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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

James finally woke up. He rubbed his eyes, and blinked, sitting up. He looked over in Eliana's direction, turned three shades of red, and turned around with the best poker face he'd ever made. You didn't act this way before. "I didn't look at her before." You aren't afraid of her seeing you naked. "No, but, after you decided to try and get... friendly with her wolf last night, I think it's better we don't do that." He sat nearby, but didn't look her way. He, himself, was bloody and looked very, very tired.

"What were you thinking?" I was thinking, 'Look, I'm a man, there's a woman. I haven't seen a friendly woman since this all started. Let's at least try to make a move.' "It was a bad idea." You said it yourself; you enjoyed it.
Eliana would slowly begin to wake up herself about ten minutes after James had, stretching out first while she rubbed at her eyes tiredly, not quite making the connection that she was naked until a minute or so later, where she quickly attempted to cover herself, her own cheeks turning a shade of red. "Well.." She muttered to herself with a shake of her head. Don't act that way. Don't try telling me how to act. You're crazy. Then we're crazy? That isn't what I meant... Coughing lightly to clear her throat, Eliana quickly spoke. "Well, lets go back to the bus." Then, quickly shifted to the form of her wolf to hide herself better.

Elizabeth made her way into the house, wobbling. Plopping on the couch, she laid there, and didn't move, quite literally falling asleep right there where she had fallen, a light snore even slipping out past her lips while she did. Mace, simply gave her a quizzical look before huffing and laying down beside the couch, where her dangling hand would lightly brush against his head.
James hummed a tune as they walked, still not looking at her. He, himself, didn't change forms. You should change. It's fun. "No. After last night, I think I'll take a break." When they eventually made it to the bus, James immediately put his clothes back on and grabbed his weapons, putting them in their appropriate holster, on the right parts of his body. He hadn't said a word since they started walking. Or even looked directly at her, for that matter. He sniffed around a bit, trying to get the scent of the man and woman from before.

"Not sure, but I think they went this way." He started following an ambiguous trail contaminated by who knows how many zombies. Be careful. "Always."
Ewan's blood would begin to boil within him. "This kid is the definition of scum… Oh how I want to watch him burn" His thoughts began to circle his mind as he'd shake them off. "Your lying to me again kid. I said drop your d*mn weapons.." He'd point his weapon down at James's feet (Not you Barren), and would fire a shot to the right of him. He'd then quickly pull the lever, and reloaded a new round as quickly as he fire. He'd move the gun back up to James's head. " The next shot won't be a warning, and I promise I won't miss. Now do as I said."
"Haha," His eyes grew wide. "Im as real as it gets. Here, there's a house back there, im sure there's food and water." He said as he offered his hand. Seth was completely oblivious to the situation behind him. He was too preoccupied with this Neko that just showed up, and he was fascinated with her swords.
LeeAnn backed away, leaving Seth and the cat to their own devices and turned her attention to the fight going on behind her. Getting overwhelmed, she searched for a tree. Upon finding one, she climbed up into it, pulling out a book with a sigh. "And this is why we don't have friends." "Too much at once. I don't want to hear it." she whined at her wolf.
Catherine blushed at the man's kindness and smiled a little, giving a small bow and then taking his hand slowly "t-thank you sir.." her stomach would growl a little and she took hold of her stomach some with her free hand "ow..." takes in a shallow breath the fall having left her weaker then she already was "I haven't had decent food in who knows how long...."
"Hey look fine, I'm a vampire, you got me. But I try to control how many humans I kill, so it's fine, I won't attack any of you. Really, you have my word. Look, have my knuckle-dusters, as a sign of good will!." He said, throwing them to th floor at the guy's feet."

"Now, my name is James. I'm an English schoolboy. Now how about you, shotgun man?
Eliana shifted on the other side of the bus, opposite side of James, so she could quickly get dressed and grab her sword again before trotting after him. But half way through she paused, and blinked. "Wait." She stated, sniffing at the air a bit. Is that a... Cat? There were two, as far as her sniffer could tell.
James frowned as he came across a new scent. Something he hadn't smelt in a while. ...Cats? Cats? I like cats. They're so fluffy, and friendly... and they taste good. "That's disgusting." Even as he said this, he moved towards the scent. Soon, he came across the group arguing, but he was specifically focused on the oddity before him; A cat-woman. Not a feline-like woman, a cat woman. She smelled like a cat. Had cat ears. He didn't hesitate to move a lot closer to take a sniff.
Ewan's eyes narrow tremendously when the James spoke of killing humans. " You kill your own man, when there are plenty of deers, bird, rabbits etc to feast on.. Give me one reason why I shouldn't blow off your d*mn head right here, and right now..! How many survivor's did you kill?! You've put me on a level of pissed off I've never been in for awhile…"
Seth helped the Neko up then put her arm around his shoulder, now walking toward the house. He stopped for a moment when he heard Ewan yelling at the so called 'vamp'. He eyeballed the situation, wondering if he should help or not. Considering it was just the two of them there now. He decided to continue on toward the house.
LeeAnn stirred, smelling the wolves moving around and laughing. "Well this should be interesting!" She leaped out of the tree with grace, shouting at the men as she walked their way, now in a very upbeat mood. "Don't get blood on my house! Thank you kindly!" She opened her front door stepping inside. "I'll leave it open. I like the fresh air." she thought lightly to herself. After heading upstairs, and changing into a pair of shorts and a sleeveless hoodie, she turned to address her mice. "You guys stay safe! Careful for cats and I'll see you when I get home." She kissed each on their head. "Food before exploration, pup." Sighing, she redirected herself to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, she grabbed a block of cheese and made her way to the door, munching. "Cheese is nothing compared to meat." her wolf groaned in displeasure. "Oh hush. We're off to the forest!" Tugging on a pair of leather boots, she closed the door behind her. She made her way down the street, singing lightly to herself.
Catherine leans on her new friend's shoulder using him to support her weakened body. She looks up to see the new person nearing her and she smiles at him "hello there sir" turning to the man helping her "I'm Catherine by the way, what is your name?"
"Hold on. You're telling me I've been killing humans all this time, but there are animals in the forest? Well, that's some guilt to stack up for me..." said James, although he didn't really.feel guilt. His madness fairly well made him a psychopath, although he did have some emotions still. However, he was still glad of this new discovery, as game would likely be nuch ewsier ti catch, and more common.
Eliana froze where she was, a few feet away from where everyone else was. Run.. Why? Just run.. On instinct, she ran. Straight into the forest, where she ran, and ran, and ran. She wouldn't stop running, no matter who called after her, or who ran after her. She just.. Ran. The breeze.. Feels nice.. She could feel the rush of the wind against her skin, easily making her way over uprooted roots of trunks, over any brush that stood in her way, around the trees, dodging left and right.
James blinked as Eliana fled. First, he was confused. Then, he panicked. After her! He took off in her direction, or so he thought. He, in fact, in his panic, was running in the entirely wrong direction. He sniffed around, trying to find her scent. For hours and hours, he stayed in the forest, looking. Finally, he turned around and trudged his way back to the house, staring at the concrete.
"What is going on?! Wolves are running, pup!" LeeAnn panicked, thinking that there might be trouble, she kicked off her boots and turned into her wolf quickly, charging in the direction of the only other Were she could pick up the scent of. She didn't pay any mind to her favorite pair of jeans laying tattered in the street behind her or to the bit of her sweater that was now constricting her throat and stomach. She didn't even think twice about the searing pain as her bones snapped into place. Generally, her wolf would be jumping with joy at this freedom, but in that moment, she was consumed with fear. "Oh god, is she dead?! I can't smell her!"
Abruptly, Eliana froze in place, nearly falling over with how fast she'd been running. Raising her nose to the air, her eyes grew wide as she quickly spun on her heels, back towards where she'd run from. RUN! We can't leave James! GO! No! She urged herself to run back. Something was terribly wrong. Not only did it smell wrong, but it just.. Felt wrong. She would've run straight back, but she managed to run right into another wolf. From the scent, it seemed to be the same werewolf from before. But the only thing she shouted while she was stumbling to get back up, was, "Come on!"You're going to get us killed! Shut up! Whether the wolf would follow or not she sprinted again, and when she was within reach, she could see James, she practically shrieked, "JAMES!" Almost tackling him with a hug, the next moment she was trying to drag him where the Elizabeth girl's scent was coming from within one of the nearby houses, ignoring everything else. "Come on! Hurry!" She insisted urgently, as if the hounds of hell themselves were after them.

Elizabeth twitched where she was laying on the couch. Even if she was human, she knew certain scents when she caught one. Abruptly she jolted awake, instantly sitting up only to stumble from the couch where she was sitting. Why now?! She thought urgently to herself. "Everyone, in!" She shouted to whoever might've been outside still, trying to usher everyone in, holding the door wide open while she frantically kept looking from the sky towards the city. "In, in, in!" She insisted again. "I'll explain later!"
James blinked and is dragged into the house. "What the-?" SHE'S GOING TO KILL US! "What the hell are you doing?" He sniffed the air, and paled. "What on earth is that smell?" He heads to the door, as if about to go outside to investigate. Stop, you idiot! James paused, and sighed. "Fine, I won't run out." He trudged over to the couch, glancing at Eliana a bit more warily than before, obviously not trusting her after she ran away.
Feeling the panic radiating off of this girl, LeeAnn bolted after her, howling for her mice. Changing direction and running wildly for her house she swooped up her mice before dashing to the scent of the wolves. She transformed back and threw open the door letting in the mice and suddenly glad her sweater had been left on, no matter how stretched it had gotten. She trembled in discomfort and fear with her bare knees knocking together and her mice running around on her feet.
Coming out of her black out Catherine looks around sitting on a few pieces of paper as a make shift sleeping area shaking still not having eaten or drank anything decent in several weeks. She looks around smiling a little still just happy that she is no longer alone, ignorant of the wolves' sense of imminent danger "hi everyone"
Well, shotgun man, I believe that it may be best for us if we head inside, aye? I could probably survive, but I doubt very much that you could. And I want to keep talking, maybe you've all a little story to tell me, and I could tell you a story of how Iwas bitten several times by zombies and nearly became a vampie but ithurtlike bloody hellfire and I got through. I could also tell you what it's like becoming avampire by method of bomb, and believeme it's fyn, if you like even more pain and baaically dying temporarily. Oh, sorry, I'm going on a bit aren't I? Well anwaycould I please come in? I swear not to kill anyone, now that there are apparently animals in the woods.
Ewan would put his his shotgun gun down, and could put his gun back in his holster. He'd turn around, and made his way back to the house with hellfire in his eyes. " Someone deal with this kid before I put a f*cking slug through his forehead." He'd watch Shena run off in her wolf form. "I can't be bothered by this wolf sh*t. Then again what the f*ck is going on all of a sudden.." He'd remember hearing Elizabeth yelling at everyone to get in the house. He made his way up the steps and into the house. " What the hell is going on here?"
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