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Fantasy Werewolves of the Pack((DISCONTINUED.))

Little Masky

Elf Rogue
I woke up in the den alone. I was confused until my mother entered and said that today was the day. "what day?" I asked stretching in my wolf form. "You forgot! The Endo Pack is coming into our territory! You need to get up and clean up! You might find a guy you like! Preferably an Alpha, because-"

I finished her sentence for her. "Because I'm the daughter of the Alpha pair and Alphas should mate with other Alphas... I got it..." I went outside and cleaned up, staying in my wolf form. The Endo pack would be visiting soon and my mother was insisting that I should find a mate soon. I groaned. Why does she force me into this?

I finished everything right as the pack arrived and I sat by my mother and father while they greeted the other leader. I didn't look at the other pack, I stared at the trees to avoid that.
Arianna walked out of a lake in wolf form. She went to go find one of her pack. She walked down a hill and went into some snow. She loved the feeling she got when she was in the snow. It was part of her life after all. She walked behind some trees and found Lyra. They were part of the same pack so they were good friends.

She sneaked through some trees and went up to Lyra. She liked to visit people by surprising them with a greeting. She slowly walked up behind her and poked her on the back with her paw. "Hey, Lyra!" She smiled.
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A large black wolf was laying in the snow. His body mostly buried beneath the fresh blanket of snow from the night before. His ears perk up at the sound of distant yips and wines from nearby wolves. "Damn" He thought to himself. "I overslept. Where the hell did I end up?" He asks himself shaking the snow off his head. He slowly raises himself, cautiously moving. Labored breath after labored breath. When he gets up a dark splotch can be seen where he was resting. The side of his body that was on the ground is matted with dried and caked blood. He slowly makes his way to the river, trying to steer clear of the other wolves. After a torturous walk to the river, he drops to his side and begins to crawl. His head finally at the river he begins to drink. He's healing slower than usual and he's not happy about it.
Trotting at a slow pace, her small white paws touched the snowy ground softly. A soft winter breeze blew by her thin frame, ruffling her pure white fur. Her eyes a bright electric blue unlike the normal gold a werewolf like her self would have, as she gazed at her surroundings in interest. No one knew why her eyes weren't gold, but heck she was fine with it, the blue seemed to suit her better anyway. This was new territory and new territory ment new wolves. Ya she probably should of stayed back with the pack and ya she probably should of listened when the alpha said that we were all going together but that didn't mean she couldn't take a quick peak. She was known for her stealth and speed, some would even call her a spy. If it wasn't for her thin frame and long limbs she had, she might of been told to become a fighter but she sadly looked to fragile for that. Either way she was great at what she did, and her rank as beta showed that. She would be back in time before the pack even knew she was gone, she counted on it, well hoped... Picking up a scent of blood she came to a halt, her head pointing to the direction of the smell. Normally she would dismiss it with out having another wolf with her, but a treaty was going to happen today and this wolf possibly would be apart of the new pack. Groaning in irritation she knew she would be punished for this, heck she would even be late now, but she couldn't help her self. Picking up the pace, she quietly and gracefully made her way to the source of this unknown wolf.
Having had a fresh drink he slowly began to black out again. The yips of wolves in the distance brought him back to his current predicament. He's wounded, not healing and in unknown territory. He forces himself back to his feet and trudges into the river, hoping to try to wash some of the blood off him. As he moved into the river he caught a few feint smells. He lowered himself into the river and pain shot through his stomach, the wound began to bubble and froth. "Shit, I knew it. Wolfsbane" he began to make his way downstream, because it wasn't just the poison that he smelled. He smelled another animal in the area. A third smell that wasn't coming from the direction as the noise from the other two.
Breaking through the forest and stepping onto the river bank, she lowered her nose to the ground. The scent was strong, and she was catching up. Circling the area for a minute, she took in ever detail, the blood on the ground, the smell of wolf bane in the air, the slight imprint on the ground motioning that the animal was a wolf and a big one at that. Thinking for a secomd, she stood still looking down stream. Her voice sounding as almost a soft beautiful melody "Eh.....I swear even if I get back to the pack in time there still going to kill me for this..". Making up her decision, her limbs burst into a graceful yet fast run. Her breath slow, steady, and calm as if she was only walking no less running at full speed.
The loud splashing of water far behind him grew louder. With a resigned grunt he sauntered into deeper water and submerged himself with a deep breath. His dark eyes open watching, waiting for whoever was coming after him. Moments later a white wolf, slender in frame was running past him. He pushed off his hind legs painfully and launched himself out of the water at the passing wolf. With a snarl he knocked the wolf to the riverbed and stood there, looming over it. A quick sniff let him know it was a female, but he didn't dare back down. Not in unknown territory, his legs spread wide his hair raised he growled and snarled, fangs bared "Who are you. Why are you following me??!!"
Suddenly being pushed to the ground,she shut her eyes tightly bracing for the impact that came. Hearing a voice, she opened her eyes again revealing electric blue orbs. Yet saddly she didn't hear a single thing the wolf said.Looking directly into the wolves eyes, she took in every detail. He had gold eyes, a large muscular frame, a darkened coat of fur, big paws, sharp fangs. Heck he was frightening though she remained focused on what she came here to do. Still seeming completely calm. Her head tilted to the side, she took note of the gash that was bleeding out. Then looked back up at him, her voice entering the air like a soft calming melody "your hurt...". Yep the pack was going to kill her right now, hell he might even do it for them. But he was hurt and she didn't come here to die.
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He jerked back when she opened her eyes, stunned by the unusual color of her eyes. He became more wary, lowering his head in a threatening manner, growling. But then she opened her mouth and a soothing voice escaped into the air. By this time the adrenaline was pumping his blood hard and fast. He couldn't really focus on the words with all the blood rushing to his ears, his wound had caught up to him and he collapsed once more. He took ragged breaths as he watched cautiously, had he pushed himself too hard? Was his journey over? Hell, he didn't even have time to complete that thought as the black took him deep into sleep.
Watching the wolf fall to his side, she jumped up shocked. "Oh crap.....eh do don't die!" Walking close up to him, she looked at the wound, strangely knowing exactly what to do. Shifting into her human form, the fur became pale skin, brown long hair grew, her bones shifted and cracked Turing get into a completely different creature then she was just a moment ago. The only thing that remained the same were the color of her eyes. A bright blue. Quickly mending the wound and giving it a few stitches, she stood back up putting the needle and thread, antibiotics creme, all in her bag. "That should do it." Changing back into her wolf form, she looked at the wolf one more time "that's all I can do for now, sorry I couldn't do more." Beginning to lay down, she curled up and waiting for the wolf to awaken. Yet before long darkness took her away.
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Bones crack and fur melts into skin as the black wolf shifts in his unconcious state. When the shifting is done a tall dark haired man with tribal markings on his shoulders and long black hair is laying in the snow wearing ragged pants and a broad leather belt. his arms wrapped in leather bracers. Slowly he starts to come to, stirring and moving. He suddenly jumps up, wincing in pain and grabbing the stitching across his side. "what? how?" he looks down at the padded blood stained hand then at the wolf curled up sleeping beside him. "you huh? Thanks I guess" He gets up and stretches, once again wincing in pain as his sudden movements pull at his stitches. He sits back down, his back against a large tree and watches the wolf. He still had questions to ask. Where was he? Who was she, and why did she help him? Was he in danger from the other wolves he heard further up stream?
"I'm great!" Arianna said cheerfully. She put her paws down. "What are you doing?" She rolled her eyes in a non sarcastic way. "Oh. Your mom wants you to find a mate again? Well, mine too." She watched Lyra's parents talking then put her attention back to Lyra. "My parents are kind of the same way."
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Her breath steady and calm, her eyes fluttered open. Her vision beginning to focus, she sat up looking at the spot where the wolf was. "Well I guess he left.." Getting up she gave a slight shake of her fur and began to walk of before spotting a individual from the corner of her eyes. A slight growl left her muzzle in shock but a moment later she realized who he was. Still standing, she didn't say anything nor did she move, just looked at him to make sure he was all right.
He sat there unmoving, breathing evenly now. He smiled slightly, more of a smirk. "Thank for the first aid" He said tapping the closed wound that was now mending itself swiftly. "Where am I? and who are you if you don't mind my asking?" He questions the wolf curiously. Feeling a bit more confident in his speech now that he wasn't snarling and in pain.
Tilting her head to the side her left ear flipped slightly creating a doggy confused like look. Though she understood him clear as day. One rule she always went by, and her mother and father always told her, don't talk to strangers. He didn't know her human face, for all he knew she was just a plain ordinary wolf...hopefully. Giving a slight bark, as if she understood him, she began to run off. Yet she thought to herself "your welcome".
He smiled to himself shaking his head as the wolf ran off. "Now you wanna play shy?" He says to himself and partially to her. He knew he wasn't the only one of his kind. He also knew he was in another packs territory. Years of being alone, evading packs and humans alike have helped him learn to distinguish the difference between other shifters and ordinary wolves. He let her run on ahead thinking he was going back to his original goal. But curiosity got the better of him. It had been a long time since the member of another pack showed him anything but contempt. He shifted back to a wolf and picked up her trail. Following her wondering where she was going. Who she was. And If the rest of her pack was like her
"My mom won't stop going on about it. Every time I enter the den it's did find you a hot alpha? I don't know why it is such a big deal." I laid down. " I'm going to stay far away from everyone else. Hopefully, I won't be bothered by my mom if she doesn't know where I am."
Arianna laughed. "You can't stay down forever!" She stood up tall, still in wolf form. "Even though the snow is the place for wolves like us to be."
"I just don't want to get up and meet new people. They find out I'm an alpha and they treat me differently." I said not getting up.
"I know that feeling." Arianna frowned. "Alright. Whatever. You lay here. I'll go on adventures without you then." Arianna walked off with an attitude.
"Oh now you get up?" Arianna smirked. "Theres still more of this place to search. What else do we do around here?" She started walking ahead. "Maybe we could find a loner." She went inside a cave. "We could set up camps around this place. Very roomy."

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