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Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers {Always Accepting}

Bram chuckled again when she asked that. "I didn't think I was that ugly but seeing you turn away kinda made me question myself if I am, know what I mean?" He joked with her. He wasn't one to worried about those type of stuff but it was funny to see the reaction of others when told that. "So Valentina or Val or whatever you like to be called, you new here or have I gone blind not to notice you." Bram knew almost everyone at school, so when he met anyone he didn't know, he would say that to them. It would seem like he was flirting but he just asked that question out of curiosity. (Bram would sometimes be like that xD he just doesn't know he is flirting)
Valentina laughed a bit,"That's not what I thought," she said seeing how he was quick to assume she thought he was ugly but that wasn't the case, he just seemed a bit intimidating but to Valentina she thought everyone was intimidating, every new person she met was intimidating to her at times. Valentina blushed a bit at his response to her asking if she was new or not but to Valentina it sounded like he was flirting,"Uh I'm new." She said as she put her hair behind her ear, revealing her two earrings on each ear. She was thinking of getting a third piercing but she's just been so busy with everything she hasn't gotten the chance to. "I did go to the party," She told him.


Cassandra spent most of the weekend in her bedroom, recovering from her first massive hangover. The first day of school was today, and she was excited more than anything else. She loved going to classes and learning, especially about science. She, Rose, and Alexander all got dropped off at the same time by her father, and she went right to class, eager to learn.


Rose, however, had no desire to be at school. As soon as the bell rang for classes, she decided instead to head for the bathroom, where she pulled out a joint and decided to take a "slow ride" in the bathroom stall in the corner. She scrolled instagram pictures while she was high in the bathroom, the smell lingering into the hallways.


Alexander had gym class, so he had to do a few laps around the track field outside. As he ran by the bleachers, he saw that jock from the diner, talking to some girl. That guy is so cool, I wish I could talk to him Alexander thought to himself, trying not to stare. He's on the soccer team, maybe I could try out Alexander thought, hoping maybe he'd get a chance to talk to him. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @sprouhtt
Kyle blinked at the information. It was a lot to take in and to also analyze at the same time. But then again Brittney said she wasn't sure as to what was really going on. He could recall Coal once having a sister but heard that she now stays with her dad after Coal's parents separated. He thought it could be that... But that happened a few years after Coal and Kyle started fighting... Maybe it had something to do with that.

Kyle turned back to Brittney wish a crooked smile. Hanging out at her place would be perfect. He pulled his truck into the drive way before turning it off, "I think that's a plan. We could order pizza or something." he added as he got out of the truck.

sprouhtt said:
Valentina laughed a bit,"That's not what I thought," she said seeing how he was quick to assume she thought he was ugly but that wasn't the case, he just seemed a bit intimidating but to Valentina she thought everyone was intimidating, every new person she met was intimidating to her at times. Valentina blushed a bit at his response to her asking if she was new or not but to Valentina it sounded like he was flirting,"Uh I'm new." She said as she put her hair behind her ear, revealing her two earrings on each ear. She was thinking of getting a third piercing but she's just been so busy with everything she hasn't gotten the chance to. "I did go to the party," She told him.
Bram nodded at that. "I was there too but only for 20 minutes before I left." He told her as he crossed his arm and leaned on the locker next to hers. "So since your new, want me to show you around? I only have 2 classes left today." He had already passed all the classes necessary to graduate and a few extra credits after staying after school once the soccer or football club stopped their meeting. "Gotta show the new girl around, know what I mean?" He winked at her the last part. He really didn't have any classes until 10am and usually stayed on the library until class started or sometimes go to the gym classes to use the exercising machine they have.

Dino looked over at the kid who sat on the same bleacher he was at with a raised eyebrow. "Want to buy it for you?" That was what he texted back to Lilith af te r she responded. He knew he had texted her on a bad time so maybe she wouldnt be mad at him if he bought her the juice. "Oi kid, why ya not inside the school?" He called out to him. He wasn't one to ask that but the guy seemed like a freshman and he didn't like it when they skipped classes. @TuffBbg @simkimchild
Bram nodded at that. "I was there too but only for 20 minutes before I left." He told her as he crossed his arm and leaned on the locker next to hers. "So since your new, want me to show you around? I only have 2 classes left today." He had already passed all the classes necessary to graduate and a few extra credits after staying after school once the soccer or football club stopped their meeting. "Gotta show the new girl around, know what I mean?" He winked at her the last part. He really didn't have any classes until 10am and usually stayed on the library until class started or sometimes go to the gym classes to use the exercising machine they have.
Dino looked over at the kid who sat on the same bleacher he was at with a raised eyebrow. "Want to buy it for you?" That was what he texted back to Lilith af te r she responded. He knew he had texted her on a bad time so maybe she wouldnt be mad at him if he bought her the juice. "Oi kid, why ya not inside the school?" He called out to him. He wasn't one to ask that but the guy seemed like a freshman and he didn't like it when they skipped classes. @TuffBbg @simkimchild
"Ohh, I knew nobody there so it was pointless for me to go." She said as she thought about it for a second and she knew that she never knew anyone there. Valentina cleared her throat and she took her phone out to see what time it was,"You're willing to do that?" She said with surprise seeing that he offered to show her around. She was glad she didn't judge him based on his looks since he was extremely nice to her considering the fact that they just met. "Uh.." Valentina said as she blushed when she heard the last part that he told her.


Alexander walked over to the gamer talking to him. He looked older, but still nice. Alexander wiped his forehead. "Yeah, I have gym. Coach says he doesn't mind if I run the track instead of play field hockey or whatever game they're all playing. I don't really care for sports." Alexander said, placing his hands on his hips. Why did this kid care about him? Guys like this usually pushed him into lockers. "Why aren't you in class?" Alexander asked. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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sprouhtt said:
"Ohh, I knew nobody there so it was pointless for me to go." She said as she thought about it for a second and she knew that she never knew anyone there. Valentina cleared her throat and she took her phone out to see what time it was,"You're willing to do that?" She said with surprise seeing that he offered to show her around. She was glad she didn't judge him based on his looks since he was extremely nice to her considering the fact that they just met. "Uh.." Valentina said as she blushed when she heard the last part that he told her.
Bram nodded at her. "I don't have classes until 10 so I have free time until then." He told her. He didn't mind taking time away from his studies to help her out. "It gets boring being stuck in the library, and why would I want to stay away from the new cute girl in school." He said teasing as he grabbed her chin before letting go. Maybe he was taking his teasing too far but she seemed to like, so he shrugged at it and smiled at her.

(@simkimchild Wrong character Sim xD Bram is the Jock while Dino is the Gamer, Dino is the one talking to Alexander)
Valentina cleared her throat when he had grabbed her chin knowing that he was very close to her,"Uh I don't think you should be flirting with the new girl." She told him as she held onto her backpack straps tighter and gave off a light chuckle. "For my first day here this kid is pretty flirtation, is this how everyone here is?" She thought to herself. Valentina wondered what he would say next since to her this kid seemed pretty unpredictable to her. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
sprouhtt said:
Valentina cleared her throat when he had grabbed her chin knowing that he was very close to her,"Uh I don't think you should be flirting with the new girl." She told him as she held onto her backpack straps tighter and gave off a light chuckle. "For my first day here this kid is pretty flirtation, is this how everyone here is?" She thought to herself. Valentina wondered what he would say next since to her this kid seemed pretty unpredictable to her. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Bram blinked when he realized what she just said to him. "I was, I though that was normal for people to do." He tiled his head while looking at her. "I met many people doing that so I was trying to see if it worked or not, ya know, trying to make friends besids the guys from the sport club." He explained to her. He may be popular and be one of the top sport player in the school, but he had trouble making friends besides those from the same after school activities as him. Supposedly people called him dense since he hadn't dated any girl even though he had been in school for four years.

Dino looked over at the scrawny guy with a raised eyebrow. "Why should I be in class anyways? I only need 4 more classes to graduate and the principal doesn't care." The way he answered the guy was rude but he didn't care. "I rather spend my time here playing games than inside the school library." He was a senior so he could do whatever he wanted. "Normally I would had been with the gaming club but it got disbanded after the rest graduated and only I was left." He pointed a pen at the guy. @simkimchild


A car blasting Ozzie Osborn's "Crazy Train" Rolled down the block at a cruse, earlier then most. He yelled out the window "BUT THATS HOW WE ROLLED!" He head banged before swerving out the way of a oncoming car. He He just kept mouthing the words as he drove. A loud honk then the car rolled off. Dill put a middle finger up. "Fuck you up tight prik." He slowly cursed "Damn...I wonder if this if like the fucking 40th day of school already or whatever haha....maybe..who the fuck cares? It's my first day." He bobed his head as he pulled up in the parking lot. To wait to see who else showed up. Keep in mind his music still blasting. He hit his head on the bumper and thought. "What the hell am I doing with my life right now...." he kept his head down as he waited.
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Brittany Storm


Brittany grinned back at Kyle and held the door open for him, making an over dramatic butler gesture. She giggled a bit and shut the door behind him "Sure! Pizza sounds good. But maybe in a bit cause I pretty much just had breakfast" she shrugged and turned on the TV before moving over to the couch and sat down, kicking off her shoes so she could cross her legs "Come come" she patted the seat beside her as Family Guy played on the TV "Soooo I do remember us kissing on Friday night" she smiled with a shrug "But the memory is fuzzy cause y'know. I was drunk" she laughed a bit and scooted closer to him, "Wanna try it again? Cause I am sober" a mischievous smile touched her lips.


Kyle walked in and only glanced around the house. He followed her over to the living room where she sat down and turned on the tv. He smirked a bit as she patted the seat next to her. Taking his seat he was just about to ask her about Friday when they kissed, but it was like she could read his mind. His goofy smile shined as he nodded to her. He leaned over and pressed his lips to hers. He was quick to deepen the kiss unlike Friday at the corner store. His right hand placed it'self on her leg and trailed up a bit before running back down and so forth.

He only paused for a moment. "Now do you remember?' he asked her.


Coal and Sara

Coal shut his locker as the first bell rang. His eyes looked up for a moment before letting them wander the hall. He stopped when Sara literally jumped in front of him. "Hey." She smirked. "Surprised to see you here." She added.

Coal gulped a bit as he stayed quiet. This reaction only got a curious and confused look from Sara. "Really? Nothing?" she asked him. "Normally you tell me to fuck off or something." She shrugged. She tiled her head noticing something was off about the troublemaker today.

Coal let out a sigh as he glanced around the hallways that were now emptying. He looked back to Sara, "Not today... ok?" he said before walking past her and heading to his first class. Sara blinked at the actions from Coal. This was so not him. "Seriously?" she asked turning around.

Coal turned around for a few seconds to nod to her. He then switched back and continued to make his way through the school.

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Brittany Storm


Brittany bit her lip when he stopped for a moment. "Yeah! Now I remember" she grinned and slipped her arm around his neck as she leaned forward to kiss him again. The girl moved a little closer and let her fingers tangle in his hair a little bit. Just to tease a little bit, because of the way she acts, she let her tongue run a little bit along his bottom lip. Pulling away the girl grinned, wanting to see his reaction, and kept her hand on the back of his neck "I am probably a lot better at this than when I'm drunk" she laughed a bit. She felt a pang of jealousy when a thought of him being able to kiss Casey whenever he wanted... But she quickly pushed that past her and grinned. She didn't do relationships. No need to get jealous over a guy who has a girlfriend.



Caoimhe was sound asleep until she felt the warmth of a beam of sunlight on her pale face, she rubbed her eyes adjusting to her new surroundings. She was relaxed and ever so sleepy, until, she found her alarm clock on the ground from her cat knocking it over. She checked the time. It was late. (Sorry I don't know what time it is right now...) So in a moment's notice she ran out of the house bed head and all, forgetting her schedule and wearing the clothes she slept in. She slipped on some tennis shoes and was on her way to her late first day. She used her black Harley motorcycle and parked near the gym hoping she didn't miss the whole class... She ran straight to the bleachers and collapsed after she nearly crashed into them. (sorry if I seem out of place I don't know where anyone is xD )
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AriesKurisu said:
Caoimhe was sound asleep until she felt the warmth of a beam of sunlight on her pale face, she rubbed her eyes adjusting to her new surroundings. She was relaxed and ever so sleepy, until, she found her alarm clock on the ground from her cat knocking it over. She checked the time. It was late. (Sorry I don't know what time it is right now...) So in a moment's notice she ran out of the house bed head and all, forgetting her schedule and wearing the clothes she slept in. She slipped on some tennis shoes and was on her way to her late first day. She used her black Harley motorcycle and parked near the gym hoping she didn't miss the whole class... She ran straight to the bleachers and collapsed after she nearly crashed into them.
Says on my Monday time skip post. It's 9:30 maybe
Kyle shook his head, "I think you are more straight forward when sober." He stated as he leaned back in and continued kissing her. His hand that was on her leg moved to her waist along with his other hand. With a quick motion he pushed Brittney back so she was laying on the couch. He climbed on top of her before he continued their kissing.

In Kyle's mind he was mostly focused on Brittney at the moment. Casey was far from his thoughts as he only had sex with Casey a few times. But each time didn't feel special. Something about Brittney did.


Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.e3e3f044e1820d75cbecad474e748310.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108564" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.e3e3f044e1820d75cbecad474e748310.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany was quite surprised when Kyle pushed her back on the couch. She looked at him for a moment before they started kissing again "do you wanna" she said simply between kisses. As if to hint at her confusing sentence she gently tugged on the hem of his shirt. If he didn't want to that would be fine. He was Casey's, not hers. Something about that thought made Brittany a little sad, so she pushed it away. Relationships weren't her thing. She wasn't relationship worthy either. Pulling away she grinned at him "so?" She said with a sly smirk on her lips. She was doing a great job hiding the jealousy that would be written all over every other normal persons face. Brittany wasn't like any other normal person.




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Kyle let himself really get into things with Brittney. He really liked her. But her questioned made him pull back for a second. He pulled his own shirt off and nodded to her. "Only if you want to." Kyle stated before he leaned back down to kiss her. At this moment Kyle would have never looked at himself as Casey's. Brittney was already starting to in him over.

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Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.779926ced517d61b51b2e970bcdde9d8.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108565" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.779926ced517d61b51b2e970bcdde9d8.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany smiled and nodded before she pulled off her own shirt as well. Soon, their moment began. When it was over Brittany smiled and sat up on her elbows "wow." Was all the girl managed to say. She'd never had sex sober. She was always either drunk or high... and she'd never done it with a guy she actually liked. Did she like him? Somehow during frantic kisses the two had made it to her room. Brittany sat up, pulling her blanket up to cover herself. The girl couldn't even try to hide the smile on her lips. She moved her hand and set it on his shoulder, then leaned forward pressing a soft kiss on his lips. Man, was she confused.




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Kyle couldn't of have agreed more with Brittney's thoughts... Well if he knew her thoughts. The guy was still trying to catch his breath as everything replayed in his mind. It was never like that with Casey. There was more passion and some kind of really strong connection. He smiled into her kiss. "You really are something else." He told her. He wrapped an arm around her and held her close to him. His mind jumbled about a lot of things... One of them was that he wanted to be with Brittney... Not just for this.. He wanted more with her.

He had been dating Casey for a long time now... But she changed so much over the years, and not for the better. She treated him like shit and he felt like she thought the world revolved around her.

He looked over to Brittney. "Penny for your thoughts?... Five bucks if they're dirty." He smirked. He paused after his words. He remember Coal had said that to Casey once, but he was more so trying to insult her. But in this case he was just trying to be funny or cute with Brittney.

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Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.ac1afa9377ae0c67871ad102fc78d60d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108569" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.ac1afa9377ae0c67871ad102fc78d60d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany looked at him and laughed a bit but quickly gave him a serious look "okay well... I've slept with a lot of guys, mostly when I'm drunk or high. It has never been this good and I don't know if it's because there's something between us... or if I'm sober which is probably a small factor... I'm scares though because you have Casey, and I am terrible at relationships" she sat up fully and frowned a bit, not wanting to make him upset "sex has never been this good" her frown still in place. She liked him. She knew that now, but was he willing to give up Casey? "I hate drama, I hate relationships. But for some reason I'm terrified that you're gonna choose Casey over me and I don't know why becausw I know she's yours." she leaned her back against the wall as she talked to him then let a sigh escape her lips.




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At first Kyle wasn't sure what to say. He felt a little bit proud of himself when she mentioned the sex was good. But it was her next words that made him sit up. It was true that he was dating Casey, but she had said so herself. She wasn't good with relationships. Kyle frowned a bit at this. "If I was serious with Casey.... I don't think I would have come here." Kyle let out a sigh. It was truth. If he was serious with Casey he would have never started talking to her. He would have tried to talk to Coal on his own like he had been doing for years. If he was serious about Casey..... He would have never kissed her Friday night... And would have never came to her house today.

He felt a little upset that she didn't understand that. Kyle slipped off the bed and started to get dressed. He searched around the room for more of his clothing and remembered some were still in the living room.

"Casey has nothing to do with us." He told her. "I mean have you had a conversation with her lately?" Kyle shrugged. "Friday night all she did was bitch... If you call that a relationship.. Then yeah you would be any good at it." Kyle climbed back on the bed and crawled over her. He placed his head to her forehead. "But if you think this is a relationship." He kissed her lips lightly. "Then I'm sure you're amazing at it." He told her softly.

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Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.aef455a281f45a6f86694f35083474fb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108573" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.aef455a281f45a6f86694f35083474fb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany bit her lip after her kissed her, then stood pulling on what clothes she had in her room "I mean, I've been in one and I was so bad. We fought a lot." She crossed her arms shyly and stepped closer to him, slipping her arms around his waist. "You two are the 'golden couple' at school" she bit her lip "you wouldn't be a golden boy with me" she looked up at him "do you wanna be with me... just some slutty girl who loves getting in trouble? Because I... want to be with you" she let out a shaky breath and backed up a bit, before making her way to the living room to grab her shirt.




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