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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Eliana then started up the flights of stairs they would have to get through. About half way up the building though, they hit the room. The zombies were asleep, all packed in a room. She froze, and turned to James. Without making a sound she again placed a finger over her lips, then his own, signalling for complete silence. Dead. We're dead. Shh. Silent.. She cooed in even her mind, and silently started making her way through the room, stepping around the bodies of the zombies.
His eyes widened as they entered the room. For a brief instant, he froze. He shook his head, and almost turned around and left. Can't leave her alone. She might need my help. He began to tiptoe past zombies and very nearly stepped on one. WATCH IT! The Wolf shouting almost startled him enough to make him lose what little balance he had, but he stayed up. Shut up. As they reached the other side of the room, he resisted to urge to let out a loud sigh of relief and made his way up the stairs.
Tense throughout the small room, the moment they were back on the steps she resisted the urge to run up the rest. That'd make too much noise. When they did get to the top, the door was boarded. With a slight knock, trying not to be loud, and to tell the man that had been up there they were there, she said only loud enough to hopefully just barely be loud enough to be heard, "Come on, and be quiet."
He'd quickly make his way to the door, and would take down his barricade, and let out a sigh of relief. "How bad is it down there? " He'd look them over for a moment, and noticed something which he learned made 'Furballs' different from humans. He'd move out of their ways, as he'd expose the large black hawk helicopter which he had used to get to the city.
"Shhh!" She quickly hushed the man before her, pressing a finger to his lips to quiet him frantically. "Shh." She repeated, now less frantically. "Silent." She assured, glancing back at the stairway. "Do you have everything you need?" Hurry up.. Quiet.. Her wolf was practically pacing and that made her edgy. She'd never been bitten before, so Eliana didn't know she could withstand any bite, and simply was frightened at the thought of what could happen.
"Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad." He nodded, then shook his head, obviously rattled. You sound insane. "I am insane." He resisted the urge to cackle at himself. "I'm hilarious too." He whispered all this too himself, but also to the man. "Too many. Toooooo many." He made his way back down without waiting, watching the zombies quietly.

He gave them a look that said 'We should really leave'.
He'd nod, and would remove his finger from his lip. With that he'd turn, and held up his hand asking for one moment, as he'd pull down twelve bags from his helicopter, and would them one by one to the right side of the building. He'd return back to them with one duffel bag on his back, with his multitool, and his guns at his side. He'd also have a piece of pink duct tape in his hand, which he'd put over the boys mouth. "Now i'm ready." He'd whisper to them. His heavy Irish accent becoming easier to hear.
Very nearly laughing at the tap that was put over James' mouth, Eliana led the way back down in front of the two, tip toeing down the stairs, soon at the room full of zombies. As she had before she stopped, placing a finger over both of their mouths in turn, James' then the man's, before she continued walking, wanting to ensure there would be no noise. Almost out.. Almost out... Almost out...
He blinked at the duct tape. The wolf was inwardly cackling loudly than he'd ever heard it. He himself, turned bright red again. He walked down and made his way back across the room again, hurrying down the stairs a bit quicker than before, but still not loud enough to draw attention. At the bottom, he ripped the tape off, pulling a good bit of facial hair with it, behind Eliana. He groaned and left, crawling under his bus. "No more new people. I'm good with just you two."
Once they were out she freely laughed at James, her wolf doing just the same mentally, though it was a rather pleasant sound. She looked as though she were about to say or do something more, but she froze at the sound of someone else coming closer. "Shh." She said quickly, sticking her nose up in the air. Human.. Dog.. Dog? Dog. Not wolf? No, dog. Eliana huffed lightly to herself, but quickly dove and rolled beneath the bus with James, leaving the man there.

Elizabeth had been the one who alerted Eliana, and still had Mace on her heels, who she was feeding bits of the beef stew from the can with her fingers, taking out a chuck of meat and handing it to the dog who happily ate it. When she did get there, she was just in time to see someone roll under a bus, and she blinked twice. There was a man standing there, who she looked at quizzically, before looking to the bus again, and back at the man. Her soft blonde hair was done in two loose and rather messy braids, one over each shoulder at the time, not that she cared. She didn't speak, though, just gauging the reactions she might get, ready to take her gun if needed.
James groaned, and whispered. "I thought I just said I was happy with you two. Well. You. I could do without him." He went to take his gun back from Eliana. Whether he gets it or not, he rolls out from under the bus, mace in hand, and at the ready, and steps forward cautiously towards the new woman. "Hullo." Can we at least kill this one? "Bloodthirsty murderer." Coward. "Dog." The wolf shut up. He waved at her. "Don't mind him," He smiled warily. "It's better you don't know what he's saying. I'd appreciate it if you left, please."
He'd follow the two go them quickly and would easily make it through the room, and would just simply side down the stair rails, and would quickly make his way out the building quickly and ran to his other bags which he had dropped from the roof. "So do you guys have a place which you like live at?" 
He'd quickly pull out his glock 23 and aim it at the girl. I know you has a gun.. Now put it on the ground and back away now. Don't lie to me I can see it at your hip." He'd begin to step foreword, and would keep his gun aim directly at the girls forehead.
Elizabeth froze, frankly. First this man seemed insane, talking to himself in which she gave him a quizzical look, but then another man had a gun pointed at her. Frowning then, she made a slight face to herself, setting the can of beef stew on the ground in which Mace eagerly simply ate out of while disregarding the sharp edges of the can. "Alright, alright." She grumbled, taking the gun from the belt on her hip to drop it on the ground. "I won't shoot." She clarified, nudging it away from herself.

Eliana stayed beneath the bus, simply staring at James, then the other man, and then at the girl who was standing there. She sniffed a bit.
She has a homely scent. Yes, I know. She must live in a house. Probably.. Go poke her. Excuse me? She scoffed at the wolf. Slowly she creeped out from beneath the bus though, staying near James.
James examined her closely. "Put your gone down." He glanced at the man. "I don't think she'll try anything." Stop being an idiot. "Shot being a jerk." He growled, before turning back to the woman. "I'm James." Just as he had done with Eliana, he stepped alarmingly close to her and attempted to sniff her. He frowned at the dog. "Interesting companion." Dogs are weaklings. James cackled before moving back over by Eliana, actually standing slightly behind her.
Elizabeth stepped back when this James figure stepped alarmingly close to her, giving him an even more quizzical expression then what she had been giving him a few moments ago. "Uh.. Elizabeth.." She answered unsurely, stepping slightly back when James finally moved away, after evidently sniffing at her.

Eliana simply rolled her eyes at James. "You're such a dog." She scowled at him in an insult, referring to the way he was standing slightly behind her. "You're supposed to be tough." Males. Guys. Both her and her wolf laughed with each other in an amused manner with themselves, barely paying attention anymore, really.
"When'd I say I was tough? I don't remember that." He blinked, dead serious. "Is that sexism?" He cackled. You're going to get slapped. He grinned. "Besides, if she shot anyone, it'd be me, or him, since we're the only ones armed." He nodded to himself. "so, Elizabeth, what're you doing out here? You smell like houses. Do you have a house? I like houses. A lot more than I like being under buses or inside bathrooms." Shut up. "You shut up."
He'd rub his head and would watch the three if them as he'd place his gun back in his holster. "As it looks I'm the one who is the most threatening. Elizabeth here seems to just be surviving. Look there is power in numbers.. Does anyone know of a place all of us can crash at? We can do a meet and greet later. As for food I've got us covered.. " he'd look up then at his watch. "It's almost eleven. We need to get a plan together."
Elizabeth blinked once as she listened to James, who seemed rather insane from what she could tell, where he seemed to be continuing to talk to himself. And if he wasn't, then she had no idea as to who he was really talking to. Then the second man spoke- He didn't seem crazy, at least. She bent down and picked up her gun, putting it back to the belt on her hip. "My house isn't far from here." She answered with a small shrug. "I don't mind company."

Eliana glared at James for a few moments. Hit him. No, he's just being.. Exactly. "I'm not going unless he is." Eliana looked towards James for a moment, then at the man, then at Elizabeth. She doubted James would go, but then again, she wasn't sure with how... Mentally unstable the man appeared to be. Then again, he wasn't really to blame, she supposed. A house might be safer. Staying together would be better..
James blinked in confusion at Eliana, like he wasn't exactly processing what she was saying. She wants it. "Shut up, you twit." He paced around a bit, before bending over and grabbing his pack from under the bus. "How big is the house?" He frowned at Elizabeth. "If it's big enough, I'll go. But I don't like small spaces. Not one bit." He glanced at Eliana and shuffled slightly closer, still staying behind her.

Don't go insiddddeee... You love outside. "I know I love outside, but inside is safer, with enough space."
Ewan would put his hands on James's shoulder. " Since you got the brilliant idea of shooting at me back there, ya can do me a favor. Help me bring all my stuff back to the girls house. Also we are gonna have a long talk bout shooting at another fellow." He'd lead him over to where 6 duffel backs laid. He'd pick up three of the bags, and would put them onto his back." Oh and you can tell your little friend in there." He'd point to his head. " That right now being outside is dangerous especially when the zombies come out."
Elizabeth blinked at the few people that were before her. Evidently, she'd have company over tonight. "It's big enough. Not cramped like an apartment. The living room is rather big, though." She couldn't remember the last time that had happened.. She tried following the two guys over to where the bags were, offering to take one. "I'll carry one, if you want." She certainly wasn't very strong, and that probably showed, but she figured the bags couldn't be that heavy.

Eliana made a face at James, then at Elizabeth, though didn't really move from her spot. Evidently, they'd be staying at this girl's house. At least, for tonight. It wasn't often that she stayed in one place for very long, wherever that might be. It was a usual thing that she changed apartment buildings she went to, really just going to the nearest one each night after looking for food. It'll be safer. I know.
"He'd look back at the little girl, these bags are probably 65 pounds each.. I brought a years worth of MRE's with me, and some tools. Don't worry me and the Coco clock here will be ok carrying them." He'd think for a moment, and would pull off his personal duffle bag, and would hand it to the girl. " Here you can actually carry this one.. It shouldn't be too light, its just got some clothes my AR, and ammo. " With that he'd grab one more of the heavier duffle bag, which only made 'Coco clock' carry two of the six bags' He'd walk up to Eliana, and would look at her. " Ya know your voice in your head is actual somewhat smart as compared to your friend's friend."
"That's why I hide under the bus. They never look, especially since I board up and shut up. But, still, houses are safer, ya-di-ya-di-yada." He hefted the two bags. "You shot first, you d*ck." He glared at the man. I like to think I'm rather intelligent. "The 'voice in my head' doesn't appreciate you insulting him." He stayed close to Eliana throughout all this, though. He obviously didn't like the other two much.

"I want to see the house first before I make up my mind, and, also, I'm not a "coo-coo clock. I'm a human being." No, you're not.
Glaring at the man, Elizabeth took the duffle bag from him and slung it over her shoulder with a roll of her eyes before turning to start walking at a leisurely pace back down the street where she had come from, towards her home. "Whatever." She had grumbled when handed the bag, but protested no further, Mace, the dog, staying right on her heels again, licking his muzzle clean after having downed the can of beef stew, his tail wagging all the while.

Eliana quickly grabbed her sword from beneath the bus, and strapped it back to her hip, her left hip, since she was right handed. She couldn't remember when she'd gotten it, exactly, but it was her prized possession. She hated guns, and refused to use one. She'd touch one, but never pull the trigger.
Guns are dangerous. Her wolf interrupted her temporary thoughts. Yes.. She looked to the man when spoken to, tilting her head slightly. Somewhat? Eliana snickered slightly to herself for a split second. "Nah. James just argues too much." She retorted for him, shrugging slightly while she was following after Elizabeth, not minding James sticking close.
"Seeing how my shot was not directed at you, but in your direct to get your attention. I didn't shoot at you, though I easily could have. As for your friend in your head, he isn't very… friendly to others. He's very self absorbed, and egotistical. As for being human, I have to agree with your the voice in your head. As it stands since you didn't tell me what your name is, I believe Coo-coo clock is a fitting name." He'd begin to walk behind Elizabeth, easily keeping up with her pace. " So I take it you and James are both Furballs.." He'd cough for a moment. " Sorry I mean werewolves. Being in the military when our base for raided, by all three types of the L virus mutation. We came up with I suppose nick names for each of the species. Also guns aren't dangerous they are actually quite safe, so long as your clean them properly."

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