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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Cotton stared blankly.

"Do I need a reason?" he asked bluntly "I get bored easy, is that enough?"

"Do I need some sort of higher reasoning for enjoying the torture and subsequent execution of living things? Pure poppycock I say, I do it for the fun!"

"You want them free? These things have lost all forms of higher reasoning, little more than animals at the moment. Their release would mean the subsequent butchering of any and all things that have blood within the next several miles."

"I suggest euthanasia. Let the poor things rest, I doubt anyone would enjoy having Rabid vampires running loose."
"YOU SON OF A BITCH! Yeah, I'll fucking kill them. Put them out of their misery. But first, I have a better idea. Why don't you pay them a proper visit?"

James got up, a wild, sadistic smile on his face.

"Where's the key to this cage?"
"Hmmm. Where indeed would I leave the keys to such an important gate?" Cotton said as he put a hand to his jaw and thought, "maybe I didn't need keys due to their being another way in. Like say... this convenient-looking lever?" Cotton stepped to the side, revealing said lever "Oh I wouldn't want to burden you with the effort need to walk over and pull it. I'm a disgustingly horrible person, I deserve to die. I won't try to sugar coat it."

Cotton reached up and pulled the lever, and the walls on the other side of the cage slid down, showing the street outside. The rabid vampires instantly saw their chance at freedom and bolted out into the city, searching for the closest meal they could.

Cotton watched his victims run out into the street.

"I do say I feel sorry for whoever is currently out there at the moment." He shook his head "Now are you happy? Or did you need THIS side open maybe? My bad."

Cotton chuckled
"YOU PILE OF SHIT! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Said James, as he went to grab cotton, to fling him into the path of a vampire.
"And that's my cue." Cotton said before rolling through a nearby grate (Catching hold of his grounded weapons as he went) and slid into a massive cesspool of filth which carried him deeper into the sewers.
"GET BACK HERE YOU BLOODY SCUM! I'LL KILL YOU!" James screamed as he scrambled after cotton, firing wildly at him.

"I have the advantage down here I can smell you. AND I can come after you faster. So why don't you stop running, and make it quick?"
Trent walked down the street an improvised bandanna made of torn rags covering his face. He'd seen a pawn store down that hadn't looked picked clean unlike everything else in the area. His booted feet hit the hard concrete but otherwise the street was silent . As he approached the pawn shop he noticed the front window was broken allowing light to spill through the opening. That hadn't been there the day before when he'd been scouting the area. Quickly he weighed the risks, reaching the conclusion he needed the items to trade he slung his bow onto his back and pulled the small hatchet from his belt. The shop was small and Trent only found one zombie tucked behind the corner. Bringing his hatchet down he decapitated it with a clean stroke. The main room yielded a coil of wire a D battery, Trent tucked the items into his pocket. Searching under the counter he found a single bullet and cursed his luck. A bullet almost defiantly meant there had been a gun and these days , guns, drugs, medicine, and weapons were gold. Opening the door to the stock room he found three more zombies. Careful not to wake them up he eliminated the threat they posed. Bingo he thought to himself. The stock room was a good find. Three arrows a few crappy knifes a leather coat and gloves along with a crowbar. The knifes and clothes he could trade, the arrows he slid into his make shift quiver attached to his back pack. Finally tucking the crowbar into his belt he began his least favorite job...looting the dead. A through search got him a bottle opener a small knife and a lighter. Emerging from the now emptied pawn shop Trent took a breath all and all it had been a pretty good day. Trent's bag bulged and boots clicked as he began the two mile walk back to his safe house.
"So, nobody's ready to talk, huh? I'll just follow him."

Carter stepped out from the building. He began to study where the vampire boy had run off to. There were tracks covering the ground, presumably from where he had run. Carter followed them, followed them for a while.

Until he came up on a building. The marks had flown under the still open door, and led off to the side. He began to follow them he heard the angry scream. "I'LL KILL YOU!!" Carter turned his head around towards the gaping hole he had somehow missed and jumped inside.

"Holy shit."

Inside, tons of cages were strewn about, carrying bodies and other living things. However, the boy had disappeared, and the only indicator to where he had gone was the open sewer grate. "Well, shit. Literal shit." Carter plunged into the mess of filth, shotgun ready at hand. At least his suit helped a little. Carter had a hard time remembering the boys name, but finally did and called out. "James?! James!? What are you doing down-" Just then something grabbed Carter by the leg, and he began to stare at the rotted, yet still alive werewolf. "Gah!! What the f**k are you?!" Carter got out of it's grasp, and the thing tried talking, but to no avail. Carter just stared at it in horror, as best as he could in the dark. It was rotted and covered in shit, yet was somehow still alive. It was suffering. It was still alive and suffering.

And it wanted Carter to end it's misery.

"I'm sorry." BLAM! Bits of fur and flesh flew around in the sewer.

Carter began to run off, still looking for the boy. But he instead bumped into something much bigger. The hulking figure turned around, and looked at him. He was holding a revolver and something else Carter couldn't make sense of.

"Um, so. How's the weather down here?"
"That's James for you." LeeAnn sighed. She watched in surprise as the new visitor disappeared as well. Shaking her head she yelled after him. "Don't die on us! "

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Elroy blinked down at the human with a look that would almost rival confusion. He had come through the sewers after hiding the truck to search for Cotton, who hadn't made it to their meet up point. He'd trudged through the sewers until finding Cotton's revolver lying in a nearby crevice. Then a man in a form of armor bumped into him. Elroy's beady eyes ran across the figure in order to discern it's intent. A quick kill, we can keep the bloody helmet as a trophy.

"No time." Elroy muttered "Find Cotton."

He then began turning away from the figure in order to continue his search for his boss.

Cotton smashed his shoulder against the handle of a metal service door. It opened to reveal an inoperative water treatment plant, some of its undead operators milled about. He closed the door behind him and ran down a nearby catwalk. He heard metal crashing above head and jumped forward before a flaming oil can crashed into the spot he once stood. Cotton looked up to see a zombie perched atop a nearby control room, growling down at him. Cotton chuckled at the attempt on his life, but soon got back to his feet and continued running. He saw a large beam tilting precariously toward the other entrance, and disconnected it using the sharpened edge of his cane. The beam slid and swayed towards the entrance door.
"GET BACK HERE YOU BLOODY PILE OF SHIT!" James screamed. He was almost hit by the falling beam in the chest, but managed only to catch a small blow on his foot, which healed quickly, and beside, the adrenaline coursing through his system numbed the pain.

He leapt again for Cotton, this time trying to get his jaw clamped around his neck, but not to infect him. No, he wanted to tear out his throat, and watch him die, gasping for air, bleeding himself dry.
Maybe the figure was friendly. Maybe he wasn't. Whatever, Carter thought, and asked the stranger a question. "Hey, have you seen a kid around here? Vampire, he was screaming about something." He followed after the stranger, and readied his trigger. Just in case.
Elroy gave an unintelligible mumble of words before hearing the sounds of the crashing beam. His face turned into a snarl before crouching and charging in the direction of the sound.

Cotton reached to the side with his cane and looped it around the throat of an approaching zombie. He twirled it in between him and the vampire and then leaped over the catwalk on to the main floor below. Another zombie lunged at him, only for a quick pierce through the skull with his cane to silence it. Cotton continued twirling through the haphazardly placed numbers of undead before easily slipping out into another section of the sewer
James almost bit into the zombie, then shoved it aside, running at impossible speed towards the man, jumping on top of him.
As Cotton went down, his cane shot out to a nearby valve and twisted it with the valve. Right before he hit the ground, Cotton arched his head to the side and let a torrent of unimaginably searing hot water gush into the face of his pursuer. Using the direction, Cotton slid out of the grasp and tried regaining his footing before walking straight into a massive figure.

He quickly raised his head, only to be met with regular face of Elroy.

"Ah big guy, just I time to help me deal with the little bat.

Elroy snarled before nodding in the affirmative.
Carter rushed into the room, to find the figure, another man, and James. "Shit." Carter brought up his double-barrel, and tried to judge who was who. It appeared that James was attacking one man, so he was an enemy. The enemy had talked friendly to the man in the sewer, so there's another man. "Everybody back the f*ck down!" Carter blurted out, and raised the gun. He pointed it at the two men, his finger ready on the triggers. "I think it's pretty hard to dodge a shotgun, so step down and I won't have to waste a bullet."
Cotton caught his breath and smiled up at Elroy "Well big guy, think you could dodge shotgun fire?"

The wounds will harden us for the next battle!!! "Wolf can." Said Elroy, seeming unsure of himself.

"Well then, if you'd please?" Cotton said before holding out his hand, Elroy dropped the revolver into his hands.

Cotton shook some filth off it and stared at the vampire and the human.

"Ahhh" he sighed "What an ugly looking Mexican stand-off we've assembled here. Couldn't we all just walk our separate ways?
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"I'll bet I can move fast enough to shoot without getting shot. How about we find out? Hey, Carter, is it? This guy had zombies, vampires, I think I saw some Nekos, all upstairs in cages. He was doing some bloody sick experiment with them. We have to kill the sick bastard!" Said james, his voice full of anger and fury.
"Listen James, maybe it was just a misunderstanding, ok? Maybe he came up on these cages." Carter eyes the man with the revolver. Shit. Carter stepped back. "You put your gun down, I'll put down mine. No hard feelings, ok?"
"He bloody well admitted it to me, so that's a no. He's scum. He should be put down like the worthless pile of crap he is. SLOWLY."
Cotton looked from his gun to the man's.

"How about we just promise not to shoot each other?" He then frowned under the bandages "Bullets for this model aren't exactly easy to come by. I'd love to leave at the moment. Hmmmm... What say you big guy?"

Kill them, Kill them for the blood and honor of battle!!!

"Too much talk, prey get close."

Elroy nodded his head towards a mass of zombies that were slowly pouring though the still open doorway. Several had already fallen down to the floor via the broken catwalk.
LeeAnn shut the door with a sigh, returning to her corner and stroking her mice. "We're going to have to be extra careful." she murmured to them. This changes everything. she thought in defeat. "Don't eat anything unless I'm feeding it to you. Okay? Who knows what that air will do to the food." she sighed,frowning at them. With her free hand she massaged her left temple, in a poor attempt to soothe her wolf's frustration with being trapped indoors.

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Carter nodded. "It appears we have a common enemy." He notioned towards the zombies pouring in, and got his Desert Eagle out. POW! POW POW POW! "We need to leave! There's too many." Carter turned to James, who looked quite sour. "Listen, if we get out of this alive, I'll let you kill the sick bastards. Deal?" Carter pulled his Desert Eagle out, and shot down a couple more. One jumped at him and latched on, causing Carter to lose control and drop his gun. "****!!!" He yelled out, as the zombie desperately tried to bite through his armor. Carter was knocked over, and began pushing the zombie upwards off of him. "Argh!!"

Great fun.
The zombie was smashed off of Carter, and was sent flying.

"Get up, keep shooting!" James shouted at him.

James began grabbing individual zombies, smashing in their skulls with his bare hands. Oh, this was fun. He hadn't had a chance to do this kind of thing in a long time...
Cotton smirked and glanced toward Elroy, "Go ahead, Make sure you and that beast inside you get your fill"

Elroy snarled and pulled his sledgehammer-mace from his back. With a roar of undulated hunger he leaped towards the nearest zombie he could. The sledgehammer utterly demolished the creature's head. Elroy grabbed it and swung into the path of the another zombie, which tripped over the body and fell to its knees. Before it could scramble to its feet, Elroy curb-stomped it.

Cotton followed behind the wall of fury and violence known as Elroy. A zombie came from the side and leaped at him. Cotton leaned forward and let the creature sail past him. It got to its feet and prepared for another leap when a round from Cotton's revolver tore off its head at the neck. As the body fell, Elroy grabbed another zombie and threw it back towards Cotton, who pushed his revolver into its gnashing maw and blew its head off as well. He winced at every bullet used, but his sadness was overridden with the joy at seeing heads roll. There was a reason THIS revolver was a family heirloom.

The two followed the same path as the vampire and human, at some point in between zombies Cotton called out to them as Elroy brutalized several more zombies with his nightmarish mace.

"My name's Cotton by the way, Cotton Hawthorn. I do believe we've met before. Weren't you with the police at one point?" A zombie tried to bull rush him and he nonchalantly tore off its head with a revolver round before reloading "The big guy's name is Elroy, we're pleasured to meet you."

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