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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

James didn't comment, but he stopped rocking and looked a bit less ready to cry. Don't trust her. She ran from us. "Something must have been wrong, or else she wouldn't have run away." Or she just wanted away from us. "Shut up. You're wrong. I don't want to talk anymore." You can't make me quiet; I'm in your head. I'm in charge as much as you are.
*James continues to shout knock knock, his manners being too strongly imprinted on him by his upbringing to barge in, despite his lack of sanity*
Ewan's hands shook, as he shined a flash light at his side, as two pieces of glass were lodged into his side. Both pieces were about half a meter long, and a quarter meter wide. He'd look over, and would cringe at the sight of the glass in his side. One piece had pierced his lower intestines, and the other under his rib cage, and into his lungs. When the lights, came back on Ewan would drop the flashlight, and would close his eyes, and too another ragged breath. " I've been shot… Stabbed.. knocked out.. Beat.. but never could say I've had a herd of d*mn animals try to kill me… heh.."
"Oh man," Seth's eyes grew wide at the sight. Still, he was no stranger to blood. "He'll bleed out if i take this out....But he'll die if i leave it in. Dammit.." He said smacking himself in the head. "There's only one thing we can do..." He the glanced at each of the werewolves in the room. "Or.." He quickly looked toward the door.
Catherine is snapped out of her memories by the banging and comes over to the knocking "who ever is out there you've gotta be dead, that gas should have killed you. Why do you think the rest of us ran inside here? To save ourselves" she says this with little emotion as her memories have drained her of them leaving her hollow inside for now "and even if you are SOMEHOW alive, we're not opening up. then WE would die"
"Wait!" Elizabeth said quickly towards Ewan and Seth. "I.. I have something.." She said mindlessly, rather crazily rummaging through a drawer of sorts, still seeming out of it, but after a few moments she pulled out what appeared to have been a bottle filled with cough medicine- But it was anything but now. "Here- My mother worked with herbs.. And stuff. She'd been working on something to heal the body as quick as.. Well, compare it to a vampire. This was one of the samples- But it worked."
He'd open his eyes, as blood began to drip from the side of his mouth, as he'd start to have a brief coughing fit. " Id rather give the herbs… A try rather than be bit by anyone… I refuse… to be changed.." His breaths began to be more, and more short. Blood began to fill within his left lung, and it became more difficult for him to even stay awake.
*Magically poofs into the house, because of many large complications (JADE MADE ME)

"Did someone say bite? Was it you, shotgun guy? Because no thanks, I'm full." James shouted from upstairs.
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Elizabeth hurried over to Ewan, and tilted his head back enough so the medicine would easily slip down his throat without much effort. "It might be a bit tingly.. But it'll work." She stated, opening the small bottle to put the edge against Ewan's lips, tilting it up just enough for a small amount to be poured into his mouth, no larger then what a spoonful would be, before taking the bottle away.
Ewan's hand began to grip the seat he was sitting in with such force he began to rip the fabric. How ever his eyes began to glaze over, and his pupils, and retinas began to slowly roll into the back of his head. His mouth began to foam slightly, as weakly jab his hand on his a piece of the glass trying to cut his hand to keep his pain receptors, and brain alive. At the same time he'd begin to try to remove the glass. He'd get a firm grasp, and would pull out the piece of glass from his side. He'd burst out in a scream of pain, and would grab the second piece of glass. He'd quickly give it a quick pull removing it from his lower intestines. The second removal of the glass, he'd grunt in even more pain. " F*ck..! Bloody hell!"
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"Just, stay still!" Elizabeth insisted in a scowl towards Ewan, waiting a few moments to make sure the medicine would start working, which it did, before capping the bottle and putting it back where it belonged, murmuring a few things to herself again in the process, having gotten serious for a moment perhaps but now she was lost again. 
((Pause.. Again.))
LeeAnn stirred and slowly lifted herself, wincing and staring at her hands. Her face was set in a firm frown as she stared at the crusted blood covering her hands. She looked around confused. "Find out what just happened!" LeeAnn murmured to herself in confusion, ignoring her wolf. Key ran up her sweater and licked her nose in affection, causing a small smile to form on her lips.
Ewan, would begin to try, and stand up. He kept his hand left at former site of his injury. " Ah f*ck… That was not enjoyable… I saw me mom as I went into the light… and she called me a "Worthless pile of dog sh*t", and she kept b*tching at me..So then I punched her in her face.." He'd begin looking around to see who was alive, and up. Then he turned to Elizabeth, and quickly went after her " What in the name of gods name was that stuff you gave me?!" He'd begin to check his arms, and neck for any bite marks to confirm to himself that he was not changed. " And you gotta show me how to make that stuff..!"
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"I believe that I can shed a bit of light on the matter." Said James, walking down the stairs as everyone turned to look at him. "What, vampire not allowed to talk, huh? Anyway. Before I became like this, I was, funnily enough, a fairly normal human. However, before the bombs were dropped, I was taken to this lab somewhere. Apparently some people had approached my parents, telling them that this was going to be a godsend for me, going to this lab. So I went along, and they sedated me, and I woke up, with a kind of ... hunger ... not starvation hunger, you humans wouldn't understand it. These people had given me something they told me would make me a super human. I have no idea why they chose me. When they took off my restraints, I immediately leapt onto the first person I saw, sucking his blood dry. They hadn't expected this, so Iw as able to run out, they had little to no security. Then the bombs went off. Anyway, I believe that that medicine may be derived from what they gave me. I mean, it probably won't make you a vampire, but, well, who knows? It'd be fun to have a mate in this world, someone like me, finally, but not a second generation one, they're so much weaker, and need more blood."
Catherine still on her knees, a little better as she has eaten a bit recently. She would slowly stand up and look at the kid talking. Even with her high level of ignorance she still was blessed her mother taught her to read people's body language, spoken language, and their movements. With this knowledge she has been able to deduct that Ewan, one, doesn't like this kid, and two, would rather die then be like him. "James.... I believe that is your name anyway.... Why would someone like mister Ewan, who seems rather happy with what he has and seems content and determined to stay that way and not let this horrid wasteland change him. Anyway, why on Earth would he want to be like you?" She would stand there seeming indifferent but as she spoke there was a hint disdain and a hint of weariness as she continued to speak "Why would he give up living a life that he is happy with to become rowdy, brash, and a little on the out there side? He seems sain enough right now and a little commanding. Give him energy to go do wild things like you have and I for one would then be scared to be around that man. Kind of like how I am with you sometimes....."
James threw his head back, and laughed.

"I believe you misunderstood me, cat girl. I doubt he has a choice in the matter, if the medicine does what I think it might."
Catherine shakes her head and turns away form James when she starts to hear a voice, a small little shy voice in her head that kinda alarms her as the small voice speaks to her "Why dont you just ignore him. You know that fighting him will only make you the bad person." Catherine turns around looking around at the others confused by the voice "w-w-who said that?..."
"Well I said something just now. However, I doubt that that's what you mean. I do it all the time, so I know what it looks like. Who's talking yo you then? Family? Friends?... Others?"
"i-i-i dont know..." Catherine turns back around and goes and sits on the couch "if we you wont ignor him then do it then, fight him, see how that turns out, you never could beat your father what makes you think you can take on someone like that?" Catherine shakes her head starting to think she is going crazy
"Hey, you got that look again! C'mon, tell me, what did they say? And who was it? And why are you directing that look at me, like you're sizing me up? Oh. That's bad. Ok I'm going to have to ask you to put down those swords, take them out your scabbards, and put them on the floor. Please. I like my head on my neck, along with the rest of my body parts, by extension."
Catherine just stares at you the voice shutting up. Her stare is one of disbelief, shock, and a bit of anger, as she speaks she speaks slowly masking her anger "what... did you just tell me to do James?"
"Well, you were giving me the kind of look that means you're thinking of attacking me. I guess it's from the voice in your head. And if you put the swords down, you're less likely to try and kill me. Which I believe is most certainly fair, as I have done nothing to you. Oh right. You're one of those people who dislikes orders."
LeeAnn stands up, shakily; emitting a low growl. "Stop. Fighting." She whips her neck around to look at James. "I suggest you quiet down. We don't know you. Stop talking like you know everything. I personally don't trust you from what I've seen." "Leech."
Catherine just blinks at him looking at him like he is truly stupid. "I dont know where you think you came from. and I know no one else here knows me pretty much at all. But I wasnt thinking about killing you til you said those VERY wrong words." Catherine slowly stands up facing the vampire "I want to give you another chance KiNd James" sounding sarcastic at the word kind."so Im going to say this once. NEVER tell me what to do with MY swords again. You can try and tell me what to do else wise. but NO ONE tells me what the f*ck to do with my only possessions left." She stares the man down a look of pure hatred and disgust in her eyes as she gazes upon the first and possibly only stupidest person there ever will be to tell her how to handle her swords. "Got it?" She speaks the last line with enough emphasis to put even the strongest man alive off and scare him a little.
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