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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

"Dammit," Seth took a look at his watch. "Three hours then i'll be hauling ass." Seth had been walking on foot the entire day, searching for anyone, or anything to sustain himself. He had his head aimed toward the sun, staring intensely at it. Somehow hoping in the back of his head that him staring would make it last longer.

As he ventured forward, deep in his thoughts, he noticed something moving out of the corner of his eye. He turned to face the movement and it was a house, filled with people it seemed. Seth knew there was a large chance that these were zombies, but he couldn't risk the chance of finding survivors. He dashed toward the house, full speed ahead. Many thoughts were racing through his head, he knew he was risking his life just by doing this. He vaulted through the window, breaking the glass and landing with a roll inside the house. At first it was silence, which disturbed him, but then he could hear the sound of someone crying from deeper inside the house. He drew his sword with one hand, and his other hand was sqeezing the handle of his second sword. "Hello?" He said as he slowly walked through the house.

As Seth turned into one of the rooms he found the source of the crying, it was what looked like a small girl doubled over crying. Her back was to him. "Excuse me.." He said as he slowly reached forward, lightly grabbing the girl's shoulder. The girl quickly turned around, revealing a zombie. "Dammit!" Seth yelled as he jumped back, slicing the creatures head in half and smashing through the window in the room. "I knew it was too good to be true..." He said as he jogged away from the house.
Blinking once at Ewan, Elizabeth gave a nod, loosely hugging her legs while they were pulled to her chest, almost something a child would do for comfort. "Uh.. The quick version..?" She answered in an obvious question, not sure which answer she was supposed to give, evidently. Mace lifted his head for a moment when Ewan had sat down, before resting again.
He'd look over at the dog, and raised his eyebrows at him, and shook his head " Yea I know I smell like smoke, and fire. Sorry about that. Now the quick version.. Well I was working on a jet out in the open, and a werewolf attacked me from behind. I eventually kill the werewolf, but he had bite into my neck." He'd pull off his Army jack, and would turn around revealing scars across his upper neck which were still evident of bite marks. He'd turn back around and faced the women. " You see he grazed me enough to get a small amount of the lycan dan into my body, but not enough to change me. Which is why the other two did not immediately try to bond with me, nor could they smell a wolf inside of me. When a human is changed from a human to a lycan they are able to hear peoples thoughts for about 3-4 hours from when they first get bit. However once they fully adapt to the new senses this skill of hearing peoples thoughts vanishes. Well it seems I only had enough of the DNA inside of me for the process to be halted at that 3-4 hour point. As for hearing your dogs thoughts, is because he grew up with people who are english speakers thus he knows english. Which then allows him to think english. As for being able to speak it his vocal cords aren't able to move, and vibrate like ours."

He'd stand up gingerly, and would think for a moment, and would unlock the door, and would look down the street, and saw the man running down the street. " We got a problem Elizabeth."
"Well.. That's.. Different." She repeated what she had thought earlier with a blink. Though Elizabeth tilted her head as she watched Ewan get up, after having curiously inspected his scar from where she had sat. She soon got up without stepping on Mace who had sat right beneath her feet practically, very nearly stumbling over the large dog, though she was quick to run over to the door. Obviously, she was expecting a zombie or something, and quickly poked her head out, easily slipping beneath Ewan's arm to do so, tilting her head completely at the sight she saw, though. "Oh.." She muttered, obviously not having expected to see a man running down the street. "We don't know him. Or, at least, I don't."
" What should we do about him? He's either gonna draw every zombie around or he's just gonna keep running. How the hell did we miss this fool, when we were coming.. He must have been inside a house, I suppose." He'd reach for his pistol on his left holster,and would accidentally wrap his arm around Elizabeth's head. He'd quickly move his arm out from around her, and leaned to the right side of the door.
"Oh man...this is not..good!" He said in between his pants as he was heavily breathing. He looked back over his shoulder, a fairly large horde of zombies chasing after him. He surveyed his environment, desperately searching for someone or something to help him. With no hope in sight he hopped on top of a car, using that as a spring board to leap onto the roof of a small shed. Standing up there he'd say, "Well, look what I've gotten into now.."
Rolling her eyes at Ewan for a moment while his arm was around her head, Elizabeth glared at the gun he held for a moment. "Well don't just shoot him, geez. That isn't exactly the.. Most polite ways to say hello to someone." She then murmured, Mace curiously creeping over the door to peek his head out from between her legs. She watched as this same man jumped up to a roof of a shed, and frowned. She whistled shrilly to get his attention, and shouted, "Hurry, in here!"
He'd put his glock away, and would his AR from his duffel bag. He'd gently push Mace back inside the house, and would walk outside , and would begin to lay down cover fire, for the kid. The ammo he used was armor piercing round which would go through multiple zombies. He'd aim for their throats, which if shot just right would sever the spinal cord. This did the same as cutting off the head of the zombie.
Ivan looked over, squinting his eyes. "Haha.." He smiled, after days of searching he finally found someone. "Here goes.." He said to himself. He then jumped off of the shed. Hitting the ground and rolling. After doing so he began to sprint, as fast as he could. He charged into the door, trying his best not to be shot by the guy with the gun. He blazed into the door, a gust of wind following him.
Blinking twice as the man ran inside, Elizabeth quickly moved aside so she wouldn't be ran over, and just the same pulled Ewan in (At least she tried to), to hopefully shut the door as fast as she could without Ewan shooting any holes into it at the same time. "Come on, then!" She quickly spoke at the same time, Mace barking at the seeming intruder.
Ewan would quickly move back inside, and would fall to the ground panting, as his Rifle, would have smoke rising from the barrel. He'd begin to look around for the new guy, and would rub his shoulder, and wrist. " Who ever you are… You owe me about a hundred rounds of armor piercing ammo.. For F*ck's sake, What the F*ck were you doing that brought a horde of zombies like that after you?!"
Seth sighed. He then looked down with remorse in his eyes. Not sad that he had angered them, only sad that the girl turned out to be a zombie. "There was a girl, or..a zombie. But either way, " He locked eyes with Ewan. "I could have managed. Thanks for saving me though. Just give me until tomorrow, i'll be out of your hair." He said still breathing a bit heavily.
Elizabeth seemed to ignore anything that was said, walking right up to this man to poke the side of his head lightly in a curious fashion. "So, what are you? I've already seen werewolf's today." She mused, while Mace curiously moved to sniff at the man just the same. "Or are you human?" She tilted her head slightly.
"Welcome to the apocalypse, now if you don't mind." He'd lay his head back down, and rubbed his eyes at Elizabeths reaction. " Well aren't we a bit simple today, Elizabeth. I'm pretty sure he's human. he doesn't have the inner conscious speaking like the other two. As for being a vampire or not thats is still possible."
"Hmm," Ivan swatted at her hand, backing up a bit. "What do you mean?" He said as he gripped the handle of his swords. "What are you?" He repeated her. "I'm human, aren't you?"
"She means are you a werewolf, a neko, or a vampire. In other words have you been mutated by the L Virus. Simple question, have you been bitten by something other than the walking plague?" He'd stare at the man, waiting for a response.
"What...." Seth showed a confused face. Seemed he had more to worry about than those zombies now. Apparently there was alot he didn't know about this ruined land. This was starting to seem like a sci-fi film. "In that case, i'm human. I think.." He said as he twisted his body, looking around at himself.
LeeAnn ran throughout the house doing final checks to make sure the house was firmly barricaded. Panic fueled her like a drug as she finished the last of her routine. She trembled at the sound of bullets outside and the howling of the flesheaters ringing loud and clear nearby. "Calm down, pup. You're in here. They're out there." "I'm no pup." she pouted in return. Her inner wolf chuckled at her. As her house seemed rather safe with cinder blocks and planks she'd been lucky enough to collect piled securely against the door, she returned to the basement, whistling for her mice to make sure they were downstairs. As Anarchy's sleek black body and Chaos's pale white fur came into view from the basement, she grinned and began locking up the heavy metal basement door. She began removing her clothing and piled them in the corner, as she turned into her golden wolf. "At last! Come on, darlings. We need to lay down."

LeeAnn hopped up on top of the futon that she and Destiny used to share, whimpering at her memory. She let out a soft howl as her mice crawled up onto her scruff to keep warm. "Try to get some sleep you two." The mice chattered in response and LeeAnn waited until they were breathing soundly above her to focus on a plan for food with her wolf.
"Evidently." Elizabeth stated, now seeming bored with the man already as she went to plop on the couch, making another 'oof' sound as Mace was immediately on her lap, laying his head down on the arm of the couch though she just sighed at the big dog before looking over at the strange man again. "What's your name?" She questioned with a slight tilt of her head.
" I never thought id have to play biology or chemistry teacher, but I suppose i should inform you of what is going on. Since apparently you lived under a rock during the war. About a year ago, the MEU created a chemical weapon to try, and end the war. Just as we bombed Japan in the second world war the MEU bombed us. We as the United States thought nuclear Armageddon would be our end. Well it wasn't. The MEU took the a strand of the influenza virus, and gave it steroids, and make it into a super virus. Well when the problems with this virus was the it mutated easily, thus preventing a true cure.. When they bombed the US they thought it would kill off enough people to have us surrender. Well it did, but the people who died didn't stay dead. This is how we have zombies. Now Nekos, Vampires ,and werewolves were original spawned by people who had survived the ground zero bombing of the virus. There bodies had adapted, and mutated to accommodate the virus. The moral of this is don't get attack by any one or thing that is either ghostly pale, talks to themselves a lot, or looks like a cat. "
Elizabeth couldn't help but laugh a bit at that last part, shaking her head at herself. Mace looked at her for a moment before the big dog grumbled, and laid his head back down. "Well. I can already cross one of those off my list, for today, at least. I've never seen the other two before, though." She stated, who knew if it was to herself or to anyone else that was in the room at the time.
Seth sighed, releasing his grip on his sword. "I'm Seth, and I've spent these last few days searching for someone alive, then i found you. And i knew about the war," He turned to face Ewan, "I just had no idea about the biological part. Anyway, thank you for letting me stay here for the night. As i said before, i'll be out of your hair by tomorrow."
"You don't have to leave so soon." Elizabeth blinked once at this Seth figure, glancing towards Ewan for a moment. "It's sometimes hard to find a safe place. It wouldn't hurt to stay here longer. I've got more then enough food for it too, if we did happen to get locked in. But there is almost always food out in stores.. Plus hunting." She insisted.
" Elizabeth would you happen to know if anyone else is living in the subdivision? When I was giving Seth cover fire I saw a fire on in a house down the street." He'd look back at her. He wonder why she had been son insistent for a moment, but the question moved on past his mind. He set him mind on what was around them, and when the zombie horde was going to move on.
"I'll consider, thank you." He said with no real intentions of staying. He wasn't comfortable making himself at home while surrounded by were wolves. Creatures that could literally overpower and devour him at any moment. But he showed no signs of discomfort, remaining composed at all times. "What are your names?"

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