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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

James cried out. Bones cracked. Flesh stretched. All in all, it hurt. A lot. He slumped onto his face. When he lifted himself up, it was with an inhuman howl of pain and fear. Why does it hurt so bad? The wolf wondered. He glanced at the woman/wolf nearby and moved closer, for a brief instant, taking a sniff before dancing away and sniffing the air. -Another wolf?- He lumbered off in the direction of the scent.
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First, Eliana stood on her two back legs, back craned with her hands claws, a muzzle having been extended. Once standing she threw her head back for a loud, spine chilling howl. Not of pain, or fear. But rather, excitement. THe moment James started moving she leaned forward on all fours to move after him.

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"Then think about life before all this crap went down, How good it was. The freedom we had back then, we could do anything, and fear nothing. Think of the good times" He'd stand up, and would make his way back to the foyer, where he sat down, and relaxed.
"Tried that." She answered, evidently done with her slap happy fit, rubbing at her forehead. "Could I take a swig of that?" She then questioned, referring to the bottle Ewan had had. -Might actually get some sleep with that...-

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LeeAnn spotted the two wolves approaching and her mind raced. A low rumble emitted from deep within her throat, warning them not to come any closer, as she bared her teeth, backing away. "They could be friendly." the human within her offered in a poor attempt to calm her other half. "Yeah, or they could overpower us and tear us limb from limb." Her liquid gold eyes darted between the two.
He'd Kick her over the bottle, and watched her. "I recommend you go easy on that stuff Liz. It'll really mess you up if you drink too much."He'd rub his temples, and looked at the time on his watch. " Well it looks like the were wolves are off f*cking, and controlling their own population. lovely.."
"Just a swallow..." Elizabeth offered, picking up the bottle and popping off the top, and taking a bit gulp straight from it. Lidding the bottle again, she nudged it back towards Ewan. "Nah... Im not a drinker... But if it can help... Might as well." She couldn't help but giggle again at his comment, shaking her head but not going crazy with it again.

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James stopped and sat back. He looked her up and down. The wolf before him was more than a little confusing. He looked her up and down again, then sniffed in her general direction. If he was human, he would have said, 'Hullo'. He took a cautious step forward.
Eliana stayed slightly behind James, but cautiously leaned towards this new wolf to sniff as well. She very nearly pulled James back at his step, but instead just growled and bared her fangs at this other wolf as if to dare her to attack James.

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"Calm down and be nice." He doesn't seem to mean harm. "We'll see." Crouching low to the ground, LeeAnn cautiously sniffed in their direction. "He doesn't seem hostile but she does." LeeAnn raised her head and stopped snarling, seeming more unsure than aggressive. She sat up fully and eyed the two. "Keep up the snarling and we'll have a fight on our hands if you'd like to try that out."
James took another cautious step forward and really went to sniff her. "I like Eliana more." /You haven't even seen this one in human form./ "Don't care. I saw Ellie first." /Ellie?/ "Yes."
Eliana stayed right behind James but didn't care to sniff at the wolf, more so stayed at attention with her sharp fangs bared. /Not losing another friend./ -She doesn't seem aggressive... But you do.- /We do./

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LeeAnn took a step towards the male and sniffed. "For once, I can say I was right." "Oh! Will you pipe down?!" Seeing no need for there to be a fight over her lack of bravery, LeeAnn lowered her haunches and sat down; not submitting, but not emitting any aggression either. She turned her attention to the female waiting to see if she'd need to be prepared to run or not.
He watched the two carefully. /Three women in one day? Two of them wolves? Hell yeah./ "Be quiet." He looked back and forth between them. /She smells nice./ "I still like Ellie more." /You're impossible./
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Eliana's hackles slowly lowered once more though fangs stayed bared. She gave a nudge to James' shoulder, as if to say, 'Lets go.' The only reason her attention was snapped somewhere else was from the sound of a deer nearby. Without a second thought she was on all fours and sprinting towards the scent. Wolves loved thed the hunt. -Wait, James!- /No, food./

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James blinked for a moment, before sprinting to catch up. "What about her?"/We'll come back later./ James trotted alongside her after he caught up. When they came upon the deer, he did the same thing he did before, circling around to drive the deer straight to her. He lunged out of the brush, nipping at it, herding it.
Once the deer was driven towards her, practically smirking in a fangy way with how happy her wolf was, she jumped with a lunge when the deer got close, biting down on the neck with a few rolls, pulling back her head to yank a huge chuck of the deer from its neck before letting loose a triumphant howl, encouraging James to join her.

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LeeAnn winced mentally at the sound of the kill, nearby. Her wolf scolded her with venom. "You are a wolf. You must learn to think of yourself as such or we will ultimately die! Now keep quiet! Your little friends are gone with the wind and here we are again. How do you expect us to eat?" LeeAnn's humanity withdrew as the wolf took over in search of her own meal. She stalked among the forest with her nose low to the ground.
James hurled himself at the deer, sinking his teeth into its stomach. He didn't hesitate to rip out a hunk of flesh, and begin to devour it. "You're disgusting." I want to have fun every now and then, too, you know. James ate his fill, then stepped away, eyeing Eliana quietly. "Don't get any ideas." Too late. However, the wolf didn't try anything, and simply began to sniff the air for more quarry- this time, for sport. "You're despicable." Weakling. "Womanizer." Woman repellent. "Ellie doesn't seem 'repelled'." The wolf mentally cackled. Good point. Not smelling much of anything except the two fellow wolves, the wolf decided to go back and investigate the new wolf further. He jogged back in the direction they came from.
Eliana watched James start jogging off, and quickly moved to follow. /Better then being alone./ -It is.- She immediately stalked after James, and before she could stop her wolf she had already tackled James in a playful challenge of a fight, or at least rolled past him if he dodged.

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Coming upon the scent of rabbits, LeeAnn's wolf crouched low to the ground so as not to be detected. She trembled in anticipation when she saw one up ahead. Bracing herself to spring, she was startled out of her concentration when a piercing scream erupted from the human in her mind. Her wolf jumped up with a whine. "What on earth do you think you're doing?!" She snarled with fury as the rabbits returned to safety underground and stalked back to town in annoyance. "Don't. Touch. Them." The human within was horrified with the thought of even seeing a creature dead. The thought of her mice tucked back home plagued her thoughts and she vowed not to allow her wolf a kill. There was food at home to be eaten, she reasoned. "You insolent brat! We're going to starve! You're a disgrace to the wolf-kind."
James was, at first, caught off guard. Then, he nipped up at her. All the while, he is trying not to get entangled. He mentally grinned. James sniffed her again, as this was closer than before. She smells nice. "I told you. Womanizer." I never denied it. He kept on playing.
Eliana playfully nipped at him lightly, though soon abruptly stopped at the smell of the female wolf from earlier. She lifted her head first then got up the rest of the way. -Same one?- /Same one./ -Attack?- /No./ She grumbled lowly in her throat, looking to James.

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He gave her a look that said, "What's wrong?". He sniffed the air, smelling nothing wrong. Nothing except the other wolf. He looked her up and down. "What's wrong?" I have no idea. "Wish she could talk." I wish I could talk. He waited for some sign of danger or fear.
Determined to punish her human for her disobedience yet not willing to chance her mental thrashing and screaming at her making a kill, she resigned to hunting for something that her human would really stress over. She ran to the street, stopping at a headless corpse laying on the ground and began tearing it apart with her claws and howled as her human moaned in disgust within. "Please, just cut it out!" "This is my night. Deal with it." The wolf lay down with her eyes trained on her body, forcing the human to look on at the havoc she had just released upon it. Her golden fur was now soaked with blood. It probably looked like she was dying herself. The wolf mentally chuckled at the irony. "So much death."

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