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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

After staying alert like this for half a minute, propped up on her hind legs with one of her front ones almost touching the ground. Moved farther. Safer. Right after this thought had gone through her head, Eliana looked at James again, right before playfully pouncing at him again in the same playful manner. Since when were you a puppy? Since there was another wolf around.
James danced away and went to tackle her, all the while snapping playfully at her. He danced away again, circling her now. "Don't get too playful." I don't plan on it. "Liar." The wolf crouched, and feigned another lunge at her.
The wolf let out a long, soulful howl, imagining it being returned by a pack of her own. She lay soaked in blood keeping this up for quite some time. It was at this point that LeeAnn and her wolf united as one; crying into the night; crying for the family she had never had, the best friend she had lost, the solitude of life.
Eliana playfully growled at James, returning what playful nips and snaps at him she could whenever the time presented itself. She crouched low while she was being circled, tail wagging as a dog's would. You're enjoying this, aren't you. We are. I never said I was.. You can't lie to yourself. She didn't bother trying to dodge the lunge from James and instead took it like a hug with nips at his ears. But she paused with her playing at the howl that rang out, ears perking up immediately. Return? As an answer she tilted back her head to let out a loud, long howl in reply, though not nearly in any soulful, sad manner, rather just to return the howl, as wolves often did.
He inwardly cackled as they wrestled, nipping at her ears, too. The howl pierced his ears- then his (metaphorical) soul. That's what another wolf really sounds like. He returned the howl with a sad, mournful tone, his attention now drawn away from the wolf before him, and started heading towards it's source. Was that the wolf from before? He walked with the focus of a zombie, mesmerized by the sound that had broken over the shrieks and screams.
Eliana stalked after James again. It was the same one. I know. Danger? Possibly.. Or something else? She shook her head at herself with a gruff grunt, but made sure to stalk after James somewhat closely. Not in fear of what could possibly attack, but rather, just so she wouldn't lose him.
Her ears perked up at the sound of another howl only to sigh and drop her head. "Are we ever going to fit in?" "Maybe. Maybe not. Doesn't matter. We're together and a family of our own." LeeAnn rolled onto her back, paws tucked into her chest staring at the stars, the blood now hardening, leaving her fur a dark red. She didn't even care about the approach of the wolves from before. Whatever came their way, they'd handle it.
When they found the wolf, James just sat back and stared at her, mesmerized. He looked as though he wouldn't tear his gaze away. He seemed to be taking everything about her in. Her howl had obviously affected him greatly.
Eliana stayed beside James, scanning the wolf before them cautiously, and soon giving James' ear a nip when he was staring, a grumble in her throat at the same time. What's wrong with him? Jealous? No. Liar.
LeeAnn turned and returned the wolf's stare, not moving from her position on her back. Her eyes were desolate but soft as they bore into his. "Yeah, maybe one day, pup." She broke the stare to look at the agitated female wolf beside him returning her gaze to the sky with a resigned sigh. "Then again, maybe not. Don't get your hopes up again. You should know that by now."
James broke his stare when Eliana nipped at his ear. His eyes light up with amusement. "She's jealous." You noticed? James looked back and forth between the two, before simply laying down and looking at neither of them, in a mock-sulk. How can I take advantage of that? "A*shole."
Eliana inspected this female wolf for a few moments more after James had laid down. After about a minute though, she tried playing again, moving to pounce on James while going for a nip at his ear, tail wagging just slightly, her wolf simply trying to gain attention from him. You're like a little kid. Then that means you are too.
Ewan, would watch, and wait for when Elizabeth would take a drink of the rum. He'd soon break his gaze at Elizabeth. He'd begin to make his way to the main door, and would look out the glass window at the house which had the fire still running. "Someone lives there I know it.." He'd rub his jaw, and would look at his at assault rifle, and duffle bag full of ammo. "What's the worse that could happen.."
LeeAnn understood that in this desolate wasteland, companionship was hard to come by. She rolled over onto her stomach and sat up looking to her house and making soft whining noises, ushering her little babies to her. No matter her species, they were her pups, her children, her family. She lowered her head allowing them to clamber onto it and walked over to the two wolves determined to find whether they were friendly or not.
James just whimpered in a lonely way. "Stop being a jerk." But it's so fun. He looked up at Eliana with wide, sad eyes, before noticing the other wolf walking towards him. Now he really was stricken. Again. A low, mournful sound escaped him. He stood and trotted off. "What's wrong?" Don't like kids. "Liar. We love kids." Shut up.
Stopping after seeing the only decently kind wolf turn away she decided to take that as a "nope not happening" and turned away, headed back for the house. The mice on her head chattered animatedly. "Stay on my back. Don't even think of it. They'll eat you." The mice chattered in return. "Yeah, well I care. Stay."
"You can't just go out there!" Elizabeth immediately protested, quickly getting up to follow after him, very nearly stumbling over herself in the process to make her way to the door, standing in front of it with her back pressed against it, arms stretched wide as if she would be able to stop him like this. "It's night, which means it's dark."

Eliana huffed at James when she received those wide, sad eyes, but her attention was moved to the female wolf when she was walking over. Of course she was quick to make up any lost space between her and James, grunting lowly at him with a nip to his ear. Would you quit that? He'll think we like him. I do. No you don't. Talking to yourself? Her wolf snickered.
James whirled towards her and went to tackle her, deciding to get back into the fun. He snapped at her jokingly. "Calm the hell down." No, I like her. "I thought you liked the other one more." If I had, you would've too. He leapt off of her, dancing away, then trotted in another direction, inviting her to chase him.
Eliana grumbled playfully when she was tackled, and snapped at James in return, though none of her nips, snaps, or bites being very hard, as if she were playing with a puppy. She was instantly up when James leapt off, and just stood there for a moment. Chase? No. Go! She bolted forward to chase after him with a light bark towards James.
James took off, running towards the woods. He relished the feeling of the wind on his skin. He suddenly swerved and went to slam into her, nipping at her ears. "I'm starting to think you-... we like her a lot more than we're admitting." You're very observant.
Eliana all but was surprised at the sudden swerve towards her, and didn't think to dodge or roll away, so took the slam with another playful growl, nipping at James' ears in return, tail wagging just the same with their play fighting. Your tail's wagging. Yes, I know. Stop it, it looks silly. You look silly. Doesn't that mean you do too? They both snickered at each other, her and her wolf, as if they were merely sisters.
His tail was practically nothing more than a blur. "Stop that." Stop what? "Wagging your tail like that." I'm wagging my tail? James suddenly got off, and, looking behind him, began to run circles to try and get a better view of his tail. "... You're such a idiot."
Eliana blinked at James when he got up, though immediately was amused as he started run circles, trying to look at his tail better, she presumed. Mentally, her and her wolf were cracking up at him, staying on the ground simply propped up slightly on an elbow, hers perked with her tail still wagging. Strange one. You said he was crazy. You said don't talk to him. That was before.
After a bit, he gave up and looked back at her. Instead of lunging however, he just took a step forward and sniffed her again. "What're you doing?" Investigating. "Investigating what?" None of your business. "Dear God, no."
Thinking James was ready to play again, Eliana wagged her tail faster when he took a step forward, only to realize he wasn't exactly lunging or pouncing, rather sniffing. She grunted with a huff and a snort through her nose, making her head dip forward in a nod it seemed for a split second. Don't just let him sniff around! Why?

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