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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

"I'm Ewan Kinnicide, If you stay I can probably fix up a car for you, and get you going with that. It will probably be safer to do that than travel on foot.. " He'd stand up, and would begin to dismantling his AR. He took time to check each part for any of the slightest problems. " Look Seth your going to find werewolves everywhere, the f*ck like rabbits. Not to mention they grow up faster than human children. The odd of running into a werewolf is about the same as running into a zombie.."
"Im not.. Quite sure if anyone else lives here. If I go out, i go straight to town and nowhere else." She answered Ewan, but couldn't help but blink at his comment about werewolves breeding. In fact, she couldn't stop herself from laughing, with how tired she was. Mace gave her an annoyed look before stalking down the hall to lay in one of the bedrooms. It was obvious Elizabeth was tired, laughing longer then usual, nor sitting upright, flopping over on her side over the arm of the couch, possibly looking a bit mad even. But, frankly, the last time she slept well enough to get real rest would've been over five days ago.

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"I see, and no thanks about the car. It is faster, and practically a zombie killer. But it makes noise, and it can't climb buildings. And that's how i traverse the cities most." He then looked toward Elizabeth when she started laughing. "Your name?" When they mention the thing about another survivor on this street, he was enlightened. Maybe there was a chance that whoever that was wasn't a werewolf.
" Suit yourself, but her name is Elizabeth. I believe she needs her sleep more than any of us. If you need a bed to sleep in there are probably 2-3 upstairs. I'll keep guard for the night." He'd release out a sigh of relief. He'd pull out a pack of cigarettes ,and a lighter. He'd then stick a cigarette in his mouth, and would light it. " A stupid question to ask, but you smoke?" He'd look up at Seth.
"I don't want to be a human... I want to be something cool..." She whined to herself, before going into another fit of laughter at herself, not even bothering to even think about the question of her name, staying half over the arm of the couch. At Ewan's mention of her needing sleep, she abruptly sat up, straight faced for an instant before she was laughing again, this time flopping over the other way to stretch out on the couch. "Im not tired!" She insisted, resembling a child who stayed up way, way past their bedtime and was incredibly slap happy. Either that or a drunk person. Really, she was just trying not to pass out.

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He'd sigh and stood up,and walk over to her. " Ya need sleep, Elizabeth. Look you want me to carry you to your bed? Because you've probably got stuff to do in the morning. Plus I've gotta make sure we don't have any unexpected intruders.." He'd put his hands in his pockets, and would sigh again. "Plus I've got a major headache. Which isn't gonna help anyone."
"No!" Elizabeth immediately retorted, rolling off the couch and beneath the coffee table in front of it, only to start manically start laughing at herself again. "I'm not tired!" She repeated, staying beneath the coffee table, holding onto the legs of the table as if she'd be dragged out from beneath it.
He'd rub his temples, and would pick up the table. He'd set it door next to him, and would gently pick up by her shirt, and shoulders. "God how did your family deal with ya.. Damn your heavier than I thought.. Look are you gonna go to bed, or am I gonna have to carry you to bed, and make you go to bed? The choice is honestly yours."
Elizabeth blinked twice as the table was picked up and moved, then again when she was picked up, her laughing pausing. She simply squirmed around, purposely like a worm, and soon was cracking up at herself. "Well, first of all I wasn't a worm. Now I can slip out of bed~!" She laughed manically at herself again, not even caring to try and get out of his grasp, nor answer Ewan's question.
"No, but i'll take a few. Its good for curing infections." He looked toward Elizabeth as she went on a rant. "Haha," He laughed while she seemed so childish, quickly denying truth. "Are you two a couple?" He asked quietly. It wouldn't seem so strange, wolves do travel in packs. He laughed at the thought.
He'd grab a blanket off the top of the couch, and would wrap her in a blanket cocoon, while keeping her head expose. He'd then set her down back on the couch, and would rub his head. " No we are not a couple, nor are we werewolves you moron. I don't know if you noticed its a full moon tonight. Your not that smart are you.. What made you think we were?" He'd rub his temples, he had a kid who thought he was a werewolf, and a women who is acting like a drunken 14 year old. "How many puppies did I be mean to, and kick to do deserve this" He'd think to himself, and shook his head.
"What?" Elizabeth looked over at Seth before going into a fit of giggles and laughter as she was wrapped in a blanket. She wriggled around on the couch for a moment before staying still, whispering to herself, "Now I have to stay still. Then I'll turn into a butterfly!" She laughed all over again, wriggling a bit more before going still again, and continuing to murmur to herself, trying anything she could to keep herself awake at this point. "I don't want to wait.. I'll become a butterfly now!" She laughed at herself, wriggling out from the blanket cocoon, or at least trying to.
James stayed under the bus for what felt like hours, in silence. In fact, it was about ten minutes. /She's right. It'll be safer with a group./ "Until they decide to off us." / -If- they decide to 'off' you./ "I won't have a rerun of Beth. No point getting attached just to lose them so quickly." /Isn't it better to die in a group than to live alone?/

James stopped and considered that. "I hate it when you're right." /I'm always right./ "I know."

He clambered out from under the bus with a sigh. "Okay... Let's get moving."
"Finally!" Eliana exclaimed with deep sigh of relief, only to quickly hush herself for that matter. It was getting dark. Then again, her wolf was just itching, and she realized why. Nervously she looked around before up. They wouldn't have any problems with zombies tonight, she had forgotten it was a full moon, and her wolf had hid it from her. A*s. What..? You always try suppressing me.. Eliana sighed, shaking her head at herself.

"James," She poked his head lightly with a roll of her eyes. "I think it'd be best if we.. Didn't quite go meet the other group until morning.. Instead, lets just go to the forest. Okay?" She blinked once at him, fiddling with her hands as if for once nervous about something.
"Hmm..." He looked down for a moment in thought. "I'll just ignore that last statement." He then continued up the stairs, looking around for a bedroom. He found a room and walked into, a small bed in the middle. "This will have to do..." He said with a sigh. Seth then sat down on the edge of the bed, taking off his shoes and unstrapping his swords. He laid down and pulled the blanket over him, holding his swords close.
He blinked, looked around, threw his hands in the air, hastily undressed, and stuffed everything under the bus. "Do you think the wolves will attack each other?" He said, already hurrying towards the forest. /Depends on how polite she is./
(Look who's alive lol *Gives a round of applause to Barren*)

He'd look over at Elizabeth, and would go over to pull out a large container which read " Captain morgan's spiced rum". " If your not gonna go to sleep I'll make you go to sleep Liz." He'd sit down in front of her, and put the bottle of rum in front of him. " How about we play a game a drinking game. Every time you giggle, you gotta take a shot of rum." He'd give her a small smirk knowing that she would be asleep by the second of third shot. " What do ya say?"
LeeAnn yipped, alerting Anarchy and Chaos to wake up. "Down guys. I'll be back later. Stay safe. Stay here." They both chattered back and she got up, rushing to the door. "Freedom." "Freedom." She and her wolf were ready to unite and run free. "Let's do this." LeeAnn removed the barricades from the front door, opening it a crack and reveling in the chilly night air on her bare skin. Checking to make sure that the zombies were indeed at bay, she took a determined step outside and shut the door firmly behind her. She began a full on sprint down the road to the forest. "You ready?" "More than ever." LeeAnn leaped, initiating her change with glee.
Eliana just blinked at James as he hastily undressed. /Come on, hurry up./ She gave a small grunt at herself. "I don't think they would, at least..." She grunted lowly towards James. She then reluctantly shoved her sword beneath the bus, but didn't want to get undressed quite yet. /I won't attack if he isn't rude./ Her wolf retorted, and she snickered lightly to herself. The transformation was a bit painful since it was somewhere between human and wolf, but the more times you went through it, the less painful it was.

Elizabeth gasped loudly at the offer to play a game, as if something amazing had just happened. "I wanna play!" She immediately answered with a fit of giggles without meaning to, then blinking twice at herself as she made a face at herself, sitting up while shrugging the blanket off her. "I don't know how to drink..." She stayed silent a few moments and seemed calm, but it didn't last long before she burst out with laughter when hearing Mace make a grunt sound from the bedroom.

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He'd screw off the top of the bottle of rum,and would hand it to her. " Here you gotta like 4 shots then."He'd laugh to himself realizing that this wouldn't end well. " So tell me what ever happened to your husband?"
James sat down next to a tree... And waited. Calmly. Patiently. The wolf always deserved some time at the wheel, anyways, in his book. "Let's hope they don't get too friendly." He cackled quietly. The wolf made no comment.

As the moon rose, he closed his eyes and braced himself.
LeeAnn's transformation looked graceful despite the slight pain that shook her to the core as she became something else. She welcomed the fur that grew rapidly covering her whole body as she let her wolf take over. A long soul wrenching howl erupted from her core; one of pain and suffering, but also of strength as she raced across towards the treeline. "Wait! Careful!" The human within trembled with fear of her wolf's carelessness. "Someone is close!" Her wolf shook herself from her excitement and crouched low sniffing. "Wolves?!"
Eliana had soon gotten herself to strip along the way, and though she had nothing to be ashamed of, she had hugged her knees to her chest, hiding what she could, though she immediately laughed at James' comment. /Never./ "Nah. I doubt it highly." Just a few minutes more and she felt her wolf grow restless, and it was time. With a rumble already present in her throat the sound of sickening snapping and crunching of bones could be heard as her body reshaped, at the same time sprouting a lush coat of black fur as she had in simple wolf form. /Finally.../

Elizabeth blinked at Ewan as if he were crazy. "I have to take a -shot-?" She paused, blinking again. "But that'll hurt..." She burst into laughter at the mention of any husband, though. "I never had one, silly." She tapped at his nose, almost missing.

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"I was gonna feel bad for the poor bastard." "Then why do you wear a wedding ring on your ring finger? Most people don't do that unless they are engaged or married ya know." He'd put a lid back on the rum,and would stand up. " Look you need to sleep Liz, It's a full moon.. Some crazy stuff is gonna happen tonight.."
"I don't want to sleep..." Elizabeth immediately complained, making a pouting expression as a child would, the whine in her voice only making it more childish. "Nightmares come too often.." She said this surprisingly seriously, and this time didn't even laugh or giggle in the slightest afterwards, either.

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