors had put inside him when he had blacked out.

He could hear the sounds of metal breaking in his bewilderment.
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Raisa jumped back as the spark of energy flew from the guy's hands, busting the lock. When the chains came off, she felt a tingling sensation she assumed was caused by the energy used to break them. She nodded in agreement with the boy and ran off after him.

'I hope he knows the way out,' she thought, before focusing her attention on the intricate hallways. Sudden footsteps behind her made her flinch. The guards had found them. She took a quick look over her shoulder. There were three. One for each of them.

"Hey, they're gaining. We should-" her words were cut off by a loud "BANG". They were shooting now. One dart hit the wall beside her. So they didn't want to kill them, just sedate them.
Sitting in his cell Gerald stared out into the hallway before he heard gunfire "Probably a straggler" Gerald said shrugging while rotating the dart that put him to sleep when he tried to escape. Sighing deeply before he heard footsteps approaching as he looked out of the bars. He started to pull at his chain but couldn't manage to break it "Well this is great" Gerald yelled before dropping the chain still spinning the dart.
I looked at the girl that the bot had just freed and nodded. I ran a bit faster, no longer dragging my feet every now and then. We turned down another hallway, it was still a bit hard to see, sometimes I swore I could hear more people ask us to help them, but I don't think we could free the entier building and not loose a few people. The floor was cold and my feet were bare. My small wings helped a bit, I didn't have a large wingspan, but I could still fly. Even with that they were still pretty light, I don't have to worry about a large wingspan dying me down. I turns my head to see if the other girl was ok, hoping she hadn't been hit by one of the darts.
Raisa saw the girl turn to look at her. "I'm fine," she reassured her with a smile. Another dart whizzed past her head, and she bit back a curse. She scanned the walls, looking for a window to escape through. But all she saw was endless white, occasionally giving way to side hallways with cells lining the walls.

Some were cheering them on, while others begged to be let out. Raisa felt bad that she couldn't release them. There were too many, and not enough time. Staring down a hallway, she saw a boy, around her age, clutching his side. She suspected the doctors had subjected him to torture.

Raisa turned down the hallway, and ran up to his cell. She would catch up with the others later. "Hey," she said, crouching down to inspect the lock. She fumbled with it, trying to find some way to open it. Rough hands grabbed her shoulders, and spun her around. A guard had followed her.

She kicked and squirmed, eventually finding her way out of his grasp. The man went for his sedate gun, and she held up her hands to shield her neck as he fired. 'How stupid,' she thought. 'The dart will still knock you out." But the dart never hit her.

Opening her eyes, Raisa saw that the guard was staring at her, wide-eyed. Her eyes focused on the dart, suspended in midair. Had she done this? She assumed so.

Concentrating further on the dart, she willed it to spin itself around, then shot it at the guard. Within second, he collapsed, out cold. Looking back at the boy, she smiled. Now there was a way to get him out of the cell. Raisa unlocked the padlock, and swung open the door.
"People were cheering, but what for?" Gerald wondered to himself as he went back into the corner of his cell before wrapping himself in his wings. "Probably and escapee or two" Gerald thought as he remembered the last experiment the did to him.
I noticed the girl had split from us, maybe when will catch up later. I continued to follow the boy, I dodge the darts occasionally, more so cause half of them went to settle down the roudy prisoners of this facility. I noticed we were on a second floor or something when I looked down a hallway and saw stairwell, that or it leads underground. "I see a stairwell." I told the boy while we passed it.

Around him, prisoners streamed, free, from their cells. He stared bewildered, clutching at the cold iron bars. 'What the hell is going on?' The thought whirled in his brain, unanswered. Guards followed, like salmon swimming up the waterfall, firing their tranquilizing darts randomly, hitting some inmates trapped behind bars, others whizzing by the fleeing victims. Then, as suddenly as it happened, a girl paused, seemingly out of breath and with fumbled fingers, tried to unlock his cell. Hands outstretched, he cried a warning as a guard stood behind her, about to fire a tranquilizing dart. Luhan stared, no longer surprised, as the girl held the dart in her vision, and then it flew as if it had a mind of its own, hitting the guard whose body fell lifelessly to the floor. Without a second of hesitation after the mechanic click of the lock as it fell with a clang to the metal floors, he sprinted out.

He moved, long strides quick, grabbing the hand of the girl who had saved him.
"Come on!" Tranquilizing darts whizzed by his ears, nearly hitting him, yet he trusted his animal instincts, if you will. Following the rest of the inmates that had escaped, Luhan ignored the growing pain at the edge of his stomach.
I was extremely curious, I split from the boy and made my way to the stairwell. I heard people talking and walked down the stairs quickly, I realized we were a second floor. No windows in sight, but a lot of doors. I knew it was a bad idea to split from the bot who saved me. After a few quick seconds of thinking I decide it was time to fly after so many days in a cell. I speard my wings out and flew. Flying over a few guards before catching up, I folded my wings and dropped, landing on my feet and continued to run. I couldn't keep flying, it would've been easy to hit me. At this point I noticed the girl who had left thr group was now back, but with a boy. I shrugged and continued running.
A guard was running by my cell so I tossed the dart through his eye causing him to fall his gun was kicked away by a prisoner into another cell. "Well im out of luck" I said before laying on my back looking up at the ceiling of my cell.
Ryuu ran down the stair case into the opening of what seemed to be a cavern. Light from the outside of a large opening up front poored in. Around the cavern were tons of lavs and forklifts... Even a tank. But worse than than that were a ton... No it was an army of guards in front of them. They all turned and began firing at the two escapes out side of the door. Ryuu dived for cover behind an lav. The loud sound of live rounds ringing threw the air around him... He was not sure sure where the girl had went but she sure was no longer next to him. The stopped suddenly. He lifted his head to peer threw what was once a car window to see what they were doing an. Suddenly a round flew by slicing his cheek. It stung badly... Suddenly the next thing he knew... The lav and him were sent flying from an exsplotion. He landed on the ground ears ringging. He could see threw blurred vison the guards walking towards him... They were going to lock him up again... They were going to lock them up again! He was not quite sure what he was doing but he suddenly began to stand up. His eyes flashed a bit from a dark gray to a slight tint of red... He was not going back. Ryun sundely burst forward into the group of guards and. A blast of energy developed around him exploding on impact with the group. Lifeless body's flew everywhere from the source. Ryuu then began to run threw what was left of the guards blasting them with red energy and tearing into their body's like an enraged wild animal. He poped up into the air with his wings cutting threw a guard that had attempted stab him the back with a knife. He was now airborne on his way out... But then... When all seemed free... He felt something hit him. A bullet landed right into his wing passing threw and cutting into his shoulder. The wing suddenly blended and collapsed into an odd POStion and he plummeted to the ground landed with a thud. A bloody mess on the ground.

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