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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

James blinked, then look the man over. "You can hear the voice in my head? How?" He looked genuinely confused. "Are you some sort of psychic?" He stepped forward to sniff the man.
He'd stop,and would slam a fist right into James's stomach. " Don't touch me if you please. If you want to know how I can hear both your inner conscious, and Eliana's . First off don't touch me. I'm in no mood right now to have ya sniffing me. As for how I can that'll be something I'm gonna keep to myself. If you think I'm lying how ever your inner voice said 'I like to think I'm rather intelligent' , and 'No, your not'. " He'd quickly get back up to pace with Elizabeth.
Furrballs? Eliana's wolf scoffed, as did she, shaking her head at this man. How.. Disgraceful. Her wolf grumbled, therefore there was a low grumble in her throat though she simply shrugged the matter away carelessly. She listened to the two men talking, and utterly stopped when James received a punch.

Elizabeth stopped as well, frowning as she tsked at the two men. "My, my. Acting like children with bad temper. Stay up too late last night?" She mused, perhaps rather rudely, but simply rolled her eyes at the two before she was walking again, Eliana quickly following after Elizabeth the moment she had started walking again.
As the man would go to punch him, he'd react purely on instinct. First, his hand comes up at an impossibly fast speed. Second, it caused his hand to slide right past him. Third, he went to grab his hand and slam his palm into his wrist- which would pretty easily dislocate his hand, considering the natural speed and strength of a werewolf. Even if it didn't succeed, he leapt away from him, as his eyes bored into the man now, every hint of humor gone.

He shrugged the morning star off his back. "This isn't a world where you can just go around punching werewolves." Though the remark would normally be funny, he growled ominously.
"Come on.." Eliana sighed, moving to grab James' arm to try and give a little tug if she could, not wanting a full out fight to happen right then and there. "I'm sure we're almost there.. Right, Elizabeth?" She looked towards where Elizabeth was, only to see the girl was still walking away. Catch up!
He'd stop, and would look down at his wrist and would easily pop back the dislocated bones, with only a small wince of pain. " I saw that coming." He'd quickly begin to catch back up with the group. " Some of us have been working on escaping, a military base filled with zombies, and nuclear firearms. So no I haven't been able to sleep." He'd sigh, and shook his head. " And yes we called your kind fur balls, as for being disgraceful. When your kind is slaughtering humans. You get disgraceful nicknames. As for it being your fault or not is not my problem."
"Not with this idiot. I won't have anything to do with him." He kept his gaze on the man, not taking his eyes off of him for a second. Kill him. Turn. Kill him. Bullets hurt, but they rarely work. Turn. Let me kill him. Feeling the anger swell in him, he struggled to keep control of himself. "Humans butcher themselves enough without our help, "He growled at the man. "You're a race of cowards and fools, of which you are a prime specimen."

He pivoted and walked back towards his bus. What was I thinking? That we could work with humans? It's Eliana's fault. She convinced me. Last time I help a stranger. One bad apple doesn't ruin the bunch. "It does in this case. Besides, you hate apples." We hate apples. James sighed before rolling back under the bus with his deer corpse.
How rude. Her wolf scoffed again, but Eliana just rolled her eyes. The only reason we kill is if someone gets in our way. The wolf scoffed again, not seeming to care that this strange man could actually hear what the wolf part of her was saying. Or if something attacks. Protect yourself, always. Eliana made a slight face at herself for a moment. Yeah, yeah... When she saw James turning to go back, Eliana quickly moved to follow in protest. "James, come on.. It'll be safer in a house." She gave a tug at his hand after he had gone back beneath the bus. She could catch up later from Elizabeth's scent at some point, or the man's even.

Elizabeth didn't pause to wait for Eliana and James, but just kept walking. She couldn't tell very well, but from what the man still following her had said, she was assuming that the two of them were werewolves. They could track down the scent. Hopefully. "Grumpy people." She grumbled to herself lowly.
"Apparently.." He'd stop for a moment, and picked up the two duffel bags James had dropped. " So tell me how have you not run into them, and yet survived for so long..? I thought it was hell trying to live on a military base, with all of this. Let alone,in a city like this.. Do ya know how much we got to go? " He'd ask Elizabeth, and would watch her every move. "The other two will catch up, but there voices have already connected to each other it seems, so they probably will create a pack soon enough.."
"I don't come out often." Elizabeth answered with a shrug, Mace right on her heels still as the dog had been the entire time, tail wagging carelessly. "Just a couple more minutes." She then shrugged again. Pack.. It seemed like such a foreign name. Family.. That was even more foreign to her. "I won't attack unless you do first." She then stated, referring to the way her every move was being watched, though she glanced over her shoulder back at the man for a moment. "Unless you're just staring."
"I won't go. They're humans. They hate us anyways." He stayed curled up under the bus. "Why do they hate us, Eliana? We're not monsters. We don't like to kill people any more than they like to kill each other." I like to kill things. "You're a homicidal maniac. I'm not." But I'm you. He poked his head out. "We should stay together. Make a pack. Who needs humans?" He grinned. "Maybe we'll find others like us. Make the group larger, till we have a whole tribe working together."

He repeated the question, his voice shaking, head back under the bus. "Who needs humans? Smelly, angry, violent, little things. I hope I never see another."
Eliana sighed softly and sat beside the bus, not quite crawling under, sitting Indian style with her hands in her lap. "They don't hate us.. They just.." Don't understand. "They don't understand." She spoke what her wolf had said. "Humans just don't like what they can't fully understand." She continued, trying to comfort James. She then tilted her head at the suggestion of a pack, raising a brow slightly at the same time. "It doesn't matter what they are, it could be better with stay with them. At least temporarily." She answered again, scrunching her nose slightly at herself, sighing again at James when he ducked his head back under the bus. "They aren't all that bad.. We used to be humans, too, you know." She stated simply.
"I have no intention to attack anyone right now. Right now I just want to rest, and know that I'm safe. So where did you find the dog? He seems pretty calm, even after all of this. A better question would be how he has survived all of this.."
"I found him in a grocery store.." Elizabeth answered with a small shrug of her own. "He was curled up in a corner. He probably just stayed some place. I'm surprised he wasn't.. Turned yet, though." She gave a little pet to the dog's head that was still walking directly behind her, perhaps slightly to the left of her.
Ewan would shrug, and would give a small smile. " By the way my name is Ewan, as your probably can tell I'm ex military.. I used to be a mechanic, and Helio pilot. So did you just wander into this city or did you live here before everything went down..?"
"I've lived here since I was born. Watched it till now. Will until the end." Elizabeth made a small face at herself, though they had walked into the sub division, and soon were before her house, in which she opened the front door after unlocking it with a key, all five locks, and watched as Mace ran in happily then walked in, and held open the door for Ewan.
He'd nod in thanks to her, and would walk into the house. He began to look around, then at his watch. " Thank you for your hospitality." He'd set down five of the bags, and would walk into the kitchen,and put down the other one. " This bag should have a couple months worth of food, and water.. It's the least I can do for ya since your letting me stay after all of this.."He'd come back into the foyer, and would take a deep breath. " They have 3 hours before the sun begins to set and the Zombies will come out.."
The moment Ewan was in, Eliabeth shut and locked the door, while Mace wandered around the house sniffing at everything curiously. "Don't worry about it." Was the only thing she had said in reply, giving a small shrug, which seemed to be something she did often, wandering into the kitchen, then back into the living room, either looking for something, or trying to find something to do.
" Ya know, you can do something called relax.. I think both of us could use sometime off.. So tell me something, since you said you weren't planning on leaving anytime soon, what happens when all the food dries up..? Your gonna have to move on eventually." He'd look out the window, and began to inspect all of the surrounding vehicles around the area. He'd gently rub his eyes, and would yawn. "So do you have any generators, or any power at all..?"
"Then I'll just have to make longer trips for food." Elizabeth answered confidently with a small nod to herself as if to clarify this within her own thoughts, gently petting at Mace who was at her side loyally, tail wagging a mile an hour at the pat the dog got to the head, no doubt attention deprived. "There's power. I just turn it off at night. And I usually don't use it."
Ewan, would have began to rummage through his personal belongings, and took an inventory check of what he actually had. " So if I may ask, what happened here that your so attached to? Eventually you have to realize that in order to live you gotta eventually move where the food is."He'd pull out a pack of cigarettes, and an ash tray. " I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this question, but you smoke?
"This is my home. Since I was born, as a child, and now." She plopped down on the couch, stretching out a bit with Mace soon trying to jump on her lap, making Elizabeth let out an 'Oof' sound from the big dog trying to be a lap dog. She watched Ewan pull out the pack of cigarettes, and immediately made a disgusted face to herself for a moment. "No, I don't. Nasty things."
" Well I suppose thats a good enough reason. I personally ran away from my home, and dropped out of high school. Look where that has gotten me. " He'd roll his eyes, and went to the back door." And I figured as much, but when your fighting a war in a place you've never even seen. Some things look a lot better than what they seem. By the way, your dog is saying that he's thirsty, and wants some peace, and quiet." With that he'd unlock the 3 locks on the back door, and would go outside to smoke.
Blinking twice at Ewan, Elizabeth waited a few moments before she got up, pushing Mace off her lap and onto the couch so he could sit there, while she went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl then filled it with water from the sink. How strange.. She brought back the water to Mace and let him drink after he got off the couch. Sitting on the couch again with her knees to her chest, Mace soon plopped on the floor, head resting on his paws.
After five minutes, Ewan would return back inside, and would relock the door. He'd place his pack of cigarettes back into his pocket,and would take a deep breath. " I take it your curious how I can read minds of people, and animals?" He'd come over,and sat on the ground in front of her. " I can either give you the scientifically correct version or the quick version. That's your decision."

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