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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

James gave her a puzzled look. Follow her. Follow her? Yes. He mentally sighed and jogged after her. He crouched lower as they neared the deer. He crept around, to outflank the deer, all the way to the other side. He lunged at it, nipping at it's butt, driving it right towards her. He kept after it, though, constantly making sure it was headed the right way.

Almost there. Quiet. He drove it right in front of the brushes where Eliana was hiding.
Eliana patiently waited while James went around to drive the deer forward. And, the moment it started coming at her, the bushes where she was hiding, she waited till the last possible second to lung. Wait... Go! At that last second she jumped forward with her small body, but strongly clamped her jaws down around the deer's neck, wrestling it to the ground with little trouble despite her size. She was small, but strong. Blood seeped to her tongue from the bite, but she ignored it.

Shaking her head aggressively at the catch with the deer's throat still clamped in her jaws, when she was sure the poor thing was dead, she slowly let go. Easy. She stepped off from over the body, licking her snout clean from any blood that might've come from the deep bite wound.
Without hesitating, he changed back into his human and started dragging the corpse back towards the bus. Why don't you ever let me eat it? "That's disgusting." No, it's completely natural. "Well, I'm not a wolf, I'm a human." No, you're not. He kept on dragging the corpse along. He glanced back at her. "I'm not gonna eat it raw. Besides, the skin and bones are useful."

He frowned ahead as they got closer. You're still naked. "Don't care."
Ears peeled back and very nearly flat against her head, Eliana trotted after James but didn't shift back, simply because she didn't exactly prefer to be bare naked before anyone but herself. And, frankly, her clothes were under the bus. You don't need clothes. Being naked is natural. How do you think people walked around before clothes were invented? I don't want to think about that.. She heard her wolf laugh in her head.

Grunting lowly with a huff of her nose, she shook her head at herself. She tried not to look at James seeing as how he was naked still, staring instead either ahead, or at the deer that he was dragging back towards where the bus was, she was assuming. It'd be easier to cook it over an oven, though.. She wasn't sure in what means he might have to cook it, yet. 
Elizabeth soon reached the main part of town, where all the shops, and tall apartment buildings were. With her hands still in her pockets, her thumbs anyways, she glanced around cautiously. She had a list of things in her head to do.

1- Find something to eat, and drink.

2- Grab some supplies from a store.

3- Get home before dark.

It wasn't much, certainly, but living alone, there wasn't much to do. Soon walking up to a grocery store, she cautiously peeked inside through the front windows. It was small, only sporting food and such of the like, but it'd do. She would stop some place bigger after she ate. Stepping in through a broken window, she was relieved that the light from the sun poured right into the shop, so she didn't have to worry about anything. Her shoes made a soft crunch sound from the broken glass beneath her feet, though she walked forward and looked along the scattered and torn through aisles in the small store. There wasn't much, surely. She had food stored up in her house, and this was where she had gotten it from, but she tried saving that for emergencies, such as if it were ever to be a rainy day.

Of all things, she soon found not food, but something furry curled up in the corner. Quickly she had a gun out, trained on this furry ball in the corner, and she could see it's chest rising and falling with it's breathing. It seemed to have fur.. So it shouldn't be a zombie. Not yet, at least. She'd watched animals change, and their fur always fell out, just like someone's hair would.

She nervously nudged the furry ball with her foot, and almost instantly a dog raised it's head with a small grumble of annoyance. Elizabeth jumped back, finger on the trigger, but the dog just grumbled and laid it's head back down to curl back up into it's little ball. Slowly putting her gun away, she thought to herself, analyzing.
Pupils were clear.. Fur's still there.. No foam at the mouth.. Wait.. That's rabies.. Shaking her head at herself, she crouched beside the large Australian Shepard dog, poking it lightly. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen a dog. "Hey." As if it'd speak back. Crazy.
As they arrived back at the bus, he sat the corpse down and pushed it under. "Wait here, and... don't eat it, please." He left, and returns about 20 minutes later carrying assorted sticks and limbs, as well as some paper. He set it down, then pulled out a large, but obviously out of use, knife from his pack. He proceeded to skin the animal.

"You going to change back? Don't worry, I won't look. I'll let you get dressed again." Liar. "Shut it." He continued on the task, as it'd take a while. He frowns at the corpse. "Don't like killing things. Poor deer." The wolf snickered. It or us.
Time: 9:30 AM - Small clouds - Sunrise -

When they were at the bus, Eliana simply sat beside it and watched as James left. Throughout the twenty minutes she sat there, staying as a wolf, keeping guard, her ears twitching and moving like satellites while she kept watch over the deer, which in turn would be their food.
Meat. Sounds good. Hopefully.. When James came back, she made a small snort/huff sound at the question. She simply watched for a moment as he was skinning the deer, before crawling beneath the bus to get to the other side. In the process she managed to drag her clothes out from beneath the bus. Now that she was on the other side, she stood and shifted back, quickly getting dressed just the same.
Ewan would have found it was soon becoming apparent the Air force base was really starting to become overrun, a fair bit more than he would have liked it to. One thing however was in his favor of getting out of wasteland… A working bird( Heliocopter) with half a tank of gas. The gas level did worry him a bit, but he quickly got over it. A few days prior to his day in which he planned on leaving he packed the helicopter with duffle bags full of MRE's ,Ammo to last him through at last a year of "target practice", and his own personal duffel bag. He'd huff to himself,and shook his head. The last thing he decided to pack was a small generator,and small of bag of important tools, and gun cleaning kit.

When that fateful day came along, he would have had the helicopter in position on a run way. When the time reached 7:45 he would have started the bird, and cringed at the idea that the loud engine would attract not only zombies, but fur balls,and ghosts. He'd begin to take off, and would begin to head east towards the closest major metropolis. after about an hour of flying, he would have begun to see the city begin to take shape. " Hopefully there will be normal human beings here.." When he reached the city limits he would have look down into the streets, see no one. " Of course no one is out… lovely.." When he continued on however he saw a few bus's and with that he saw a single figure, a girl.. " So someone is here.. Good, Hopefully she is still in one piece" He'd continue past the girl, and would have found a mildly tall building in which he could land his Helio onto. When he finally was able to safely land on the building, and everything was secure, and turned off. He would have made his out of his helicopter, and took a Sit-rep(Situation report) of the area he landed at.
James couldn't help but feel like the wolf was mentally trying to peek. "Cut that out." Cut what out? "She's changing, leave her be." I can't even look at her! You're the one with the eyes! "You're trying to get me to." Can you blame me? She's the first woman we've seen. The first. "And she's also a living human being, not an object." You wouldn't resist if she tried something. "Shut it."

He kept on skinning the deer- a process that made him sick- until he'd gotten some of the hide off. I hope she knows how to tan it. "Can't be that hard." He started stripping the bones of meat, setting them aside. Another lengthy process.

That's when he heard the helicopter. He quickly dove under the bus, leaving the meat. "Get down here!" He whispered irritatedly at Eliana.
Eliana could hear James talking again, most likely to his wolf once more. If anyone didn't know what they were, they'd probably have considered him a complete lunatic. But, she did know what he was, and he knew the voice that they each had in their head. You could always just steal what he has and run. You're awfully unsure today. First it's go, then stay, now go.. No. Fine. Her wolf was uneasy, therefore she was uneasy. And, frankly, just when she heard the sound of a helicopter above, she was quite sure, she heard James' whisper from beneath, where he probably dove. Out of reflex she quickly rolled under as well, blinking once as the sound seemed to be moving on still. "You should try a building. Beneath a bus isn't exactly.. Usual." She stated, not even caring to whisper, looking over at James with a quizzical expression.

Elizabeth watched as the dog huffed at her again, not bothering to lift it's head this time when she poked it. "Come on.." She grunted, and the dog lifted it's head. She cautiously moved a hand for it's neck. Nothing happened. Feeling around it's neck for a collar, she soon found one, with a tag titled, 'Mace'. Making a slight face at herself, she gently scratched the dog behind the ear for a moment while with her other hand rubbing it's neck. It was practically skin and bones, no doubt starving. "Come on... Boy?" She questioned, and the dog immediately heaved it's large form from the ground with a slight wag to it's tail. Elizabeth stood as well, giving a quizzical expression towards the dog. "Hungry?" She questioned as if it weren't obvious, and Mace barked once at her. Giggling to herself as if she had been told a joke, she shook her head and gently petted at the dog's head. "I'm sure we can find.. Something suitable here." She wandered around the store again, and noticed the dog followed right at her heels, tail wagging as if it had already made up it's mind that it had found a new master. She soon found a can of beef stew, and, figuring it would work, she grabbed out her dagger from her side pocket to start working at the can lid while heading outside. "Come on, then. Eat and walk. Eat and walk." She repeated to herself, though also talking to Mace, who followed her eagerly.
He grunted. "I don't like buildings. Too cramped. Can't run." Yeah. "Hiding down here has worked so far. At night, I put those boards," he motioned towards the planks stacked neatly at the end of the bus, "around the edges so no squirrels or dogs get down here." He poked his head out. "It's gone. Good." He crawled out from under the bus. Careful. He grabbed the deer and pulled it back under the bus, then the sticks and paper.

"You can go if you want, but I'm staying here until I know it's safe to come out."
"Geez.. But sleeping on the ground must be cold." She stated. You're always cold. If you'd sleep in wolf skin... No. That's what blankets are for. Eliana crawled out from beneath the bus, stretching and cracking her back with a turn each way and a small shudder, gazing about cautiously for a few moments. Nothing around. She sniffed at the air lightly for a moment before agreeing with the wolf. Hearing that James retorted to stay down beneath the bus, Eliana raised a brow, bending down so she could peer under the bus at him. "There isn't anything out here. It's safe, really. So come on. You don't want to wait too long to cook that meat." It'll spoil. It tastes best fresh. Disgusting.
When Ewan had finished taking a situation report, He'd barricade the door, which lead down the actual part of the building he had landed on. His watched beeped a few times, reminding him it was just past ten o' clock. He'd look over to the west, and saw a boy dragging a whole deer towards a bus. " I need to get his attention… and I know how I'm gonna do it.." He'd run back and searched his helicopter, and found exactly what he was look for, an L96 A-1 . "This should do just fine.." He wasn't much of a long range marksman, but he could at least get the kids attention.

He'd set up in position, and would take aim. "I sure hope this doesn't make this kid go ballistic.. " He'd take aim, and would fire a single round at the deer, he would have met its mark, as the bullet would have gone right through the deer's head cavity sending brain matter, bone, and blood everywhere. due to the sheer caliber of the ammunition the sniper rifle used. "That should have got his attention.." Once he fired, he'd take up, and would yell, and wave his hands trying to get the kid's attention."Hey! Up here!"
First, he poked his head out, then went back in. When he came out, he had his clothes on again. "It is cold. But, when it gets too cold, I just change forms." He got out and reached for the deer just as the bullet slammed into it. In a moment of sheer panic, he dived back under the best, clambering for his gun. Then, he leapt out, looking around frantically for the source of the shot. Over there, you dolt! Look at the point of impact.

He whirled towards the source of the shot, making eye contact with the man shouting at him. "Get under the bus. Or run. Whichever you prefer." He dived under the bus again, then shouted out. "Go away! We don't want any trouble."
Hearing the sound of a gun her eyes went wide for a moment, before Eliana dove beneath the bus again in a roll out of panic. Fast! Huffing lightly to herself for a moment, she stayed there and listened to James' shouting for a moment or two longer before crawling out from beneath the bus again. Maybe she'd get shot, or maybe it was just to get their attention. "James, come on." She peered towards where the shot had come from, approximately, and spotted a man on the top of a building's roof. Foe, or friend? Sh... She tried figuring it out. She glanced beneath the bus, and nudged at James with her foot. "Come on, lets check it out." Right before looking towards the man on the roof again, shouting in reply, "What do you want?" 
Hearing the sound of a gun, Elizabeth froze, and Mace did just the same behind her. It wasn't very far off from where she was. But she stood there none the less, her long blonde hair moving with the wind, her gaze not moving for a few moments, her eyes a baby blue color. She soon looked back down to Mace though. "Should we go check it out?" She questioned the dog, which just gave a huff in reply. "Thought so.." She murmured, and started walking towards the sound of the shot, still sawing open the lid of the can with the dagger in her hand.
James calmly shook his head and remained where he was. "Bullets hurt. A lot." Yeah. "You shouldn't be out there, either. Get back down here." She's not our problem. "Yes, she is 'our problem'. She's our newest- and only- friend." He leveled the gun out int he direction of the man and fired a return warning shot far to his left. "Put your gun down and I'll do the same!" He bellowed.

Nice move, genius. "Better than anything you would have come up with." Moron. "A*shole."
"Yes, they hurt, obviously. You don't know if there's danger or not." It'd be safer beneath the bus. Beneath the bus is crammed. Worse than that apartment. But we're still outside. Who cares! I do. You do, too. Pft.

"You're like children arguing!" Eliana rolled her eyes at James, easily catching the name calling that was being taken place between James and his wolf, she assumed.
" Well F*ck, That didn't work out as well as I planned… This also doesn't seem very.. smart.. Oh thank god someone with a brain" "Help me get the f*ck off this damn building..! " He felt stupid for landing on a 33 story building which could be filled with anything. He saw the kid had a gun, and would quickly duck down as the simple pistol bullet would have veered off the his left. "And they have guns… Even better.. " He'd quickly stand back up would look at the kid like he was stupid. " I'm ontop of a f*cking 30 story building, and I'm asking for your help!" He'd yell back
Curiously, Eliana moved to take away James' gun. "Come on, lets help him, at least." She stated, trying to drag James out from beneath the bus, taking a hold of one of his hands to help do this, rather excited about something for quite some time. She'd not only found another wolf today, but there was another person. And as far as she could tell, he didn't smell like a zombie, and he didn't act like it. Still could be dangerous. Or simply thrilling. I thought wolves thrilled for adventure. W-.. Hmph.
"Why'd you land up there if you want down?" He shouted up, poking his head out. That seems awfully counterproductive. "Exactly. What he said." He crawled out. "How do I know you won't just shoot us when we're done?" He reluctantly let her take his gun. That's awfully stupid of you. It's still only your first date, and you're letting her handle your gun? James, quite literally turns a bright red color and rolls back under the bus, where he proceeds to sulk for a reason to unknown anyone else, except, perhaps, Eliana.

The wolf cackled inwardly. "You can help him if you want. I don't trust him."
Eliana was about to say something more when James turned a shade of red and rolled back under the bus. Giving him a quizzical look after peering down beneath the bus to look at him again, tilting her head to the side, almost completely ignoring the man on the roof. "Come on, will you?" She tried pulling James out by his hand again. Persuasion...? "I can't just walk in there by my lonesome self. What if something happens? You've got to come with me."
He'd let out a sigh of relief,as he'd rub his forehead. "oh thank god the sane one talk some sense into the other guy .. Did this moron not see he was flying a Blackhawk… oh I don't know because the rotors would snap , and i'd crash and die from impact.. They know there way around here.." He'd make his way back to his helicopter, and would begin to take a second count of what he had, and how he could distribute it. "It baffles me that they believe I'm going to hurt them, when they are the ones who know this damn area.."
He blinks. "You're a wolf. If you can't handle yourself, your other side is incompetent. Or drunk." His bluntness stunned his own wolf into silence. "But, if you truly believe you need help, I'll come along." He grabbed his morning star and clambered out, making his way towards the building. "Allons-y!" He cackled as he neared the building. He opened the door a crack and sniffed, then shut he door, his face twisting in disgust. "Something's dead in there. Or many somethings."

Obviously. He nodded solemnly. "Is it worth it to fight our way through anything, if we have to, to save a stranger?"
"Shh." She stated simply to James, lightly placing a finger over her own lips, before placing a finger over his own lips as if to silence him without any other words then a 'shh'. Right after that she opened the door and silently, quite literally, walking to the nearest stairway. Her footsteps made no sound against the ground. The stench hit her like a wall, and she cringed, but walked up the stairs. There's a room of them. It isn't safe. If we stay silent.. Eliana insisted inwardly to her wolf.
He followed her closely, every creak, every moan, every patter, every drop of sweat falling, sounding like an explosion. Calm down. As long as you're quiet, they'll stay asleep. He nodded and stayed right behind her, weapon in hand. In truth, he was quite plainly terrified, but kept following her anyways. He made no attempts to hide his fear, either. We shouldn't have come in here. There's a room full of them.

James started to panic. That's too many. Too many. Too many. Calm down, before you get both of us killed. He nodded, swallowed hard, and did his best not to cry out.

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