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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

"Quit it. Now." You like her too! "That doesn't mean I want to see possible wolf-porn!" The wolf laughed mentally, and circled her again, sniffing her the whole way. He sniffed behind her ear, then danced away and took off running again. "...What're you doing?" Teasing her.
Eliana huffed lightly as she was circled and sniffed at by James, her tail still wagging lightly despite the fact there wasn't any playing going on between the two. She looked about ready to sniff at him just the same when sniffed behind her ear, though he then took off running once more, in which she tried nipping at him, missing of course, but quickly getting up just the same. What? Tease! She heard her wolf claim, and blinked mentally to herself, not taking long to run after James.
He began a cycle. He'd turn around, sniff at her, then run away again. After he did this a few times, he sat down and looked at her calmly, waiting to see what she'd do. "You are the most confusing wolf ever." Thank you.
When James did stop, having ran after him every time, Eliana just stood there for a moment before mimicking what he had done, circling around him curiously while giving him a few sniffs here and there. It was no longer then a minute of this before she was right before him, and with her tongue, licked from the space of right above the between of his eyes, to the top of his head in a seemingly cleaning lick, as if she were to clean him. A moment later she playfully gave him a nip, dragging her teeth over his ear before she rolled away as if to dodge any pounce he might give, tail wagging again.
The wolf shuddered. He pounced at her, missing her entirely, before coming up in a crouch. He stepped forward with a mock growl before going to lick her on the nose, and then darting away again, this time only for a few feet. He eyed her oddly, as if gauging her reaction to his advances. "Pervert."
Eliana, about to have jumped forward, plopped in a sitting position at the lick to her nose, blinking twice at herself while glancing at her nose for a moment. Weirdo. Pft. After a few moments of sitting like this she shook her head with a small huff, and looked as if she were about to pounce, but instead just rolled over onto her back, returning the action of what James had done earlier, giving him wide, sad looking eyes up at him while she was rolled on her back.
James mentally laughed. He sniffed her a couple times before giving her another lick on the nose. "This shouldn't be so fun. Why is this fun?" Because you're me, and I enjoy it. "Correction: You're me." Potato, potato. He sniffed her belly, then danced away once again.
She playfully growled with a nip at his ear when James danced away again after a sniff to her belly. Eliana wriggled and twisted her form to quickly get up, grumbling and growling playfully while she tried pouncing at him again. Is this.. Fun? She couldn't remember the last time she'd even thought of the word, let alone the action. Yes, yes it is.
James met her head on, trying to maneuver so that he'd end up on top. Whether or no the succeeded, he looked deep into her eyes, and... licked her on the nose again. He seemed to insist on teasing her, never trying to hard, but making his advances obvious.
Ugh! They both thought, before mentally laughing at James. Eliana tried to return the tease, looking as though she were about to make some move, only to give him a lick on his nose in return with a huff that could've passed as a wolf-ish laugh of some sort.
He blinked. He got off, and honestly seemed unsure of what to do next. "That's it?" I don't know what to do know. "But you have our memories of Beth!" Beth wasn't a werewolf! He tilted his head slightly, waiting to see what she'd do again.
Laughing mentally again, Eliana got up when James did, shaking her body therefore her fur. Then, in a playful manner, she rubbed her head beneath his jawbone, against his neck, following with a light nip to his ear before it was her turn to dance away from him, tail wagging just the same. Got him. What?
James blinked as she did this. This time, he followed her. He went to sniff her. His tail had slowed a bit, but his eyes were wide and focused. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her. "Stop staring" No.
Told you. Look what you did. Now he's staring. I already said 'got him'. What more do you want? Eliana mentally shook her head at herself. Repeating what she had just done, she rubbed her muzzle against his own for a moment, then against his neck, giving a playful lick to the side of his muzzle before rolling away playfully this time with a grumble to match.
"Stop getting excited." If I'm excited, so are you. "Shut up." James lunged towards her, going to tackle her and rub his head down to her neck and lick it for an instant, playfully, before leaping back off. This is miserable for you, huh? "No. It's really fun. That's what worries me.
Eliana immediately was moving to pounce at James again, tail wagging in a blur while she did, her wolf practically purring, strangely enough. She looked about ready to return some tease again in a playful manner, but she paused the moment she had pounced on him, instead looking to the sky for a moment, obviously her eyes moving to locate where the moon was. They'd only have a few hours left. And, frankly, usually after transformation, it wasn't unusual that they'd probably pass out. Great. You're lucky I can't stay longer. Lucky? Yes. You're enjoying this, you can't lie to me, yourself. Hush.. After that moment of pause, if nothing had happened already, she gave a playful gnaw at one of his ears, rubbing the side of her head against his own in a nuzzle.
He returned the affectionate gesture. "You two really hit it off." Of course we did. You and Ellie did. Now you've got me calling her Ellie. (Human) James laughed. He laid there for a moment, then stood and waited for a brief moments as he started to change back. He let out a yelp, bones returning to normal size, his skin returning to normal, the fur retreating. After he changed back, he sat there for a moment, then simply slumped forward onto his face, stark naked.
Ewan would pick up Elizabeth by her her under arms, and would sigh. He'd set her down gingerly to his left. " The dark isn't as scary as what is lurking within the dark. If we can't learn to fight the dark, and to find the light. How will we know what the light truly. Plus I personally detest being stuck in one place for longer than a few hours. I'm a wondering soul, like my people before me. That could lead to my demise, but oh well."
Eliana watched this shift, and snorted lightly to herself. You'll have nowhere to hide when you wake up~ Her wolf purred to her. Shut up. I might wake up first still. She retorted, simply looking at the slumped James. You shouldn't care. Being bare is.. Natural. Oh shut up. She sneered, right before flinching a few times, and soon her body would have returned to normal, passed out on her side.

"But you can't!" Elizabeth insisted again, quickly moving back to guard the door with her arms spread wide and her back pressed against the door, staring at Ewan as if she were afraid to break the gaze. "You could get bitten. Just leave it be. We can check it out in the morning. Morning is safe." She insisted.
"By morning I'll be gone." He'd look down at her and gave a small smile, He'd once again picked her up, and would sit her back on the couch. " Plus I've gotta smoke anyway, and I'm not gonna go smoke in ya house. If it makes you feel better , and I'll out the back. Trust me I ain't going far."
"But you can't just leave!" Elizabeth insisted, some look in her eyes being one of fear. She didn't want to be alone again, and Seth already said he'd be leaving by tomorrow. "There's enough food for you to stay!" She insisted, shaking her head madly at herself, or at Ewan, it wasn't exactly clear as to who.
He'd pull out a cigarette from his pack, which he has pulled out from his back pocket. He'd watch her for a moment to see how fast she was shaking her head. He'd then light the cigarette, and would wait for the perfect moment. When that moment came he push the end of the cigarette two inches into her mouth, and would make his way to the backdoor. Ewan would begin to unlock the locks, and would open the door. " Relax Liz, Seth will stay with ya, and you got Mace."
Seth gained consciousness, keeping his eyes closed as he rested in bed. "An argument huh?" He whispered. "Not a strange occurrence for a 'would be' couple." He then rolled over in the bed, drifting into sleep again. "Sigh, a glass of water would be nice. But i wouldn't want to interrupt them. I suppose i'll just listen."
Elizabeth was ultimately stunned as the cigarette was pushed into her mouth, and on reflex the first thing she did was breathe in, only to quickly spit it out, very nearly choking on what smoke she had inhaled while trying to bound up to stop Ewan, hoping to grab his sleeve. "Just wait!"
He'd sigh, and ducked under her arms and grabbed the cigarette before it could burn anything. He'd put it into his mouth, and stood up to look at her. " Either you come outside with me, or you can stay in here, but I'm not going to stay inside while smoking." He'd turn back around and would walk through the door, going outside.

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