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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

"Bloody hell alright, how exactly was I to know? Besides, they're just swords ... oh dear. That was the wrong thing to say, wasn't it?"
Catherine nods and just turns towards LeeAnn wiping all hate from her look smiling at her a little "so are you alright.. LeeAnn right?"
"Hey," Seth moved toward Catherine. "The energy you have left should be used to rest, not to pick fights." He then gently placed his hands on her shoulders and guided her back toward the wall that they were sitting against. "Don't worry," He smiled. "If worse comes to worse, my swords will protect yours. Hahaha."
Catherine raises an eyebrow. She looks to Seth's sheathed swords and her eyes light up. "You're a sword fighter too?!?" She jumps up smiling widely "I HAVE to spar with you right away! Otherwise I might forget what my father took so much of his own time to teach me"
"Hmph" A smirk crosses his face. "I'd be glad to. We should probably wait until that calms down first." Seth then pointed toward the window, referring to whatever was going on outside. He then took a closer look at her swords. "How many do you use in battle?" He said raising an eyebrow.
She smiles and one at a time reach a hand up and caresses the hilt of her two katanas "I usually use both but I also can you one at a time as well though I'm not that good at only using one sword in combat" She turns back towards Seth "what about you?"
"In a spar, usually one. But if im fighting on the rooftops, i use two." Seth then looked down at his swords. "It helps me with balance while free-running. That's how i get around the city most of the time."
She smiles at him and starts to move the sofa and stuff to make room in the middle of the room. Once eberything had been cleared out of the way she stands on one side of the room looking at you at the other "well your choice then since I challange you, one sword like brutes, or two and make this a dance?" She smiles at you sweetly giving oyu a little twirl and a half giggle waiting your answer
"Hehe," Seth blushes a bit, not used to this type of attention. "No, you should rest. You may very well pass out in the middle of it. And im sure the others wouldn't want us to disturb them."
"well phooy them, I need this, and I ate and rested enough Ill be fine. Now lets quit talking and spar already." Slowly she reaches up with her left hand and starts to pull out the sword she takes hold of, as she starts to draw it up and out of her X back cross sheath this left sword has a dazzling electric blue steel blade. As the sword is fully removed from its sheath she gently holds it in both her hands looking down at it "mother... be my guide..." she closes her hands one around the hilt the other actually on the blade and then bows to you giving you a full bow before slowly coming up and heading for you sword quickly going back readying its self to strike you.
Seth took a few steps back. Not drawing his sword and only entering a defensive stance. "H-hey, i don't think this is a good idea." He then took a few more steps back.
She stops lowering her sword to her side as she stands up frowning a bit. "aww, but I wanna see if I'm any good against a male that isnt my father or my teacher.."
"Haha," Seth smiled. "An unbreakable resolve, huh?" He then also returned his stance to normal. "You'd be at much of an advantage here, without my terrain to use to an advantage. I really suck ass haha," Seth then sat back down, crossing his arms.
She'd sit down next to him still holding the blue katana in her hands. "well Ive been trained in both indoor and outdoor combat, adn my mother was always indoors, so she helps me fight inside and in water so Im sure I wouldve won even if you were good at indoor small open area fighting."
"Hah, your pretty cocky for a cat." He said flicking at her ear. "And i wasn't the one passed out in a pile of rocks. Where were your sword skills then huh?" Seth said in a teasing manor.
She pulls away from you a little sheathing the sword in its place on her back. "Where were my skills then? The same place your eyes were, all over, I just was handicapped from hunger and all." I couldve won with a little food in me even then." She sounds very proud of her talents and smiles a bit prideful. "Daddy taught me everything he knew and then some when it came to sword fighting."
"Come on, fight! It'll be funny!"

They both glared at him, and he put his hands up in mock surrender.

"Alright, alright, or don't."
James shuddered and sighed. She ran away. Don't trust her. "She came back." She'll run away again, and you know it. "Shut up. I don't want to talk anymore." Too bad, I'm still here. You have to get out of here as soon as you can. "I won't leave Ellie." Then you will die.
A frown eminent on her lips, LeeAnn turned to James. Sighing she stood up pacing the room. Finally, she spoke up, looking around at everybody. "So what happens now? Are we just going to die in here?" "We. Need. To. Run. We can't stay in here. We don't know what these people will do." LeeAnn rolled her eyes at her wolf and muttered "Ah, hush."
James returned the frown. "Stop looking at me like that. I'm not crazy." Yes we are. "Shut up." He moved into a corner and glared at all of the people in the room in silence, for once, including Eliana. You don't trust them. Not even Eliana. "Of course I trust Eliana." You can't lie to yourself. "Watch me."
Eliana nervously stayed near James, though her eyes were locked on the frantically pacing Elizabeth, making her just as nervous and uneasy though she soon looked to James again. "James...?" She questioned.

Elizabeth was indeed pacing, frantically picking things up, when suddenly rushing down the hall o one of the rooms as if she'd forgotten something, unable to think clearly.

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James muttered something incoherently in her direction, but neither responded directly or looked at her. /You won't even look at her./ "I've seen her naked; that's plenty." /Liar. You're mad at her./ In fact, that was written all over him; in his body language, his expression when he -did- look at her. "Shouldn't I be? I don't think she would've come back if she hadn't been able to tell something was wrong." /No, no, you should be mad. In fact, you should kill her and run./ "Make up your mind, you prick." /Coward./ "Animal." /Thank you./
Eliana almost scolded at James while he was fighting with his wolf again, but instead just kissed his cheek. "Im sorry i ran. I didn't mean to." She practically purred, hoping to win forgiveness.

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"I won't even think about it." Eliana smiled, her wolf scolding her mentally though she ignored it for the most part.

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