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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

"You have to do this Carter!"

"No. F*ck you!"

"You know what happens when your bitten! You turn at night!"

"Maybe your different."

"More likely not. Now, blow my goddamn brains out!"

"Listen! I'll just leave, ok?"

"Do you think I want to become a werewolf? F*cking shoot me!!"

"I'm not going to kill you!!!"

"Yes you are!!"

The man's brains blew out against the wall, as Carter pulled the trigger to his shotgun. It was over. Carter looked down upon the mess he had caused, the bloody filth all across the floor. After Carter's friend here had been bitten, they had made a long trek across the States to find a cure. But unfortunately, the Full Moon had come, and it was over for him. He would turn soon. And now all the man was now, was a bloody mess. Carter sat down in the office chair next to him, holding his head in stress. His helmet lay next to him, and he grabbed it and put it on. He didn't really like his greasy blond hair falling in his face. Carter had actually begun growing stubble after these...What was it? Felt like years. Probably wasn't, but it sure felt like it.

Finally, he broke. He fell over on the floor, crying. That was all of them. Carter was alone.

Complete solitude.


Carter had left that desolate apartment, and had eventually come upon an old house. He had looked inside the window, and saw a couple figures inside. Hopefully they were friendly. Just to be safe, he cocked his shotgun and knocked on the door.
"I'll get it!" Shouted James enthusiastically, as he opened the door wide, bowing, saying "welcome to casa del survivors, werewolf. Andi can tell because you smell like one. How can we help you?"
LeeAnn rolled her eyes. "Back down, new guy. Don't just go ahead opening the door at every knock." she muttered in frustration, heading towards the door. Great! Another God forsaken gun!"
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"Woah woah. I'm not a werewolf. I was near one, so that may be what you smell. But I am not a werewolf." Carter looked around the house, and saw the girl who just walked over. She seemed anxious.

"Look, I'm not a problem. You want my gun, take it. I just need a place to stay. So just 'Hakuna Matata,' ok?"
At the mention of hakuna matata, LeeAnn broke into a grin and resumed gently stroking her mice. "Yeah, hakuna matata. I'm LeeAnn." (Really? Hakuna matata?) her wolf scoffed. However, LeeAnn didn't mind the banter of her wolf as memories of watching the Lion King with her best friend before the accident flooded her mind.
The woman, er, Leeann was stroking mice. Mice! Carter shrugged it off. They seemed like nice enough people. "Carter. Nice to meet you folks." He peered around the house and stopped inside. "Does anybody else live here?" Carter looked over to the boy. He looked pretty young, and a little strange. Hey, nice to see a friendly face. "And who are you?" He didn't ask this menacingly.
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Catherine would look up from her spot sitting next to Seth to see this new person, upon seeing the vampire who is some how more ignorant then her open the door Catherine would bolt up and try to stop him. She was too late though to and he opened the door letting the new person/people in and Catherine would just stare at the vampire with no cover up for her distaste in his willy-nilly actions, she was relieved however that the gas had finally past meaning they could all safely go out side now. She was relieved that they could leave, but decided not to at this time, instead she would go and sit on the couch and pull out her blue bladed katana and barely whisper "mom" upon putting a hand on its blade.

When the new man asked if any one else lived her Catherine would look up and put on a smile waving to the man expecting him to be a friend. "Hello, I'm Catherine and.. Well the others that are with us... Yea I'm not to sure how they're fairing after being locked up in here after what drama I was told about happened so-- yea."
"Drama?" Carter eyed around the house suspiciously. Hopefully he didn't come in on a fight. He really didn't want to cramp all over these people's business. "Don't worry, I really don't want to know. Nice place you guys got here. And about the sword. Please put it down. I'm not going to hurt you. But did you really think you slice me through this armor?" Carter banged on it a couple times. "Hard as a rock."
Catherine would look at this man and then close her eyes taking deep breaths "he doesn't know Catherine, he is fine. Just stay calm." After a minute of mentally calming her self she would open her eyes up again and look to Carter. "You'd be surprised what my blades can do mister. and as a little note you should make. Please, never tell me what to do when talking about my swords. I can get very... Moody." She would look towards James with a look of disgust remembering how close he had made her get to loosing herself and cutting his head off. "But just so you know, I wasn't thinking about attacking you. I often get sit looking and thinking with one of my blades out."
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"Now, that's no way to greet a fellow survivor," said James with an eager smile. "I'm James. What's your name?" As he said this, he thrust out his hand, grasping the other man's firmly and shaking it, before releasing it again.
"Me? Carter. Nice to meet you two." Catherine had said something about her sword, apparently. About how she gets moody. Was that a threat? "Listen, I don't want any trouble. If you need my weapons, take'em. I don't want them."

It was a threat, from what it looked like. In fact, Catherine was whispering to her sword.

Carter would keep an eye on her.
"Ah, screw weapons, who needs a gun when you've got beautiful big fangs like these?" James said this while grinning maniacally, showing his huge canines.

"And yes, before you ask, I'm a vampire, but I promise not to eat you except for in extenuating circumstances."
Cotton Hawthorn enjoyed a well heated plate of canned beans. Wasn’t as good as the caviar he’d had access to before but he enjoyed keeping himself fed. Being hungry didn’t suit a gentleman such as himself. He’d pulled open a section of the bandages covering his face and slipped the spoon in between his charred and burned lips. He smiled as he heard heavy footsteps approaching from down a nearby hall. A young girl with a fox tail dashed in a split second before the hulking figure Cotton knew as Elroy Mathers leaped through the doorway and tackled her to the ground. Cotton enjoyed another bite. “Please!” the neko girl cried as the air was pushed from her lungs under Elroy’s massive frame “Help!” Cotton dabbed a napkin to his lips “What did I say about hunting indoors?”

Elroy flinched, he shifted his weight to give the girl some air. She immediately tried scrambling away, but Elroy’s hold was like a vice. “No hunt in home.” Elroy practically snarled as he looked down at his prey. The old man can’t stop you. Elroy’s inner wolf urged Don’t let him ruin such a heavenly hunt. Elroy shook his head and reached behind him, pulling a large sledgehammer from his back and standing up with his other arm successfully pinning the now weeping girl to the floor. Cotton rolled his eyes and chuckled. Elroy brought the sledgehammer down, the jagged and sharp nails and pieces of metal attached to it dug into the back of the girl’s head. She screamed but Elroy moved his hand and yanked her head back before smashing it into the floor. Then, while she was stunned, he stood and brought down the sledgehammer again.

Cotton took out a little black book and began writing things down with a worn-looking pen as Elroy brought the sledgehammer down again and again. The sounds of snapping bones and tearing flesh dimmed down as the girl stopped moving. Finally Elroy calmed down and looked down at the barely recognizable pile of meat and clothes that used to be a living, breathing organism. His wolf seemed to sigh in delight Wonderful, now the man. Elroy shook his head again in an effort to silence the annoying voice in his head.

Cotton sighed, another room that Elroy’s defaced with his hunting. Cotton had done horrific things in the building as well, but at least he had shown some class! He looked down at the book. There were 27 humans, 12 Nekos, 2 wolves, And 3 vampires. He nodded, Elroy was adding up the kills quite well. If the lug wasn’t so stupid then maybe he could have his own building close by. Cotton turned and looked back out the window. He remembered the others, the ones who seemed to be gathering several blocks from here. He wondered if they were expanding their boundaries or not. Cotton sighed and turned back to Elroy, “Okay, now you have to get rid of the body and clean this up.”
Suddenly, James' ears.pricked up.

"You guys hear that? Of course you didn't none of you are vampires. But it was.a scream. Of pain and suffering. I'm going to go have a look for it. Because I can, if you're wondering why, guys."

James took off heading at high speed to the origin of the scream. It sounded like a Neko's scream, slightly animalistic, but not so animalistic like a werewolf. He was curious as to.what could cause such agony.

There. He smelt it. Neko blood. But mixed in with older, other blood. Werewolf blood. Human blood. Second generation vampire blood. But no first generations. No. Like James, they were far faster and stronger. A werewolf at full moon was one of the few things faster.

He came to the building where the smell came from. He wasn't sure whether is was beautiful, or sickening.
Elroy sat in the broken elevator licking the blood from his hands. Cotton had kicked him out after having him 'Dispose' of the body. The elevator was frozen in between floors 5 and 6. Elroy would usually climb in there when Cotton was busy cleaning. How does being in a cage feel?

"Not cage, quiet place." Elroy muttered as he checked his finger nails for left over meat.

Why is it that whenever that wretched human says something you follow his orders without a second glance? We should be out there! Hunting till we stand atop a mound of bodies as the sole champions of this hell.

"Boss fun." Elroy stated. His inner wolf sighed.

Cotton placed a rug over the blood stained floor, at least now it looked somewhat presentable. The smell was still there, he'd get Elroy to get some bleach or something from the next store he went through.

Seeing as how the grizzly scene had been cleaned up with the help of décor and Elroy's iron stomach, Cotton went to the bathroom and changed the bandages over his face with fresh new ones. He then went to what had once been a bedroom, sitting in the middle of it was a glass case with an old fashioned revolver in it. Cotton pulled a chair over to the box and fished out an old record player. He cranked the handle several times and placed a record on it. Slow and soft violin music filled the room. Cotton sighed before sitting at the chair and calmly opening the case. He took out a small kit and began tinkering with the revolver. Its gleam contrasted to the hollow environment. And so, Cotton calmly fixed up the old weapon.
Before he entered the building, James imagined that now be a good time to load and cock his glock. After doing so, he entered, making not a single sound.

He was unable to find anything on the ground floor, so he keptgoing up floors and checking until he found a corridor with a blood stain on the floor. This was probably where whoever did it was. He took a two-handed grip on his glock, and advanced down into a room with a rug on top of was smelled like neko blood, hastily cleaned up. Freshly,hastily cleaned up.

The door to another room was open, and he heard the vague, quiet sounds of cloth on metal, as well as metal parts clicking together.

He dashed through the door, pointing his gun at the man cleaning a revolver of some kind.

"Don't try anything, I'm a vampire, I can react and move far faster than you. Now, what the hell have you been doing here?"
"Ah, new people." Cotton said as he slid a delicate piece into place. He coughed before continuing his work "What makes you think I've done anything other than clean and survive?
"Nothing much, just the blood of humanoids on your floors. Nekos, werewolves, humans, even second generation vampires. I'm a first generation vampire though, so I'll be considerably more difficult for you or for your very loud henchman to take down."
Cotton sighed before sitting up straighter and blinking "Wait... Very loud?"

Elroy bashed his head against the inner walls of the elevator.

"Shut up!"

It's not my fault you're being the human's slave!

"You know nothing!"

I know enough to question whether you actually enjoy the hunt enough or just act like it!

"I king of hunt!!!"

Another head bash to the side of the elevator, and finally it's old supports gave in.

Both Elroy and the wolf shut up as the Elevator creaked and moaned.


Elroy jumped to the service hatch at the top of the elevator and pulled himself up as the cables slowly bended under the prolonged strain.

He leaped for the open elevator doors as the cables snapped and the steel box slid several stories before impacting on the floor in a heap of loud noises and destroyed interior.

"Uh-oh" Elroy said as he felt the building shake. Cotton was not going to be happy.

Cotton and the strange man stood there as they heard the obscenely loud noises coming from deeper in the building.

Cotton face-palmed as the building shook.

"T-that idiot."
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LeeAnn sighed and rubbed her face as James ran off. He's going to get himself killed too. She gave a wary smile to the newcomer. "Welcome." (Being nice is going to get you killed, pup.) Her wolf remarked half-heartedly. LeeAnn scoffed. "Being alone is enough to drive me insane." she muttered to her wolf. She passed a nervous glance to Catherine. "You okay?"
"Do you guys normally go after him? I don't think I run like the Flash, but who the hell knows." A friendly vampire. Heh. Carter could believe anything he saw nowadays.

He finally guessed that Leeann was a werewolf, from the way she was talking to herself. Same way that old police officer did after he was bitten.
Elroy stumbled through the shaking building with several duffle bags full of supplies. A nearby support beam caved in the floor, Elroy crouched and leaped over it. Where was Cotton? He'd always taken less time to scold Elroy for doing loud, noticeable things. Finally we ditch that lowly human! We can do so much better on our own. Elroy shook his head and through open an emergency door that led to the alley behind the building. Inside was truck, Elroy grinned as he tossed the duffel bags in the back before closing it up. He got behind the wheel and fished out some keys before starting it up and speeding out of alley. He saw a large group of infected squirming inside the building on a search for food. Elroy worried for a moment, but then sped down the street while the zombies were distracted. He and Cotton had already decided on a place to meet up if they ever got separated.

He went the opposite direction of all the others, speeding towards the inner city. From experience, he knew that Cotton could handle himself just fine. For a human.

Cotton slid the handle into place and checked the firmness of its hold as a chunk of the roof fell through the floor beside him. He spun the cylinder of the revolver and grabbed his cane from the side of the table.

"Well, I can't say it wasn't fun meeting another in these dark times." He smiled a deceivingly charming smile. Though it's effect was instantly countered by the burned lips that stretched around it "But I'll have to end our meet in order to live, do hope we meet up again."

As he spoke Cotton dragged the tip of his cane across the floor to his side, the tip popped off revealing the thin spear-like blade. But instead of using it offensively, Cotton slipped in between two floorboard and pulled. The blade cleaved through a rope that was holding a specific support in place. With the rope gone, the flooring underneath gave out. Cotton, along with his cane and revolver, fell through the flooring to the room below. The force brought him through THAT room's floor as well to another below it. Eventually he was able to stand and look up to the room several stories above. With that settled he ran to the cellar of the building and flipped on a light switch. Roars, screams, and cries for hunger rang out as the occupants were exposed to the cellar's blinding lights. Cotton walked over to several large cages that had been set up down there. A dozen zombies were clawing at the metal. The cage next to it held six vampires, each of them chained to the floor and weakened du to months of starvation. They had been caught one by one, Cotton smirked in pride as one snapped at him desperately. Only two of them were originally vampires, the others were created by experiments Cotton had done to test the contagious properties of vampirism. Sadly, he hadn't been able to capture a wolf during his stay there, even with Elroy's help. Cotton sighed, though he didn't like the thought of depending on blood to keep strong, being human just wasn't enough for him. So he took out a syringe and jammed it into the weakest of the chained vampires. Once the chemical had been dispersed into it's body Cotton yanked up the sleeves of his suit and readied his revolver. "Just a little drink kiddo." he sighed as he reached for the vampire's snapping jaws "Then you can sleep."

Elroy parked the truck behind a tall office building. Go on, none of them can stop us. Elroy loaded the duffel bags on to his shoulders and readied his sledgehammer before pushing open the door. This floor only had four zombies, all looked up at him as they began making their way to him. Let's hunt.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?!?!?" James screamed with rage as he charged at Cotton, smacking away the revolver and the cane, going to pin him on the ground.
Cotton sighed as he felt his weapons yanked out of his grasp. His sigh turned into a gasp when the wall to the right of them fell inward. Cotton looked from the rapidly deteriorating interior to the vampire.

He sighed before holding up his hands. "Fine, we'll play your way."

The roar of a truck speeding away drew his attention. But Cotton dragged his attention back to the Vampire.

"What would you like to chat about, Friend?"
"What the FUCK are you doing here? Running experiments? Trying to find yet another bloody cure? If that's what it is, you won't accomplish it. I entertain myself by stopping people trying to find a vampirism cure, but most of the time, they don't need my help to fail. It can't be done. Or are you trying to get vampire powers for yourself? Screw these vampires, get yourself super-powered. Well, they're still human. Just they're infected with vampirism. And if you don't tell me right FUCKING now why you're doing this, as well as releasing these vampires, I'll beat you to a bloody pulp."

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