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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Frowning, Elizabeth just sat there, before quickly following after Ewan. She was determined to get him to stay. A dog was a nice companion, and she would've been fine with that, but now that she'd run into people again, a dog wouldn't do. A dog didn't talk back to you, whether that was in a friendly conversation or a snap.
He'd sit down on one of the chairs which was still in one piece. He'd gaze up at the moon, and would give a small smile, as he'd take another hit of his cigarette. " I know you want me to stay, but I've been cooped up in an Air force base for way to long. I know you want to stay here, I betcha Seth is gonna stay Liz."
"He already said he was going to leave." She frowned and crossed her arms, not quite a pout though she was hugging herself to try and keep out the cold breeze, feeling as though it blew right through her. "Can't you stay a little longer? Just one more day?" She then insisted once more, trying very nearly anything.
He'd pull off his own Air force jacket, and got up and draped it around her. Soon after, he'd sit back down and stared into her eyes. " Then tell me why do you want me to stay so badly. I know for a fact their ain't anything special about me. Plus if all four of us turned up in a relatively timely manner, whats to say there ain't others out there?"
Elizabeth very nearly shrugged off the jacket with a frown, but instead just left it there, and answered Ewan's question. "Because there isn't any big chance for more people. It was a big chance to find all of you. And an even bigger one that we all met. I don't want to be alone again."

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Ewan let out a sigh, and took another puff of his cigarette, and would finished it off. " Fine I'll stay one more day. But when Elianna, and James finish f*cking, and controlling the werewolf population, I'm gonna take my leave.. I know those two will not be leaving anytime soon.. I'm pretty sure they will settle down together, and raise a pack together. So tell me why do you wear a ring on your ring finger?"
Elizabeth fiddled with her own hands, giving a small shrug while her gaze was glued to the floor for a few moments. "I guess I was about to get married before.. This happened." She answered casually, as if it were nothing, and to match showed no signs of sadness or grieving in her eyes, quite literally saying this casually, as if they were talking about the weather. "Can we go inside now?"
" What happened to your fiancé? I know your bottling up your emotions. Come on Liz Be a little more chipper, all the zombies are away because of the werewolves, and its an actual nice day out." He'd give her a smirk which went from one of his cheeks to another. He'd stand up, and would jump onto the porch railing, and his legs would shake a little trying to find his balance. " Come have a little fun!"
"You're going to fall! Get down!" Was Elizabeth's only response as if she were scolding a child who was doing something wrong, a frown set on her face while she simply watched Ewan and made no movement to join him in his 'fun'. "I'm feeling tired, anyhow." She claimed with a small grumble, a sensation of something tingling and fuzzy having taken over her body from the gulp she'd taken not long ago.
" You weren't tired 15 minutes ago! You were being all fun, and hyper. Now your being all mean." He'd stick his tongue out at her, and would make a childish face at her. " Ya getting beaten by a Helicopter pilot!" He'd move to the end of the porch railing, and would run at full speed, and would jump off the rail , doing a front flip. He'd land in front of Elizabeth, and looked up at her with a grin.
Elizabeth's frown only grew at the tongue that was stuck out at her, and she watched as Ewan started running at full speed, quickly taking a step back with a cringe and a slight yelp of surprise when he managed to do a front flip, and land in front of her. When she recovered from the cringe she made a slight face at him, shaking her head. "Well, now I'm serious."
" Well aren't we a bit grumpy tonight, of all the nights to be serious you choose the night we can be free, and relax." He'd jump back up onto the porch railing, and went back to the edge, but this time he faced the way towards the house. He then ran again, and jumped at about the half way point between him, and the house. He'd grab the edge of the roof, and would pull himself up promptly, and would look down at her with the largest grin he had ever produced. He felt like a child which had just won the king of the hill game.
Elizabeth blinked twice at Ewan's grin, and after a few moments just sighed and shook her head at him. "You're acting like a child.." She mused, obviously trying to keep a serious tone to her voice though it faltered, and she sounded more amused then anything else. "Come on, at least get inside. You can do your little 'tricks' inside."
" Or you can come up here, and enjoy the view. Rather than being cooped up in a house all night. I hear the amusement in your voice, come on Liz. Take a load off! You saw how I got up here, I know you go the leg power to get up here!" He'd try to egg her own, trying to bring out the child in here. " I know ya don't want to get beat by an Irishman!"
"Come on, the sun will be rising soon, you know. I can already see it over the horizon." Elizabeth complained with a small roll of her eyes at Ewan. And despite her own words, she slipped her arms into the sleeves of Ewan's jacket despite the fact that it was much too large for her small form. The next moment she climbed onto the railings as well, taking a moment before simply jumping after crouching down, grabbing onto the ledge of the roof, then swiftly and smoothly in a fluid movement swinging herself up to get onto the roof.
" Show off." He'd roll his own eyes at her,and turned around to watch the sun rise over the horizon. He'd look over at her with a small smile. "See how difficult was that to do? I think you only did it because you didn't want to have your a*s beat, and out done by an Irishman." He'd rub his eyes gently, and would rub his eyes. " Such a … beautiful sunrise eh?"
Time: 6 AM

"You're such a kid." She murmured again as she watched Ewan rub at his eyes. Elizabeth then sighed though, and nodded. "Yeah.. It's surprising to see that beautiful things still exist anymore.. Life's so harsh.. Then again.." She paused, staring at the sky, laying back with her arms behind her head casually, hands acting as a pillow while she quoted something she remembered well. "If life wasn't hard, it wouldn't be life. It'd be a dream." She paused again, scrunching her nose at herself. "Sometime's it's harder than what we'd like, but good things always find a way of coming... Even if they take a while to get there..."
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"I've had to be serious with my life for 12 years, being a kid once in awhile never hurt me. I'd like to see you be a helio pilot, and not enjoy being a kid every once in awhile. Even if its during the zombie apocalypse… filled with werewolves, and vampires… It's a lot of work!" He'd laugh with a light hearted tone, and smiled at her. " But your right, about that good things always will be coming, its just how long your willing to wait however. You can't force good things to happen."
Elizabeth managed a half hearted laugh towards what Ewan said, and gave a soft shake of her head, staying laying back, a leg bent up at the knee while she was watching the rising sun. "If good things could be forced, nothing bad would ever happen." She stated in reply with a small shrug from herself.
"So if you had the choice to be bitten, and turned into a werwolf, neko, or vampire. Which one would you want to be turned into? I probably would want to be a vampire. I personally don't like to have voices talking inside my heard, or having to turn once a month." He'd lay back on the roof, and would close his eyes for a moment. As he completely relaxed he'd take in a deep breath of the air, and smiled.
LeeAnn woke up disheveled, completely nude, and still a bit bloody in the shed behind her house. Light filtered in from the door she had carelessly left cracked open the previous night. "Good job. You could have just gotten us killed." "Well we're still alive, aren't we?" LeeAnn sighed and stood up stretching and took a step into the morning light. Her stomach growled in annoyance. "And that is what you get for denying me my kill. Go eat." "Yeah, how about I get dressed. This place seems to be gaining a bit of a population." "You were born in this skin. Embrace it and stop being so weak." LeeAnn crossed her arms over her chest in annoyance. "Yeah, well I'm back in my own skin now." LeeAnn chattered for her mice and grinned as they ran up to her feet. She looked around smiling. Morning at last.
"Definitely Neko," Seth said as he also stepped outside. "Sorry to interrupt," He cleared his throat. "I've been listening for a while, eavesdropping i suppose." He then began to strap his swords back onto his waist. "I only chose Neko because they seem to be the rarest around here." Seth began walking heading off of the porch, walking into the streets. "I'm off to get some morning exercise. Ill return later, if that's okay with you." He said idly throwing a hand in the air as he walked farther down the street, no zombies currently in sight.
LeeAnn grabbed the hose from the back of the house and attached it to a hook, using it as a shower. She got goosebumps on her skin as the cold water rushed over her, removing the bloody mess her agitated wolf had left behind. After completely washing herself off, she walked to the front of her house to the only door that she had left without barricades. Teeth chattering, she searched for the key she kept outside.
"Hmm..." Elizabeth was about to answer when hearing Seth, causing her to lift her head enough to peer down at him for a few moments, watching the man walk off for a few moments before glancing over at Seth again. "I'm not sure. I couldn't really answer..." She stated then, seeming unsure with herself in more ways than one.
Seth opened his mouth and took a deep breathe. "Fastest...path with least resistance.." He quickly scanned the area. "There.." He then began sprinting full speed, vaulting onto a car and springing onto the roof of a house. From that house he continued running, leaping onto another roof and eventually going deeper into the city.

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