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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

" I knew you were there Seth, but that is a valid reason to be that I suppose. We'll still be here hopefully." He'd turn to look at Elizabeth, but something caught his eye off in the distance. He'd narrow his eyes, and saw the women showering out in the open. " I think I found you another neighbor Liz. I'm pretty sure she is a werewolf.."
Elizabeth blinked twice at Ewan as if he were crazy for a moment, before looking over where he was looking, and blinking again. "I.. Uh.. I think so too.." She rubbed at her eyes a bit for a few moments. "Geez.. So many people.. I never even knew..."
" Should we go welcome her to the neighborhood? Maybe she will actually not try to rip us limp from limp." He'd smirk a small smirk, and would begin to slide down the roof, onto to ground below. When he nearly reached the ground he'd break his fall with a simple roll. His eyes, and head looked up at Elizabeth. He'd stretch, and would look up at her. " Coming?"
Elizabeth blinked twice at herself this time, sighing as she sat up. "I guess.." She checked to make sure her guns were on her hips, before sliding down from the roof, grabbing the edge first, then doing a swing forward, then back, to do a back flip, and land crouched on her feet, soon standing once the slight shock had passed. "Of course."
Feeling eyes upon her, she turned around completely and squeaked noticing the two people watching her. Finally finding the key and forcing open the door, dashing inside with Key and Chaos on her heels. Dashing to the room on the top floor, she rushed to find clothes. "People! People, people, people! And they're heading our way! I need clothes!" Her wolf sighed in her head. "I think you're overreacting." Throwing on under garments, and wrestling on some skinny jeans and an over-sized sweater she ran back downstairs and peeked out of her front door searching for the people.
Ewan would casually, walk his way to the house with his hands in his pocket. His model 1887, and block 23 at his side. He kept a small smile across his face. He wondered how much he could freak this new werewolf out. " Hopefully she is at least friendly enough to give us a chance. Or she'll be freaked out, and try to munchie on us.."
A few more minutes of sprinting and Seth was well into the city. Climbing various rooftops and leaping dangerously large gaps, the is what he enjoyed doing most. And it's part of the reason he has remained uneaten since the start of this whole ordeal. "Whew," He said as he slowed to a stop on the roof of a large city building. It was dead silence except for the humming of an air conditioner unit on the rooftop. In the silence Seth looked around for anything of value, if he was going to stay with them he figured he'd best be of some use.

With no luck he decided to venture inside of the building. A dangerous task indeed, but with the way things were theses days, simply living was a dangerous task. "Hmm," As Seth dropped into the roof entrance of the building, he could hear a slight banging coming from down the stairs. "This oughta be good." He said as he headed toward the sound. Moments later he arrived at a rusted metal door, from behind it a slight banging. With his previous experience of being fooled by these creatures he knew this was a zombie, the only question was how to handle it. Having no other ideas in mind he reared back and kicked the door open, sending rust and metal flying through the air. The zombie that was hitting the other side was knocked on the floor, then quickly incapacitated with a lethal stab to the head.

As Seth looked around himself, taking inventory of what was there, it seemed he had lucked out. A few batteries, some ammunition, and a small amount of food rations. Whoever he had just killed, when they were human they had planned to survive. He swiped up a duffel bag that was laying around and quickly began to pack things up. With the new weight he had acquired from putting the bag on his back, it would be even more risky travelling back. But there was no time to waste, seeing that he had just made a loud noise, zombies would be on him quickly. Seth dashed back out of the roof entrance, and began making his way back 'home'.
"Muchie?" Elizabeth repeated with a quizzical look towards Ewan as she stalked after him. "Are you that tired, or are you just making up new words now?" She gave a slight laugh with a shake of her head, nearly stumbling over herself at some point.

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"Guns. Guns they both have guns. Please don't get us killed.." "Oh will you pipe down? I don't want to die any more than you do. He's smiling." LeeAnn excitedly took a step onto her front porch grinning invitingly. "Hello!" she called, waving.
As Seth was running along the rooftops, breathing a bit heavily from his new found weight, he noticed a few hordes. They were traveling in the opposite direction that he was heading. Maybe they were heading toward that noise he had made, or maybe they were just trying to get in doors before the sun fully rose. After making his conclusion, he turned forward again, continuing his trip back.
" We aren't here to kill you, and yes we both have gun" He'd smile to himself, and would shake his head. " My apologizes for not intro ducting my self first off, but when your 'wolf' speaks before your body does. I feel its only right to answer it. But any who ,my name is Ewan Kinnicide, and as you can tell I can hear what you, and your wolf think, and say. My apologizes for seeing you under an unfavorable condition for you. But I was wondering if you have seen our friends. They both at werewolves, and with the full moon I figured you would have seen them."
She shifted back and forth in discomfort. "L-LeeAnn.. They were b-by the forest, l-last I saw." she stumbled with embarrassment. She relaxed a little as Chaos ran up her pant leg and into her hand. She smiled half-heartedly at the two. "Sorry that I couldn't be more help." LeeAnn backed up as if to dart back into her house.
Elizabeth eagerly waited for an answer, but before she got one, as she had done with Seth, Elizabeth walked right up to this woman, and lightly poked her upside the head twice, as if to check if she were real, a solid form or not.

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LeeAnn jumped in surprise and stared wide-eyed at the girl. "Uh... Hi.." She took a cautious side-step away from the girl eyeing her. She looked up at Ewan and back at the girl.
Seth landed on the roof of the house he had originally climbed on, bracing for the fall and rolling to disperse impact. He then jumped from the roof to the ground, back at the neighborhood where Elizabeth had made her home. As he bent over a bit, trying to catch his breathe, he heard someone speaking. He looked up and saw Ewan and Elizabeth chatting with someone he hadn't seen before. "This may become a survivor hold after all, good thing i chose not to leave." He then began walking towards them, still trying to catch his breath.
"Sorry about Elizabeth, she hasn't slept in six days down. Plus she has the mind of a four year old." He'd gently pick her up, and set her down away from Leeann. " He'd look at Leeann, and saw the discomfort with her constant shifting. " Look we aren't here to hurt you or your mice.." He'd look down at the mice in her palm, and slightly laughed to himself at Leeann's reaction. " I was also wondering if you'd like to make a pact, and agreement for say. We all work together to try, and make this world slightly better."
Elizabeth seemed to cautiously watch this LeeAnn girl for a moment, before raising a brow slightly and offering a hand for a shake, but stopped as she saw the mouse. Instantly she shrieked, but not from fright or disgust towards the mouse, instead instantly declaring, "It's so cute!"

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"Calm yourself, would you?!" LeeAnn turned to look at the new male approaching. She was definitely happy to see survivors but anybody could be dangerous. She blushed and looked down at Ewon's acknowledgement of her discomfort. "Sorry. I don't meet people often.. I have no intention of harming anyone and anything." She stared at the ground sheepishly and mumbled "I don't even let my wolf hunt.. I wouldn't mind working with others." She held out Chaos to this girl now truly smiling and called Anarchy to come out. "Here Key!" She smiled watching the sleek black mouse chattering along with her soft albino baby, Key. "Say hello!" "I've had them as long as I can remember." she said, turning her attention to the girl.
Seth slowly approached from behind, slowing his breathing as he did so. "Hey look," He said as he came closer to them. "I got goodies.." He said with a laugh, holding the bag in one hand. He had desperately hoped that this would be enough for him to earn his keep for a few days. Seeing that horde back there had quickly changed his mind about going off alone.
"Can I hold one?" She mused curiously, staring at the mice as if they were some new type of creature, very nearly reaching to touch one though thinking better of it. "What are both of their names?" She further questioned, acting like a child who just found a puppy.

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He'd jump slightly, at the shriek Elizabeth had made, and began to shake his head. "Thats totally what I wanna hear in the wee hours of the morning. So tell me why won't cha let your wolf kill anything? There are bad side effects which happen when you don't keep a decent balance." He'd turn to Seth , and looked at the duffle bag. " Ya remember last time you went off on an adventure right? Next time I'm not wasting my ammo, to keep ya arse alive." He'd rub his temple at the image of all the ammo he had used. Then he'd move his vision to Elizabeth, and could only laugh at her childish actions. " And you call me childish."
"The sleek black one is Anarchy. You may call her Key if you wish. This is her sister Chaos!" she exclaimed motioning towards the white mouse with the red eyes. "They are why I don't kill. I fear what I would become if I allowed myself to kill anything. As long as it is alive, I wish no harm to come to it." She shrugged, pouting. She took Elizabeth's hand and let the mice run into it. "Don't drop them, please." She smiled nervously. She turned to the new person. "Hello." She smiled warmly. "I'm LeeAnn."
"I'm Seth." He returned the smile, not towards her but laughing at what Ewan said. "Haha, forgive my foolishness earlier. But this bag has ammo in it also. Not sure if it will fit your gun, or guns...But its the thought that counts right?" He gave a smile, still laughing a bit.
Very nearly shrieking again as the mice ran onto her hand, which she quickly cupped in her hands, staring at the two little creatures intently, completely and utterly mesmerized by them, a look of awe plastered to her face.

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He'd cover his ears for the next shriek, and rolled his eyes at Elizabeth. " It's like she is a tween going to see a boy band.. That in it's self is a horrible image." He'd turn to look at Seth, and smiled slightly. " I suppose it is the thought that counts.. Seeing how we will need the ammo to either protect ourselves from the zombies if we decide to move, or stay here, and fortify this area.." He'd then shift his attention to Leeann. " As for you, you need to come to terms with your inner wolf. The more you deny if the more it takes over your mind, and will eventually take over your mind and body. But if you give it too much then it will see you as a weakling, and once again will take over your mind… I know you probably won't believe me but I've read enough lab tests the military have done on werewolves.."

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