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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Fae, wandering around in the grocery store to peck through things for food, abruptly stopped and stood straight, blinking twice as she sniffed at the air, tail and ears twitching around from sounds she could hear in the distant, and the strange smell of death.. But there was a sense of fear, mixed just as much with death in the surroundings. Ferret huddled beneath her hair, sitting around her shoulders while the small black and white ferret tensed up, fur bristled, which the fur on Fae's tail soon mimicked. Slowly she creeped back outside, only to have to immediately press her back against the brick wall of the store. She and Ferret just blinked and stared, watching as a huge herd of animals, zebras, horses, deer, lions, cheetahs, almost anything you could think of making a huge racket of noise as they bombarded down the street, making the ground shake. When this herd passed she quickly looked the way they were running. And at the sight she saw- On reflex a shriek of a scream slipped out past her lips. Rolling her way, was a huge cloud of.. She didn't know what it was. Dust, of some sort. But.. Something smelled.. Off about it. It was a tinted gray color, almost black, but that wasn't what spooked her. What spooked her was the smell of it. It had the scent something would similar to poison- she could practically taste it in her lungs already. And as if that weren't bad enough, she could see a shadowed figure within this cloud, at least over seven feet tall, broad shoulders twice as big as any man could ever get. Right after her scream she turned on her heels and ran the other way, while at the same time shifting. She didn't care about her scrap clothes- She easily slipped out of them after shifting, into a small black cat to be exact, while Ferret was on her back, clinging to tufts of her fur with his small little paws. It would've been an odd sight, but Fae wasn't exactly thinking about that.

Eliana had been about to say something to James, sitting beside him, when abruptly she stopped, lifting her head and quickly looking towards the door. Simply from the fact that the ground was shaking. And not very long after, she heard a scream from somewhere in the distance, somewhere near the city. Jumping terribly at the scream, she practically jumped onto James' lap with a small yelp, only to jump again at Elizabeth's immediate shout in reply to the scream.

"Over here!" She had shouted out the door, towards where the scream had come from. Someone was out there, and she knew what was coming- She'd been through it once before. She stood right in the doorway so she was half out, half in. But just as quickly she slapped a button on the inside of the house, right next to where the door frame was. The next instant, metal plating from both the outside and inside covering any windows that there were along with the bottoms of doors, to seal off the air it seemed, except for the door she was still holding open.

Fae heard a shout. "Over here!" It was distant, but her ears caught it. Immediately she was trying to run faster, ignoring the sharp glass and rocks she was running right over, just because the fear of death spiked her adrenaline, her heart beating as fast as a cornered rabbits, fur standing on end which matched Ferret's. Have to make it, have to make it. She didn't know what this cloud of dust that was right on her tail was, but it was evident it was deadly. Any animal would be able to sense it. She could hear what sounded like screams even coming from what she could've sworn were zombies. It wasn't their normal shrieking, they were in pain. She ran, and ran, faster, and faster. She finally spotted a house with a door open- A woman standing there in the doorway.

"Come on!" Elizabeth beckoned what she saw was now a black cat. She wasn't sure if the scream came from the creature, but she'd do her best. The only bad thing.. Was that the black cloud was right on the cat's tail, practically. "Get down!" She shouted, the earth trembling and shaking, and the moment the cat was in her arms, not even caring to notice the ferret, she retreated into the house with the door slamming shut, a metal sheet fitting over it immediately, while she then immediately had crouched down.

The black cloud of deadly dust swept over the entire town and even further then that- Along with it shaking the earth as if it were a toy, rattling it like an earthquake. While it went over the house the lights dimmed until they flickered- Repeatedly doing so while this cloud passed over, the sounds of things being knocked off shelves and falling to the floor, some thuds and some crashing from glass, sounded out around the house, along with an eminent rumble that sounded as if it'd come deep from the throat of a giant beast, only adding to the shaking of the house.

Elizabeth held tight to the cat in her arms, closing her eyes tight as she very nearly fell over even from her crouched position, hugging the cat to her chest, trying to ignore the flickering lights.

Eliana wasn't sure what to do the moment she heard Elizabeth's "Get down!" But the moment the earth was rumbling and the lights started flickering, the first thing she thought to do out of fear was cling to James, panicking quite literally, not knowing quite what was going on, jumping each time she heard something fall.
" What the name of F*ck is going on?!" He'd quickly make his way over to Elizabeth. "Why in gods green earth did you call all of us in here?!" The ground began to shake for him,as he'd fall to the ground. He'd quickly pull himself up, and began to look around. He'd watch Elizabeth bring in the animal/girl, and then slammed the door. "Oh no.. We are so f*cked.. This house is gonna crash ontop of all of us" "Elizabeth we need to get somewhere safe..! This house isn't safe! "
LeeAnn let out a shrill scream as everything around her shook. She hugged her mice tightly to her chest as the ground shook and a panic ensued. "Stay calm! Don't hurt them! What the f*ck is going on!?" She crawled over to the rest of the room, trembling from head to toe and huddled near the rest of the people, whimpering as the tears began to fall. "We're going to die...." she choked out through her sobbing.
Catherine is still over by her self having gotten hit by some loose rubble that fell when the ground started to shake knocked unconscious on the paper place mat of sorts
"No, it'll stay!" Elizabeth insisted, shouting over the booming sound of the grumble, a groan from the Earth itself, complaining from the shaking it was receiving. Things would continue to fall, seeming to last like this for at least five minutes, before the shaking stopped, but the lights simply went out. Silence.
Ewan would run into the foyer, and would open several duffle bags, and would pull out three military grade flash lights. " Alright, who is hurt, and who is here?" He'd turn on a flash and shined it in the general direction oh where he remembered everyone was located. He'd look around, and would peek out, and saw a horrific sight. He stood there, and began to have flash backs of the war.
Seth gripped his sword tightly, staying close to his cat friend, having no idea what was going on. "Elizabeth, how did you know...?" He said staring at her curiously.
WE'RE DEAD. WE'RE DEAD. GET OUT GET OUT GETOUTGETOUTGETOUTGETOUTGETOUTGETOUTGETOUT! James covered his ears in an attempt to block out all the noise, with little effect. Elizabeth shouting didn't exactly help. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, struggling to not have some sort of panic attack, as he curled his legs up into his chest and closed his eyes.
As soon as the lights went out, LeeAnn's sobs turned into full-blown choking as she went into a panic attack. Her sharpened nails had now ripped through her own hands and blood was pooling in her lap. Anarchy and Chaos let out sharp shrieks as LeeAnn fell to the ground, her hair falling onto the floor. From lack of air and sheer panic, she passed out.
" For f*cks sake! Someone answer me!" He'd shine his light on Shena, and would quickly rush over to her. He'd quickly begin to wrap her arm using cloth from his army jacket. " Wake up Shena, come on…" He'd begin to slap her gently, and would try to put her in a recovery position on her side. " Shit everyone one is hurt.. How the f*ck am I the only one who is mildly ok.."
"Oh, shoot!" Seth tore off a piece of his shirt and quickly began to wrap Katherine's wound. He then looked toward Ewan, "Don't count me out just yet," He said with a smile. He truly was worried. This giant dust cloud meant that zombies could walk about unchecked. Without the day to worry about they could just eat freely.
James' wolf eventually quieted down, at which point he promptly curled up in a ball and resisted the urge to weep. He was obviously, by no means, a very tough person; though that should have been exhibited in how he was crazy. "It's too loud. Too loud, too loud, too loud." He laughed. "Make it quieter."
" Oh thank god your still alive.. I didn't see you over there.." He'd roll a flashlight over to Seth, and would grab a pillow, and rested Leeann's head on it. " How the hell did this happened? Speaking of which how did Liz know about this? I maybe able to read peoples thoughts, but I can't read the d*mn earth's mind. "
slowly waking up to Seth wrapping her arm*h-h-huh?... Wh-What happened?.. " Catherine would slowly start to sit up but immediatly regret it an energy she had left being drained away by this simple motion and she'd fall by against the wall breathing heavily. Shed hold her stomach wincing a bit "oh god.... Why?... Why did all of this have to even occur in the first place?..."
"Well, I think that I've overstayed my welcome! Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the hospitality!" James said this last bit with a wink in the direction of a certain man with a shotgun.

"OW F*CK OW HELP OW STOP PLEASE F*CKING HELLFIRE!" James shouted as he was caught up in the herd of animals.

Eventually he found a rather tame small horse, which he was able to stay on just about.

"RIDE LIKE THE WIND, BULLSEYE!" He shouted, whooping and laughing maniacally, with a wild look in his eyes.

A leopard came alongside, seemingly intending on making a meal of James' very new best friend. James did not like this, so as the leopard pounced, he grabbed its neck, and twisted it around. He had a brainwave, and sunk his teeth deep into the leopard. Since it was already dead, it wouldn't revive as some kind of weird leopard vampire, so he didn't have to put in the effort to hold back the pathogen in his saliva, which was what caused him to become like this. He didn't know this though. He didn't really care, as long as he got his delicious, warm, smooth, crimson-red blood. He felt so alive, he stood on top of bullseye, whooping and laughing again, throwing his head back and his arms out. He had never understood why people looked at insanity in a bad light. It was so much fun, once you let all your sanity flow away, once you let it all go.
(a memory) "Mom I'm gonna go meditate and practice for a while down in the dojo/basement. Do you need me to do anything before I go down?" "No darling, just be careful when you are practicing, don't want you breaking anything or hurting yourself" "yes ma'am" Catherine would close the door to the basement and walk down and into the dojo area, the room already set up for her to practice and meditate. She would walk over to a picture of her father who had been gone for 6 months now; he had been pulled away from her and her mother by the draft to go fight in WW3, 4 months after he started to serve he died in service. Even though Catherine had seen her father's corpse and his casket get lowered into the ground with her own eyes she still refused to believe he was really dead. "Hi daddy, I'm ready to begin today;s training. Can we continue working on what we were doing yesterday?" She would smile and nod at the picture "Oh thank you daddy!" she then turned and went into the middle of the dojo, sat down crossing her legs and beginning a 90 minute meditation. After her meditation she slowly stood up pulling out the swords her parents gave her; the blue one from her mother is held in her left hand, the red one from her father in her right. She'd turn to the photo of her father, bow, and come up and get into a fighting stance, the blue blade put across her body and the red one put up a bit over her head. Slowly she began to spin, and after a few rotations she'd begin to move the swords up and down diagonally drawing X's in the air around her staying in one place. Speeding up slowly and then starting to add more letters to the one, she'd add W, N, M, Z, and finally S alternating through them all speeding up the alternations and her spins and starting to smooth out her movements to almost one fluid motion the blades seeming to disappear as she moved them so fast her movements as a whole looking like a dance. As she reached her speed limit and couldn't go faster she started to move a little around the room. It is soon after she stared to move that she was knocked off her feet as the ground started to shake. She heard several explosions as bombs were being dropped all around. She started to get up running to the stairs only to find rock and rubble blocking her way up, scared she yelled "MOM! HELP!" but no one answered and more bombs fell shaking the ground and knocking her to the ground after being hit by a rock knocked out.

Catherine sits in a corner of the dark house staring at the floor with a 1000 yard stare lost in her memories "Why did the bombs fall?.... Why would they even feel the need to drop bombs all the way out there?..." her ears are laying down against her head as she speaks softly to her self "I'm sorry daddy... I waited for as long as I could... Hopefully if I stay with these people they can help keep me alive until you can come save me...."
"I... Just..." Elizabeth stammered, still holding onto the little cat in her arms, not even caring to notice that a ferret was holding onto its back for dear life. "I.." She started again, getting up before simply disappearing down the hall while carrying the cat, looking for the main fuse box to mess with.

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Stop just lying there. We're going to die. "Quiet. Quiet. I need quiet. Shut up. Shut up. Shaddupshaddup." He cackled insanely. "We're dead, we're all dead, we're dead men walking and we just don't know it!" He laughed again. "We'll all end up eaten. Or killing each other. Or leaving each other." He glared at Eliana, but only for a moment before rocking back and forth in silence.
"For f*ck's sake Liz, can't you tell us how the hell you knew? Theres no way someone could have just out of the blue guessed something so destructive would happen!" He'd stand up to go after her, and would grab his left side. Ewan would quickly sit back down, and would hold a flash light at his side. Soon enough his hand began to shake, with that the light began to shake as well. " I….I'm gonna need someone's help… Ah f*ck this isn't good, oh no.." He'd lean his head back, and took a deep breath which soon begun to become jagged, and forced.
"Dammit.." He said looking at Ewan. He then looked Catherine in the eyes. "Hold on," He said as he gently sat her up against the wall. "Ewan," Seth said as he crouched to his side. "Are you okay? What's going on?"
Elizabeth ignored anyone talking to her as she messed with the fuse box, and after about five minutes managed to get the power back on. She set the little black cat down and mindlessly wandered back to the living room, not speaking with anyone still, shaking as she picked up things that had fallen and placed them back where they belonged, her hands shaking worse then any other part of her. It's fine.. It's perfectly fine..

Eliana questioningly looked at James, whimpering softly as she tried rubbing his back to comfort him. "I.. I'm sorry I ran.. I just.. Don't know what came over me.." She murmured softly to him.
"Right bullseye, those guys seemed fun. Let's go back there!"

James grabbed the horse's mane, and yanked it around until it went back towards the house. The stampede was still going, but they made it through, and back to the house.

"RING RING! Oh wait you guys have do doorbell. KNOCK KNOCK!" He said out loud, forgetting that he could just knock.

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